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The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: FunkyMonkey on May 26, 2010, 01:27:28 PM

Title: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: FunkyMonkey on May 26, 2010, 01:27:28 PM
The interview is in Dutch -- here's a rough translation and I'll post some of it in Dutch as well so maybe someone can verify that's what he says....

Slash finally doing his own thing

May 25, 2010

AMSTERDAM - Slash, former guitarist for Guns N 'Roses, has over fourteen years after he stepped out of the band made a solo album. talked to the British-American guitarist about his new album.

"It's wonderful to finally be able to do my own thing. Working with a band has its own charms. "

"The workload is divided and you do not own to solve every fart, but you're also always tied to the musical tastes of a few others."

"This record is up to the last second just as I wanted."


"The guitars were as hard as I wanted them, the shooting lasted as long as I liked. There was no one who spurred me to shoot, or just wanted me longer continued. Wonderful. And while I'm always a guest musician, I thought it was time for everyone now agrees was a guest on my record. "
With the statement that its project Slash's Snakepit also a disguised solo project was the guitarist disagree. "That was really a band. Everyone had to say as much about the music and wrote the songs. This album is one hundred percent Slash. "


Well, almost one hundred percent then, because the lyrics on the album were the guest singers themselves put forward. It gave them complete freedom Slash. "I follow all the artists who have done it a long time, I did not feel that I observed for textual big surprises would face."

"Also, I think it is true that the listener the text and the feelings that come with it automatically attributed to the one they hear singing. My name is hare anyway, haha. "

Jack White

Slash does anything to correct terms of guest vocalists. "There has often asked me recently what I like singers on the album had, but ultimately did not cooperate. I'd like to work with Jack White, but did not sing on the record. I respect that. "

"Dave Grohl drumming and not only wanted to sing. I understand that, but in some interviews it seems as if Jack is not liked, but it is not. He not only wanted to sing and as a guitarist, I did not need. A good guitarist, I of course already, haha. "


About Guns N 'Roses were at the time the wildest stories. Slash was claimed to have a few dozen snakes in the house, and a cougar in his bed asleep. The guitarist laughs at the memory of his special pet.

"Curtis! Hey, nice to you about him starting. I had him early '90s rescued from someone who is not well made. He has until 1996 when I lived in the house, where they were free to roam, then he went to a reservation in Arizona. "

"That is better for such a beast. I'm going to occasionally look up sometimes. I feel that he recognizes me, too. I have children who are almost as dangerous, haha. "


Really Slash plans for the future yet. "I've done music for a couple of movies that I'd want to do more. But I does not matter that I have a similar record as they do. Velvet Revolver is a new album next year in the planning. "

A true solo career, the guitarist does not sit. "I remain a bandman. A bit of squabbling over music in his time secretly good. "A possible reunion with Guns N 'Roses is not in it.

"With Axl, I think it is never good. Not with him personally, but not between him and me. I am still open to hear it, but I'm not so quick. Before Axl lives too much in the past. I do enjoy being here my own thing. "


Echt plannen voor de toekomst heeft Slash nog niet. ?Ik heb de muziek voor een paar films gedaan, dat zou ik wel meer willen doen. Maar ik sluit ook niet uit dat ik nog een vergelijkbare plaat als deze maak. Voor Velvet Revolver staat voor volgend jaar een nieuw album in de planning.?

Een echte solocarri?re ziet de gitarist niet zitten. ?Ik blijf een bandman. Een beetje bakkeleien over muziek op zijn tijd is stiekem wel lekker.? Een eventuele re?nie met Guns N? Roses zit er niet in.

?Met Axl komt het denk ik nooit meer goed. Niet met hem persoonlijk, maar ook niet tussen hem en mij. Ik sta er nog steeds wel voor open hoor, maar ik zie het niet zo snel gebeuren. Daarvoor leeft Axl iets te veel in het verleden. Ik doe voorlopig even lekker mijn eigen ding.?

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year' - ???
Post by: gnrjanus on May 26, 2010, 03:01:42 PM
with music they can write whatever they want so it's posible.
but to finish it up they sure need a singer.

I would prefer Myles for the next album.

but I guess it all depends on Matt. wheter he likes him enough or not....
he shouldn't be so hard....

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year' - ???
Post by: Naupis on May 26, 2010, 03:15:53 PM
with music they can write whatever they want so it's posible.
but to finish it up they sure need a singer.

I would prefer Myles for the next album.

but I guess it all depends on Matt. wheter he likes him enough or not....
he shouldn't be so hard....

According to Slash Matt has tried to recruit Myles to VR in the past be he passed on the opportunity at the time. Maybe things would be different now with Myles and Slash having built a relationship, but I could also see Myles maybe steering clear of VR because he would be lead singer again for another group of cast offs from a big band the way he was basically lead singer of Creed without Scott Stapp. Now he would be singing for the GNR guys without Axl. It starts to build a pattern he may not want. Just my opinion.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year' - ???
Post by: D on May 26, 2010, 03:21:11 PM
with music they can write whatever they want so it's posible.
but to finish it up they sure need a singer.

I would prefer Myles for the next album.

but I guess it all depends on Matt. wheter he likes him enough or not....
he shouldn't be so hard....

According to Slash Matt has tried to recruit Myles to VR in the past be he passed on the opportunity at the time. Maybe things would be different now with Myles and Slash having built a relationship, but I could also see Myles maybe steering clear of VR because he would be lead singer again for another group of cast offs from a big band the way he was basically lead singer of Creed without Scott Stapp. Now he would be singing for the GNR guys without Axl. It starts to build a pattern he may not want. Just my opinion.

yeah but this is 2010, music business is dead, Myles isn't a big time famous hall of famer. so really what else is he going to do?

Really doesn't matter if he is the Creed/GNR/VR replacement. i don't think people really even consider him that much.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year' - ???
Post by: Butch Français on May 26, 2010, 03:29:16 PM
it says he doesn't rule out that he'll make another album like this one, and that a new VR album are being planned for next year. he does not see himself making a solo career though, he says he's a band man.

interesting, wonder what Duff thinks about these plans? I think he's busy all of next year as it is.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: FunkyMonkey on May 26, 2010, 03:35:04 PM
it says he doesn't rule out that he'll make another album like this one, and that a new VR album are being planned for next year. he does not see himself making a solo career though, he says he's a band man.

interesting, wonder what Duff thinks about these plans? I think he's busy all of next year as it is.

Thanks, I'll remove the question marks.

He's mentioned looking for a singer next year, but I don't remember him saying anything about a new album.

It is interesting and I wonder how that would work, like you said, with Duff's plans and Slash is touring well into next year I believe.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year' - ???
Post by: oldgunsfan on May 26, 2010, 06:13:07 PM
with music they can write whatever they want so it's posible.
but to finish it up they sure need a singer.

I would prefer Myles for the next album.

but I guess it all depends on Matt. wheter he likes him enough or not....
he shouldn't be so hard....

According to Slash Matt has tried to recruit Myles to VR in the past be he passed on the opportunity at the time. Maybe things would be different now with Myles and Slash having built a relationship, but I could also see Myles maybe steering clear of VR because he would be lead singer again for another group of cast offs from a big band the way he was basically lead singer of Creed without Scott Stapp. Now he would be singing for the GNR guys without Axl. It starts to build a pattern he may not want. Just my opinion.

and zeppelin wasn't?

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: D on May 26, 2010, 06:37:12 PM
it says he doesn't rule out that he'll make another album like this one, and that a new VR album are being planned for next year. he does not see himself making a solo career though, he says he's a band man.

interesting, wonder what Duff thinks about these plans? I think he's busy all of next year as it is.

Thanks, I'll remove the question marks.

He's mentioned looking for a singer next year, but I don't remember him saying anything about a new album.

It is interesting and I wonder how that would work, like you said, with Duff's plans and Slash is touring well into next year I believe.

Well its gonna take a while to find a singer. this is the cell phone, internet age, so they can communicate without being in the same room on opinions for singers.

they said the album was done, so Duff already has his parts recorded.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: sleeper on May 26, 2010, 07:06:01 PM
It is interesting and I wonder how that would work, like you said, with Duff's plans and Slash is touring well into next year I believe.

Funky I think he said he would be touring into next summer (2011). And I have listened to so many radio interviews with Slash lately. But one last week that caught my attention was when the interviewer asked Slash about the former gunners on his solo album. Slash talked about each one and when he got to Duff he said he and Duff are in the same band together. So has Duff left VR or not? And about the singer question, I wonder how Slash knows they will have a singer to make an album in 2011?

