Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Buddha_Master on October 27, 2009, 02:31:07 AM

Title: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Buddha_Master on October 27, 2009, 02:31:07 AM
Cut the fuck back on the older Guns songs. Just cut way way back on those. If you really want to play an old classic one, just make sure its one you really fucking care about. But man, don't play the shit for our sake. I am an old school fan and say that from the heart. You burnt on performing Knockin' on Heavens door, Welcome to the Jungle (Yea, I went there), Sweet Child, Nightrain, Paradise (Just to name examples of some older tunes performed a few years back), cool no fucking problem here.

I am telling you Mr. Rose, you fucking did it. I am so fucking proud of you. Chinese Democracy has become my favorite album of all time. I say that as a Beatles, Hendrix, Sabbath, Doors, Zepplin, Dylan fan. My favorite. I have never been like this over one album. I remember what different albums mean to me and just love so much music. I may listen to the White Album or something and reflect on the LSD trip I had with it and love it for it and no one even gets it unless its experienced in that state. Sometimes I am just in a Beatles mood (especially recently with their new Rock Band game), or in a Metallica mood. Around Halloween suddenly Hellbilly Deluxe becomes the most awesome shit to listen to. They all have there moments to shine for me is what I am trying to say. Chinese Democracy.... that is something different.

I can't stay away from it. It has this hold on me. Its hard to go a day or so and not feel compelled and drawn to it. It seduces me and commands me to go to it and press that motherfucking sideways triangle. I can't believe how instantly fresh it always gets. I may fuck some of you up with what I am about to say. I haven't listened to Appetite, the Illusions, Lies... none of it. Since I had Chinese Democracy. I know Appetite is fantastic. That album got me through shit and is a big BIG part of my own coming of age story. I know I like a lot of the songs on the Illusions and dig songs off Lies. Not so much of  Spaghetti. The place I am in life now maybe plays a big hand in all this (it should). Chinese Democracy is something that I didn't know I even needed, and now I can't do without.

Getting back to point, I love each and every song on this album more then I CURRENTLY love anything GN'R has ever done. If it was different I would be playing some Classic guns when I am Jonesing for my GNR fix but, I don't. I am still reaching for Chinese Democracy. If any song off it isn't performed at the new shows so to make room or some shit for one of the old songs, I will be a little bummed. Mix some in, alright. But if someone was to ask me what I would want, I would say I would love GN'R to play all of Chinese Democracy sequentially. From start to finish. I get mixing things up, but not at the expense of some of these songs not achieving what there purpose now is. To be heard. They all must sound amazing live and I want to hear them live and given their proper respect.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: daviebuckethead on October 27, 2009, 03:09:36 AM
he wants to sell tickets, and unfortunately the ticket buying general public have shown their feelings towards CD.

Dont get me wrong i think its a great album, but to do this is mental

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Spirit on October 27, 2009, 03:11:27 AM
he wants to sell tickets, and unfortunately the ticket buying general public have shown their feelings towards CD.

Didn't Chinese go 3x platinum in Canada?

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: bolton on October 27, 2009, 03:18:31 AM
It's stupid!!!
People want old songs,with 7-8 new.
It's enough
I can't imagine gnr shows without sweet child,nighttrain,jungle,paradise city...

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Spirit on October 27, 2009, 03:23:35 AM
I can imagine them do a 50/50 (or 60/40) setlist with old/new songs. That would leave about 10/10 (12/8).

Either that, or they'll have rehearsed ALL of Chinese Democracy, and then alternates on selections from the album from show to show. Maybe 7-8 for each show as mentioned above.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Limulus on October 27, 2009, 03:35:31 AM
i'd be up for this: performing CD in its entirely at some shows, then many other/older songs at other shows.
just some more mixed setlists on different shows would be cool - compared to the last tours.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Gavgnr on October 27, 2009, 04:06:01 AM
Cut the fuck back on the older Guns songs. Just cut way way back on those. If you really want to play an old classic one, just make sure its one you really fucking care about. But man, don't play the shit for our sake. I am an old school fan and say that from the heart. You burnt on performing Knockin' on Heavens door, Welcome to the Jungle (Yea, I went there), Sweet Child, Nightrain, Paradise (Just to name examples of some older tunes performed a few years back), cool no fucking problem here.

I am telling you Mr. Rose, you fucking did it. I am so fucking proud of you. Chinese Democracy has become my favorite album of all time. I say that as a Beatles, Hendrix, Sabbath, Doors, Zepplin, Dylan fan. My favorite. I have never been like this over one album. I remember what different albums mean to me and just love so much music. I may listen to the White Album or something and reflect on the LSD trip I had with it and love it for it and no one even gets it unless its experienced in that state. Sometimes I am just in a Beatles mood (especially recently with their new Rock Band game), or in a Metallica mood. Around Halloween suddenly Hellbilly Deluxe becomes the most awesome shit to listen to. They all have there moments to shine for me is what I am trying to say. Chinese Democracy.... that is something different.

I can't stay away from it. It has this hold on me. Its hard to go a day or so and not feel compelled and drawn to it. It seduces me and commands me to go to it and press that motherfucking sideways triangle. I can't believe how instantly fresh it always gets. I may fuck some of you up with what I am about to say. I haven't listened to Appetite, the Illusions, Lies... none of it. Since I had Chinese Democracy. I know Appetite is fantastic. That album got me through shit and is a big BIG part of my own coming of age story. I know I like a lot of the songs on the Illusions and dig songs off Lies. Not so much of  Spaghetti. The place I am in life now maybe plays a big hand in all this (it should). Chinese Democracy is something that I didn't know I even needed, and now I can't do without.

Getting back to point, I love each and every song on this album more then I CURRENTLY love anything GN'R has ever done. If it was different I would be playing some Classic guns when I am Jonesing for my GNR fix but, I don't. I am still reaching for Chinese Democracy. If any song off it isn't performed at the new shows so to make room or some shit for one of the old songs, I will be a little bummed. Mix some in, alright. But if someone was to ask me what I would want, I would say I would love GN'R to play all of Chinese Democracy sequentially. From start to finish. I get mixing things up, but not at the expense of some of these songs not achieving what there purpose now is. To be heard. They all must sound amazing live and I want to hear them live and given their proper respect.

Great post, and I'm hoping that the set list will be CD dominated too

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: w.david rose on October 27, 2009, 04:54:36 AM
Amazing post!!!
the best ever here 8)

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: falungong69 on October 27, 2009, 06:14:22 AM
i have no doubts that the set will be mostly chinese democracy, with a handful of old songs thrown in for the old folks.  after all the years of hype and hope, there's absolutely no way they'll go on the official chinese democracy world tour and not rock the fuck out of all the new songs.  people have been waiting so long for this moment.  they'd be disappointed if they didn't get to hear what axl's been up to for all those years.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: kaasupoltin on October 27, 2009, 08:06:18 AM
I've been thinking about that too, but can't see it happening. Instead I'd love to see them going back to playing without setlists at all.. 06-07 setlists had some variety yes, but still I'd like to see more. And I think with CD out it's easier for the band to play different (Chinese Democracy) songs just because they have more to choose from and the people out there know those songs.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: D on October 27, 2009, 08:11:24 AM
I hope they get rid of KOHD and LALD

There will never be a tour without jungle,pc,scom,nightrain,its so easy

those are just too big

my guess is:
paradise city
My Michelle
RQ here and there even though its the best song on Appetite
Patience although i wish they'd replace it with something from CD or UYI
Don't Cry

That would leave about 6 to 8 CD songs and that would be awesome.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: dyd on October 27, 2009, 08:22:11 AM
I hope they get rid of KOHD

 :no: :no:      one of '06 was just beautiful   :drool: :drool:

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: willow on October 27, 2009, 08:40:02 AM
Yeah sorry man but you have to mix it up. We are always going to hear the old songs too.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: +Rocker+ on October 27, 2009, 08:44:34 AM
As I said before, it would be GREAT if Axl perfom Chinese Democracy in its entirity plus some classics song at the end of the show. Judas Priest just perfomed entire "British Steel" live. It's was a successful tour. I'm sure it'd work with Guns n' Roses and Chinese Democracy.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Albert S Miller on October 27, 2009, 08:48:37 AM
Which of the new songs are you looking the most forward to hearing live?
? Reply #54 on: October 24, 2009, 09:17:48 PM ?    


The album in its entirety, every song speaks to me in a special kind of way, some are more favorable in ways, but I just want to hear the whole thing "LIVE".  
We must definately be on the same page Buddha_Master,  we will party hard at "Terribles" and rock the @#$% out at the "Hardrock", we'll definately show the rest how it's done lol... Look forward to seeing you and your wife in the states, hopefully sooner than later : ok:.  Bring on Las Vegas 8) :yes:.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: faldor on October 27, 2009, 09:40:38 AM
While I'd LOVE to hear all the new songs, I would miss hearing some of the classics.  I still love those songs, so I'd rather have a mix.  I wouldn't complain if the set was CD heavy, but I'd think/hope more in the 50/50 range.  8-10 new songs, 10-12 old songs.  Plus it'd be tough to infuence my friends to go if I had to tell them they wouldn't be playing any of the classics.  Not a good selling point for them.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on October 27, 2009, 10:23:07 AM
A GNR show without the likes of PC, WTTJ, SCOM, NR, Mr. B, It's So Easy etc. would be anarchy. Anarchy! (Actually I have to say that I'm not as fond of SCOM when compared with other GNR songs :o)

I'm sure there'll be more CD songs played but I really don't think they'll go for all 14.

PS. Riad for opener! :beer:

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: faldor on October 27, 2009, 10:25:00 AM
A GNR show without the likes of PC, WTTJ, SCOM, NR, Mr. B, It's So Easy etc. would be anarchy. Anarchy! (Actually I have to say that I'm not as fond of SCOM when compared with other GNR songs :o)

I'm sure there'll be more CD songs played but I really don't think they'll go for all 14.

PS. Riad for opener! :beer:
Not all in one show at least.  They MAY play all 14, sprinkled out over the tour but I would highly doubt they'd play them all in one show.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Mike McKagan on October 27, 2009, 10:31:37 AM
A GNR show without the likes of PC, WTTJ, SCOM, NR, Mr. B, It's So Easy etc. would be anarchy. Anarchy!

Actually, I was at a GN'R show without Paradise City.  Portland, Oregon in December 2006.  They came out for the encore, but ended with Madagascar.  Not exactly the big finish we were all expecting, but still an awesome show all around.  Though I still have no idea what happened to Paradise City.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: 14 Yrs Of Silence on October 27, 2009, 10:35:37 AM
Staples at every show will probably remain WTTJ, SCOM, PC, So Easy, Nightrain, Patience, YCBM and Nov Rain.  I'd love to see them surprise me with some stuff off Illusions that they didn't play last tour including Civil War, Don't Cry and maybe deeper cuts that you wouldn't expect.  I'd be happy with 50% pre-CD, and 50% CD.

But what would really be phenominal is if they did a smaller theatre tour, played CD in its entirety from start to finish, maybe throw in a couple songs we haven't heard yet that will be on the next one, with just a few classics.  Intimate show, hard core fans...would be a real treat.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: D on October 27, 2009, 10:37:42 AM
Wonder if they will take SOD and Madagasar out of the set and replace them with two other CD songs?

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: LIGuns on October 27, 2009, 10:45:37 AM
They played TWAT @ the 1st H-Stein show..It didn't go over well..They dropped it from the set list for the reaminder of shows...But now, w/ the majority of the crowd familular w/ it, I thnk it's time to bring TWAT back..

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Ignatius on October 27, 2009, 10:49:09 AM

Guns will probably play between 17-18 songs per show. I don't think setlist will be too different from the 2006 - 2007 tours. Songs like My Michelle, Nightrain or LALD could be replaced by a few CD songs. From Chinese Democracy, GNR will probably play CD (song), Better, SOD, TWAT, IRS and This I love. These songs will amost be played on each and every show. Then I could see Rhiad, Prostitute and Madagascar played ocasionally.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: AxlsMainMan on October 27, 2009, 11:05:09 AM
They played TWAT @ the 1st H-Stein show..It didn't go over well..They dropped it from the set list for the reaminder of shows...But now, w/ the majority of the crowd familular w/ it, I thnk it's time to bring TWAT back..

Have you gone insane? There Was A Time probably got the biggest pop of the night. :hihi:

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Voodoochild on October 27, 2009, 11:06:49 AM
^ And it was also performed in Madrid, with Ron nailing the last solo. :)

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Ignatius on October 27, 2009, 11:09:05 AM
^ And it was also performed in Madrid, with Ron nailing the last solo. :)

Yes he sure did. I was there  :smoking:

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: ppbebe on October 27, 2009, 01:51:12 PM
Ditto to Buddha and again i'm always fine with whatever set the band feel the best for themselves and the crowd.

Which of the new songs are you looking the most forward to hearing live?
? Reply #54 on: October 24, 2009, 09:17:48 PM ?     


The album in its entirety, every song speaks to me in a special kind of way, some are more favorable in ways, but I just want to hear the whole thing "LIVE". 

there're so many setlist threads spouting up all at once now, to which our replies are more or less the same. :hihi:

Whether or not the entire cd is played live, i can already see the same people that wasn't happy with 2006/7 setlists whining about it.  hope i'm wrong :hihi:

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: russtcb on October 27, 2009, 02:06:05 PM
They played TWAT @ the 1st H-Stein show..It didn't go over well..They dropped it from the set list for the reaminder of shows...But now, w/ the majority of the crowd familular w/ it, I thnk it's time to bring TWAT back..

Have you gone insane? There Was A Time probably got the biggest pop of the night. :hihi:

I thought it went over really well at Hammerstein

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Buddha_Master on October 27, 2009, 02:06:39 PM
Which of the new songs are you looking the most forward to hearing live?
? Reply #54 on: October 24, 2009, 09:17:48 PM ?    


The album in its entirety, every song speaks to me in a special kind of way, some are more favorable in ways, but I just want to hear the whole thing "LIVE".  
We must definately be on the same page Buddha_Master,  we will party hard at "Terribles" and rock the @#$% out at the "Hardrock", we'll definately show the rest how it's done lol... Look forward to seeing you and your wife in the states, hopefully sooner than later : ok:.  Bring on Las Vegas 8) :yes:.

This was one of my favorite concert experiences, maybe my favorite. It was so fun partying with all of you, playing GN'R drinking and smoking the finest greens. L.A. is my ideal place for GN'R to play (and closer) but goddamn L.A. fans here let me down. No hooking up with friends from here, no real partying or connecting. That really made the show and experience great. Just a blast. So fun in that Hotel room. I may have to go back to Vegas just to party with the fans again. My fucking L.A. brothers and sisters what the FUCK?!

Anyway, I understand the need to throw the classic GN'R songs into the fray. I do. But sometimes I get the feeling Axl wishes he didn't have to play some of them. I may be totally off base with that. It just seemed a little more real and engaged during the couple CD songs played. I want Axl to do what the fuck ever he wants to do. If he doesn't want to play the old songs I would rather he didn't play them. They aren't as important anymore. It has got to be about the music first. And the music from Chinese Democracy needs their time to shine. All of them.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: AxlsMainMan on October 27, 2009, 02:10:22 PM
They played TWAT @ the 1st H-Stein show..It didn't go over well..They dropped it from the set list for the reaminder of shows...But now, w/ the majority of the crowd familular w/ it, I thnk it's time to bring TWAT back..

Have you gone insane? There Was A Time probably got the biggest pop of the night. :hihi:

I thought it went over really well at Hammerstein

Better did too right after Mr. Brownstone ;)

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: marknroses on October 27, 2009, 02:25:28 PM
GNR should be able to sing however many old songs or whichever songs they want to sing.
But Chinese Democracy should be front and center of what they are promoting.

That means starting and ending the shows on the new songs and 60% of the songs should consist of the new material.
They need to live up to their responsibility of promoting the new material. The classic material has already done well for itself. Its time to hang some of that up going forward.


Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: HBK on October 27, 2009, 02:49:08 PM
sorry, better, dreams, prostitute, shacklers + old songs.

optional: Maddy, Chinese, Twat, irs.


Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: falungong69 on October 27, 2009, 04:11:06 PM
Which of the new songs are you looking the most forward to hearing live?
? Reply #54 on: October 24, 2009, 09:17:48 PM ?    


The album in its entirety, every song speaks to me in a special kind of way, some are more favorable in ways, but I just want to hear the whole thing "LIVE".  
We must definately be on the same page Buddha_Master,  we will party hard at "Terribles" and rock the @#$% out at the "Hardrock", we'll definately show the rest how it's done lol... Look forward to seeing you and your wife in the states, hopefully sooner than later : ok:.  Bring on Las Vegas 8) :yes:.

This was one of my favorite concert experiences, maybe my favorite. It was so fun partying with all of you, playing GN'R drinking and smoking the finest greens. L.A. is my ideal place for GN'R to play (and closer) but goddamn L.A. fans here let me down. No hooking up with friends from here, no real partying or connecting. That really made the show and experience great. Just a blast. So fun in that Hotel room. I may have to go back to Vegas just to party with the fans again. My fucking L.A. brothers and sisters what the FUCK?!

Anyway, I understand the need to throw the classic GN'R songs into the fray. I do. But sometimes I get the feeling Axl wishes he didn't have to play some of them. I may be totally off base with that. It just seemed a little more real and engaged during the couple CD songs played. I want Axl to do what the fuck ever he wants to do. If he doesn't want to play the old songs I would rather he didn't play them. They aren't as important anymore. It has got to be about the music first. And the music from Chinese Democracy needs their time to shine. All of them.

i think axl was only playing so many of the old songs on the last few tours because he wanted to save the big guns for the official chinese democracy tour after the album's release.  there's no way he'd risk those songs being put up on  youtube because of camera phones.  so even though i'm sure the whole band would have rather played their own songs, they kinda had to do it.  but now that the album's out, i'm one hundred percent certain we'll hear the whole album.  or at least most of it. 

if there's one thing we know about axl rose, it's that he doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks he should do.  that's why he's a god and not a cheap sellout who will prostitute his talent for fortune and fame.  like a wise man said, guns n' roses isn't burger king.  you don't get it your way.  if axl wants to play his new songs, he's gonna play 'em.  fuck a bunch of whiny mulletheads.  that's what classic rock radio's for.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: CheapJon on October 27, 2009, 04:18:38 PM
if there's one thing we know about axl rose, it's that he doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks he should do. if axl wants to play his new songs, he's gonna play 'em. 
hell yeah, and if he wanna sing 20+ year old songs because he and the crowd loves it and gets a rush out of it, he'll do that too  : ok:

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on October 27, 2009, 04:20:16 PM
if there's one thing we know about axl rose, it's that he doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks he should do. if axl wants to play his new songs, he's gonna play 'em. 
hell yeah, and if he wanna sing 20+ year old songs because he and the crowd loves it and gets a rush out of it, he'll do that too  : ok:

I agree with you wholeheartedly, Jon.  Once again, you are the voice of reason in a sea of chaos and calamity.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: tippasaurus on October 27, 2009, 05:19:01 PM
I guess the question for me is: are there any CD tracks that don't translate very well live that Axl might end up rarely, if ever playing live (Coma, Locomotive, Don't Damn Me all come to mind)?  I can't help but be curious how "If the World," "Sorry," and "Prostitute" will sound live. 

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: falungong69 on October 27, 2009, 05:22:39 PM
if there's one thing we know about axl rose, it's that he doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks he should do. if axl wants to play his new songs, he's gonna play 'em. 
hell yeah, and if he wanna sing 20+ year old songs because he and the crowd loves it and gets a rush out of it, he'll do that too  : ok:

if that's what axl wants to do, i'm sure he'll do it.  but if all he was interested in was hearing superior musicians perform those old songs, he'd have just released the re-recorded afd.  instead, he knew those musicians were capable of something even more ambitious.  i don't think he'd have spent so much time, blood, sweat and tears to realize that dream if he didn't want to share it and rock it out live.  but that's just my opinion.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: LunsJail on October 27, 2009, 05:33:50 PM
I guess the question for me is: are there any CD tracks that don't translate very well live that Axl might end up rarely, if ever playing live (Coma, Locomotive, Don't Damn Me all come to mind)?  I can't help but be curious how "If the World," "Sorry," and "Prostitute" will sound live. 

I'm thinking If the World would be a little hard to pull off live.

if that's what axl wants to do, i'm sure he'll do it.  but if all he was interested in was hearing superior musicians perform those old songs, he'd have just released the re-recorded afd.  instead, he knew those musicians were capable of something even more ambitious.  i don't think he'd have spent so much time, blood, sweat and tears to realize that dream if he didn't want to share it and rock it out live.  but that's just my opinion.

OK  ::)

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: D on October 27, 2009, 06:54:47 PM
Problem with playing live is.. u can only do so many ballads cause u need to keep the energy up so I'd be shocked if Axl put a ton of ballads in

which is why I'd drop KOHD and put in TIL   drop Patience and put in Prostitute.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: djcleaver on October 27, 2009, 07:31:38 PM
Which of the new songs are you looking the most forward to hearing live?
? Reply #54 on: October 24, 2009, 09:17:48 PM ?    

This was one of my favorite concert experiences, maybe my favorite. It was so fun partying with all of you, playing GN'R drinking and smoking the finest greens. L.A. is my ideal place for GN'R to play (and closer) but goddamn L.A. fans here let me down. No hooking up with friends from here, no real partying or connecting. That really made the show and experience great. Just a blast. So fun in that Hotel room. I may have to go back to Vegas just to party with the fans again. My fucking L.A. brothers and sisters what the FUCK?!

Anyway, I understand the need to throw the classic GN'R songs into the fray. I do. But sometimes I get the feeling Axl wishes he didn't have to play some of them. I may be totally off base with that. It just seemed a little more real and engaged during the couple CD songs played. I want Axl to do what the fuck ever he wants to do. If he doesn't want to play the old songs I would rather he didn't play them. They aren't as important anymore. It has got to be about the music first. And the music from Chinese Democracy needs their time to shine. All of them.

Let's see if we can't change the LA experience this time when they play, there have to be more than two people on this board from SO CAL , I don't see why a pre-show meet up cant be arranged. I'll personally bring some fine greens.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: AxlsMainMan on October 27, 2009, 09:11:17 PM
Problem with playing live is.. u can only do so many ballads cause u need to keep the energy up so I'd be shocked if Axl put a ton of ballads in

which is why I'd drop KOHD and put in TIL   drop Patience and put in Prostitute.

Live and Let Die could take a rest too.

Switch up the Appetite' stuff a bit more too. Think About You and Rocket Queen don't get played nearly as much as they deserve to be :smoking:

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: helenluna on October 27, 2009, 11:50:59 PM
I'm for it too! I rarely listen to the old GnR records nowadays... Chinese Democracy matches perfectly this moment of my life and it totally feeds my musical needs. I need nothing but CD and I'd love to hear it live, end-to-end. But I don't care if they put some of the older songs in the setlist, they should just make CD priority. Like put a numbered list with all of CD songs included previously and fill the left spaces with a bit of each of the older records.

Like the OP said, I don't think Axl should be choosing the setlist based on what's popular or not. Most the so-called fans, fans of the old line-up exclusively, will attend the concerts anyways and they'll be demanding the older songs. But why please them? GnR has to please itself first. They worked hard to put this out and now not to perform it would be pointless and disappointing for those of us who understand what CD is about: integrity, not doing things to please others, not worrying about fame and glory, overcoming the criticism and being free of the leeches.

I'll be fine if Axl chooses from his heart some older songs, but I'm not looking forward to hear Jungle, Sweet Child, KOHD, LALD, Patience, November Rain anymore (and I'm a fan of those songs but my moment is another now). If I were him, I'd go with all of CD and rotate Paradise City, You're Crazy, Rocket Queen, One in a Million (fuck yes), Perfect Crime, Don't cry, Don't damn me, Estranged, Coma, Oh my God... I know these are nearly impossible but at least my opinion is on the table.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: falungong69 on October 28, 2009, 12:10:31 AM

Like the OP said, I don't think Axl should be choosing the setlist based on what's popular or not. Most the so-called fans, fans of the old line-up exclusively, will attend the concerts anyways and they'll be demanding the older songs. But why please them? GnR has to please itself first. They worked hard to put this out and now not to perform it would be pointless and disappointing for those of us who understand what CD is about: integrity, not doing things to please others, not worrying about fame and glory, overcoming the criticism and being free of the leeches.

beautifully said! 

this is why i'm not so worried about having to hear the old band's songs.  axl isn't a sellout.  never has been.  that's why he's axl. 

i say start the show by playing the entire album, start to finish.  then encore a few of the old songs, giving fans of the new material a chance to get to their cars early.   :rofl:

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Jim Bob on October 28, 2009, 01:42:11 AM
I'd love to hear all the CD songs.  Think they might?  The crowds are going to want to hear the classics.  I think the best we could hope for is 50/50 but we shall see in a couple months :)

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Gunner80 on October 28, 2009, 02:27:52 AM
Great post. I also still love CD and would love to hear it live front to back.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on October 28, 2009, 05:55:56 AM
Surely there'll have to be some balance between doing what the band wants and pleasing the fans? And that's not just for GNR, but any band.

Didn't Axl say at some show once he wasn't going to deny the fans the right to hear the old songs (or words to that effect)?

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: jacdaniel on October 28, 2009, 07:20:24 AM
They SHOULD do 2 - 3 old Guns songs and the rest should be CD.

The band need to try and get popular by playing their own songs, not the songs that made the old band popular.

Playing 2 - 3 classics is not denying the fan's, but this is a new band so they should totally push there new stuff.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Stoned In L.A. on October 28, 2009, 08:57:46 AM

The band need to try and get popular by playing their own songs, not the songs that made the old band popular.

Playing 2 - 3 classics is not denying the fan's, but this is a new band so they should totally push there new stuff.

This isn't a "new" band. It's the SAME band with new players.

I admit that I would prefer a 'Chinese' heavy setlist, but the back catalgue should be open game regardless of whether or not a different group of players are performing the songs. It's still GN'R. They should play whatever GN'R material that they choose.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: jacdaniel on October 28, 2009, 09:10:42 AM

The band need to try and get popular by playing their own songs, not the songs that made the old band popular.

Playing 2 - 3 classics is not denying the fan's, but this is a new band so they should totally push there new stuff.

This isn't a "new" band. It's the SAME band with new players.

I admit that I would prefer a 'Chinese' heavy setlist, but the back catalgue should be open game regardless of whether or not a different group of players are performing the songs. It's still GN'R. They should play whatever GN'R material that they choose.

But its a totally new version of Guns.  I think it would be great for them to play their own album and try to break free from the old band.
Axl could fire everyone currently in Guns and employ 4 McDonalds employees and call it Guns n Roses.  No one has a problem with that but id still call it a new band.

Anyways, different discussion altogether!  :hihi:

More CD would be good!

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: faldor on October 28, 2009, 09:22:14 AM
They SHOULD do 2 - 3 old Guns songs and the rest should be CD.

The band need to try and get popular by playing their own songs, not the songs that made the old band popular.

Playing 2 - 3 classics is not denying the fan's, but this is a new band so they should totally push there new stuff.
I agree to a point, but I don't know if I'd limit it to 2-3 songs.  Ultimately, it's up to Axl and the band.  They can play whatever they want.  BUT, I do think it'd be refreshing if they played more music from the new era.  I'd hope for more of a 50/50 split, rotating the songs from show to show.  That would be my hope, but again it's up to them.  Whatever they choose is fine with me and I'm sure it'll kick ass in person.  It might not be as exciting to read online, but to be there, can't beat that.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: jacdaniel on October 28, 2009, 09:24:22 AM
They SHOULD do 2 - 3 old Guns songs and the rest should be CD.

The band need to try and get popular by playing their own songs, not the songs that made the old band popular.

Playing 2 - 3 classics is not denying the fan's, but this is a new band so they should totally push there new stuff.
I agree to a point, but I don't know if I'd limit it to 2-3 songs.  Ultimately, it's up to Axl and the band.  They can play whatever they want.  BUT, I do think it'd be refreshing if they played more music from the new era.  I'd hope for more of a 50/50 split, rotating the songs from show to show.  That would be my hope, but again it's up to them.  Whatever they choose is fine with me and I'm sure it'll kick ass in person.  It might not be as exciting to read online, but to be there, can't beat that.

Good points as usual Faldor  :)

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Stoned In L.A. on October 28, 2009, 09:41:38 AM

But its a totally new version of Guns.  I think it would be great for them to play their own album and try to break free from the old band.

Break free? I'd say we've crossed that bridge more than a decade ago. I'm not trying to argue, but I get tired of seeing this pointless and repetitive nonsense. There is nothing abnormal about a band playing songs from THEIR back catalgue. I bought 2 tickets to see GNR in January with the hopes that I will be hearing a lot of 'Chinese',  but I also know that it is unlikely that they will cover every track from the album. So playing tracks from their back catalgue is a must. To me, this doesn't seem the least bit strange nor does it mean that they are trying to get popular off a riff that some other guy may have wrote 20 years ago.

Axl could fire everyone currently in Guns and employ 4 McDonalds employees and call it Guns n Roses. 


What Axl could do and would do are 2 separate things. To me, these type of comments are just senseless nonsense from those who don't want to see the band succeed. I have been following this band since the 80s and I couldn't be happier with the direction that Axl has taken the band. We've had kickass tours, great players, and a SUPERB album. What more do some of you want?

To suggest that any swinging dick could get in to this band says a lot about your true intentions here. Fuck the naysayers. We've got a great thing going here.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: jacdaniel on October 28, 2009, 09:47:16 AM

What Axl could do and would do are 2 separate things. To me, these type of comments are just senseless nonsense from those who don't want to see the band succeed. I have been following this band since the 80s and I couldn't be happier with the direction that Axl has taken the band. We've had kickass tours, great players, and a SUPERB album. What more do some of you want?

To suggest that any swinging dick could get in to this band says a lot about your true intentions here. Fuck the naysayers. We've got a great thing going here.

i never said he WOULD do, i just pointed out that he can.

if it makes you feel better, i will consider Velvet Revolver a new band when they get a new singer.

A band is a group of people that make music.  When some leave, its no longer the same band.

i want to see the current Guns do well, but i think it would be better for them to dominate the show with their new album and add in a few classics along the way.  : ok:

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: charl!edontsurf on October 28, 2009, 11:07:49 AM
As long as the show minimizes the 'piano jams' and downtime, I'll be happy. The previous shows have been plagued by not only a late start time, but unnecessary time outs and starts and stops. There have been very few notable guitar solos, as well. The 'Beautiful' jam/duel, Buckethead/Robin jam and 'Sossego' at RIR3 are really the only ones that stand out. I don't need to hear Ron rip through 12,304 notes in 5 minutes.

I'd be a little skeptical about 'This I Love' being played. Axl had a hard time releasing it in the first place and the solo section belongs to Mr. Finck. None of the current players have his vibrato and/or feel. Richard would probably most be suited to this particular solo.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Albert S Miller on October 28, 2009, 11:09:37 AM
But its a totally new version of Guns.

It is still called GNR, that has not changed, I choose to refer to them as the current line-up :yes:.  Ok back on topic lol...

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: ppbebe on October 28, 2009, 11:16:45 AM
another day another dolla  :yes:

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: jacdaniel on October 28, 2009, 11:26:37 AM
As long as the show minimizes the 'piano jams' and downtime, I'll be happy. The previous shows have been plagued by not only a late start time, but unnecessary time outs and starts and stops. There have been very few notable guitar solos, as well. The 'Beautiful' jam/duel, Buckethead/Robin jam and 'Sossego' at RIR3 are really the only ones that stand out. I don't need to hear Ron rip through 12,304 notes in 5 minutes.

I'd be a little skeptical about 'This I Love' being played. Axl had a hard time releasing it in the first place and the solo section belongs to Mr. Finck. None of the current players have his vibrato and/or feel. Richard would probably most be suited to this particular solo.

i think DJ will be playing that solo.  He said he can't wait to play it live on his live chat i think. 

I hear ya on the stop/start nature on some of the shows.  It really takes away from the adrenaline you get going.   

If they do it all in the same 15 mins, kinda like a break for Axl, thats cool.  But i hate the song, solo, song, solo, song, solo thing.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Calcy on October 28, 2009, 11:33:34 AM
Hopefully it'll be CD-heavy, especially as it would allow Axl to show the real need for 3 guitarists (the AFD, Lies and UYI stuff in theory only need 2 guitarists), so would hope for at least 8/9 songs off the album:

Chinese Democracy, Shackler's, Better, The Blues, If The World, TWAT, Sorry, IRS and Maddy imo. Maybe could save Catcher In The Rye for a special Brian May appearance?  :beer:

Old stuff: WTTJ, SCOM, ISE, Nightrain, Patience, Used To Love Her, November Rain, YCBM, Down On The Farm, and other that could be rotated (would love to think they had rehearsed Civil War, Estranged, Right Next Door To Hell, Perfect Crime etc and make every show unpredictable)

Doesnt really bother me, id go and see GNR nonetheless.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: sandman83 on October 28, 2009, 03:30:21 PM
Everyones got their opinions of what they want to hear, I would prefer atleast 50% or more to be of the old stuff.  I love CD but I wouldn't be a GN'R fan just from CD.  I'm a huge fan because of the old stuff.  I think Axl should just go with the flow and feel the energy of the crowd and choose what songs to play and add in as the show goes.  What ever happens, it will be alwesome!

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: Nytunz on October 28, 2009, 04:16:56 PM
Everyones got their opinions of what they want to hear, I would prefer atleast 50% or more to be of the old stuff.  I love CD but I wouldn't be a GN'R fan just from CD.  I'm a huge fan because of the old stuff.  I think Axl should just go with the flow and feel the energy of the crowd and choose what songs to play and add in as the show goes.  What ever happens, it will be alwesome!

i agree with sandman83
The band should play the songs they feel is right... some new, some old.. even some cool jams/covers... But i sure hope to hear This i Love live sometime, because i think that will be an awesome experience!! But the more the band eager to play the one song, or the other, the better energy!

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: wadey on October 29, 2009, 03:24:19 PM
i think they should play a couple of old fav's but mostly CD stuff........i also think they might play some new material maybe

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: ppbebe on October 29, 2009, 04:26:20 PM
.i also think they might play some new material maybe

maybe some of the titles axl mentioned in the chats. eg Seoul Monster!  :D

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: CheapJon on October 29, 2009, 07:29:27 PM
i think they should play a couple of old fav's but mostly CD stuff........i also think they might play some new material maybe
of course they'll play new material.. the songs of CD are new, it's not what you meant but that's the way it is : ok:

about the "around 40 songs" mention from Ashba in yesterdays chat.. do a count.. CDs 14 songs, 11 from AFD, 3 from lies, 1 from TSI, 2 from UYI2, 4 from UYI1.. that's 35 songs.. 35 songs are "around 40" so the chance of hearing Coma is still pretty tiny

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: faldor on October 29, 2009, 07:40:00 PM
i think they should play a couple of old fav's but mostly CD stuff........i also think they might play some new material maybe
of course they'll play new material.. the songs of CD are new, it's not what you meant but that's the way it is : ok:

about the "around 40 songs" mention from Ashba in yesterdays chat.. do a count.. CDs 14 songs, 11 from AFD, 3 from lies, 1 from TSI, 2 from UYI2, 4 from UYI1.. that's 35 songs.. 35 songs are "around 40" so the chance of hearing Coma is still pretty tiny
Yeah I think the 40 was obviously an estimate.  Like when Baz was preaching that Axl had 4 albums of material ready for release.  BUT, 40 IS better than the 25 or so they played last time around.

Title: Re: AXL. Please Perform ALL the Songs on CHINESE DEMOCRACY on Tour
Post by: CheapJon on October 29, 2009, 07:54:02 PM
i think they should play a couple of old fav's but mostly CD stuff........i also think they might play some new material maybe
of course they'll play new material.. the songs of CD are new, it's not what you meant but that's the way it is : ok:

about the "around 40 songs" mention from Ashba in yesterdays chat.. do a count.. CDs 14 songs, 11 from AFD, 3 from lies, 1 from TSI, 2 from UYI2, 4 from UYI1.. that's 35 songs.. 35 songs are "around 40" so the chance of hearing Coma is still pretty tiny
Yeah I think the 40 was obviously an estimate.  Like when Baz was preaching that Axl had 4 albums of material ready for release.  BUT, 40 IS better than the 25 or so they played last time around.
absolutely, I'm just saying that the around 10 extra songs are from CD, people shouldn't expect to hear rarities from the UYIrecords, though there might be some..

it's a damn shame if people start to complain - now i'm off to porn  ;)