Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: SkeletorSerpent on December 18, 2010, 08:49:07 PM

Title: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: SkeletorSerpent on December 18, 2010, 08:49:07 PM
Is it just me or does any one else find that your wife gets "jealous" of your Gnr and Axl fascination? Do any of your wives consider Gnr a childhood hangover that you can't let go? Some juvenile nostalgia of the teenage glory days. I think sometimes she feels that I'm cheating on her with Gnr. I like to grab a pint or a beer and lock myself in the car and bury myself into Gnr and my wife doesn't always understand. Why would you do that? She asks. Why wouldn't you rather hang out with me? Cuddle? Watch a movie? Talk about our week? etc. Those are all great things, but sometimes you need to decompress and unwind to Gnr. You need your Axl fix; it is like emotional intercourse that creates an auricular orgasm. I know she likes Gnr, but when she gets mad at me she takes it out on Gnr and Axl. Usually she loves the ballads but when she is mad, Gnr become a childish, vulgar band who are a nothing more than a raucous discordant cacophony.
Sometimes it causes tension in our relationship, but my wife just can't comprehend why I still need to listen to the band of my youth.

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: doooodickiebr on December 18, 2010, 08:59:12 PM
can anyone say......


Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: One.In.A.Million on December 18, 2010, 09:39:24 PM
I totally get what your saying, but never change for anyone. Guns N' Roses means a huge amount to millions of fans around the world. And that's something to celebrate, not to worry about what others may think.

Seems like she is just attacking something which she knows means a huge amount to you, which is GN'R. Even you said, she loves the songs herself. So when she is saying all of those things about GN'R, it's only because she knows it'll get to you.

So keep on enjoying getting deep into GN'R, and have a blast while doing it. Sometimes you just have to say "Fuck It", this life's only short and if something fullfills you in a rich and vibrant way like GN'R does. You need to embrace it, love it and get as many positive vibes off of it as you can.

Don't change yourself for anyone, no matter who they are. Guns N' Roses are king, and we as GN'R fans should be proud that we know "Better".  :)


Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: metallex78 on December 18, 2010, 10:58:38 PM
GN'R are in a lot of ways about youth rebellion and teen angst. Well, they were when I was younger, so maybe that's why it's seen as childish to still listen to them perhaps?
But at the end of the day, GN'R have made timeless kick ass rock n roll music that will reside with me until the day I die.

I had my mother ask me a few years back "when will you grow out of this?" after I bought a new GN'R shirt, and I was like, "I will never grow out of my love of music, if anything, my passion gets stronger and stronger".

If it looks like I'm clinging to my youth or childish because I love rock n roll, than so be it. I'm a GN'R fan and a music fan for life. :beer:

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on December 18, 2010, 11:32:01 PM
My wife is the same age as me and liked GNR back in the day ( requests me to play "get in the ring" occasionally)  So there's no issue between us about it.

Took her to a show in 06 and she loved it.

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Ulises on December 19, 2010, 02:09:25 AM
I can't say "jealous" but she get tired listening to me talking about GN'R  :hihi: :hihi:

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: westcoast_junkie on December 19, 2010, 02:59:21 AM
Don't have that problem. She's a fan too, and our son's name is William Axl  :)

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Voodoochild on December 19, 2010, 08:13:48 AM
My wife loves GNR. Not as much now since Robin left, but still. She saw the band with me earlier this year and it's all good. :)

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: w.david rose on December 19, 2010, 08:15:27 AM
I guess im not the only one.... hahahaha

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Montrealrocks on December 19, 2010, 08:22:17 AM
No problem at all....My wife loves them...And my son's name is Axl Gunner

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: banachkevin on December 19, 2010, 12:20:59 PM
my wife loves guns n roses. she spent her savings to take me to see them in vancouver in 2002. she came with me to edmonton in 06, and also in saskatoon in 2010 she understands lol

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Gunner80 on December 19, 2010, 12:59:20 PM
GN'R are in a lot of ways about youth rebellion and teen angst. Well, they were when I was younger, so maybe that's why it's seen as childish to still listen to them perhaps?
But at the end of the day, GN'R have made timeless kick ass rock n roll music that will reside with me until the day I die.

I had my mother ask me a few years back "when will you grow out of this?" after I bought a new GN'R shirt, and I was like, "I will never grow out of my love of music, if anything, my passion gets stronger and stronger".

