Title: Request : Please, please 1987 x 2, 1988 x 1, 2002 x1 Post by: bionic568 on December 07, 2012, 04:27:44 PM Hey guys hard drive failure has left me missing these bootlegs, any chance anyone has them ???????
Knoxville Civic Center, Knoxville, TN 11/17/1987 Airport Road Music Hall, Allentown, PA 10/17/87 Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, CA. June 5th 1988 Hartford Civic Center, Hartford, CT, USA 3rd December, 2002 Many Thanks. Title: Re: Request : Please, please 1987 x 2, 1988 x 1, 2002 x1 Post by: bionic568 on December 08, 2012, 01:17:48 AM IKt's ok i have managed to recover my hard drive.