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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: AxlsMainMan on June 16, 2009, 04:26:40 PM

Title: Public Enemies
Post by: AxlsMainMan on June 16, 2009, 04:26:40 PM
Anyone else excited for this movie?

Looks like it's gunna' be the summer movie :smoking:

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Mysteron on June 16, 2009, 04:42:17 PM
I hope it is a good movie.

Depp puts 100 per cent into everything. I trust his instinct but his judgement is sometimes occasionally misplaced.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: LunsJail on June 16, 2009, 05:00:26 PM
I also like pretty much anything Michael Mann does so that has me excited too.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Annie on June 16, 2009, 06:43:18 PM
I am very excited! They filmed some of the movie near where I work. I had really hoped to get a glimpse of Jonny Depp but it didn't happen. :no:

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: D on June 16, 2009, 07:11:40 PM
Christian Bale luckiest man ever getting to work with two actors Ledger and Depp that cover up his deficiencies as an actor.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on June 16, 2009, 11:57:21 PM
Finally a movie I'm excited about seeing.  I won't lie, the posters worked on me.  :)

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Jdog0830 on June 17, 2009, 06:59:21 PM
Anyone else excited for this movie?

Looks like it's gunna' be the summer movie :smoking:
if you get hiped up from the propaganda of coms then yes lol

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Annie on July 01, 2009, 10:31:41 AM
I'm going in 3 short hours.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Bill 213 on July 02, 2009, 08:49:45 PM
Just watched it and loved it..........not a very historically accurate movie as it wasn't planned to be, but very great.  Depp is superb as always.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: D on July 02, 2009, 10:02:25 PM
It was good, not the best Depp movie  but it started slow and really built up and got u enthralled into the story etc.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: AxlReznor on July 03, 2009, 08:59:40 AM
I'll be seeing it tomorrow.  Really looking forward to it.  Johnny Depp and Christian Bale are currently the best actors in the business, so a movie with both of them in, directed by Michael Mann has to be good.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Annie on July 03, 2009, 11:32:54 AM
It was a good thought provoking film, but it's not going to be THE MOVIE of the summer. Sadly, i think that title will go to the TRANSFORMERS movie.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Bodhi on July 03, 2009, 01:41:22 PM
Christian Bale luckiest man ever getting to work with two actors Ledger and Depp that cover up his deficiencies as an actor.

are you on fucking drugs?  Ever see "The Machinist", "American Psycho" or "The Prestige"?  He is one of the best actors going today. 

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Bodhi on July 03, 2009, 01:43:54 PM
The movie was ok...for a Michael Mann film...most of his films blow, or are VERY SLOW, which this one a little.  It was good, but def not THE summer movie...Transformers made more money in its  first day than Public Enemies will make all summer.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on July 03, 2009, 03:48:46 PM
It was a good thought provoking film, but it's not going to be THE MOVIE of the summer. Sadly, i think that title will go to the TRANSFORMERS movie.

Ewwww.  Toys fighting with each other?

Maybe for the brainless sheep that like movies like that, but that will never be the movie of the summer for me.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: w.axl.rose on July 03, 2009, 07:40:11 PM
It was a good thought provoking film, but it's not going to be THE MOVIE of the summer. Sadly, i think that title will go to the TRANSFORMERS movie.

Ewwww.  Toys fighting with each other?

stfu garry. they're not toys... comprendes guey  : ok:

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Annie on July 03, 2009, 10:14:52 PM
My fav movie this summer is STAR TREK. The BIOGRAPH theater is very close to where I work. I watched them set up for the movie. It was cool, but I was too tired to stay up all night.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on July 03, 2009, 11:17:19 PM
....going to see Public Enemies in three hours!

My first movie since Gran Torino.  I'll join Calen in having a hot dog.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: AxlsMainMan on July 03, 2009, 11:58:36 PM
The movie was pretty good, definately lagged in places though.

I snuck some Arbys into the theater and dipped the sandwhiches into the nacho cheese sauce which was pretty epic.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: w.axl.rose on July 04, 2009, 12:04:40 AM
The movie was pretty good, definately lagged in places though.

I snuck some Arbys into the theater and dipped the sandwhiches into the nacho cheese sauce which was pretty epic.

thats gangster

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Trist805 on July 04, 2009, 12:33:54 AM
I agree that it lagged in some places, but I thought the ending was cool.  Depp was good, and so was Bale.  It was basically "Heat" taking place in the 1930's.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: GnFnR87 on July 04, 2009, 12:48:14 PM
i love michael mann but this was  disappointing. i felt like it was missing something. the acting was spot on, the directing was great, especially the gunfights, which no one can do better than mann.

but the story/plot simply wasnt very engaging, it didnt go anywhere, there was nothing tying it all together. i know its based on a true story but still....

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Mysteron on July 04, 2009, 04:35:19 PM
i love michael mann but this was  disappointing. i felt like it was missing something. the acting was spot on, the directing was great, especially the gunfights, which no one can do better than mann.

but the story/plot simply wasnt very engaging, it didnt go anywhere, there was nothing tying it all together. i know its based on a true story but still....

I completely agree.

The acting was there, a story was there, but there was no impact and no direction. Every scene in a film has to do something and mean something. This one lost it's way too many times.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: freedom78 on July 05, 2009, 04:06:51 PM
Liked it, but I also felt something was missing.  Nothing really tied it together.  There needed to be more backstory, be it about the crime of the days, Dillinger growing into his "role", or the government trying to crack down.  The parts were there, but there wasn't sufficient glue to hold them together.  Felt more like snippets from his life than one cohesive story, which is odd for a movie where one (main) cop is hunting one (main) criminal.  Think "Untouchables".

The movie was pretty good, definately lagged in places though.

I snuck some Arbys into the theater and dipped the sandwhiches into the nacho cheese sauce which was pretty epic.

 :rofl:  You think everything you eat is "epic".

But, still, I think you're onto something here.  Nacho is my favorite condiment. 

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on July 05, 2009, 04:09:16 PM
Liked it, but I also felt something was missing.  Nothing really tied it together.  There needed to be more backstory, be it about the crime of the days, Dillinger growing into his "role", or the government trying to crack down.  The parts were there, but there wasn't sufficient glue to hold them together.  Felt more like snippets from his life than one cohesive story, which is odd for a movie where one (main) cop is hunting one (main) criminal.  Think "Untouchables".

The movie was pretty good, definately lagged in places though.

I snuck some Arbys into the theater and dipped the sandwhiches into the nacho cheese sauce which was pretty epic.

 :rofl:  You think everything you eat is "epic".

But, still, I think you're onto something here.  Nacho is my favorite condiment. 

Epic and diehard.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: journey on July 05, 2009, 09:28:03 PM
Johnny Depp was amazing as always. I think he'll win an Oscar for this one, because he did something in it that he once said guarantees an Oscar win. I don't think he's done "it" in any of his other movies.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: AxlReznor on July 06, 2009, 05:33:46 AM
Johnny Depp was amazing as always. I think he'll win an Oscar for this one, because he did something in it that he once said guarantees an Oscar win. I don't think he's done "it" in any of his other movies.

You mean die? :rofl:
I thought it was a really good film.  Not amazing, but it was an enjoyable two hours.  Johnny showed why he's the best at what he does again - but not enough Christian.

Next I'll be off to see Transformers.  I'm one of those people who can enjoy both the arty, thoughtful films, and the brainless stuff in which everything explodes, and bits of everything in between.  Can never understand the debate about which type of film is better... they're so completely different that attempting to compare them is ridiculous.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: nekomex on July 07, 2009, 12:40:54 AM
Transformers cant come close to this movie, and we are not talking about money, which  was obvious that a rated R movie was not match for a pg-13 summer movie.

and i agree with the guy that said that one can enjoy two kinds of movies. i went to transformers not expecting to be an artistic acomplishment, i knew it was going to be the typical Michael bay movie. but its dissgusting, its full of cliches (the two little robots talking like black guys). bad jokes, bad direction in the accion scenes (half the time you dont know what the fuck is going on) its boring, etc.

in the other hand Public Enemys its a good movie, indeed Michael Man movies seem to drag a little bit, specially Miami Vice. but if you like his movies then you will probably like this one.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: gilee7 on July 07, 2009, 01:41:31 AM
The more I think about this film the more I'm disappointed by it. I went in expecting a five-star movie and instead got a three-and-a-half star movie. Michael Mann is a great director. I think Heat is one of the greatest films of all time. I thought Collateral was a great movie. Johnny Depp is one of the greatest actors in the world. Christian Bale is pretty good, too. You add all that up and you should have a movie that's guaranteed to be one of the best of the year. But it never lives up to its potential.

Donnie Brasco, another gangster film Depp starred in, was much better than Public Enemies, imo.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: D on July 07, 2009, 04:10:26 AM
The more I think about this film the more I'm disappointed by it. I went in expecting a five-star movie and instead got a three-and-a-half star movie. Michael Mann is a great director. I think Heat is one of the greatest films of all time. I thought Collateral was a great movie. Johnny Depp is one of the greatest actors in the world. Christian Bale is pretty good, too. You add all that up and you should have a movie that's guaranteed to be one of the best of the year. But it never lives up to its potential.

Donnie Brasco, another gangster film Depp starred in, was much better than Public Enemies, imo.

agree 100 percent. Donnie Brasco is 100 times better

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Bodhi on July 07, 2009, 04:49:24 AM
Johnny Depp was amazing as always. I think he'll win an Oscar for this one, because he did something in it that he once said guarantees an Oscar win. I don't think he's done "it" in any of his other movies.

did I miss the scene of him hooking up with another man?  Because that is one of the only things that GUARANTEES an Oscar win or at least a nod these days...

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Bodhi on July 07, 2009, 04:52:22 AM
, its full of cliches (the two little robots talking like black guys).

I love this complaint about Transformers.  Actually neither of the robots were black.  The fact that YOU make the assumption that they are "talking black" actually makes you the racist... :o

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: AxlsMainMan on July 08, 2009, 12:23:40 AM
If Denzel can win an Oscar for Training Day, I'm sure Johnny will win one for this turd.

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: nekomex on July 08, 2009, 01:10:47 AM
, its full of cliches (the two little robots talking like black guys).

I love this complaint about Transformers.  Actually neither of the robots were black.  The fact that YOU make the assumption that they are "talking black" actually makes you the racist... :o

well i think you are wrong, the robots are not black indeed, but they do talk like the "stereotypical" black guy (maybe the phrasing of what i wrote was wrong, i meant that they talk like a bad sterotype of a black guy) which i found insulting and stupid. and i am not the only one, i checked to see what the reviews said. i leave you here 3 different reviews, all wrote the same thing, for me it was pretty obvious in the movie, but if you didnt catched it, please read this.

"Yes, Mudflap and Skids are every bit the horrible stereotype you?ve heard they are and god bless ?em for it. I think it?s funny that the filmmakers either don?t know what they?re doing or don?t give a flying shit."

"And worst of all, the frightening sidekicks of the film and the mistake this film will most likely be forever known for: Mudflap and Skids, the Stepin Fetchbots of the film. It?s as if Michael Bay looked at Jar Jar Binks and said ?Oh, fuck no. Really? People find THAT offensive? Fuck that, I?ll show them a fucking stereotype they?ll never fucking forget!? And he does.

Oh. My. God.

They speak in clich?d urban slang, tossing around phrases like ?I?m gonna pop a cap in your ass? while fist bumping and mumbling unintelligently in a voice that sounds like a bad Chappelle Show sketch. Then you get a close up. And they each have bug eyes and a gold tooth. Then there?s this jackass comment about them not being able to read. My jaw was on the floor. I mean, if you?re gonna toss out a bad stereotype, at least have the courtesy to make that stereotype a complete badass so as to deflect complaints that this is a deliberately negative portrayal"

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Loaded NightraiN on July 08, 2009, 03:20:56 PM
, its full of cliches (the two little robots talking like black guys).

I love this complaint about Transformers.  Actually neither of the robots were black.  The fact that YOU make the assumption that they are "talking black" actually makes you the racist... :o

He nailed you there  :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: journey on July 08, 2009, 10:19:59 PM
Johnny Depp was amazing as always. I think he'll win an Oscar for this one, because he did something in it that he once said guarantees an Oscar win. I don't think he's done "it" in any of his other movies.

did I miss the scene of him hooking up with another man?  Because that is one of the only things that GUARANTEES an Oscar win or at least a nod these days...

I remember him saying to win an Oscar all you have to do is cry real hard. Or something like that. I can't remember it word for word. He was obviously being sarcastic but it was funny. 

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: Jdog0830 on July 16, 2009, 03:17:27 PM
, its full of cliches (the two little robots talking like black guys).

I love this complaint about Transformers.  Actually neither of the robots were black.  The fact that YOU make the assumption that they are "talking black" actually makes you the racist... :o

He nailed you there  :rofl: :rofl:
Hell yeah they just talk like gansters (not being racist at all to anyone cus anyone can be a ganster).

Title: Re: Public Enemies
Post by: mrlee on July 16, 2009, 04:46:31 PM
This film was absolutely dreadful!

Wooden acting from even Depp! The film failed to grab me at all. It just felt that near the end of the film, i asked myself, has this film even started yet?

The Characters didnt develop at all n the story in general felt very rushed.