If it looks like I'm clinging to my youth or childish because I love rock n roll, than so be it. I'm a GN'R fan and a music fan for life. :beer:
Well put man, music lasts forever, and Guns music will aslo. I feel what I love and like to listen to is nobody's business. 

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: draguns on December 19, 2010, 01:02:22 PM
The women and friends in my life have said the same thing about  me. That I'm into GNR a bit too much. They sometimes get tired of me playing GNR songs at a bar or posting articles about  GNR on Facebook. For me, GNR came out at the right moment. I was battling the Board of Education in my town. I was  11 years old and fighting for my education as a result of my disability.  When GNR broke out with the Welcome to the Jungle video, it just helped e to get rid of this anger that I had.  Additionally, the line from Coma, "You got a one way ticket n your last chance rideGot a one way ticket To your suicideGot a one way ticket And there's no way out alive" and Dust & Bones  " Life is short. Your life is your own" helped me not to commit suicide in my teen years. So GNR has been a big influence on me. I'm planning to write a memoir in my late 40s or 50s. I will include how GNR helped me.  I still have a long way to go though unil then. I'm only 34 now.

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: wight gunner on December 19, 2010, 03:24:06 PM
My wife wonders why I want to go to a show EVERY time they tour the UK. I tell her its only every 4 years.

I tell her that seeing Halley's Comet together in 1986 was so special (my daughter gave her first kick that day in February whilst in the womb) next time its due I'll have her watch it from the Pyramids in Egypt. It's  due to arrive in 2061 and she'll be 94  ;)  seems a fair deal to me  :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Farid Bak on December 19, 2010, 03:58:24 PM
my wife wonders why I spend so much time onlne looking at GNR stuff.... well its clear to her now. I met guns way before I met her.
 ;D, she gets all my love and the guns get some of my time and in return Im happier  :beer:

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Mysteron on December 19, 2010, 04:39:47 PM
Is it just me or does any one else find that your wife gets "jealous" of your Gnr and Axl fascination? Do any of your wives consider Gnr a childhood hangover that you can't let go? Some juvenile nostalgia of the teenage glory days. I think sometimes she feels that I'm cheating on her with Gnr. I like to grab a pint or a beer and lock myself in the car and bury myself into Gnr and my wife doesn't always understand. Why would you do that? She asks. Why wouldn't you rather hang out with me? Cuddle? Watch a movie? Talk about our week? etc. Those are all great things, but sometimes you need to decompress and unwind to Gnr. You need your Axl fix; it is like emotional intercourse that creates an auricular orgasm. I know she likes Gnr, but when she gets mad at me she takes it out on Gnr and Axl. Usually she loves the ballads but when she is mad, Gnr become a childish, vulgar band who are a nothing more than a raucous discordant cacophony.
Sometimes it causes tension in our relationship, but my wife just can't comprehend why I still need to listen to the band of my youth.

Haha, it is not your fascination with GN'R that causes tension in your relationship; it is you.  You are a drama queen, one can tell by your vocabulary and grammar.

If I were you, I would seriously think about a literary career. You have excellent and expressive writing skills.

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Gunner80 on December 19, 2010, 05:10:52 PM
Is it just me or does any one else find that your wife gets "jealous" of your Gnr and Axl fascination? Do any of your wives consider Gnr a childhood hangover that you can't let go? Some juvenile nostalgia of the teenage glory days. I think sometimes she feels that I'm cheating on her with Gnr. I like to grab a pint or a beer and lock myself in the car and bury myself into Gnr and my wife doesn't always understand. Why would you do that? She asks. Why wouldn't you rather hang out with me? Cuddle? Watch a movie? Talk about our week? etc. Those are all great things, but sometimes you need to decompress and unwind to Gnr. You need your Axl fix; it is like emotional intercourse that creates an auricular orgasm. I know she likes Gnr, but when she gets mad at me she takes it out on Gnr and Axl. Usually she loves the ballads but when she is mad, Gnr become a childish, vulgar band who are a nothing more than a raucous discordant cacophony.
Sometimes it causes tension in our relationship, but my wife just can't comprehend why I still need to listen to the band of my youth.

Haha, it is not your fascination with GN'R that causes tension in your relationship; it is you.  You are a drama queen, one can tell by your vocabulary and grammar.

If I were you, I would seriously think about a literary career. You have excellent and expressive writing skills.
Attacking someone's grammar shows what a big man you are.

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: horsey on December 19, 2010, 06:55:44 PM
wow that's deep '

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Loaded NightraiN on December 19, 2010, 07:57:30 PM
My GF has gotten into GNR quite a bit since we've been together (8 years), hell the day before our first date I traveled to see GNR in Toronto... So she knew going in I was a hardcore, and she even came with me to the Hamilton show this year!

She's even said she's never seen somebody with so much passion about something, as i'm always reading up and watching youtube videos after shows of the same songs! She loves it

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: gunns1 on December 20, 2010, 01:40:16 AM
'wives' damn man, how many do you have? :O

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: horsey on December 21, 2010, 01:18:17 AM
you know if you can't share something that you both have in's allways harder and stressful,but g n r stays in your life through good n basd times.
so life should be about given one another the things they enjoy.
both letten each other's lifestyes combine with there relationships.
nagging wives tend to drive men away to other women who have the same interest's.that's were affair's start,think about it ladies.less stress ta hear what your
man likes and dislikes,helps life,love n happyness.

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Lord Stan on December 23, 2010, 10:35:57 PM
Can you go through the festive period without GNR listening to sort of more suitable stuff :hihi:

I've been trying even now when the wife is sleeping but I'm itching a bit.

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Z?phyr on December 24, 2010, 06:58:49 AM
Can you go through the festive period without GNR listening to sort of more suitable stuff :hihi:

I've been trying even now when the wife is sleeping but I'm itching a bit.

Yeah buy a couple of Ron's Cd's... awesome albums !

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: crash_diet on December 24, 2010, 05:35:52 PM
Met my wife 4 years ago....
"Met" GnR in 1988...

She did the math... :hihi:

She wasnt into GnR too much....She is now...Especially with DJ Ashba.. : ok:

Last September, when i went to Belgrad to see the boys live, leaving her, the daughter, the mortage loan, my job, my work for a 48hrs sleepless trip, she finally got it, realised it, admitted it, excepted it:  dont stand between me and GnR - just flow with the water and everybody s happy  :hihi:

PS: now she is hoping to see the boys live in 2011 - just to see what is so special about a GnR live concert  :peace:

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Lord Stan on December 24, 2010, 07:13:34 PM
PS: now she is hoping to see the boys live in 2011 - just to see what is so special about a GnR live concert  :peace:

My wife's never been to New York (or the US) and I haven't been there for nearly 20 years (went to the US last winter though) so I am so much hoping for that rumoured or hoped tour to come. She's mentioned a couple of times why not go to NY, I want to see it. We're Europeans.

If and when the tour dates are confirmed I'll book it straight away, of course, without telling her about the gig at first but before the departure just to be on the safe side. She will go mad "is this why we're going there, I really thought..." (what will she think, who knows about those women)  :beer:

I'd imagine there would be more than one date there, just exactly how am I going to explain that yes darling, we go there again tonight. Or at least I will : ok:

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: volcano62 on December 29, 2010, 04:21:50 PM
My gf has gotten used to my obsession a long time ago.

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: anythinggoes II on December 29, 2010, 04:43:41 PM
im jealous of my misses obsession over DJ

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Is he struggling? on December 30, 2010, 07:51:36 AM
A funny thing happened to me a couple of months ago.

I was on a date with a an cute, intelligent and funny lady a couple of months ago. Things were going well until we got onto the subject of music, and I mentioned that I was going to see G n' R  next week (at the o2 London, for those of you that care). At that point, she gave me a look of complete disdain and revulsion. The date was all downhill from there, I'm afraid. I must have really hit a raw nerve when I mentioned this. Later on that evening I said (very matter-of-factly) that I wasn't fan of one of her favourite artists, she snapped back, in the sneeriest tone of voice you could imaginbe, 'well I don't like Guns N' Roses'. We never spoke again after that night.

Come to think of it, if she's the type to get snippy over something like my musical tastes (which actually, apart from G n' R, were similar to mine), our relationship wasn't going to go anywhere.

I've occasionally wondered what G n' R did to upset her so. Maybe an obnoxious ex of hers liked them? Perhaps Axl stubbed a cigar out in her eye one time ? Mybe her dog got run over by their tourbus? Anyhow, none of that matters now, because the story has a happy ending. The gig was of course awesome, and I've since found another fine lady to share my musical tastes with. (Before you ask, I haven't mentioned my 11 year affair with Uncle Axl yet. And if she turns her nose up, then I'll guess I'll just have to listen to G n' R in spare room or somehing :nervous:)

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: SkeletorSerpent on December 30, 2010, 10:03:51 AM
It's been a long time since Gnr were in the mainstream limelight, a household name, so I think we hardcore fans sometimes forget just how repulsive, vulgar, and controversial Gnr actually were. They were the biggest band in the world, but they were also the band people loved to hate. They have always been a very "polarizing" band. People don't just "like" or "dislike" Gnr, usually I find it is love or hate. They induce some pretty intense feelings.
Many people viewed them as misogynistic, racist, homophobic, profane, juvenile, and not to mention that they thought they glorified drug use.

Perhaps it was Gnr's misogynistic reputation that turned her off? She could've just gotten out of an abusive relationship. Some girls also view Gnr as a macho, jock rock band who appeal to jocks, muscle heads, frat boys, Nascar/Wrestling fans, whitetrash, etc. Some people (usually feminists, Tori Amos and Cold Play fans) think they are too sophisticated and classy to like Gnr.

Today, you will find some soccer moms still jamming out to Gnr on 80s nights, etc. But for the most part, today's soccer moms were more into Bon Jovi and Poison back in the day.

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Is he struggling? on December 30, 2010, 02:45:04 PM
It's been a long time since Gnr were in the mainstream limelight, a household name, so I think we hardcore fans sometimes forget just how repulsive, vulgar, and controversial Gnr actually were. They were the biggest band in the world, but they were also the band people loved to hate. They have always been a very "polarizing" band. People don't just "like" or "dislike" Gnr, usually I find it is love or hate. They induce some pretty intense feelings.
Many people viewed them as misogynistic, racist, homophobic, profane, juvenile, and not to mention that they thought they glorified drug use.

Perhaps it was Gnr's misogynistic reputation that turned her off? She could've just gotten out of an abusive relationship. Some girls also view Gnr as a macho, jock rock band who appeal to jocks, muscle heads, frat boys, Nascar/Wrestling fans, whitetrash, etc. Some people (usually feminists, Tori Amos and Cold Play fans) think they are too sophisticated and classy to like Gnr.

Today, you will find some soccer moms still jamming out to Gnr on 80s nights, etc. But for the most part, today's soccer moms were more into Bon Jovi and Poison back in the day.

I never thought of that. Good point SkeletorSerpent. I wonder if the acres of negative press coverage that the new line up have recieved recnetly (especially here in the UK) had anyhitng to do with it. Anyway, I ain't going to dwell on it too much. If someone would think that I'm some sort of macho meathead for liking Guns N' Roses (and if you were to meet me on the street, it would be plain that I most definitely am none of those things), then I'm better off without them.

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: axlssis on January 03, 2011, 11:16:48 PM
interesting thread..........funny how people tend to think your musical taste is something you will "outgrow", especially if you listen to rock and roll. 

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Gunner80 on January 04, 2011, 12:48:51 PM
Never had a problem like this, even my 71 year old mother really like Guns and Axl.

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Z?phyr on January 05, 2011, 08:33:46 AM
Never had a problem like this, even my 71 year old mother really like Guns and Axl.

That's awesome ! You should take her to a concert one day...

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: Is he struggling? on January 07, 2011, 06:18:31 PM
Never had a problem like this, even my 71 year old mother really like Guns and Axl.

Hey, come to think of it, my 72 year old aunt likes  G N' R. So not all of the women in my life think that I have the music taste of a moron1

Title: Re: Wives jealous of GNR?
Post by: wight gunner on January 08, 2011, 02:55:03 AM
Never had a problem like this, even my 71 year old mother really like Guns and Axl.

Hey, come to think of it, my 72 year old aunt likes  G N' R. So not all of the women in my life think that I have the music taste of a moron1

Not so remarkable when you think about it, back in the day, they would be in their late forties when AFD came out, now approaching that time of life myself, there are new acts that I really like. The bottom line is good music is timeless and to prove it, how many of us like songs/albums/artists that were at their peek before we were born. I know I have at least 1000 songs (out of 10,000ish) on my iPod from pre-1964 (the year I was born).

Thank god for Spotify, the try before you buy (ok find a bit-torrent and then download :hihi:) answer to getting a good party going... : ok: