Title: My acoustic cover of Rocket Queen (same key as GNR, vocally challenging) Post by: axl77 on July 01, 2011, 05:17:20 AM :nervous:
Hi guys, my name is Gareth Rhodes and im bursting on to the scene soon with my very own tribute to Guns N Roses, here i do a stripped down version of Guns N Roses' Appetite For Destruction epic Rocket Queen, i hope you like it. My tribute band has a fan page on Facebook and is called Guns N Rhodes. You can also add me, Gareth on Facebook if you do a search. Here's my toughest vocal challenge yet, a cover of RQ in the same key as the might Axl :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK4e02BV9lo&feature=channel_video_title Title: Re: My acoustic cover of Rocket Queen (same key as GNR, vocally challenging) Post by: axlvai on October 24, 2011, 01:41:48 AM nice man!!! i dont like de covers of gnr... but you're very good. Congrats Title: Re: My acoustic cover of Rocket Queen (same key as GNR, vocally challenging) Post by: Voodoochild on November 04, 2011, 08:21:36 PM Impressive! I knew your other videos, but never heard this one. Congrats!