Title: [FLAC] Guns N' Roses ''Revolution Calling'' [Deep Records] (July 29th 1991) Post by: estebanf on April 28, 2011, 02:00:22 PM Guns N' Roses
''Revolution Calling'' [Deep Records] Great Western Forum - Inglewood, CA July 29th 1991 W. Axl Rose [vocals] Izzy Stradlin [rhythm guitar] Slash [lead guitar] Duff McKagan [bass guitar] Dizzy Reed [keyboards] Matt Sorum [drums] Silver CD's > EAC > WAV > FLAC Frontend [Level 7 and tested] (889 Mb) Format: 2 CD Manufactured: Deep Records Catalog: MIK 033/34 Matrix CD 1: MIK 033, I.C.P A 0943 Matrix CD 2: MIK 034, I.C.P A 0954 Released: 1992 Made in: ? Source: CD 1, CD 2 (1-9): Great Western Forum, Inglewood, CA, USA. July 29th 1991 CD 2 (10-11): The Ritz, New York, NY, USA. May 16th 1991 [incomplete] Complete show?: yes Quality: A (soundboard) Booklet & Packaging: great covers Time CD 1: 1:12:12 Time CD 2: 1:13:51 CD 1 01- Intro - Everybody Knows (0:19) 02- Perfect Crime (2:24) 03- Mr. Brownstone (4:51) 04- Bad Obsession (7:22) 05- Live And Let Die (5:09) 06- Dust N' Bones (7:58) 07- Double Talkin' Jive (6:29) 08- Civil War (8:24) 09- I Was Only Joking [intro], Patience (9:03) 10- You Could Be Mine (6:31) 11- 14 Years (5:10) 12- November Rain (8:32) CD 2 01- Welcome To The Jungle (6:16) 02- Drum Solo (4:46) 03- Guitar Solo (7:55) 04- Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [intro], Sweet Child O' Mine (7:34) 05- My Michelle (5:54) 06- Only Woman Bleed [intro], Knockin' On Heaven's Door (10:27) 07- Don't Cry (4:24) 08- Estranged (11:21) 09- Paradise City (6:27) 10- Pretty Tied Up (5:14) 11- You Ain't The First (3:33) DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.fileserve.com/file/6Ebe86U or http://goo.gl/XR0uC (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a125/estebanf/GNRRevolutioncallingfront.jpg) (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a125/estebanf/GNRRevolutioncallingback.jpg) estebanf www.estebanfbootlegs.com.ar www.facebook.com/gnrbootlegs www.twitter.com/gunsnrosesboots www.facebook.com/gnr.rockinrio2011 Title: Re: [FLAC] Guns N' Roses ''Revolution Calling'' [Deep Records] (July 29th 1991) Post by: darkhood on September 10, 2012, 11:30:10 PM can someone reupload this pls?
Title: Re: [FLAC] Guns N' Roses ''Revolution Calling'' [Deep Records] (July 29th 1991) Post by: Limulus on September 11, 2012, 01:50:23 AM i can do a fresh rip from my silvers with 300dpi scans.
Title: Re: [FLAC] Guns N' Roses ''Revolution Calling'' [Deep Records] (July 29th 1991) Post by: darkhood on September 11, 2012, 03:43:18 PM i can do a fresh rip from my silvers with 300dpi scans. That'd be awesome Title: Re: [FLAC] Guns N' Roses ''Revolution Calling'' [Deep Records] (July 29th 1991) Post by: Limulus on September 13, 2012, 01:39:52 AM fresh EAC (secure)-rip with 300dpi scans, pics, log-files, md5....here ya go:
http://www.sendspace.com/file/6d7zrn GN'R - Revolution Calling [2CD-EAC-FLAC].part1.rar (230MB) http://www.sendspace.com/file/dvw1e5 GN'R - Revolution Calling [2CD-EAC-FLAC].part2.rar (230MB) http://www.sendspace.com/file/pn451o GN'R - Revolution Calling [2CD-EAC-FLAC].part3.rar (230MB) http://www.sendspace.com/file/t63zuk GN'R - Revolution Calling [2CD-EAC-FLAC].part4.rar (222.41MB) Note: for whatever reasons the database gave the name "1991-08-17 - Stockholm - Stockholm Illusions - Disc 1.log"....i left it that way, but off course its the disc1 of "Revolution Calling" Title: Re: [FLAC] Guns N' Roses ''Revolution Calling'' [Deep Records] (July 29th 1991) Post by: estebanf on September 13, 2012, 11:50:53 PM amazing! I'm sharing the links in my FB site!
Can you upload just the scans for me? Thanks in advance! Title: Re: [FLAC] Guns N' Roses ''Revolution Calling'' [Deep Records] (July 29th 1991) Post by: darkhood on September 14, 2012, 02:01:38 PM Thanks a lot Limulus!
:beer: Title: Re: [FLAC] Guns N' Roses ''Revolution Calling'' [Deep Records] (July 29th 1991) Post by: Arnaud on September 15, 2012, 02:52:43 AM Yeeeeeessssss !!!
Sound Quality? any soundboard reccords for thoses three concerts? Title: Re: [FLAC] Guns N' Roses ''Revolution Calling'' [Deep Records] (July 29th 1991) Post by: darkhood on September 15, 2012, 03:36:11 PM Yeeeeeessssss !!! Sound Quality? any soundboard reccords for thoses three concerts? Man download the sh*t and find out for yourself. The man's done enough just rippin and uploadin the stuff, no need to bother him with questions you can answer yourself. Thx again Lim. estebanf if you run the https://www.facebook.com/gnrbootlegs/ site then you rock too! :beer: Title: Re: [FLAC] Guns N' Roses ''Revolution Calling'' [Deep Records] (July 29th 1991) Post by: estebanf on September 15, 2012, 04:43:56 PM Thx again Lim. estebanf if you run the https://www.facebook.com/gnrbootlegs/ site then you rock too! :beer: Yes, I run that site :beer: Title: Re: [FLAC] Guns N' Roses ''Revolution Calling'' [Deep Records] (July 29th 1991) Post by: Limulus on September 19, 2012, 11:18:24 AM here ya go estebanf:
http://www.sendspace.com/file/ix8ntv GN'R - Revolution Calling - 2CD.jpg (2.90MB) http://www.sendspace.com/file/5j55wm GN'R - Revolution Calling - Back.jpg (3.62MB) http://www.sendspace.com/file/ln02ev GN'R - Revolution Calling - Front.jpg (4.28MB) http://www.sendspace.com/file/lgp8g2 GN'R - Revolution Calling - Inlay1.jpg (3.75MB) http://www.sendspace.com/file/rv4xha GN'R - Revolution Calling - Inlay2.jpg (3.13MB) http://www.sendspace.com/file/pjucgt GN'R - Revolution Calling - Total.jpg (4.22MB) Title: Re: [FLAC] Guns N' Roses ''Revolution Calling'' [Deep Records] (July 29th 1991) Post by: estebanf on September 19, 2012, 06:36:09 PM thank you so much Lim!