Title: My Band's New Music Video - Remote Post by: MeanBone on March 17, 2012, 11:55:57 AM Hey guys, i wanna show u guys my band's first video. Hope u guys enjoy it as much as we do. it's just a plain old love rock song. no gimmicks, it's just what it is. Gn'r is my biggest influence so i hope it sortta shows on this one as well, at least for the guitar parts.
check the video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkFaP7JvM0I and our facebook page so you can click on "Like" www.facebook.com/remote.pt Cheers Josh Title: Re: My Band's New Music Video - Remote Post by: One.In.A.Million on March 17, 2012, 09:13:53 PM Hey guys, i wanna show u guys my band's first video. Hope u guys enjoy it as much as we do. it's just a plain old love rock song. no gimmicks, it's just what it is. Gn'r is my biggest influence so i hope it sortta shows on this one as well, at least for the guitar parts. check the video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkFaP7JvM0I and our facebook page so you can click on "Like" www.facebook.com/remote.pt Cheers Josh I love this band, and encourage absolutely everyone to check them out... ;D For anyone who is not aware, this band used to be called Kidnap (Brandon and Josh), and have got alot of killer songs. And they were the group who hosted the GN'R pre-party, in May of 2006, for Rock In Lisboa which I both attended. This band Remote are amazing, and know they have alot of brilliant songs up their sleeves. I can't stop watching this video, love it to bits... My personal favourite part is where the 2 guys who look like clowns, stop the car and throw those things up in the air......really cool moment. ;D ;D ;D Nice songwriting and brilliant solo, very catchy song and nice video... Well done Remote!!!... :beer: Title: Re: My Band's New Music Video - Remote Post by: NicoRourke on March 18, 2012, 03:59:46 AM That is excellent! What a good song and very nice video! Did it took long to shoot? Edit: song's in iTunes : ok: Title: Re: My Band's New Music Video - Remote Post by: MeanBone on March 19, 2012, 12:08:40 PM thanks everyone! :)
the video took a while, we did it very short notice, but it was a big production, with extras, lots of specialized camera people from tv, actors. So it was a lot of work. I think it turned out pretty good for a first try at it, but the second one will def go bigger and better, UYI style ahah! thanks for the support and please Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/remote.pt |