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: FunkyMonkey on May 26, 2010, 10:39:41 PM
It is interesting and I wonder how that would work, like you said, with Duff's plans and Slash is touring well into next year I believe.

Funky I think he said he would be touring into next summer (2011).

That's what he said in the last interview, into/through summer 2011...that's what I meant by "well into next year."

they said the album was done, so Duff already has his parts recorded.

I thought he said they had a lot of material -- I didn't realize the album was done?

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: Smoking Guns on May 27, 2010, 12:52:03 AM
They have a lot of ideas, nothing is "done"...  Especially with no singer... I assume a lot of demos.

Duff would leave JA once VR is SERIOUS and has a new frontman.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: Naupis on May 27, 2010, 12:58:01 AM
They have a lot of ideas, nothing is "done"...  Especially with no singer... I assume a lot of demos.

Duff would leave JA once VR is SERIOUS and has a new frontman.

No Duff has been pretty clear he is in Janes for the duration of this album cycle (release, tour) at least. He is not just going to leave those guys high and dry because Slash is ready to do VR again.

Besides, Slash is out of his mind if he thinks there is going to be a VR album next year. It is not happening, at least not if he wants Duff in the band. I will not support any entity calling itself VR that does not have Duff in it if the timing doesn't work and they try and do something without him because they don't want to wait on him as well.

If it were Loaded, DUff would probably leave and come back. Not with Janes though, they are a high profile band and this is a good gig for him. Arguably better than VR at this point so he is not just going to drop that.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: jacdaniel on May 27, 2010, 03:04:59 AM
Yeah i cant see how this is possible.  Im sure he means work on a new album is STARTING. 
How could it be planned?  They don't have a label, singer and Duff seems busy.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: Genesis on May 27, 2010, 03:24:18 AM
Why can't Duff write with VR and JA? I don't think he'll be that busy until the tour starts. Laying down bass lines for tracks written by Slash + Myles won't be that difficult.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: D on May 27, 2010, 04:01:58 AM
my point was, if they have most of the songs musically written.. Duff can record bass parts wherever. this isn't the 80's where everyone lived in a mansion or something together and recorded and wrote for a year.

next year is a long ass time. that could mean November 2011.. that gives over a year and a half.. they wouldn't have to start a VR tour till Spring 2012.

so i think it is possible.

However, maybe Slash means they are gonna start recording the album by the end of next year. that is also very feasible.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: mrlee on May 27, 2010, 06:35:20 AM
They have a lot of ideas, nothing is "done"...  Especially with no singer... I assume a lot of demos.

Duff would leave JA once VR is SERIOUS and has a new frontman.
who'd wanna leave Janes Addiction for VR anyway!

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: AxlReznor on May 27, 2010, 08:27:21 AM
Why can't Duff write with VR and JA?

Because Loaded are also in process of recording a new album. Alternating between two bands is okay... but three bands all trying to do stuff at the same time? Not even slightly do-able. And I really don't think he's going to abandon either Jane's or Loaded at this point in time.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: AxlReznor on May 27, 2010, 08:28:49 AM
my point was, if they have most of the songs musically written.

People don't seem to realise that when bands say they have a lot of ideas, that means riffs, a few basslines, etc. It doesn't mean they have songs written... just ideas that can be developed into songs at a later date.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: sleeper on May 27, 2010, 08:51:06 AM
Duff is not the issue. Duff has moved on if he cannot be in VR any longer the band will have to get another bass player. If Slash says there is going to be new music next year someone has to sing it. How can he be so sure after all this time that he is going to find a singer.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: jacdaniel on May 27, 2010, 09:23:35 AM
If Slash says there is going to be new music next year someone has to sing it. How can he be so sure after all this time that he is going to find a singer.

Cos despite what they might say..... i don't believe they have ever devoted any serious time to it.
We know Franky Perez would do it in an instant but im sure they're holding out for someone better.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: sleeper on May 27, 2010, 09:41:43 AM
If Slash says there is going to be new music next year someone has to sing it. How can he be so sure after all this time that he is going to find a singer.

Cos despite what they might say..... i don't believe they have ever devoted any serious time to it.
We know Franky Perez would do it in an instant but im sure they're holding out for someone better.

