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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Soul Monster on July 27, 2009, 03:06:04 AM

Title: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: Soul Monster on July 27, 2009, 03:06:04 AM

I recently did an interview with Richard Fortus (great guy!) for Appetite for Discussion and you can read it here: (

I'll be doing more interviews in the near future, so sign up and help me out with good questions!

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: jacdaniel on July 27, 2009, 03:23:50 AM
What do you prefer in a guitarist or musician in general, technical prowess or feel?

I'm impressed by technical prowess (for a minute), but I never have a desire to listen to anyone unless they are really speaking to me.  Most players with incredible technical skill are more interested in showing what they can do as opposed to saying something worth listening to.  You're technical ability only needs to be good enough to get your point across.  I'd much rather listen to an eloquent speaker than to someone showing off his vocabulary, but if you got both, well... you're Jeff Beck!

I thought this was very interesting!  Reminded me of people discussing Izzy and Bucket.

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: rabia on July 27, 2009, 03:26:14 AM
What's your favorite track from Chinese Democracy; what about GNR in general?

Favorite track from CD is probably Chinese, but it's hard to say and changes often.  As far as a favorite Gn'R track... It's one YOU  haven't heard yet!

mannnnnnnn! that CD follow-up is going to be wicked! mr. fortus just whetted our appetites even more.

thanks for the interview, Soul Monster.

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: jacdaniel on July 27, 2009, 03:28:22 AM
Favorite track from CD is probably Chinese

I like this song and the band really seems to like it to.  its one of Richard and DJ's favourites.
But it doesnt seem to be a big hit even on this board.

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: Sandrine on July 27, 2009, 03:47:43 AM
Thank You Soul Monster  :peace:

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: D on July 27, 2009, 03:57:06 AM

reiterated the point I've been saying for years.

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: Continental Drift on July 27, 2009, 05:01:19 AM
Favorite track from CD is probably Chinese

I like this song and the band really seems to like it to.  its one of Richard and DJ's favourites.
But it doesnt seem to be a big hit even on this board.

It is a rockin' tune and does tend to get over-looked...

Although we probably all listened to it 45 million times on the Chinese Democracy countdown page last fall... so it may have gotten a little played out for most of us.:hihi:

I'm not surprised DJ and Richard are into it though... the guitar playing (by all the various players) is phenomenal on that track. :peace:

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: jacdaniel on July 27, 2009, 05:34:28 AM
Although we probably all listened to it 45 million times on the Chinese Democracy countdown page last fall... so it may have gotten a little played out for most of us

yeah i suppose it has been played since 2001 so!

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: Soul Monster on July 27, 2009, 09:31:36 AM
There's now also a follow-up interview with Saivu (one of Richard's bands) out on Appetite for Discussion now:

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: Voodoochild on July 27, 2009, 10:38:10 AM
Cool stuff man, thanks! Nice to read him talking about his gear. :)

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: ppbebe on July 27, 2009, 01:21:55 PM
nice interview. well done soulmonster.

Indie in the states means any music not on a major label.  So.... NO!  I like people that make music because they have to, not to make $.  I think the ratio of "indie" bands that are doing that as opposed to trying to become successful is far greater than major label bands.

and gnr is one of the rare major bands that're doing that.

moving to the second one.


reiterated the point I've been saying for years.

what point?

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: D on July 27, 2009, 03:18:31 PM
Most players with incredible technical skill are more interested in showing what they can do as opposed to saying something worth listening to.

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: ppbebe on July 27, 2009, 05:15:50 PM
his point is more like he attaches the importance to the expressiveness.

like robins. ron and bh also have feel as well  as technical prowess.

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: D on July 27, 2009, 05:42:19 PM
True but some people have u believe just cause someone is "technical" they are automatically the greatest to ever touch a guitar.

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: LordRazZ on July 27, 2009, 10:43:42 PM
The best quote was the one about The Wiggles. As a parent myself, my wife and I found that hilarious.

I spend my nights spewing out a high pitched metal/punk hybrid, but during the day, I learn Spanish a la Dora.

Btw Mr Fortus..check out the Dora episode about the Wizzle in Wizzle altering..hah...

Thanks for getting the was solid.

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: cineater on July 28, 2009, 08:13:36 AM
I was laughing at The Wiggles too.  What we parents have to go through.   :hihi:  Quite the shocker when you realize you have been watching those shows and the kid isn't even in the room!

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: jarmo on July 28, 2009, 08:42:47 AM
Thanks for posting that. :)


Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: Albert S Miller on July 28, 2009, 09:58:59 AM
Thanks for the great interview.  My favorite part, obviously is the fact that we have not yet heard his new favorite track.  More music on the way is a complete thumbs up : ok:.  It will be great to hear this upcoming work with what is now and will hopefully be a stable lineup, (this particular lineup).  I believe DJ will also bring a great new contribution as well.

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: The Hinge on July 28, 2009, 10:23:32 AM
That was a good read, interesting questions which was refreshing.
I feel optimistic...

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: ppbebe on July 28, 2009, 10:27:38 AM
Thanks for the great interview.  My favorite part, obviously is the fact that we have not yet heard his new favorite track.  More music on the way is a complete thumbs up : ok:.  It will be great to hear this upcoming work with what is now and will hopefully be a stable lineup, (this particular lineup).  I believe DJ will also bring a great new contribution as well.
i'm guessing he wrote it as well ;D

True but some people have u believe just cause someone is "technical" they are automatically the greatest to ever touch a guitar.

i hear ya i'm basically not big on 'look, mine's bigger than yours' kinda guitar wanks and yet it's a matter of taste i must admit.

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: angeles on July 28, 2009, 04:41:53 PM
new songs !!!  ;) sure with DJ !!!!!  :love:

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: Nytunz on July 28, 2009, 05:02:08 PM
Sure there is more songs...
Just hope we will hear some of them in the next couple of years=)
Richard has lots of things to do.. that cool... ill check out some of them  : ok:

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: cineater on July 28, 2009, 11:28:19 PM
So who is going to set up the next interview and ask Richard the name of the song and everything else about it?  Personally, I suck at the interview, ask Dizzy, and don't read anything into that you pervs!

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: bodine on July 29, 2009, 02:26:03 PM
So who is going to set up the next interview and ask Richard the name of the song and everything else about it?  Personally, I suck at the interview, ask Dizzy, and don't read anything into that you pervs!

Hey, if it gets you answers . . .   :hihi:

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: cineater on July 31, 2009, 10:30:06 PM
Aw hell, I'm just fucked up enough I was going to take a crack at it and he has it posted this isn't the place for GNR questions.

Title: Re: New interview with Richard Fortus at Appetite for Discussion - July 27
Post by: Ayako on August 01, 2009, 12:03:02 AM
great job!!! : ok:

Thanks for posting!!