Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: nonlinear on December 09, 2009, 03:22:11 PM

Title: Scammers, Liars, and Cheats Can Not and Will Not Be Tolerated!
Post by: nonlinear on December 09, 2009, 03:22:11 PM
This may not be exactly on topic, but please take a second to read the following.  It is essential that society be reminded that those among us who would choose to lie, steal, or scam for personal gain are held accountable.  This is an example of such accountability.

In November of 2003 a member of the web forums ( (then 14 years old) purchased a sound card on eBay for $350.  The seller, Sean Banerjee, did not ship the item and never returned the money.  This type of scam is quite common, though that does not excuse it as being tolerable.  The member, known as zipdoa, tried for several years to convince Sean Banerjee to return the money to him.  Then he asked for a written apology.  He received neither, but instead received mockery and extreme disrespect from Sean Banerjee whenever an e-mail exchange occurred.

In February of 2009, nearly six years later, zipdoa posts on his side of the events as well as proof of payment to Sean Banerjee.  The thread slowly dies with lack of interest and is forgotten about until August of 2009, when Sean Banerjee contacts administrators and asks that the thread be removed.  As per the website?s policy, the post is not removed and is in fact updated to reflect the contact and requests from Sean Banerjee.

What follows is most bewildering to any individual with even a grain of common sense and decency.  A detailed transcription of the events can be found on a website dedicated to exposing Sean Banerjee, aptly titled (  A direct link to the post that discusses the events in more detail (you?ll want to read this, believe me) can be found here: (

The purpose of the website is education. It is not monetized in any way, as this is not a commercial effort.  This is about awareness.  This is about exposing an individual who allegedly has conned many people, including the member, out of money, services, and accommodation (on the website you?ll find posts that detail numerous lawsuits against Sean Banerjee and his family for those very reasons, as well as official court documents stipulating the terms of his? well? let?s just say it rhymes with ?tankruptcy?).

If this message goes against website policies, or if you wish to have the HTML links removed, please contact me and I will do my best to comply.  As I said before, this message has nothing to do with commercial or monetary gain, and everything to do with empowering people to stand up against those would would defraud us of our goods, services, or financial resources.  During these hard financial times, this message is more necessary than ever.

If you want to help spread this message, please visit this page for more information (

Title: Re: Scammers, Liars, and Cheats Can Not and Will Not Be Tolerated!
Post by: Bill 213 on December 10, 2009, 12:30:51 PM
I love these types of threads and I read the whole 25 page's good to see justice especially in this guys case as apparently he's been pulling fraudulent real estate deals for years.

Title: Re: Scammers, Liars, and Cheats Can Not and Will Not Be Tolerated!
Post by: Albert S Miller on December 11, 2009, 08:45:32 AM
I could tell you guys stories about fraud, I am living it this very second in regards to a business partner.  Doesn't make anyone's life to damn pleasant.  Many dollars spent on attorneys, many court dates, and lawsuits take years.  Very tiresome battle, on top of the hatred you feel in regards to such people is very overwhelming and weighs in heavily on pretty much every aspect of your day.  All you want is what is rightfully belonging to you, in my case it is millions of dollars not hundreds.  Sometimes you get to the point where you feel like just giving up, after all it's only money right? But it is my money and it belongs to my husband and I, we worked all of our married life for this and were ready to retire shortly at 44 and 46.  Our dreams and our life have been stolen from us, to have this man behind bars will definately be our glory day, even if I have to sell my sole to the devil to prevail, that is how strong my hatred is for such a beast.

On a good note:  GNR are now officially touring, it keeps me alive at times like these

Title: Re: Scammers, Liars, and Cheats Can Not and Will Not Be Tolerated!
Post by: Jessica on December 14, 2009, 12:10:56 PM
Got frauded for 20.000 euros and few months back for 3500. Some silly used my details to buy a hugo boss suit. Filed and got money back from insurance.

Title: Re: Scammers, Liars, and Cheats Can Not and Will Not Be Tolerated!
Post by: bigcash2002 on December 14, 2009, 12:18:01 PM
people are disheartening sometimes

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