Title: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: FunkyMonkey on April 13, 2011, 01:25:32 PM Slash was interviewed by Vorterix while on tour in Argentina. He says this regarding Velvet Revolver's future:
Slash: What happens is with Velvet Revolver, when we parted ways with Scott Weiland -- I was so frustrated because Scott was such a pain in the ass. And I thought ya know I just wanna sorta have some quiet time and just write some music -- and then the idea of writing the solo record came out. And in the mean time, no new singers for Velvet Revolver, that were really good enough for Velvet Revolver have popped up. So I just started working on the solo record and put it out and went on the road. But the whole time very conscious of who was going to sing for Velvet Revolver -- but know one has turned up. So in the mean time I just keep doing what it is that I do. So ya know with Velvet Revolver, it's like Duffs got his own thing, I've got my thing, Matt's got his thing. If a great singer comes and says I want to sing for Velvet Revolver and we all go yeah, we'll make a Velvet record. But I can do my own thing -- I don't have to go back and do that. Unless it's good enough to do it, you know what I mean. So next year I definitely will make another Slash record with Myles Kennedy -- and go on tour. So at least for the next couple of years nothing is going to be happening with Velvet Revolver -- that I can see because I'll be focused on this. And after that's over if something happens -- I'm not really concerning myself with it right now. We had all these different guys try out, all really good singers -- but nobody has fit the thing so, ya know, I have to move on. [Regarding Corey Taylor] Because of the social networking, the way information gets out so quickly now. We did work with Corey Taylor, as soon as that rumor, next thing you know everybody is saying Corey's the new singer. All we were doing was just rehearsing with him, trying him out -- auditioning him so to speak. So in order to do that, our process is we take a lot of music we wrote and we give it to him, and he writes his lyrics and he comes in and we just perform it and record it. It's just an audition process. So he did come in and do all that. But I just wasn't -- it just didn't seem to fit right to me. And he's great and I love Corey, but it didn't seem like the answer the Velvet Revolver problem. Video interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwe_1L64S9A Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: One.In.A.Million on April 13, 2011, 01:33:09 PM Oh my god, are you fuckin kidding me or what. :hihi:
So after all of the headline after headline of "The singer will be announced soon", it turns out that it could be another 2 or 3 years before anything happens. It sounds to me that Slash is sick to his back teeth of VR, and so does the rest of the band to be honest. They can't agree on a singer and have probably clashed and fell out alot over the issue of a singer. Remember Matt saying in an interview that he thought someone was perfect, and then he sarcasticly said that someone disagreed (Slash). If this is true and it takes a few years for them to get their act together, no one will give a shit about VR, especially the general public. So if they do decide to start up again, they need to change the damn band name, and start from scratch. :P What a joke VR is. :yes: Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: LunsJail on April 13, 2011, 01:41:14 PM Oh my god, are you fuckin kidding me or what. :hihi: So after all of the headline after headline of "The singer will be announced soon", it turns out that it could be another 2 or 3 years before anything happens. It sounds to me that Slash is sick to his back teeth of VR, and so does the rest of the band to be honest. They can't agree on a singer and have probably clashed and fell out alot over the issue of a singer. Remember Matt saying in an interview that he thought someone was perfect, and then he sarcasticly said that someone disagreed (Slash). If this is true and it takes a few years for them to get their act together, no one will give a shit about VR, especially the general public. So if they do decide to start up again, they need to change the damn band name, and start from scratch. :P What a joke VR is. :yes: Slash wants nothing to do with VR anymore and I've thought that for awhile now. They missed the boat with Corey if they have had another opportunity. Everyone can officially put that band to rest now. And before anyone gets their shorts in a knot about it....they weren't exactly changing the face of music anyway. Great first album and they should have called it a day after that. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: 14 Yrs Of Silence on April 13, 2011, 01:42:06 PM Shame. I think we should eliminate this VR board and just add topics to the general ex-members board at this point.
Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: LunsJail on April 13, 2011, 01:47:38 PM Shame. I think we should eliminate this VR board and just add topics to the general ex-members board at this point. Yup. Kind of a shame because Loaded has never really grabbed me and I'm not really stoked about Slash doing a whole album with Myles Kennedy. Here's hoping GNR get something else out soon. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: dont_damn_me on April 13, 2011, 02:06:14 PM I won't loose any sleep waiting for the new Slash album, I would have preffered another Slash 2 with various singers, Myles is kind of generic sounding to me...but props on Back to Cali...good tune, Starlight, i really can't stand it, one of the few tracks i skip on Slash's album.
Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: LongGoneDay on April 13, 2011, 02:17:20 PM Great news if you ask me. VR was over the day Scott left.
It would be a joke to force something that isn't there. I never saw Corey Taylor as this match made in heaven. I think people underestimate the lack of talented singers/frontmen out there today to pick from, especially the caliber Slash and Duff are accustomed to playing with. Why pick someone just so that you can keep a band name alive that most people aren't going to accept anyway? They don't have to look any further than another band they were in to get a feel for the reception they'd receive. I'm looking forward to the Slash and Myles record, as his solo work blows both VR's albums out of the water in my book. If VR reforms at some point, I'm all in, but not losing any sleep in the meantime. One suggestion, get Izzy involved with the Myles album. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: LongGoneDay on April 13, 2011, 02:22:18 PM I won't loose any sleep waiting for the new Slash album, I would have preffered another Slash 2 with various singers, Myles is kind of generic sounding to me...but props on Back to Cali...good tune, Starlight, i really can't stand it, one of the few tracks i skip on Slash's album. I might have preferred various singers as well. Even if it was the same batch as the first round. I think he and Cornell can do much better than Promise. I'd love to hear more with Stockdale, as By the Sword is one of the best rockers I've heard in years. I'm still in shock that there is an Ozzy song from 2010 that I enjoy. But on the flip side, this should make it a more consistent, band sounding album which could be cool. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: westcoast_junkie on April 13, 2011, 02:53:58 PM Nothing to worry about. VR was great, but Scott Weiland was a huge part of it, and as long the situation is Scott+STP, Duff+Loaded it's really great. New Loaded album rocks! And really, Matt can make a good solo record too. If Slash want to keep the solo thing going, nothing to worry about. All ex- and current Guns n' Roses members make good music on their own, and as long as they don't work together it means we will get a lot of great music.
How cool wouldn't it be to have a festival with this line-up? Bumblefoot :love:, Tommy Stinson, Loaded, Slash, Izzy Stradlin, Pisser, Hookers N Blow, The Compulsions, Gilby Clarke, Adlers Appetite, Matt Sorum(or maye Camp Freddy?), Buckethead, Whatever Robin Finck is up to, Sixx AM (?), and the ones I forgot......and the Headliner(guess who ;D) Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: FunkyMonkey on April 13, 2011, 04:29:39 PM So after all of the headline after headline of "The singer will be announced soon", it turns out that it could be another 2 or 3 years before anything happens. I think that was Duff and Matt announcing their choice, Corey Taylor. But Slash makes it clear he doesn't think Corey is a good fit for Velvet Revolver. No new singers for Velvet Revolver, that were really good enough for Velvet Revolver have popped up. I don't know who that could be. I have to move on. So this may just sum it all up. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: sleeper on April 13, 2011, 04:56:39 PM Well at least one of them has finally said it. :(
Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: One.In.A.Million on April 13, 2011, 05:52:00 PM Yeah, so jarmo, I think we are all agreed that the VR thread should be moved or eliminated all together. Because whatever we discuss about Slash, Duff and Matt for the next couple of years, it's going to be about them as individuals and not apart of VR. :o
And judging by Slash's comments, it could be the final nail in the coffin for VR, so it's time to stop treating VR like it still exists or is somehow still relevant. :P Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: Hudson on April 13, 2011, 07:52:43 PM Ease up with taking down the VR section. If you do not want to come to this section don't bother. We did not take out the GNR section while Axl was looking for musicians for GNR.
Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: One.In.A.Million on April 13, 2011, 08:01:10 PM Ease up with taking down the VR section. If you do not want to come to this section don't bother. We did not take out the GNR section while Axl was looking for musicians for GNR. It's not the same though, and it's not as if the VR section has been active the last 2 years either, let's face it. :rofl: The thing is, is that Slash has stated that VR could be inactive for a further 3 years, which means any Duff, Matt or indeed Slash news is going to get reported in the VR section. But come to think of it, I would still rather those members news be posted seperately from Buckets, Izzys or Robins news. So I suppose it's best left the way it is, it's just that I don't see the purpose of the VR sub section being called VR. But what will be will be, I'm just fustrated by Slash's blatant disregard for the VR situation while he's off pissing around with Myles. :rant: Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: AdZ on April 13, 2011, 08:04:30 PM Thank God we have you around to tell us how everything should be.
Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: One.In.A.Million on April 13, 2011, 08:12:45 PM Thank God we have you around to tell us how everything should be. I wasn't the first person in this thread to talk about disolving the VR section, so I don't know why you have that view. :P I actually also stated that I'm against disolving it, so I'm not trying to change anything. :D But I do find it fustrating for Duff, Matt and Dave. As I'm sure they weren't expecting the hatius to stretch up to 5 years. But Slash has decided that he runs VR, and his opinion is the only thing that counts. I just hope this extended break does not put any strain on the VR members relationships with each other, as things can't all be rosey if it's taken 3 years (so far) to sort the situation out. :-\ Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: D on April 13, 2011, 08:43:55 PM Ease up with taking down the VR section. If you do not want to come to this section don't bother. We did not take out the GNR section while Axl was looking for musicians for GNR. It's not the same though, and it's not as if the VR section has been active the last 2 years either, let's face it. :rofl: The thing is, is that Slash has stated that VR could be inactive for a further 3 years, which means any Duff, Matt or indeed Slash news is going to get reported in the VR section. But come to think of it, I would still rather those members news be posted seperately from Buckets, Izzys or Robins news. So I suppose it's best left the way it is, it's just that I don't see the purpose of the VR sub section being called VR. But what will be will be, I'm just fustrated by Slash's blatant disregard for the VR situation while he's off pissing around with Myles. :rant: dude seriously, on a GNR forum u are gonna talk about something being active/inactive? GNR were inactive for 6 years 2 different times! it doesn't matter how inactive someone is, they are still a great band most of us enjoy discussing. Scott is irreplaceable though. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: One.In.A.Million on April 13, 2011, 08:53:46 PM Ease up with taking down the VR section. If you do not want to come to this section don't bother. We did not take out the GNR section while Axl was looking for musicians for GNR. It's not the same though, and it's not as if the VR section has been active the last 2 years either, let's face it. :rofl: The thing is, is that Slash has stated that VR could be inactive for a further 3 years, which means any Duff, Matt or indeed Slash news is going to get reported in the VR section. But come to think of it, I would still rather those members news be posted seperately from Buckets, Izzys or Robins news. So I suppose it's best left the way it is, it's just that I don't see the purpose of the VR sub section being called VR. But what will be will be, I'm just fustrated by Slash's blatant disregard for the VR situation while he's off pissing around with Myles. :rant: dude seriously, on a GNR forum u are gonna talk about something being active/inactive? GNR were inactive for 6 years 2 different times! it doesn't matter how inactive someone is, they are still a great band most of us enjoy discussing. Scott is irreplaceable though. That's the thing though, the VR section is to discuss Velvet Revolver. But we are going to be posting Loaded, Camp Freddie, Myles Kennedy and Slash's Album news all in it. Isn't that defeating the purpose of the section?, anyway I'm leaving it at that. :P And yes, I agree, Scott was VR. :yes: Him, for me made that band, even more so that Slash. So that's why I strongly feel that they should instantly change the band name, if they decide to reconvene in the future. : ok: Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: JDA on April 14, 2011, 01:15:36 AM To me, that says VR may be done. Nice run, but probably done.
Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: GeorgeSteele on April 14, 2011, 10:11:26 AM Forgive me for being the cynic here, but maybe Slash has no interest in VR because he knows that by doing his own thing, even if only half as popular, he'd be doing better financially than if he were part of a band that had to share revenues? Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: LongGoneDay on April 14, 2011, 10:30:47 AM Am I the only who thinks he seems much more inspired with his solo work and tour than he was with VR? Especially at the end.
I think Slash's playing on Contraband is great, but then Scott dropped the ball with some horrendous lyrics. I thought Scott songwriting was stronger on Libertad, but Slash and co seemed to take a back seat and play to Scott's style, which is fine, but now he has the freedom to play what he wants. It takes balls to put music out under his name, he doesn't have a band to hide behind if it sucks. I'm a huge Scott fan, I think the first STP albums were some of the strongest of their time, and he is still one of the last great frontmen left today, live anyways. He had his moments with VR, but he's not what he used to be. That said, he was the face of VR and their is no point in going on with a new lead singer. It would be cool to see Slash and Duff play together again, but they don't need each other. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: LunsJail on April 14, 2011, 01:24:58 PM Forgive me for being the cynic here, but maybe Slash has no interest in VR because he knows that by doing his own thing, even if only half as popular, he'd be doing better financially than if he were part of a band that had to share revenues? Finances probably has a lot to do with it. You can probably make more money releasing stuff on your own and selling half as much than being on a major label and then splitting it with 4 other guys. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: FunkyMonkey on April 14, 2011, 02:11:36 PM Well at least one of them has finally said it. :( Hopefully he tells the others. :D Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: AxlReznor on April 14, 2011, 06:47:53 PM me corey taylor is not the voice of classic rock. Well, that's okay, because VR were not a classic rock band, and they never claimed to be. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: One.In.A.Million on April 14, 2011, 08:30:56 PM Well I have to agree that Corey was not a patch on Scott in terms of VR's style and direction. I think that if VR got Corey in as the singer, the whole band would of had a different feeling. :-\
VR died the day Scott left, and that's something that Slash, Duff and Matt all secretly realise but don't want to admit publicly. Which is that Scott was indeed the driving force behind the band. :P Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: Falcon on April 14, 2011, 08:44:42 PM matt on the other hand, well karma is a bitch. What's your problem with Matt? Half your post are like he has personally fucked you over... Which is that Scott was indeed the driving force behind the band. :P Uh, he may have been the driving force behind Libertad but he sure as hell wasn't the driving force behind Contraband. Beyond the above.. Why is anyone shocked, surprised, pissed etc about this not so newsworthy revelation? I mean c'mon - the handwriting's been on the wall for a while now. Sure there's been a few false alarms on the closeness of a singer decision but did anyone really believe Slash would go back to a situation he was clearly not enthused about once his solo stuff became successful? Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: One.In.A.Million on April 14, 2011, 09:02:21 PM I'm not talking about songwriting neccessarily, I'm talking about public image. And I stand by the statement that in terms of appearing in music videos, doing interviews and carrying the whole essence of VR, I would say that Scott took most of the responsibility.
In any band, the lead singer is the maker or breaker in terms of winning over the audience. Just look at Slash's Snakepit, the reason why that never really took of is because the lead singer had the charisma of a fuckin brick. :P Scott, was Slash's best chance to establish a full band post GN'R. Now that is gone and I doubt Slash will ever be in a band like VR again, I guess he will still be clowning around with various shit singers for years and years to come. :rofl: No Scott, No VR... :yes: Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: Trist805 on April 14, 2011, 09:19:54 PM Ding dong the witch is dead,
--"which old witch?" The VR witch!! ;D I'm glad Slash finally admitted this whole thing about VR. They have just been bluffing to everybody for the last couple years and dissing Scott by trying to continue on without him. I guess even Slash got tired of hearing his own bullshit lol It just got to the point where the negatives would have outweighed the positives with VR continuing. I also think this whole thing has really made Slash come off as a phoney. Cool rock star image, but very two-faced and full of shit. I think Slash did a lot of shit to Weiland that he did to another frontman before that. VR will always be on a bigger level than any of their solo stuff. The solo stuff is cool, and probably the best thing for them to do now. It gives them more credibility than it would if they continued on with VR. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: FunkyMonkey on April 14, 2011, 09:35:55 PM tell the others? Well, Duff just said he didn't think they would be active for 5 months. Matt has taken himself out of the decision process. And Dave Kushner said he would let everyone know what what going on with VR when he could -- that was last year. this not so newsworthy revelation? Hey. >:( :hihi: Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: One.In.A.Million on April 14, 2011, 09:45:02 PM The funny thing about this whole thing is that you can just imagine Dave Kushner hanging on every word, and being just as much bummed out as VR fans. For the past 2 years, he's been sitting by the damn phone, waiting for the VR guys to call. And now he hears, this news from Slash (probably off the net). :P
The poor guy must be pulling his hair out..............oh wait. :hihi: Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: sleeper on April 14, 2011, 09:54:54 PM Ding dong the witch is dead, --"which old witch?" The VR witch!! ;D I'm glad Slash finally admitted this whole thing about VR. They have just been bluffing to everybody for the last couple years and dissing Scott by trying to continue on without him. I guess even Slash got tired of hearing his own bullshit lol It just got to the point where the negatives would have outweighed the positives with VR continuing. I also think this whole thing has really made Slash come off as a phoney. Cool rock star image, but very two-faced and full of shit. I think Slash did a lot of shit to Weiland that he did to another frontman before that. VR will always be on a bigger level than any of their solo stuff. The solo stuff is cool, and probably the best thing for them to do now. It gives them more credibility than it would if they continued on with VR. I find it interesting that you single Slash out stating that 'Slash did a lot of shit to Weiland that he did to another frontman before that". Scott has stated repeatedly that he and Slash did not have problems. And Slash is the only VR member that has had any contact with Scott since he was fired from VR. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: Trist805 on April 14, 2011, 10:05:01 PM Ding dong the witch is dead, --"which old witch?" The VR witch!! ;D I'm glad Slash finally admitted this whole thing about VR. They have just been bluffing to everybody for the last couple years and dissing Scott by trying to continue on without him. I guess even Slash got tired of hearing his own bullshit lol It just got to the point where the negatives would have outweighed the positives with VR continuing. I also think this whole thing has really made Slash come off as a phoney. Cool rock star image, but very two-faced and full of shit. I think Slash did a lot of shit to Weiland that he did to another frontman before that. VR will always be on a bigger level than any of their solo stuff. The solo stuff is cool, and probably the best thing for them to do now. It gives them more credibility than it would if they continued on with VR. I find it interesting that you single Slash out stating that 'Slash did a lot of shit to Weiland that he did to another frontman before that". Scott has stated repeatedly that he and Slash did not have problems. And Slash is the only VR member that has had any contact with Scott since he was fired from VR. yes, SCOTT has said that... Slash keeps talking shit though. The Scott/Slash meeting was just chance anyways. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: One.In.A.Million on April 14, 2011, 10:13:01 PM Ding dong the witch is dead, --"which old witch?" The VR witch!! ;D I'm glad Slash finally admitted this whole thing about VR. They have just been bluffing to everybody for the last couple years and dissing Scott by trying to continue on without him. I guess even Slash got tired of hearing his own bullshit lol It just got to the point where the negatives would have outweighed the positives with VR continuing. I also think this whole thing has really made Slash come off as a phoney. Cool rock star image, but very two-faced and full of shit. I think Slash did a lot of shit to Weiland that he did to another frontman before that. VR will always be on a bigger level than any of their solo stuff. The solo stuff is cool, and probably the best thing for them to do now. It gives them more credibility than it would if they continued on with VR. I find it interesting that you single Slash out stating that 'Slash did a lot of shit to Weiland that he did to another frontman before that". Scott has stated repeatedly that he and Slash did not have problems. And Slash is the only VR member that has had any contact with Scott since he was fired from VR. Hang on there, didn't Scott say in an interview in 2009 that he has new found respect for Axl. Simply because he know knew what it must have been like to be in a band with Slash. So you can't really say it was always rosie between Scott and Slash, they had many disputes and it got to the point where they had to be forced to take a band photo together before a gig. When they played in an eastern country during their last shows in 2008, before Scott left. :o Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: sleeper on April 14, 2011, 10:19:54 PM Ding dong the witch is dead, --"which old witch?" The VR witch!! ;D I'm glad Slash finally admitted this whole thing about VR. They have just been bluffing to everybody for the last couple years and dissing Scott by trying to continue on without him. I guess even Slash got tired of hearing his own bullshit lol It just got to the point where the negatives would have outweighed the positives with VR continuing. I also think this whole thing has really made Slash come off as a phoney. Cool rock star image, but very two-faced and full of shit. I think Slash did a lot of shit to Weiland that he did to another frontman before that. VR will always be on a bigger level than any of their solo stuff. The solo stuff is cool, and probably the best thing for them to do now. It gives them more credibility than it would if they continued on with VR. I find it interesting that you single Slash out stating that 'Slash did a lot of shit to Weiland that he did to another frontman before that". Scott has stated repeatedly that he and Slash did not have problems. And Slash is the only VR member that has had any contact with Scott since he was fired from VR. yes, SCOTT has said that... Slash keeps talking shit though. The Scott/Slash meeting was just chance anyways. It might have been by chance but they got along well and had a conversation. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: sleeper on April 14, 2011, 10:22:36 PM Hang on there, didn't Scott say in an interview in 2009 that he has new found respect for Axl. Simply because he know knew what it must have been like to be in a band with Slash. So you can't really say it was always rosie between Scott and Slash, they had many disputes and it got to the point where they had to be forced to take a band photo together before a gig. When they played in an eastern country during their last shows in 2008, before Scott left.
My point was Scott was having problems with everyone in VR. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: Hudson on April 14, 2011, 10:23:46 PM I think they should consider doing VR with Scott again. i always thought they could get a better singer like a mike Patton, Lenny Kravitz, Chris Cornell, etc. I was not on the Corey Taylor band wagon. I wish in the end they would have been able to get Myles Kennedy but we know why slash does not want to go there.
If you think about it when everything went down with Scott, everyone was dealing with a lot of personal issues including Scott. I think the stp reunion thing escalated the whole situation and Scott may have gotten cocky when dealing with band issues since he had the stp thing in his back pocket. In the end no one wanted to deal with anyone's bullshit and everyone went on to do their own thing. however, it seems that the guys have mostly gotten over their hard feelings after working on their other bands. Additionally, iit does not appear that there is a deep rooted hatred like the gnr situation. Nowadays many artists are part of multiple bands and projects. I think they should consider puttingbtheir differences aside and see if they can work together again. I think one of the reasons it may have imploded at the time was the pressure of being soley committed to VR when everyone likes to be involved in different projects. I think if they realize that they can do VR and their other projects then maybe it could work. On a side note. I also do not understand if Myles isngoing to do another album with slash why not be part of two bands and join VR. He does not have to break up with AB to be in VR. He can basically do what he is doing with slash except in VR. I think there may be something else to why slash has not pushed for Myles to join VR. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: sleeper on April 14, 2011, 10:25:03 PM Am I the only who thinks he seems much more inspired with his solo work and tour than he was with VR? Especially at the end. I think Slash's playing on Contraband is great, but then Scott dropped the ball with some horrendous lyrics. I thought Scott songwriting was stronger on Libertad, but Slash and co seemed to take a back seat and play to Scott's style, which is fine, but now he has the freedom to play what he wants. It takes balls to put music out under his name, he doesn't have a band to hide behind if it sucks. I'm a huge Scott fan, I think the first STP albums were some of the strongest of their time, and he is still one of the last great frontmen left today, live anyways. He had his moments with VR, but he's not what he used to be. That said, he was the face of VR and their is no point in going on with a new lead singer. It would be cool to see Slash and Duff play together again, but they don't need each other. No you are not the only one : ok: Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: Falcon on April 14, 2011, 10:29:03 PM In any band, the lead singer is the maker or breaker in terms of winning over the audience. Two words: Angus Young. Scott, was Slash's best chance to establish a full band post GN'R. Now that is gone and I doubt Slash will ever be in a band like VR again I don't think he has any desire to be in a band like VR at the moment, why would he? He's achieved icon status, wild success with 2 different bands in 2 different eras and the freedom as a solo artist to pick and choose who he wants to work with whenever the hell he wants. He really doesn't need a frontman with lead singer disease at this point, dude's legacy is fully secured no matter who he runs out there to sing. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: Ace_954 on April 15, 2011, 04:49:37 AM I can only say that it's good they have stopped bulls**tting the fans that VR will get going again. Except for the part where they say they will just pick up things after a 5-6 year hiatus loll. This is the nail in the coffin.
Goodbye VR, thanks for the 1 awesome record and 2 shows I went to. It was great while it lasted. :beer: Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: Fingers on April 15, 2011, 09:33:11 AM I wish they would have hired Corey Taylor, but it's obvious Slash was not into it. Maybe it would have been great for all the Slash haters if they had hired him and then after 1 album said he wasn't the right guy-they would have made a ton of money touring with him, probably.
Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: LongGoneDay on April 15, 2011, 09:33:25 AM We will never know the exact reasons for the splits. I would think everyone contributed to it in some way. One thing we know for sure is that there is a long laundry list of people that don't get along with Rose, and same could be said about Scott. They both have earned reputations of being difficult to work with. The Deleo brothers essentially admitted that they decided it was worth putting up with Scott for the $. I thought Slash could have handled some of the questions regarding Scott better. It was probably best just not to answer them. Then again maybe they get sick of pretending it's all roses. He watched another band disintegrate, and spoke what he felt about the situation. At least when they are talking shit you get a sense they are being honest as opposed to keeping it politically correct.
I'm glad that the drama seems to have been put to rest. I'm looking forward to Slash's solo work, and I'll catch STP every time they play Boston. Scott seems content making the cookie cutter rock songs. Not sure how inspired he is creatively these days. The only songs I know of Myles are from the Slash album, and I like them both. It doesn't seem like Slash is going to have to compromise nearly as much to accommodate Myles style like he did for Scott, so as long as Myles holds up his end of the bargain, should be pretty solid stuff. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: Fingers on April 15, 2011, 09:54:03 AM I was/is a casual STP fan, but found the last album not that good-I think at least with VR it was something different for Scott, and musically it sounded nothing like GNR. While the did not get along, it was something kind of different. I love Duff, but Loaded does not do much for me-I'm curious about the Myles album with Slash. We'll see.
Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: Jdog0830 on April 15, 2011, 11:26:31 AM O well at least we are going to get some new music hopefully in a few years the boys will get back together either as VR or something new. If it is some new band I hope Steven Alder will drum.
Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: FunkyMonkey on April 15, 2011, 02:46:10 PM Duff is now saying pretty much the same thing as Slash. From this interview with GI today:
April 15th, 2011 Rob: Why do you think it is taking so long to find a singer for Velvet Revolver? Duff McKagan: I don?t know how much I want to say about that. I think Slash is very happy doing his solo thing, and why not. I think if Velvet Revolver is going to happen again it will happen when it?s supposed to happen. We played with some good singers and Scott Weiland is tough guy to replace. A lot of singers are daunted by that. You don?t want to go out there and fuck up. Some things are better left as is. There?s a lot going through you head. Should we fuck with this or leave it alone? The things you put into a band you don?t want it tainted. Like I said, if it?s supposed to happen well do it. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: Axl8302 on April 15, 2011, 05:07:56 PM Forgive me for being the cynic here, but maybe Slash has no interest in VR because he knows that by doing his own thing, even if only half as popular, he'd be doing better financially than if he were part of a band that had to share revenues? That's probably true, $lash loves cash $$$$$ Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: Fingers on April 15, 2011, 06:01:22 PM My guess is that he made more money with VR-Contraband went 2X Platnium, and there were pretty much playing arenas-he would draw much less as a solo act-with he solo album don't forget he split co-writing credits with each singer also.
Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: Fingers on April 15, 2011, 06:14:30 PM I just don't see the same exposure he is going to get with the Myles record as opposed to Corey Taylor fronting VR-I think he was surprised that his solo album sold well, but I really can't see the Myles solo record selling anything near that.
Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: gnr2k6 on April 15, 2011, 08:05:08 PM anything with slash on it will sell considering his fan base.
slash is on fire at the moment. i liked the solo album and his playing live seems to really have gone up a notch. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: henriled on April 16, 2011, 07:12:13 AM Well, I think this overall good news. Slash is having lots of success and he seems to be really really happy. An album with Myles will be amazing if the quality of the song are the same of his first solo record. I think he's having a great time touring and recording. This is how I like to see him, more than when he was with VR. :)
Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: draguns on April 16, 2011, 09:11:08 AM I think that a new solo album for Slash will be good. I just don't get why Myles isn't the person who replaces Scott in VR?? I mean Myles has the vocal range and can sing GNR songs. You can tell that he likes singing the old GNR song and performing with Slash. I think it would be a kickass rock album. I don't think Corey would have fit with VR. Additionally, I didn't think Scott would fit in. Contraband was a great album, but the second VR album wasn't good. Scott fits better with STP. One other thing that needs to be brought up is the induction of GNR in 2012. With VR going on an indefinite hiatus, does this set the stage for old school GNR to appear at least once (Hall of Fame)? I think the key to it is Izzy and Duff. It will be talked about more often now that GNR is getting closer to the induction year.
PS: Btw, I do like old and new GNR. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: Fingers on April 16, 2011, 09:16:47 AM In Sammy Hagar's new book, he said at the Rock hall of fame, when they played the Van Halen song, originally they were talking about playing Jump (VR) with Roth singing. Scott Weiland threatened to quit if Roth came anywhere near the stage. I think Scott Weiland is great, but this kind of stuff I think probably happened all the time-I could not see Myles pulling something like that.
Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: Albert S Miller on April 16, 2011, 10:06:54 AM For me personally, VR was never my favorite, I hated Scott's damn megaphone, it completely sounded aweful, and I truley think he fits best with STP. It was kind of like something that was out there and gave me something to do while waiting for Axl to release CD, and I thank them for that, I really just never got that warm, fuzzy feeling with this band, whatever the case may be, I appreciated the time spent, but do not really hold it anywhere dear to my heart :no:. I wish them all well tho and hope they all are happy in thier current situations.
Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: AxlReznor on April 16, 2011, 10:16:41 AM In Sammy Hagar's new book, he said at the Rock hall of fame, when they played the Van Halen song, originally they were talking about playing Jump (VR) with Roth singing. Scott Weiland threatened to quit if Roth came anywhere near the stage. I think Scott Weiland is great, but this kind of stuff I think probably happened all the time-I could not see Myles pulling something like that. Strange... the way I heard it, David Lee Roth refused to even turn up to the Hall Of Fame, because he found out that he'd have to share the stage with another singer. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: Doofey on April 16, 2011, 03:21:47 PM I think that a new solo album for Slash will be good. I just don't get why Myles isn't the person who replaces Scott in VR?? I mean Myles has the vocal range and can sing GNR songs. You can tell that he likes singing the old GNR song and performing with Slash. I think it would be a kickass rock album. I don't think Corey would have fit with VR. Additionally, I didn't think Scott would fit in. Contraband was a great album, but the second VR album wasn't good. Scott fits better with STP. One other thing that needs to be brought up is the induction of GNR in 2012. With VR going on an indefinite hiatus, does this set the stage for old school GNR to appear at least once (Hall of Fame)? I think the key to it is Izzy and Duff. It will be talked about more often now that GNR is getting closer to the induction year. PS: Btw, I do like old and new GNR. Looking at it from a purely business perspective, Myles is a bad choice. No offense to the people who like him but he isn't going to dwarf Scott Weiland which is what VR needed to do. Alter Bridge's albums sell 28,000 copies the first week. Corey's go platinum. He was the one who could have brought in new fans and gotten the most most attention from the media. Myles would not do that. Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: FunkyMonkey on April 16, 2011, 05:02:55 PM SLASH On COREY TAYLOR Singing For VELVET REVOLVER: 'It Just Didn't Seem To Fit Right To Me' - Apr. 16, 2011
Vorterix.com conducted an interview with Slash when the legendary VELVET REVOLVER/ex-GUNS N' ROSES guitarist performed in Buenos Aires, Argentina last week. You can now watch the chat below. A couple of excerpts follow. On the current status of VELVET REVOLVER: Slash: "What happens is with VELVET REVOLVER, when we parted ways with [singer] Scott Weiland, I was so frustrated because Scott was such a pain in the ass. And I thought, 'I just wanna have some quiet time and just write some music,' and then the idea of doing the solo record came up. And in the meantime, no new singers for VELVET REVOLVER, that were really good enough for VELVET REVOLVER, popped up. So I just started working on the solo record, and put it out and went on the road. But the whole time [I was] very conscious of [trying to find someone] who was going to sing for VELVET REVOLVER ? but no one's turned up. So in the meantime I just keep doing what it is that I do and I've got a great bunch of guys that I work with [in my solo band], I enjoy working with them. I'm having a lot of fun; there's no unnecessary hassles or anything, and everybody's good players. And now we're writing music for [my] next [solo] record, which is gonna be killer. So, you know, with VELVET REVOLVER, it's like Duff's [McKagan, bass] got his own thing, I've got my thing, Matt's [Sorum, drums] got his thing. If a great singer comes and says, 'I wanna sing for VELVET REVOLVER,' and we all go, 'Yeah,' we'll make a VELVET record. But I can do my own thing ? I don't have to go back and do that ? unless it's good enough to do it, you know what I mean?! "Next year I definitely will make another Slash record with [ALTER BRIDGE singer] Myles Kennedy [and the rest of my solo band] and go on tour. So at least for the next couple of years, nothing is going to be happening with VELVET REVOLVER that I can see 'cause I'll be focused on this. And after that's over, if something happens? I'm just not really concerning myself with it right now. We had all these different guys try out, all really good singers, but nobody has fit the thing, so, you know, I have to move on." On the rumor that VELVET REVOLVER was recording with Corey Taylor (SLIPKNOT, STONE SOUR) and that VELVET REVOLVER was close to announcing Taylor as the band's new singer: Slash: "Because of the social networking, and the way that information gets out so quickly now? We did work with Corey Taylor, and as soon as that rumor [got around], next thing you know, everybody is saying Corey's the new singer. And all we were doing was just rehearsing with him and trying him out ? auditioning him, so to speak. So, in order to do that, our process is to? we take a lot of music that we wrote and we give it to him and he writes his lyrics and he comes in and we just perform it and record it and see [what it sounds like]. It's just an audition process; it's the way that we do it. So he did come in and do all that. But I just wasn't? It just didn't seem to fit right to me. And he's great ? and I love Corey ? but it didn't seem like the answer to the VELVET REVOLVER problem." http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=156901 Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: muttley on April 18, 2011, 02:57:42 PM i'm glad i was never expecting anything anytime soon from this band. i love all the guys, but no point in doing it if it doesn't feel right.
Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: russkwtx on April 20, 2011, 05:05:45 PM This is sad news IMO. I saw VR 4, maybe 5 times live, and they were kick-ass every time. I will miss them greatly. Good thing I collected a large number of their shows on CD and DVD when I could. I liked both albums although Contraband was better. I also really like the solo Slash stuff so at least fans will continue to have music from Slash, and Myles has good musical range. Imagine how hard it is to do a credible Axl and Scott, two of the best frontmen around. While Myles does not have the onstage charisma of either, he is more than serviceable so I expect the second solo Slash album to be really good also. I think Slash is hitting his peak in terms of playing live and writing songs.
Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: norway on April 21, 2011, 12:58:46 AM Two words: Angus Young. Is with a spectacular singer tho! :P Lead singer is defintly important. Case in in point; Vince Neil ;) Rememeber when Vince was young... Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: jacdaniel on April 21, 2011, 04:53:43 AM They should of just said this back in 2008. For me, nothing has changed. There won't be a VR until they find a singer and all want to do it. (if ever)
The way these guys operate, they'll probably announce a singer tomorrow :hihi: Title: Re: Slash: 'Nothing Is Going To Happen With VR For At Least A Couple Of Years' Post by: gnrjanus on April 21, 2011, 12:22:33 PM VR is officialy on hiatus till further notice...
that's at least something. Slash can tour his album off, Slash can record 2nd album with myles and tour behind it. Duff can do Loaded. Matt his side projects and whatever he's got these days... Dave is a real cool recording artist with a lot of songs of games and whatever more:P these guys can do there own thing and don't need VR thats the greatest part of it. And it seems to me that VR is already dead,,, but who know... We'll just leave it at that. Now Slash, Come back to Paradiso! we loved you last year;) |