Good Point!

For sometime now Slash has maintained that VR will come back together in 2011. He knows about Duff's situation and he knows that he must have a singer. I think it is highly possible that he knows something we do not.  :hihi: :hihi:

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: FunkyMonkey on June 16, 2010, 03:09:29 PM
Slash interview - Full transcript

Date: 16 June 2010

What?s the current status of Guns N? Roses and Velvet Revolver?

Velvet Revolver?s just on stand by. I?ve got this tour to do, so when I get done with this I want to get back in earnest to try and figure out who?ll do the singing chores with that band and make another record. With Guns N? Roses the status is the same now as in 1996 - really there hasn?t been any change.

What have you got planned next?

This tour goes into February, so I don?t like to look too far down the road - keeps me more in the present - so that?s basically it. Then I want to get back to the Velvet thing and whether I?m gonna do any other odd kind of solo record still remains to be seen, but right now it?s about going out and doing this fucking tour.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: FunkyMonkey on July 02, 2010, 01:01:08 PM
This doesn't sound quite as definite...

Slash: Velvet Revolver to look for new singer next year

02 July 2010

Speaking to STV news shortly before he took the stage at Edinburgh's HMV Picture House, the former Guns 'n' Roses star said that although the band was taking a break, next year could see them starting over with a new front man.

Speaking about the band, Slash said: "It's sort of on hiatus, we're still listening to singers and trying to find the guy who is the proper front man for that band, and so next year we are going to get together we're going to listen to a bunch of demos and see if theres anybody in there who is a really great rock 'n' roll singer."

Velvet Revolver parted company with singer Scott Weiland in 2008 when he annouced at the band's gig in Glasgow that it would be their last tour.

Video interview:

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: Naupis on July 02, 2010, 01:16:53 PM
we're still listening to singers and trying to find the guy who is the proper front man for that band, and so next year we are going to get together we're going to listen to a bunch of demos and see if theres anybody in there who is a really great rock 'n' roll singer."

Slash, here's a've been on stage with him for 3 months now.

At this point I have zero interest in VR really, and even less in a version that has someone other than Myles singing.

At this point I wouldn't mind Myles/Slash doing their own thing together and seeing where it goes. His solo album felt fresh, and I don't really want to hear old VR stuff they have been sitting on.

Slash is screwing himself if he isn't planning on doing something with Myles when AB is over for that album cycle because he is not going to find anyone better suited or more versatile to lead the band. He's a good writer, and they have good chemistry together. When you show the fans the level you are capable of being at with a guy and then bring in someone less talented (which is what inevitably will happen) it is a step backwards and a major buzz kill.

Myles is the most talented guy he has worked with since Axl, and it is not coincidence his level of play is significantly higher right now than it was in VR when he appeared lazy often times, and on par if not surpassing how he was on the Illusions tour.

Slash is playing like a man possessed right now, and I am convinced it has everything to do with having a top flight singer on stage with him who will make the songs sound good if he stays focused and keeps his head on straight. The fact he also happens to be baggage and drama free is all the more reason to find a way to keep him in the fold.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: D on July 02, 2010, 01:57:38 PM
Yeah those VR demos that leaked with the shitty singers.. im not really interested in those.


If Duff and Matt aren't down, fuck them and just start a new band.

Myles IS the guy

and after this next AB album, Myles is free to leave. AB are dead.. they have what a 3 month shitty club tour? U think Myles is allergic to money and playing hundred thousand seat festivals with people singing every lyric and pumping their fist.

I'd feel way more like a rockstar singing with Slash and doing GNR stuff, VR stuff etc.. then playing AB stuff to a very small cult following.

Just me though

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: DeadHorse on July 02, 2010, 03:15:39 PM
Why not just keep this band, and perhaps even let Todd Kerns ( the bass player) sing a song or two.

Slash's  band is kicking ass on every song, and Slash seems rejuvenated and is having a lot of fun out there.

When Slash plays with VR, Matt in paticular, they get caught in a very similar groove. Matts beats are always similar / recycled.  I'm not saying Matt is a bad drummer, he just extremely lazy.

Here's hoping this band stays together.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: metallex78 on July 03, 2010, 12:35:03 AM
Slash's current touring band sounds great, I'd be happy if they entered the studio together for a new album of new Slash tunes.

