Title: Loop FM Broadcast 1993 - The Ju Ju Hounds "Lost Tape" (Request) Post by: Rocket Killer on November 27, 2012, 11:44:08 PM Hey guys,
This is a long shot, but here goes. Will from Chopaway.com is on a quest to find the Ju Ju Hounds Loop FM Broadcast 1993 tape. If anyone has information or owns this tape, please be so kind to post up the audio or share any useful information to retrieve this tape 8) Spread the news about this "Lost Tape" Loop FM Broadcast 1993 - The Ju Ju Hounds "Lost Tape" http://www.chopaway.com/losttape Quote Keep On Moving - Izzy Stradlin & The Ju Ju Hounds (Chicago 1993) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=a6vUsnagNvs The above audio (and possibly some of the video footage) was recorded at The Metro, Chicago, IL, USA on February 26th 1993. Some days prior to this gig Izzy Stradlin & The Ju Ju Hounds appeared on the Kevin Matthews radio show on Loop FM in Chicago, where the band performed acoustic versions of Pressure Drop and Bucket O' Trouble. 10 years ago a bootleg cassette of this radio appearance was known to exist, but it is yet to turn up online or on anyones bootleg trading lists. Every couple of years I've asked around but no-one seems to have it. The only fan I've come across to have once owned a copy has since misplaced it and can't find it. Whats So Special About This Cassette? Need you ask? Assuming the cassette hasn't deteriorated too badly we're talking about studio quality, acoustic Izzy & the Ju Ju's. We've all heard that acoustic cover the guys did of "Spoonful" by now right? That was from a radio recording too. If you've not heard it you'll find it on Youtube (after you finish reading this of course). With each passing year any cassette recording of the Loop FM broadcast will be slowly deteriorating. I'm sure there are plenty of fans who'd like to hear this, and if you're one of them please take a few seconds to share this page. The URL for this page is: http://www.chopaway.com/losttape Twitter users can Tweet This Page and Facebook users can Share This Page (right click on link & open in new tab/window) If you have a recording of the Loop FM radio broadcast, and you're willing to share/sell/trade then please get in touch with me to tell me what you want for it (email further down the page). If you don't have the recording, but hope to hear it someday please share a link to this page with others (facebook, twitter, gnr boards etc). For the record, I've already tried asking Loop FM if they keep archived copies of all shows, however the current owners only have archives from October 2005 onwards. The owners of Loop FM in 1993 were Evergreen, who have since merged and merged again and are now Clear Channel. I doubt they still have archived copies, but even if they did I wouldn't know who to contact and doubt they'd give a shit. Thanks to the Internet Archive I can at least prove that this tape was apparently out there. Please don't hassle the guy from this page (if the email address still works). I've already asked him a few times over the last 10 years, and he has tried looking for it. He obviously got his cassette copy from another trader and it is that other trader I'm hoping we can find. Thanks for reading Hope we get to hear this someday. Will william.villiers [at] googlemail [dot] com Title: Re: Loop FM Broadcast 1993 - The Ju Ju Hounds "Lost Tape" (Request) Post by: WAR41 on November 28, 2012, 12:50:51 AM Well, Eddie Trunk technically works for Clear Channel. Why not tweet him about it and see what he can do?
Title: Re: Loop FM Broadcast 1993 - The Ju Ju Hounds "Lost Tape" (Request) Post by: Rocket Killer on November 28, 2012, 01:34:13 AM Well, Eddie Trunk technically works for Clear Channel. Why not tweet him about it and see what he can do? Thanks, just gave him a email : ok: |