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The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: FunkyMonkey on February 01, 2011, 11:34:41 PM

Title: Perla Talks Slash, Touring, Marriage And More In New Interview
Post by: FunkyMonkey on February 01, 2011, 11:34:41 PM
My Interview with Perla

February 1, 2011

You are married to one of the world's most recognisable Guitar players, the top hatted one & Guitar hero Slash! Tell us what that is like?
Whats it like being married to your husband? It's the same as being married to Slash in that respect as he is my husband (and yes its not normal to most, but it is my normal.) the catch is, I have to share him with the world and this can get taxing sometimes for me.
Do you enjoy going on tour with Slash & your boys?
I enjoy Anytime as a family together. Traveling can get hard sometimes as we can go from airport to venue to hotel to airport all within 24 hours. But Im not complaining. I love my family and I go to great extremes to keep us all together! We have to coordinate days off from school and the kids are really good at doing their homework on the road. Ok, so sometimes we have to make them but they are pretty good about it. As you all know, going through the airport with kids can be a pain (if you haven't done it yourself im sure you've seen families at the airport!) My kids are amazing! Cash is in charge of everyones shoes, and London is in charge of putting out trays for everyone and Foxy (our dog) when she travels with us. Slash is always off getting patted down as he cant go through metal detectors because of the device implanted in his heart. So Im on my own. Sometimes my cousin, or Slashs security or when Im lucky the nanny is with us but not always! They are really good boys at airports, restaurants, shows, basically anything adult oriented. Its regular kids stuff that they go crazy at. You should hear them running around this house right now! Hey, heres London, complaining about having to practice his guitar....
You have two beautiful boys with Slash. London who is 8 & Cash whom is 6, do you have any plans to have any more children?
Never say never, but as of today, I am certainly not planning on it.
What are the hardest & most awesome things about being married to such a big Rockstar?
TIME!!!!! He is so constantly busy, as am I. Its different then being busy at an office. Not only are we both in an office but We are also traveling constantly (sometimes for months at a time), promoting things constantly, (He is always doing an interview etc)?After he gives so much to his fans at shows, gives to interviews. Has business meetings, does charity work, etc. there is not much left for us, (London, Cash and me) Its very hard because he gives everyone a little piece of himself. ( And he does it whole heartedly!!!) But I wouldn't trade my life for anyones! I love him and appreciate him so much. And I feel that we are very fortunate to live the lifestyle we do.
In Slash's book he talks about when you were arrested for violating probation & had to spend some time in jail, what was that like & were you scared?
I was more pissed off than anything. Yes I was a bit scared but after a few days, I was friends with everyone. You know, it was a situation that was out of control so there was nothing I could do other than just go with it.I got along with everyone,Blacks, Hispanics, americans, everyone. I was fortunate that I looked white, spoke Spanish and had a bigger attitude than some of the black girls there.Im very personable and I make the most of every situation. I did anything  to entertain myself. Jail is VERY boring! I learned to thread facial hair (no tweezers in jail so we pulled the thread from the blankets and used it to pull the hairs out) There is no makeup in county jail but we made makeup out of "skittles" candy and mascara out of coffee! even had fashion shows  I created where we all used our sheets to make different outfits late night. I played cards with the girls (they taught me how to play spades there) I even got a job there to pass the time.
Have you got a favourite saying or life Motto?
"Well behaved women rarely make history."
You seem to be such a strong & confident woman, have you got any hints or tips for women out there?
Bitch! Believe in yourself because if you don't know one else will! Always try to be your best that way even if you didn't succeed at something, are skinny enough, etc. you know you have done all you could. BE HAPPY! The big boom can happen tomorrow and how would you want your last day to be? And always recognize the things that are out of your control. You can not change people, situations and things. You can only control yourself and what you ALLOW in your life. And give with your heart...
You have recently lost a lot weight, congratulations! It's such a hard thing to do! You obviously work out, do you prefer the gym or outside training?
Thank you Mamma!! But, Gurl....... I do it all!!!! I workout at a gym and at home (we have a small gym) I like to get out and run, climb, hike. I have a very short attention span and get bored easily so I change it up constantly. I can NOT just run on a treadmill. I like to do stairs, weights, pilates, play ball with my boys, anything to keep me moving. I prefer whatever keeps me guessing whether it be a gym or outside.
Any big plans or New year resolutions made for 2011?
To not smoke! (I haven't had a ciggy since October 31st!) To finish unpacking and decorating our home (we moved in 1 1/2 years ago) Spend more time with my kids
How tall are you?
The truth... 5 foot 6 (im not that tall)
How did you handle those hurricane personalities in your marriage? Was it difficult to grow up as a couple & leave the crazy youth behind? I mean, at some stage in our lives we need to take responsibilities & blablabla. Did you manage to do that & have you got any advice?
We are not perfect and we are both still immature. We have grown to respect each other and appreciate what we have together. Getting off drugs was the best thing that happened to us. My advice is if you want something you got to work at it. Nothing is easy. And you must respect and love your partner. Once you Commit, COMMIT! Expecially with children. It is not a game. Recognize what you have and make it grow.
Do you have a wish or a dream that you haven't done as yet?
I wish to one day to work because we love it, not work because we have to. (Trust me the more you have, the more the responsibility)
My dream is to see my children grow up into men.
Do you speak Spanish to London & Cash & do you try to give them the Latino Culture?
I missed the boat when they were little because I didn't speak much Spanish to them and their nannies were from Europe. But now I do. London understands a lot. The little bugger just wont speak it. But now they get to earn rewards if they practice their Spanish. We are always listening to Spanish music and lots of dancing and Cuban food!
Do you have an Idol you would like to meet & if so who would that be?
Shes dead. But if I could it would be Jackie Kennedy and Id ask her how did she do it all!
Do London & Cash have a personalities similar to Slash?
Cash is very much like his father, homebody, introverted, very in his own world. Artisitic, imaginative and talented musically. Although he looks like me. And London looks more like his dad but is all Ferrer when it comes to personality! Outgoing, talkative, Mr Know it all! And mature beyond his years
Did you ever think that you would ever marry a Rock Star?
I knew Slash was meant for me the first time I saw him. If he was a plummer Im sure id have the same feelings. It wasn't what he was, its who he is.
Im so flattered people actually care about what I have to say and offer. Thank you all! I hope I can inspire you all as some have inspired me. Live big, dream big!!


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Title: Re: Perla Talks Slash, Touring, Marriage And More In New Interview
Post by: lynn1961 on February 02, 2011, 02:50:55 AM
I thought that was a great interview!  Nice to hear from her, too.