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The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: FunkyMonkey on April 03, 2010, 05:38:24 PM

Title: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: FunkyMonkey on April 03, 2010, 05:38:24 PM
Slash cuts loose

Rock's guitar hero steps out on his own with star-studded CD


Last Updated: April 2, 2010

On Slash's self-titled solo debut, in stores Tuesday, the legendary guitarist of Guns N' Roses and Velvet Revolver fame appears to have included a new song about his former GN'R bandmate Axl Rose.

But appearances can be deceiving.

It was actually Ozzy Osbourne, Slash's collaborator on the track, Crucify The Dead, who penned and sang the lyrics that seem to reference Rose: "A loaded gun jammed by a rose, the thorns are not around your head, your ego cut you 'til you bled."

"It was an Ozzy thing," said Slash, 44, during a recent interview during Canadian Music Week.

"He said the song represents the situation he's had in his relationships with other musicians. Yes, there were some key lines in there that were very suggestive of my experience. But he said, 'No, this is just an overall picture of the issues.' "

Still, Slash admits there remains some "bad blood" in his relationship with Rose, who he hasn't spoken to in 15 years after officially quitting GN'R in 1996.

But at this point, he'd really love it if everyone else moved on, like he has.

"Axl's the way he is and I sort of appreciate that, only because that's why he's so phenomenal."

"But at the same time it makes it very difficult to coexist with him in a professional situation. So obviously I got to a point where he really forced my hand and I had to leave.

"But you know, that said, 15 years later, I can't really sort of sit here and just be bitter about it. So I sort of accept him for who he is and I moved on a long time ago."

In the meantime, Slash's long-awaited solo debut features a variety of A-list stars singing and writing lyrics to his hard rock music that brims with his signature solos.

In addition to Osbourne, he collaborates with the likes of Fergie, Chris Cornell, Dave Grohl, Adam Levine, Kid Rock, Iggy Pop, and Motorhead's Lemmy Kilmister.

"It's hard. You can never think you're cool enough to just call all these people up and go, 'Hey, would you sing on my record?' And they're all going to jump to it," Slash said. "So I started with people I was friends with and that was Iggy and Lemmy and Ozzy and those guys also happen to be some of my biggest heroes. But I've gotten a chance to meet them and know them over the years. And that's what really got the ball rolling."

Slash said all his years of session work really paid off while organizing his solo project.

"I've sort of learned how to control my intimidation factor," he said. "So when somebody walks in I might be star-struck as hell, but I know how to handle it. You have to throw yourself out there and take chances and really face your fears to be able to sort of grow and to be able to work with people that you really admire. So I think really I couldn't have made this record at any other time."

Slash said the timing for the solo album was also perfect given the 2008 unravelling of Velvet Revolver as Scott Weiland left the band, which includes former Gunners Duff McKagan on bass and Matt Sorum on drums, and Dave Kushner (Wasted Youth) on rhythm guitar.

"After the whole really tough year with Velvet and parting ways with Scott and just the band dynamic and managers and that whole thing, I was like, 'Since we're starting over fresh, I just want to do something on my own for a minute,' " he said.

Slash is quick to point out that Velvet Revolver, which asked to be released from its contract, is far from dead in the water.

He said the band actually has written new songs and plans to reconvene in 2011, when hopefully it'll have a Weiland replacement.

"It wasn't that Velvet Revolver as a whole unravelled," Slash said. "We started to revisit a lot of the issues that happened with GN'R in Velvet Revolver with Scott.

"The main issue at the end of the day, on the last record and the last tour, was we just couldn't seem to nail Scott down. He wasn't showing up. We had to cancel tours. And I said, 'I'm not doing that again.' Because that was very much mirroring what I went through with Guns. So we fired him."

Slash is touring in support of his solo record starting in June with just one vocalist, Myles Kennedy of Alter Bridge, who sings two songs, Starlight and Back To Cali, on the album, and three other musicians.

Kennedy first came to Slash's attention as a possible Weiland replacement because of the rumour a few years ago about him joining a Led Zeppelin reunion tour (which never materialized).

"Myles was the last guy that sang on the record," Slash said. "And he was sort of a new discovery for me. . . . He got asked by Zeppelin if he wanted to do the tour and went down and jammed with them. I was thinking, 'Well, anybody who's good enough for Zeppelin's got to be pretty good.' So I was like, 'Do you want to come do the tour?' And he said yes. He can really sing just about anything."

