Title: [FLAC] Guns N' Roses ''The Best Is Yet To Come'' AMERICAN CONCERT SERIES Post by: estebanf on March 03, 2011, 09:42:04 PM Guns N' Roses
''The Best Is Yet To Come'' www.gnrbootlegs.com (http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/190660_190491227657639_156211814418914_477548_4831416_n.jpg) (http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/188468_190491264324302_156211814418914_477549_2521663_n.jpg) Format: 1 CD Manufactured: AMERICAN CONCERT SERIES Catalog: ACS 052 Released: 1992 Made in: Italy Source: live tracks between 1987 & 1991 Silver CD > dBpowerAmp > FLAC Label: ACS O60 Sound Quality: A Time: 57:15 01- It's So Easy [3:40] 02- Civil War [6:33] 03- Bad Obsession [6:00] 04- Out Ta Get Me [4:20] 05- Sweet Child O' Mine [5:36] 06- Patience [6:38] 07- Shadow Of Your Love [3:08] 08- Mama Kin [3:58] 09- Estranged [9:16] 10- One In A Million [6:02] DOWNLOAD LINK: http://bit.ly/fICWUo estebanf www.facebook.com/gnrbootlegs www.estebanfbootlegs.com.ar Title: Re: [FLAC] Guns N' Roses ''The Best Is Yet To Come'' AMERICAN CONCERT SERIES Post by: manugunner on March 03, 2011, 09:47:15 PM thanks esteban