Title: IZZY STRADLIN? - BURIED ALIVE - LIVE IN DUBLIN, IRELAND 12.18.1992 Post by: BumbleBuzz on March 07, 2011, 10:19:36 AM SET LIST
1. Bucket O' Trouble 2. Cuttin' The Rug 3. Jiving Sister Fanny (Superb Rolling Stones Cover!) 4. Time Gone By 5. Rocker 6. Somebody Knockin' 7. Pressure Drop 8. Little Red Rooster/Auld Lang Syne 9. Highway 49 LINK http://lix.in/-9a7fa1 I lived in Dublin for many years and never once came across a copy of this, I wouldn't think it was released in any kind of serious numbers, but it has been worked on and has a full CD sound that you would expect from a live record. Title: Re: IZZY STRADLIN? - BURIED ALIVE - LIVE IN DUBLIN, IRELAND 12.18.1992 Post by: Badapple89 on March 07, 2011, 02:26:31 PM I happen to own a copy of this, bought it on Ebay a few years ago
Title: Re: IZZY STRADLIN? - BURIED ALIVE - LIVE IN DUBLIN, IRELAND 12.18.1992 Post by: BumbleBuzz on March 08, 2011, 11:37:58 AM I happen to own a copy of this, bought it on Ebay a few years ago Oh right, cool, good to know it was released I guess....official or what? Title: Re: IZZY STRADLIN? - BURIED ALIVE - LIVE IN DUBLIN, IRELAND 12.18.1992 Post by: Badapple89 on March 08, 2011, 05:23:57 PM Not official, it was released on Swinging Pig records and just says on the back that it was recorded live on tour in the USA in 1993 which is obviously wrong