Some video:

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: sleeper on April 03, 2010, 07:14:15 PM
Thanks for posting good article. I would like to make a positive comment about what Slash said about VR but I can't. 

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: metallex78 on April 04, 2010, 07:12:27 AM
I hope VR reform eventually, because I'd like the chance to see Duff, Matt and Slash ripping it up live on stage together again.
Those three still have great chemistry together, and I'm sure they can still come up with some great new rocking music.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: faldor on April 04, 2010, 11:10:10 AM
I'll believe it when I see it.  They all keep mentioning VR just so people don't forget about them.  It's obviously not high on the priority list right now.  Next year?  With Duff in Janes Addiction now?  I'm not so sure.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: sleeper on April 04, 2010, 12:00:11 PM
I'll believe it when I see it.  They all keep mentioning VR just so people don't forget about them.  It's obviously not high on the priority list right now.  Next year?  With Duff in Janes Addiction now?  I'm not so sure.

I agree with everything you have said. Slash has known about Duff and the JA thing for sometime and has continued to say VR will continue. Now he has even said 2011. I guess he knows something about Duff's joining JA that we do not. It should be interesting to find out just how far Duff can spread himself around in 2011.

The issue about Myles Kennedy being the singer is not true. I asked Slash on twitter if he had been misqutoed in the Dutch interview. He sent me a dm saying that it was a misquote and that Myles is in Alterbridge.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: FunkyMonkey on April 05, 2010, 05:11:11 PM

VELVET REVOLVER has been on hiatus for quite some time, as the band searched for a replacement for the departed SCOTT WEILAND.  Then last week, news came that VR bass player DUFF MCKAGAN had joined JANE's ADDICTION.  So, is Velvet Revolver over?  SLASH, the band's guitarist, says not at all.

Slash, who'll release his first first-ever solo album on Tuesday, tells us that Velvet Revolver is still very much a going concern.  He explains, "Next year we're supposed to get back together and start getting that singer situation together in earnest, so we'll see where Duff's at at that point."  Slash points out that he'll be touring through October with his solo band, and then Velvet Revolver will reconvene at the start of 2011 and make plans.

As for the difficulty they've had finding a new lead singer, Slash tells us there's no shortage of singers -- just a shortage of what he calls "really talented rock and roll singers."  He explains, "Somebody that just has their own character and own sort of of style, and has really great rock roots and really knows what they're doing and has a great, unique voice....that's a rarity."

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: FunkyMonkey on April 07, 2010, 04:41:45 PM
From Duff, he makes these comments about Velvet Revolver to Seattle Weekly:

April 7, 2010

Velvet Revolver had an amazing climb from absolutely nothing to something that people around the planet got into. That is also an amazing thing to observe from the inside. I won't be the guy to say it was anyone's fault that we came to an end with Scott Weiland; shit just happens. If you've been doing this as long as I have, you just learn to shut your mouth and fucking move on. Velvet is in a period of downtime right now, and perhaps we will one day get a new singer. For now, though, I have to look at opportunities when they are presented.

I put no blame on Slash for VR not just putting everything else to the side and looking for a singer after our parting with Scott. I know Slash very well, and also know that his new record is something that he has arguably been wanting to do since the early '90s. This record is on his own terms, with no band members to deal with. I get it. I think maybe we all needed a break after what went down with us.

I have never spoken or written about this, because things of this nature are just so often better left alone. We are all friends in VR, don't get me wrong, but with all the different issues that plagued us, we all just needed to do something else for a while, I suppose. As I said, though, I also cannot just wait around. Life is short, and I am going to make the most of it.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: sleeper on April 07, 2010, 05:14:55 PM
Thanks Funky for putting the two together. All I can say is  ???.

I really do not know what to say. 

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: faldor on April 07, 2010, 06:33:29 PM
Thanks Funky for putting the two together. All I can say is  ???.

I really do not know what to say. 
Looks like Duff and Slash aren't exactly on the same page when it comes to VR reconvening.  Though I don't think Slash really believed himself, just telling some people what they want to hear.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: sleeper on April 07, 2010, 06:54:16 PM
JMO! Slash will move forward in Jan 2011 with VR with or without Duff. Maybe that is what "seeing where Duff is at that point" meant. If that happens I bet he changes the name of the band. Slash has known about Duff's move to JA for sometime and has continued to say he will move forward with VR. I would be sorry to see a band without Duff but life and bands move forward.

One of Duff's sayings is he does not like drama there was to much drama in VR. I do not know much about JA but  they are big on drama from what I have read. I hope he does well. But I am not a JA fan and I have  no intentions of becoming one.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: faldor on April 07, 2010, 07:22:32 PM
I could possibly see Slash move forward with a new band next year, but at the same time I think he'd STILL keep VR WITH DUFF on the back burner. 

Regardless, Slash has had no problem keeping himself busy over the last couple of years so I'm sure he'll come up with something.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: jacdaniel on April 08, 2010, 03:25:34 AM
At least it doesnt sound like there is bad blood between the two.
But it does seem like Duff is blaming the hiatus on Slash.  Wasn't Duff doing Loaded before Slash started the solo record?

On that radio show, they did seem a little awkward around each other too..

VR was always going to be a very different band minus Scott.  But without Duff, id prefer if Slash just left it alone.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: Bodhi on April 08, 2010, 03:35:54 AM
I agree with the some of the above posts.  Velvet Revolver was an amazing experience for all those involved.  I remember the NYC Roseland gig they did before "Contraband" even came out like it was yesterday.  That show sold out in like 30 seconds.  The vibe in that building was amazing, you really had to be there to fully appreciate it.  They were a kick in the balls that Rock N Roll really needed at that point.  "Contraband" really took over the hard rock world, going multi-platinum and debuting at number 1 on the Billboard charts.  It was a great run with Scott and I think it is something that Slash, Duff and company can be really proud of.  To hit it big once in this world is amazing, to do it again 17 years after the fact is unheard of.  It really solidified Slash,Duff, Scott and Matt's greatness even though it didnt really need at solidifying to begin with.  Im sure Slash will be in some type of "band" in the next few years.  Whether or not it is VR will remain to be seen.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: sleeper on April 08, 2010, 05:51:13 AM
At least it doesnt sound like there is bad blood between the two.
But it does seem like Duff is blaming the hiatus on Slash.  Wasn't Duff doing Loaded before Slash started the solo record?

On that radio show, they did seem a little awkward around each other too..

VR was always going to be a very different band minus Scott.  But without Duff, id prefer if Slash just left it alone.

Duff toured with LOADED all of last year.  The article answered some questions but not all of them. I think Slash and Duff are ok with each other the awkwardness I think was the situation. You know Duff was the interviewer and Slash said I am going to try to pretend I don't know you. I also think Slash should move on and form another band with a new name.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: jacdaniel on April 08, 2010, 06:54:56 AM
At least it doesnt sound like there is bad blood between the two.
But it does seem like Duff is blaming the hiatus on Slash.  Wasn't Duff doing Loaded before Slash started the solo record?

On that radio show, they did seem a little awkward around each other too..

VR was always going to be a very different band minus Scott.  But without Duff, id prefer if Slash just left it alone.

Duff toured with LOADED all of last year.  The article answered some questions but not all of them. I think Slash and Duff are ok with each other the awkwardness I think was the situation. You know Duff was the interviewer and Slash said I am going to try to pretend I don't know you. I also think Slash should move on and form another band with a new name.

I want Slash and Duff to stick together.   
i know this might not be popular on this forum, but i HATE when bands lose key members and continue.
VR wont be the same without Scott, definitly not without Duff too.
but whats the chances of a third multi-platinum selling band?  :hihi:

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: metallex78 on April 08, 2010, 07:44:34 AM
I think it's great that Duff will be playing with Jane's, he deserves to be in a "big" band again and gain some recognition.
Loaded was great, but it was never more than a side project.

As for VR, I honestly think with so much time not doing anything, as well as searching for a new singer, they should either patch things up with Scott, or start a completely new band and go more for the heavier rock direction they apparently wanted to make on Libertad.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: jacdaniel on April 08, 2010, 07:59:13 AM
they should either patch things up with Scott, or start a completely new band

I understand totally why it didnt work out with Scott but i wouldnt be totally against the idea of a reunion.  Although Slash and Matt would not be happy so it wouldnt work.  I could see a GNR reunion before a VR reunion TBH. lol

Starting a new band wouldnt be too bad, but like i said above, how tough would it be to create a third multi platinum selling band?  And im sure thats the goal otherwise they'd stick to side projects.  Imagine reading magazine articles lol, Slash (ex guns n roses and velvet revolver and current *insert band name* guitarist).   :hihi:

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: metallex78 on April 08, 2010, 08:28:37 AM
The shows I saw VR play in 2005, Scott was an amazing frontman. It's just a shame that amazing-ness didn't transpire fully onto Libertad.
I thought they had a great unique style starting on Contraband, that they would build upon with their follow up, but Libertad has a LOT of filler and uninspired tracks.

