Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Sin Cut on June 01, 2009, 08:13:00 AM

Title: Never fuck with the bar personnel!
Post by: Sin Cut on June 01, 2009, 08:13:00 AM
I sometimes work at some pubs, it's more of a hobbby, since I got a day job, too. And I've cut down the nights so it's actually fun when it's not a have to or too often.

So I was filling in an employee for her trip to see her daughter for a couple of weeks and had some good time doing a rock gig playing mostly ozzy, m?tley crue and gun's n roses. It was awesome to play This I Love and hearing some guys cheering "New Guns N' Roses! Yeah!".

But what's a night without drunken bastards, eh?

So I've seen my share of "let's go have fun with the miss and start a fight at a bar" and other the stunts all these often too drunk individuals pull (and I can't wait to have some cold lager after a few of those nights).

So here's the highlight of the weekend;

On saturday, about 2 am, a chick ask for a song to sing at karaoke. She was polite, I like that, and surprisingly most people are, even if they have to wait for a long time. Her skin and bones boyfriend, tho, wasn't anthing like that and when it was her turn, the sorry excuse of a man tangles along, looks at me and says to her "What's up with this long haired wanker?!".

She tells him to shut up, a bit embarrased. Well, he can't sing shit and pretty much ruined it for the girl with his drunken state and bad voice. I remember wondering why is a girl with manners and nice figure is hanging out with a loser like him.

I didn't see them making out or anything, so it he might be her cousin, or something  :hihi:. I think the guys parrents might be cousins, too.

So I keep the guy on my radar, guessing he'll be trouble and, frankly, because I disliked him.

Finally he gets one, two and three slaps from some girl at the table and I'm amused and go get the bouncer, fearing he might hit back since he isn't, well, coherent.

The bouncer tells him he's had enough to drink and helps him up. Usually this is when you take you jacket and leave and maybe plead that you could finnish your drink.

This guy decides to fight back, so I'm in for a treat. It takes about three seconds and this guy is lying on the floor, after trying to punch the bouncer, he's a bit banged up, hitting his knee with the fall. And I notice the girl isn't on his side, but is actually telling him to calm down, "the bouncer is just doing his job".

I tell the girl to stay back and wait the scene to come to some conclusion and after a while the guy is limping his way otuside. I thank the people for the night and get a few hugs from some girls who I know from karaoke.

Later I'm going to the terrace for a smoke and I hear that limping guy wailing "What did I do wrong, why was the bouncer like that, I didn't do nothing!" and the sobbing "let's go home and have some fun" over and over again. That really made my day.

I doubt he learned any lesson, tho.

Every now and then you meet all kind of people that make you lose faith in humanity;

Like a guy, who started picking a fight after he didn't understand what "put it on my tap" means. We tried to explain, but it's not getting through, and he's raising his voice and demanding that we give him twenty euros (a beer is 4,50). So we try to explain that he can just order a beer on my friends tap. Again, he wants twenty euros and I ask him if he's collecting an unemployment check for his brain?

I knew he would try to fight and I guessed right. He stands up threatening to beat me up so bad. I'm staying down, figuring, he might get one punch at me if he's lucky, but a friend of mine, who happens to be the bouncer have taken notice earlier and the moment he stands up he's there telling him to leave.

A month or two later he appologizes and I accept (he tried to pick a fight earlier and I left saying "what's the point when you don't have a chance"). Later his gf tells my gf that she told him to do it, since he was being such an ass.

Does anyone else have these "I wonder if he's ashamed and hung over the day after"-stories?

Title: Re: Never fuck with the bar personnel!
Post by: CheapJon on June 01, 2009, 09:11:25 AM
lol, the "put it on my tap" story is too funneh

Title: Re: Never fuck with the bar personnel!
Post by: Alan on June 01, 2009, 11:35:43 AM

Does anyone else have these "I wonder if he's ashamed and hung over the day after"-stories?

aside from the 2 people who threatened to kill me, nothing on the scale of idiocy towards me near yours.

however the good old alcoholics provide plenty of other stories.

one guy walked into a bar my friend works at in the city center, gets told he was too drunk to be served, walked back out the door and along the front of the building and into the second entrance, only to be facing my friend who'd just told him he couldn't be served. the guy's reaction was priceless "do you work in every fucking pub in town"

Title: Re: Never fuck with the bar personnel!
Post by: Jim on June 01, 2009, 02:54:22 PM

... 'Tap'?

Title: Re: Never fuck with the bar personnel!
Post by: Lisa on June 01, 2009, 09:55:20 PM
aps Tab?

Title: Re: Never fuck with the bar personnel!
Post by: Sin Cut on June 02, 2009, 03:39:40 AM

Does anyone else have these "I wonder if he's ashamed and hung over the day after"-stories?

aside from the 2 people who threatened to kill me, nothing on the scale of idiocy towards me near yours.

however the good old alcoholics provide plenty of other stories.

one guy walked into a bar my friend works at in the city center, gets told he was too drunk to be served, walked back out the door and along the front of the building and into the second entrance, only to be facing my friend who'd just told him he couldn't be served. the guy's reaction was priceless "do you work in every fucking pub in town"

:D that's a good one  : ok:

There's also been some funny and lame pick up lines like the time a girl requested for a song "Sleep with me" which followed with a question "Well, will you?".

Other weird stuff that comes to mind is when a 60 year old guy managed to get some teen tail. The girl doesn't looke that bad, but is drinking all her pregnancies to miss carriage.

Or the time when a junkie wanted to go flashy with a knife and tried to throw it stuck on the floorboards of the terrace.
Well, he just happened to throw the knife through his own foot  :hihi: Also, it made it really hard for him to flee from the cops.

Title: Re: Never fuck with the bar personnel!
Post by: pilferk on June 02, 2009, 08:51:13 AM
I used to fuck a bartender....she was pretty hot.  Not too bright..but pretty hot.

Title: Re: Never fuck with the bar personnel!
Post by: Sin Cut on June 02, 2009, 08:58:24 AM
I used to fuck a bartender....she was pretty hot.  Not too bright..but pretty hot.

me, too. I still get to pass the line and get in for free :)

Title: Re: Never fuck with the bar personnel!
Post by: The Catcher on June 10, 2009, 10:24:22 AM
Hahaha, great stories :hihi: