Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: rabia on August 23, 2009, 06:28:19 PM

Title: Axl helps the environment
Post by: rabia on August 23, 2009, 06:28:19 PM
Healthcare for California Wildlife and World's Marine Life

Oceana works on protecting the world?s oceans, from declining fisheries, marine habitat destruction, pollution, and seafood contamination. The org?s Ranger set sail for a Canary Islands project. Last year board member Sam Waterston and Conservation International board member Harrison Ford got the nod. The all-star committee rustling up donations includes Jeff Goldblum, Jake Gyllenhaal, Dustin Hoffman, Ron Howard, Sting and Styler, Robert Redford, and Paul Hawken.

CWC vets and volunteers assist sick, injured, orphaned, and gunshot wildlife before releasing them back to nature. In January they offered healthcare to a dozen pelicans suffering from a rash of feet ailments including vasculitis, contusions, and ecchymosis, due to polluted beaches. Besides development encroaching on animal habitat, plastic debris in the ocean puts marine life at risk.

Other friends of the cause include Bill Maher, Cindy Crawford, HBO, Axl Rose, and Mickey Rourke. Former game show host Bob Barker has funded a new $43,000 aviary for the many birds being treated. And with the generous donations of goods, from pet gift baskets to Bali vacations, services, Malibu wineries, and local eateries the monies raised will go directly to running the clinic.

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: rabia on August 23, 2009, 06:30:08 PM
since the original article is kinda disorganized, i posted the relevant extract.

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: troccoli on August 23, 2009, 09:43:32 PM
Thanks for the post - it's nice to see a member of my favorite band helping out such a great cause.  : ok: :beer:

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: willow on August 24, 2009, 09:32:22 AM
Axl is very into charity. Though I think he likes to keep it too himself. Wish I could do more myself.

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: Chuzeville on August 24, 2009, 01:46:01 PM
This forum has a very low threshold for humour.

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: jarmo on August 24, 2009, 01:46:31 PM
This forum has a very low threshold for humour.

For unfunny "humor", yes.

Somebody posts that Axl has done something nice and immediately you have to try to add your "humor" to it.

So predictable, so fucking boring!

The same shit happened when his house almost burned down and he was part of a group who helped save his neighbor's house. Some of you had to make fun of it.  ::)


Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: HBK on August 24, 2009, 01:49:25 PM
very good...

Thaknz by info

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: horsey on August 24, 2009, 04:32:16 PM
im proud of axl doing so.

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: Bodhi on August 24, 2009, 04:49:10 PM
good shit..I always like to see  celebrities use their name or their fame to help or aid something other than themselves...good stuff Axl..

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: dreamer girl on August 24, 2009, 05:39:32 PM
This is nice news. Thank you for posting this, rabia.

Thank you, Jarmo, for keeping this a positive place for true GN'R fans.

There are many of us that back your positivity. A few have to manufacture misery but that's not the majority.

Mr. Rose has always seemed very honorable and loyal. It is so lovely to see a celebrity that believes in helping from the heart and doesn't feel the need to get publicity for it.

Well done, Mr. Rose.  : ok:

dreamer girl

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: willow on August 24, 2009, 07:17:47 PM
This forum has a very low threshold for humour.

For unfunny "humor", yes.

Somebody posts that Axl has done something nice and immediately you have to try to add your "humor" to it.

So predictable, so fucking boring!

The same shit happened when his house almost burned down and he was part of a group who helped save his neighbor's house. Some of you had to make fun of it.  ::)


The world is full of assholes. And for some reason a lot of them claim to be gnr fans. Don't worry Jarmo, some of us respect others. They just can't stand that a so called bad boy rocker has a heart. A pretty damn good one at that.

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: draguns on August 24, 2009, 07:27:57 PM
Willow, there's always ways to volunteer. Just got to be creative. Try to see if your employer has a volunteer program. For the past two years, I helped out with the summer BBQ for the Ronald McDonald House through my employer. Unfortunately, I can't do it tomorrow since I'm still coughing. They don't want any sick people helping out since the children have weak immune system.

Axl is very into charity. Though I think he likes to keep it too himself. Wish I could do more myself.

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: gilld1 on August 24, 2009, 07:28:40 PM
This forum has a very low threshold for humour.

For unfunny "humor", yes.

Somebody posts that Axl has done something nice and immediately you have to try to add your "humor" to it.

So predictable, so fucking boring!

The same shit happened when his house almost burned down and he was part of a group who helped save his neighbor's house. Some of you had to make fun of it.  ::)


Seriously, dude, lighten up.  Life is too short to get all butt hurt every time someone tries to have a little fun.

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: jarmo on August 24, 2009, 07:37:18 PM
How about you shut the fuck up.

 : ok:

It's always the same group of fans and somehow I'm not surprised at seeing you here to defend their actions.

So how about you funny guys take your humor and shove it. That way we'll all save some of that precious time.



Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: gilld1 on August 24, 2009, 08:42:15 PM
Having a bad day? 

Give them and me a break.  There is absolutely nothing going on in the GnR world right now.  Nothing insulting was said.  I actually think it is cool that Axl is green.  I would love it if the tour (if there is a tour) usd biodeisel buses and trucks.  Sure I said it in a tongue n cheek way but it's not like I said something mean about your boy.

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: jarmo on August 24, 2009, 08:44:46 PM
Not bad at all. Thanks for caring!

Just don't get certain people's need to try to be "funny" on the Internet every time something complimentary/nice is said about Axl.


Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: gilld1 on August 24, 2009, 08:50:12 PM
Just because you don't get it doesn't mean that others, myself included, don't get it.

Sometimes when your frustrated, angery, etc. humor or attempts at humor get you through it.

I'm not necessarily defending them, I'm just trying to say lighten up.

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: horsey on August 24, 2009, 08:55:24 PM
yeah have a nice night,lighten up a bit. :nervous:you are getting scary '

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: gilld1 on August 24, 2009, 08:58:58 PM
Is it, perhaps, a difference btween the humor of Americans and Swedes?  Like how the French love Jerry Lewis and no one in the rest of the world does??

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: jarmo on August 24, 2009, 09:10:37 PM
I don't see the fucking humor in trying to put down a person as soon as something nice is said about him/her.

That's the whole point.

The whole concept of humor has a lot to do with timing and place. The same joke isn't funny when it's in the wrong place at a wrong time. Think about it.

And horsey doesn't like it when her off topic posts get removed.


Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: gilld1 on August 24, 2009, 09:14:47 PM
A joke does not always equate a put down, atleast not in my book.

Anyway, I don't want to fight with you about it, I guess we can agree to disagree, eh?

Read any good books lately?

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: rabia on August 24, 2009, 10:57:59 PM
This is nice news. Thank you for posting this, rabia.

Thank you, Jarmo, for keeping this a positive place for true GN'R fans.

There are many of us that back your positivity. A few have to manufacture misery but that's not the majority.

Mr. Rose has always seemed very honorable and loyal. It is so lovely to see a celebrity that believes in helping from the heart and doesn't feel the need to get publicity for it.

Well done, Mr. Rose.  : ok:

dreamer girl

youre welcome, dreamer girl. its really cool that Axl does this kind of stuff quietly, making a contribution without seeking publicity.

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: dreamer girl on August 25, 2009, 01:25:28 AM

youre welcome, dreamer girl. its really cool that Axl does this kind of stuff quietly, making a contribution without seeking publicity.

I agree 100%. I imagine there's so much he does for charity that we don't know about because of his kind heart and modesty. It's so rare to see this in a celebrity.

There are those that criticize him and fellow GN'R members for not being in the media doing interviews, etc. I think it's quite refreshing that Mr. Rose and GN'R let their art stand alone without seeking the spotlight.

It seems that it's not about the fame and fortune for them. It's about the art.

Back in the day there was a mystique that certain artists kept about themselves, I remember reading that there was an excitement generated when artists like Led Zeppelin or Marlon Brando would say something publicly because they didn't feel the need to constantly self-promote.

I think that's really cool and so desperately missing from today's artistic culture. Celebrity saturation and obsession is a sick part of our society and it's wonderful to see those rare artists like Mr. Rose and GN'R that don't play into it.

Robert De Niro and Al Pacino are also like this - not seeking attention. Johnny Depp and Leo DiCaprio have also gone on record as saying they prefer to keep the mystique by not constantly talking and letting their work speak for itself.

I think this is a sign of a true artist that is so passionate about their art they don't need the constant affirmations from critics and fickle fans.

We need more of this!!

So once again, bravo and well done, Mr. Rose!  : ok:

dreamer girl

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: willow on August 25, 2009, 08:32:05 AM
There is nothing wrong with a little humor is the right place. This thread is not the right place for it. Jarmo has every right to get upset. Every damn day he has to put up with so called humor. I personally do not find any of it funny either. You want humor like that why don't you take it too a private board where you all can talk shit all day. It's a waste of space over here. As far as I am concerned.
Jarmo is trying to keep this fun but informative. That is not an easy thing to do.

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: Jdog0830 on August 25, 2009, 08:35:01 AM
Glad to hear Axl is doing his part to saving our planet

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: lostdream on August 25, 2009, 03:48:23 PM
I love animals and I think everybody who tries to save animals lives earns a lot of respect. The way we treat the ones, who cannot help themselves or are weaker than us shows a LOT about our personalities and souls. Children, animals....

Well done Axl! Respect!  : ok:

And besides I do believe in Karma: what you give is what you?ll get returned.....

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: falungong69 on August 27, 2009, 02:29:10 PM
This forum has a very low threshold for humour.

For unfunny "humor", yes.

Somebody posts that Axl has done something nice and immediately you have to try to add your "humor" to it.

So predictable, so fucking boring!

The same shit happened when his house almost burned down and he was part of a group who helped save his neighbor's house. Some of you had to make fun of it.  ::)


Seriously, dude, lighten up.  Life is too short to get all butt hurt every time someone tries to have a little fun.

well why don't you have your "fun" at the expense of someone else who deserves it?  why continually pick on a man who's dedicated his life to chairty and making amazing and inspiring art that has touched the hearts of millions around the world?  of all the people you could troll after on the internet, mocking and insulting their every move, why not pick somebody else?  aren't there enough axl haters already?  don't you feel silly being part of such a tired trend?

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: gilld1 on August 27, 2009, 02:48:15 PM
This forum has a very low threshold for humour.

For unfunny "humor", yes.

Somebody posts that Axl has done something nice and immediately you have to try to add your "humor" to it.

So predictable, so fucking boring!

The same shit happened when his house almost burned down and he was part of a group who helped save his neighbor's house. Some of you had to make fun of it.  ::)


Seriously, dude, lighten up.  Life is too short to get all butt hurt every time someone tries to have a little fun.

well why don't you have your "fun" at the expense of someone else who deserves it?  why continually pick on a man who's dedicated his life to chairty and making amazing and inspiring art that has touched the hearts of millions around the world?  of all the people you could troll after on the internet, mocking and insulting their every move, why not pick somebody else?  aren't there enough axl haters already?  don't you feel silly being part of such a tired trend?

Man, shut the fuck up.

It's been resolved so let it go.  Nothing was said that was that bad anyway.

I like that axl is green but I would rather he save the world of rock n roll in addition to the environment.

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: falungong69 on August 27, 2009, 02:56:24 PM
This forum has a very low threshold for humour.

For unfunny "humor", yes.

Somebody posts that Axl has done something nice and immediately you have to try to add your "humor" to it.

So predictable, so fucking boring!

The same shit happened when his house almost burned down and he was part of a group who helped save his neighbor's house. Some of you had to make fun of it.  ::)


Seriously, dude, lighten up.  Life is too short to get all butt hurt every time someone tries to have a little fun.

well why don't you have your "fun" at the expense of someone else who deserves it?  why continually pick on a man who's dedicated his life to chairty and making amazing and inspiring art that has touched the hearts of millions around the world?  of all the people you could troll after on the internet, mocking and insulting their every move, why not pick somebody else?  aren't there enough axl haters already?  don't you feel silly being part of such a tired trend?

Man, shut the fuck up.

It's been resolved so let it go.  Nothing was said that was that bad anyway.

I like that axl is green but I would rather he save the world of rock n roll in addition to the environment.

he's already done that.  twice now.  forgive him for caring about larger issues too.  sorry you don't approve.  why don't you start a band and save the world of rock n' roll yourself?  oh right... too busy posting on the internet.  maybe you'll get around to it next year.

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: gilld1 on August 27, 2009, 03:04:03 PM
Can you not fucking read?  I said that I liked that Axl was green, what more do you want? 

You want to give me shit for posting on the internet, well what the hell are you doing?  Pot meet kettle!!

Twice?  That's a bit of a stretch.

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: Buddha_Master on August 27, 2009, 04:20:04 PM
I made a cartoon of Axl singing. I posted it here and it was removed completely (I don't think it was even moved to the Jungle). It might have been a little lame, but it took time and I thought it was fun. Because so little is goin on I thought it might bring a smile to a fan.

I guess it just made Jarmo angry. That wasn't at all what I wanted. I love the fans. Oh well.

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: Jdog0830 on August 27, 2009, 08:52:21 PM
I made a cartoon of Axl singing. I posted it here and it was removed completely (I don't think it was even moved to the Jungle). It might have been a little lame, but it took time and I thought it was fun. Because so little is goin on I thought it might bring a smile to a fan.

I guess it just made Jarmo angry. That wasn't at all what I wanted. I love the fans. Oh well.
What dose this have to do with the topic ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: Axl helps the environment
Post by: Buddha_Master on August 28, 2009, 02:25:37 AM

Man, I don't know what Jarmo saying what he did to Horsey's thread had to do with this topic either but, I had a story that related to that.

But alright man. Look. Axl doing what he can for Mother Earth is fucking cool. Axl has always showed signs of genuinely giving a fuck about important causes. Like the contributions of giving Civil War to uh, some cause that seems to have escaped me.