Would've loved to hear more songs like Illegal I Song, Spectacle and Superhuman - heavy modern rock with a bit of a classic rock feel to them, and great Slash solos.

If Scott could keep his shit together for another VR album, I'd definitely give them another chance.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: jacdaniel on April 08, 2010, 08:55:59 AM
The shows I saw VR play in 2005, Scott was an amazing frontman. It's just a shame that amazing-ness didn't transpire fully onto Libertad.
I thought they had a great unique style starting on Contraband, that they would build upon with their follow up, but Libertad has a LOT of filler and uninspired tracks.

Would've loved to hear more songs like Illegal I Song, Spectacle and Superhuman - heavy modern rock with a bit of a classic rock feel to them, and great Slash solos.

If Scott could keep his shit together for another VR album, I'd definitely give them another chance.

yeah me too.  Metallica St Anger sucked but i quite enjoyed Death Magnetic.  (bands can have bad albums)

VR were always a volatile band though with people in rehab and all that.  I dont think we'll ever quite know what went down....  Their live shows were awesome but i always think they just sort of gave up....

Slash seems to think they were too limited with what they could do with Scott and seems like he regrets that they chose Scott in the first place.  To me, it seemed like they just gave up and released Libertad, hoping it would be successful.  They never really promoted that album and they broke up as soon as the tour started.

i seen them twice.  Once in 05 and once in 08 (19 days before their last show and about 3 days before Scott announced it was the last tour).

There was no onstage chemistry in 08.  it was a great show though but they all stayed on their own sides of the stage. 

They were a bigger and cooler band than they get credit for on here.  Contraband is my favourite album from any of the Gunners since UYI's.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: metallex78 on April 08, 2010, 09:20:41 AM
Yeah, Contraband is still a favourite of mine, even 6 years after it was released.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: FunkyMonkey on April 11, 2010, 02:26:04 PM
From an interview recently in Canada:

Brave Words - And now you?re doing your own thing on Slash terms.

Slash - "Yeah. For the moment I?m going to go back to Velvet Revolver and get the singer thing together next year. But I think we?re gonna make a really bitchin? record. We have some killer material, and so we want to make it so that we get a singer that can sing that, as opposed to sort of changing the trajectory of the band."

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: FunkyMonkey on April 13, 2010, 12:08:29 PM
From a Rolling Stone interview with Duff dated today:

The new gig comes at the perfect time for McKagan since his last band, Velvet Revolver ? which split with singer Scott Weiland in 2008 ? is on an hiatus. ?Slash is going to be touring [behind his new solo album] for at least the next year, and I can?t afford to just wait around and see if something?s going to happen,? McKagan says. ?These are my years to do something. I?m probably at my peak creatively, and I want to use it. I?m blessed to be able to get that chance now.?

Despite the break, McKagan wants it known that there is no tension in the Velvet Revolver camp. ?Slash just made the album I?ve known he?s wanted to make since the Use Your Illusion tour in 1993,? he says. ?We play in a band together, but we?re also friends. Being friends means giving each other space to do what your heart is telling you at the moment. The thing that happened with Scott [Weiland] happened how it happened. I?m the last guy to say it was his fault or it was his fault. It doesn?t matter. We have to move on. We could have gone straight in and started looking for a new singer after Scott left, but we were all just a little beat up. It was a tough last 18 months ? and not just with the band, but with management stuff, too.?

And what about the next VR record? ?I don?t know, a couple years down the line or whatever,? McKagan tells RS. ?Nobody knows, and I?m just doing the work that?s being put in front of me and this is what feels pretty great.?

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: sleeper on April 13, 2010, 01:16:39 PM
Like I have posted before I think Slash has know for sometime now that he will be looking for a base player along with a singer.  I will be waiting for Slash's next move I always have and I always will. One question when Slash first got the band for his coming tour together the original base player was replaced quickly does anyone remember hearing why that happened.

Duff says Slash will be touring next year also. Slash has stated several times that the tour will end in October. This was even talked about during the Slash/Duff interview because Slash said Myles has things to do with Alterbridge in October. And Alterbridge is planning on touring next year. I also got the impression in Duff's latest interview that VR did not start looking for a singer right away. That is news to me. I thought that the search was started right after Scott left.

 quote from the article:
And what about the next VR record? ?I don?t know, a couple years down the line or whatever,? McKagan tells RS. ?Nobody knows, and I?m just doing the work that?s being put in front of me and this is what feels pretty great.?

Duff has moved on and I wish him well.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: AxlReznor on April 13, 2010, 01:37:50 PM
I'm pretty sure he said that Myles would be leaving the tour in October, not that that's when his tour will end. I always got the impression that he was planning on getting another singer for next leg.
I also thought it was obvious for some time that they didn't start looking for a singer. I'm pretty sure they haven't even really began yet (besides what constitutes as a two year brainstorming session on who they'd want).

And no matter how many times they assure us that VR will be back at some point, I just won't believe it until I see it.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: sleeper on April 13, 2010, 02:30:11 PM
I'm pretty sure he said that Myles would be leaving the tour in October, not that that's when his tour will end. I always got the impression that he was planning on getting another singer for next leg.
I also thought it was obvious for some time that they didn't start looking for a singer. I'm pretty sure they haven't even really began yet (besides what constitutes as a two year brainstorming session on who they'd want).

And no matter how many times they assure us that VR will be back at some point, I just won't believe it until I see it.

Slash, who'll release his first first-ever solo album on Tuesday, tells us that Velvet Revolver is still very much a going concern.  He explains, "Next year we're supposed to get back together and start getting that singer situation together in earnest, so we'll see where Duff's at at that point."  Slash points out that he'll be touring through October with his solo band, and then Velvet Revolver will reconvene at the start of 2011 and make plans.

This is part of what I was basing my post on. I cannot listen to the Duff/Slash interview again until I get home. I do agree that as far as VR coming back it is a see to believe thing.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: jacdaniel on April 14, 2010, 03:04:08 AM
If VR really wanted a singer, they'd have one by now.  They just havent looked yet.
If Duff is not gonna be part of VR, get Todd kerns! he's cool! 

As for the Slash tour, if he wants to go longer than October, im sure Franky perez will still be waiting.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: sleeper on April 14, 2010, 05:50:05 AM
If VR really wanted a singer, they'd have one by now.  They just havent looked yet.
If Duff is not gonna be part of VR, get Todd kerns! he's cool! 

As for the Slash tour, if he wants to go longer than October, im sure Franky perez will still be waiting.

You have made 3 very good points. And I really like Todd also.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: m_rated96 on April 15, 2010, 07:50:10 PM
BS. Duff just doesn't want to lose his JA job by badly promoting it and saying "this is just temporary, i'll be right back with VR"

If you ask me, if velvet started happening again, he'd be there. Whether that meant doubling with Janes (which would probably be pretty easy; its not like theyre the most active band ever) or just leaving it (he'll probably get sick of all the egos soon), its gonna happen

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: faldor on April 15, 2010, 08:03:04 PM
BS. Duff just doesn't want to lose his JA job by badly promoting it and saying "this is just temporary, i'll be right back with VR"

If you ask me, if velvet started happening again, he'd be there. Whether that meant doubling with Janes (which would probably be pretty easy; its not like theyre the most active band ever) or just leaving it (he'll probably get sick of all the egos soon), its gonna happen
Because there's no egos in VR?  Didn't he get sick of that before?

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: Smoking Guns on April 16, 2010, 12:24:51 AM
BS. Duff just doesn't want to lose his JA job by badly promoting it and saying "this is just temporary, i'll be right back with VR"

If you ask me, if velvet started happening again, he'd be there. Whether that meant doubling with Janes (which would probably be pretty easy; its not like theyre the most active band ever) or just leaving it (he'll probably get sick of all the egos soon), its gonna happen
Because there's no egos in VR?  Didn't he get sick of that before?

Duff's problem isn't Slash.

Title: Re: Slash: Velvet Revolver To Reconvene In 2011
Post by: faldor on April 16, 2010, 09:55:28 AM
BS. Duff just doesn't want to lose his JA job by badly promoting it and saying "this is just temporary, i'll be right back with VR"

If you ask me, if velvet started happening again, he'd be there. Whether that meant doubling with Janes (which would probably be pretty easy; its not like theyre the most active band ever) or just leaving it (he'll probably get sick of all the egos soon), its gonna happen
Because there's no egos in VR?  Didn't he get sick of that before?

Duff's problem isn't Slash.
I didn't say it was, but there's more to VR than just Slash.  And I'm not saying he has a problem with ANYONE in VR, but it's obvious the dynamic in the band was too much for anyone to handle in the end.  And Duff has said that the blame doesn't solely fall on Scott, they all played a part.  I just think it's a little off base to think he'll get sick of the egos in Janes Addiction and return to VR as quick as he can with what he's said about the situation recently.