I agree that finding a singer for VR better than Myles just ain't gonna happen.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: tippasaurus on July 03, 2010, 08:19:32 PM

What?s the current status of Guns N? Roses and Velvet Revolver?

Velvet Revolver?s just on stand by. I?ve got this tour to do, so when I get done with this I want to get back in earnest to try and figure out who?ll do the singing chores with that band and make another record. With Guns N? Roses the status is the same now as in 1996 - really there hasn?t been any change.

What a terrible comparison!  Gn'R circa '96 is nothing like VR circa 2009-2010...unless Scott Weiland took the name w/ him and started his own band.  Last I checked STP isn't going by VR, nor should they.  I'm still convinced the only respectable (and by respectable I mean path of least hypocracy) way to proceed is bring Scott back OR get Izzy to sing and play rhythm guitar.  Getting anyone else wouldn't be VR.  For all the pissing and moaning Slash did about losing the Gn'R name he is doing the same exact thing if he brings in another singer and calls it VR.     

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: metallex78 on July 04, 2010, 04:36:34 AM

What?s the current status of Guns N? Roses and Velvet Revolver?

Velvet Revolver?s just on stand by. I?ve got this tour to do, so when I get done with this I want to get back in earnest to try and figure out who?ll do the singing chores with that band and make another record. With Guns N? Roses the status is the same now as in 1996 - really there hasn?t been any change.

What a terrible comparison!  Gn'R circa '96 is nothing like VR circa 2009-2010...unless Scott Weiland took the name w/ him and started his own band.  Last I checked STP isn't going by VR, nor should they.  I'm still convinced the only respectable (and by respectable I mean path of least hypocracy) way to proceed is bring Scott back OR get Izzy to sing and play rhythm guitar.  Getting anyone else wouldn't be VR.  For all the pissing and moaning Slash did about losing the Gn'R name he is doing the same exact thing if he brings in another singer and calls it VR.     

Where exactly does Slash make a comparison?

He says the GN'R situation hasn't changed for him, he left in 1996, and he's still out of the band, so nothing has changed for him in that regard. And VR is on standby without a singer.

So why are you getting all riled up, when Slash didn't even compare the two? You just did.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: Genesis on July 04, 2010, 05:05:41 AM

What?s the current status of Guns N? Roses and Velvet Revolver?

Velvet Revolver?s just on stand by. I?ve got this tour to do, so when I get done with this I want to get back in earnest to try and figure out who?ll do the singing chores with that band and make another record. With Guns N? Roses the status is the same now as in 1996 - really there hasn?t been any change.

What a terrible comparison!  Gn'R circa '96 is nothing like VR circa 2009-2010...unless Scott Weiland took the name w/ him and started his own band.  Last I checked STP isn't going by VR, nor should they.  I'm still convinced the only respectable (and by respectable I mean path of least hypocracy) way to proceed is bring Scott back OR get Izzy to sing and play rhythm guitar.  Getting anyone else wouldn't be VR.  For all the pissing and moaning Slash did about losing the Gn'R name he is doing the same exact thing if he brings in another singer and calls it VR.     

Reading comprehension fail.

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: D on July 04, 2010, 05:09:06 AM
LOL@Genesis.. damn u were getting irate!

Title: Re: Slash 'A New Velvet Revolver Album Is Planned For Next Year'
Post by: tippasaurus on July 05, 2010, 01:47:50 PM

What?s the current status of Guns N? Roses and Velvet Revolver?

Velvet Revolver?s just on stand by. I?ve got this tour to do, so when I get done with this I want to get back in earnest to try and figure out who?ll do the singing chores with that band and make another record. With Guns N? Roses the status is the same now as in 1996 - really there hasn?t been any change.

What a terrible comparison!  Gn'R circa '96 is nothing like VR circa 2009-2010...unless Scott Weiland took the name w/ him and started his own band.  Last I checked STP isn't going by VR, nor should they.  I'm still convinced the only respectable (and by respectable I mean path of least hypocracy) way to proceed is bring Scott back OR get Izzy to sing and play rhythm guitar.  Getting anyone else wouldn't be VR.  For all the pissing and moaning Slash did about losing the Gn'R name he is doing the same exact thing if he brings in another singer and calls it VR.     

Reading comprehension fail.

Oooops....  thanks for setting me straight!   :peace: