Title: [MP3] Guns N' Roses @ Tokyo Dome - Tokyo, Japan (January 15th, 1993) Post by: estebanf on March 09, 2011, 09:32:18 PM Guns N' Roses
Tokyo Dome - Tokyo, Japan January 15th, 1993 W. Axl Rose [vocals, piano] Duff McKagan [bass guitar] Slash [lead guitar] Gilby Clarke [rhythm guitar] Dizzy Reed [keyboards, percussion] Matt Sorum [drums] (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a125/estebanf/ronnie.jpg) 01- Intro - [Reach Down / People Who Died] 02- It's So Easy 03- Welcome To The Jungle 04- Mr. Brownstone 05- Live And Let Die 06- Nightrain 07- So Fine 08- Attitude 09- Double Talkin' Jive 10- Civil War 11- Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience 12- It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain 13- Bad Obsession 14- Matt Sorum Drum Solo 15- You Could Be Mine 16- Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme 17- The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine 18- Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door [W/ Ron Wood] 19- Don't Cry 20- Mother [Intro] / Paradise City DOWNLOAD LINK: http://bit.ly/ehzMuT or http://www.fileserve.com/file/RVYJAsk estebanf www.estebanfbootlegs.com.ar www.facebook.com/gnrbootlegs Title: Re: [MP3] Guns N' Roses @ Tokyo Dome - Tokyo, Japan (January 15th, 1993) Post by: russkwtx on March 14, 2011, 12:35:12 PM Thanks!