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The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: jacdaniel on July 05, 2010, 07:56:09 AM

Title: Slash/Myles vs Velvet Revolver
Post by: jacdaniel on July 05, 2010, 07:56:09 AM
Ok, i have seen some discussions related to this topic in various threads so i thought id create a new thread just to focus on this.  The question is... Would you rather:

A)  Slash/Myles and the current touring band to record an album. 

B)  Myles to join VR.

C)  VR to continue with a brand new singer.  (That isnt Scott, Myles or Axl  :hihi: ) 

D)  VR to reunite with Scott.

E)  Other.  (please state your preference)

Personally, im quite undecided between A or B but either way, i hope Myles is a part of Slash's future.
up until recently, i definitly wanted VR to find a singer and continue.  But Slash's playing is so much better now than ever and he actually looks really happy onstage. (smiling etc).  Duff seems to have a lot on his plate at the moment, been in JA and a new Loaded album which im sure he'll want to tour. 

To be honest, i find myself leaning towards A.  (although it'd be the icing on the cake if Izzy joined the band)

Title: Re: Slash/Myles vs Velvet Revolver
Post by: andy1981 on July 05, 2010, 08:23:04 AM
Myles to join VR!!

but would think that AB & Solo album commitments would rule him out for at least a year.

Sure this will ruffle some feathers but Myles is such a better live frontman than Scott is/was

Scott seemed to come with so much B/S and attitude it was difficult to seperate whether it was just drug problems or frontman big headded-ness.

There were 5 of us at the Edinburgh show and everyone was so impressed. Myles even apoligised to the crowd for being a little off because he got sick 2 nights prior.

Must be such a rush for the band to be on that stage with so much love and respect in one room.

I really hope Classic Rock or something do a big interview with Myles (read 4 page plus pictures) to see where he is at and the future plans

Title: Re: Slash/Myles vs Velvet Revolver
Post by: AxlReznor on July 05, 2010, 08:28:09 AM
E - I think Slash should carry on doing what he did with the album. He should just write songs for himself, and then decide who should sing them and work with different singers. Like a 'hard rock' Santana. The singers from the tours should just be whoever is available at the time.
And that way, STP, Loaded and Jane's Addiction can just carry on as they have been, which results in more awesome music for everyone. ;)

Title: Re: Slash/Myles vs Velvet Revolver
Post by: jacdaniel on July 05, 2010, 08:35:28 AM
Myles to join VR!!

I think that'd be cool too.  The only thing that puts me off is that Duff seems to be so busy with 2 bands as it is.  So im not sure if or when he'd be available.  And if he joined VR, would they continue to play us a couple of GNR songs at the shows?  (id certainly hope so)

E - I think Slash should carry on doing what he did with the album. He should just write songs for himself, and then decide who should sing them and work with different singers.

Sorry i should of included this as an option.  :)  i wouldn't be totally opposed to that either although id prefer him to stick with myles.

Title: Re: Slash/Myles vs Velvet Revolver
Post by: Dayle1066 on July 05, 2010, 08:46:55 AM
I wanted to say VR back with Scott while they all still do other things. But I'd rather STP continue, Duff does Loaded and Slash stays solo but with the touring band he has now.

That way we have a lot more great music and bands rather than just one.

Title: Re: Slash/Myles vs Velvet Revolver
Post by: Naupis on July 05, 2010, 09:15:14 AM
I frankly would be very interested to hear what Slash's band could come up with for an album. They must just have alot of natural chemistry, because they are amazingly tight on stage considering most of them had never met each other and they have only been a band 3 months now. Todd's backing vocals are fantastic, as that is one of those things that is often overlooked but totally adds to a song.

Anything other than Myles fronting some band involving Slash at this point will be a major buzz kill for me. He is going to split time between AB/Slash starting in October (Picking back up with Slash in February), but they need to find a way to make it work.

Slash is playing the sharpest, most focused guitar of his career right now and I think Myles is a big part of the reason. The guy is uber talented as both a singer and guitar player, brings zero drama to the table. He's got a huge vocal range, and his voice compliments Slash's guitar like no other singer he has worked with since the red head. Myles going out and killing it like he has has motivated Slash to up his game because the shit sounds good when his guitar is on point.

Best part about Myles as opposed to even Scott in the past is he is not scared or intimidated of the GNR legacy. Scott was clearly always uncomfortable with letting Slash be Slash, or the band sounding too much like GNR. Myles on the other hands takes on some of the hardest songs to sing in the GNR catalog (knowing full well people are going to compare him to Axl...which is an impossible standard) and has gone out there and owned it. His vocals aren't carbon copies of the original, but everything I've read from people at the shows comes away very impressed with him. That is a big victory considering how abysmal GNR covers usually end up sounding.

Listening to the Manchester live cd the differences between this band/tour and the last VR one are night and day. The best evidence is in Slash's solo, which is back to resembling the Illusions tour level of awesomeness where he is just playing free and easy out there. He looks happy, he's added to the setlist as he's gone on instead of mailing it in, and he has put in some serious time in the gym as he is clearly in light years better shape than he has been in a while. He is taking this shit serious, because while neither will say it, I would not be surprised if this is a trial run to see whether they would be able to work together in the future.

Final thing is the fact the 2 songs they made together kick ass. Both have gone over very well at the live shows. Back from Cali has an awesome opening riff and real classic rock vibe, while on Starlight Myles really laid down a beautiful vocal and the lyrics are good. Slash said his initial response when listening to it the first time after getting it back (not knowing what to expect as he didn't know Myles) was "fuck me that was amazing, one of those where you know after the first listen its a great track." Listening to him sing Fall to Pieces it is clear how much extra having a big voice like his brings to the table.

Myles can play the shit out of the guitar too, so I would hope in the future we would get 1 or 2 tracks with Myles on rhythm as I would love to hear how their guitars would mesh.

Title: Re: Slash/Myles vs Velvet Revolver
Post by: jacdaniel on July 05, 2010, 10:09:14 AM
Great analysis as always Naupis!

if they're as happy as they look onstage, im sure they'll try to work something out for the future.
by the way, how awesome is Slash's playing on the Godfather theme these days!  Totally blew me away at the show.

Title: Re: Slash/Myles vs Velvet Revolver
Post by: gnrjanus on July 05, 2010, 11:23:00 AM
they can work it out with myles since both Ab and VR are not full touring bands or recording bands.
so that can be managed.

and I wouldn't mind a 2nd slash solo album.

Title: Re: Slash/Myles vs Velvet Revolver
Post by: sleeper on July 05, 2010, 11:46:29 AM
The comments by Naupis hit the nail on the head. I am for anything that keeps the smile on Slash's face. No one can miss the chemistry that the band has. Myles says Todd is the secret weapon and I agree. A lot of people don't know Bobby but he is great at what he does. He has filled in for Brad several times when he was out during Aerosmith tours and that is not easy shoes to fill. Brent seems to pick up anything that is thrown his way as well. Slash is writting on tour and I think a lot of it is because of the inspiration around him and the stress free surroundings.