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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: MR.BROWNSTONE on October 14, 2011, 10:41:21 AM

Title: Die Hard 5!
Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on October 14, 2011, 10:41:21 AM
We?ve learned a lot about Die Hard 5 since the project was announced ? early details pointed to John McClane (Bruce Willis) going to Russia to face his latest threat, McClane now having stronger family ties in the form a young son, and possibly Justin Long from Live Free or Die Hard as McClane?s son-in-law (having married his daughter, played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead in Die Hard 4).

One thing we haven?t heard, though, is what title the new Die Hard will be sporting ? but now we know: fans of the franchise can look forward to seeing if the ominous implications of the title, A Good Day to Die Hard, actually play out in the film.

The new title was revealed by FOX co-chairman/Chief Executive Officer Tom Rothman on Jim Rome?s morning show. We got wind of it via a comprehensive report from the guys over at/Film ? where they also posted a juicy list of early plot details from the film. You can check out that list below:

Shooting begins in January 2012

The sequel will be released on February 14th, 2013 (Valentine?s Day).

The story is set in Russia and begins with John McClane heading to Moscow to sweet talk some cops into letting his apparently-wayward son out of jail for something he did, but when he gets there, things surrounding his son?s arrest are not as they appear and world-threatening terrorist hijinks ensue.

McClane, Jr. has yet to be cast.

They still don?t know if it will be rated PG-13 or R.

This sounds like a typical bad day for John McClane, albeit set on a larger scale than previous films (each installment has upped the ante in terms of location and scope if you really look back at the franchise in its entirety). Of course, the presence of McClane?s son suggests that the film is going for a ?pass the torch? approach ? one that would likely see the aging Willis bow out of the franchise in favor of some younger blood.

As many movie fans know, the pass the torch tactic has been tried before in films like Indiana Jones 4, and the upcoming Ghostbusters 3. I think it?s safe to say that not many fans are cheering for Shia LaBeouf to don Indy?s fedora ? nor is anybody especially excited for the iconic actors from the Ghostbusters franchise to hand off their proton packs to a group of young (and likely, less funny) actors. In the case of Dire Hard 5, it really all depends on who they cast to play McClane?s son. Some free advice: DO NOT make it Taylor Lautner.

A Good Day to Die Hard is going to be in theaters on February 14, 2013. John Moore (Behind Enemy Lines) will direct from a script written by Skip Woods (A-Team).

Source: /Film

I hope they make it rated R like the first three.

Title: Re: Die Hard 5!
Post by: Genesis on October 15, 2011, 12:08:13 PM
Mixed thoughts ... Three was average and four was rubbish IMO.

Title: Re: Die Hard 5!
Post by: w.axl.rose on October 15, 2011, 03:50:41 PM
it needs to be RATED R!!!!!

Title: Re: Die Hard 5!
Post by: AxlsMainMan on October 16, 2011, 07:45:58 PM
Die Hard, Star Trek, Batman, and (hopefully) Terminator - should be a solid 2012 :smoking:

Title: Re: Die Hard 5!
Post by: lagr08 on October 17, 2011, 12:47:19 AM
Die Hard, Star Trek, Batman, and (hopefully) Terminator - should be a solid 2012 :smoking:
I think all the Die hard movies were pretty good with part one being tied for my fav movie ever made.  I do agree on R-rating though.

Title: Re: Die Hard 5!
Post by: COMAMOTIVE on November 11, 2011, 04:31:32 PM
Big Bruce fan, but this nonsense has to stop

1st was a classic

2nd came on the other day and I watched about 2 minutes before changing the channel

The rest?


Title: Re: Die Hard 5!
Post by: Halo69 on January 03, 2012, 08:43:54 AM
Loved all the Die Hards, but the 4th one was kinda different...didn't like it as much. Lots of effects for my taste for the kind of movie that it is. Couldn't believe on that car scene on the elevator with the girl... that's so not Die Hard Category.

Die hard 1 was awesome, Die Hard 2 was awesome as well, Die Hard 3 awesome it was!

Title: Re: Die Hard 5!
Post by: Sober_times on February 03, 2012, 06:30:13 PM
I have mixed feelings about this. I love Die Hard1,2 and 3. I actually like 3 alot. Its one my favorite action movies ever. I liked Die Hard 4 but it felt very different in a way. Die Hard 1 and 2 weren't on a huge scale with him stopping a hostage crisis involving his wife and the airport take over. The 3rd was on a bigger scale with him running around the city but it still felt small because of it involving Gruber's brother. The 4th one was like John McClain saves the world which just felt wierd. This 5th one seems like its going to follow suit and be about saving the world again which just seems too big to me.  :smoking: