Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: cjmax02 on March 05, 2009, 06:48:23 PM

Title: Pleiadian Starseed Seeks Same!
Post by: cjmax02 on March 05, 2009, 06:48:23 PM
now that I've got your attention..!  :P 

Have we got any starseeds, indigos or crystals around here?  Otherkin?  Reptilians?  Fae? (...have I forgotten anyone? I am SO sorry if I have.) 

Any of these words a-resonating within ya? ;) I'm obliged to ask because I can't be the only one here.  I mean ::) surely not~!

If ya don't know what I'm on about...ask!

Title: Re: Pleiadian Starseed Seeks Same!
Post by: Verse Chorus Verse on March 05, 2009, 10:55:17 PM
What are you on about?

Title: Re: Pleiadian Starseed Seeks Same!
Post by: radical tendency on March 06, 2009, 01:00:58 AM
It is a bunch of "New Age" delusional crap that rivals the Church of Scientology for sheer lunacy.

Title: Re: Pleiadian Starseed Seeks Same!
Post by: Bandita on March 06, 2009, 01:26:34 AM
Oh dear. 

Isn't there a section on Craigslist maybe for strange nonsense cult member seeking same?

I had to google it:

Is it possible that you came to planet Earth from another star system? Are you here on a special mission to help this planet and its human family shift into a higher vibration by raising the spiritual awareness of those around you?


Title: Re: Pleiadian Starseed Seeks Same!
Post by: Sin Cut on March 06, 2009, 02:25:44 AM
now that I've got your attention..!  :P 

Have we got any starseeds, indigos or crystals around here?  Otherkin?  Reptilians?  Fae? (...have I forgotten anyone? I am SO sorry if I have.) 

Any of these words a-resonating within ya? ;) I'm obliged to ask because I can't be the only one here.  I mean ::) surely not~!

If ya don't know what I'm on about...ask!

Yeah, I am.

Do you want your offspring to be?

Title: Re: Pleiadian Starseed Seeks Same!
Post by: polluxlm on March 08, 2009, 03:11:37 PM
My great great grandmother was German Nobility, so I might have some reptilian blood in me. But no tail, shapeshifting or anything like that.

I know what you're on about though. How are things in the Galactic Federation?

Title: Re: Pleiadian Starseed Seeks Same!
Post by: cjmax02 on March 09, 2009, 10:09:37 PM
ok, just to remind you that the title of the thread was a joke....I'm not from the Pleiades. ^^;

polluxlm - My great-great granny was French, honhon! I steer clear of the GFL because I did MotherGod's horoscope (some fool left her birthdate in public. I yoinked and ran with it!) and found out she's year of the Dragon and pretty much outed her as a hypocritical egotist...other people I know generally say she's a nutter and her handful of White Eagles are also batshit insane.  : ok:

Sin Cut - You're a starseed..? What now? I'm not grasping what you're trying to ask about the 'offspring' thing.

Bandita - thanks for the link. :) I laugh at stuff like that.  I mean basically if you believe in reincarnation and you accept that there are other life forms on different planets you're pretty much guaranteed to have been an 'alien' at least once...infinite possibility n' stuff.

Radical - I don't think we come anywhere near to Scientology...they want money from people. And they're anti-drugs, which isn't funny. Organized religion is the enemy~! (I'm not speaking for everyone, though...just me. Organized religion is my enemy.)

Verse - I'm just asking if there are any other people who are interested in the starseed phenomenon to participate in a a roundabout kinda way.

:)  sorry it took me so long to reply.

Title: Re: Pleiadian Starseed Seeks Same!
Post by: Lisa on March 09, 2009, 10:12:41 PM
*phew... ;D  I thought maybe you got called back to the Mothership! ;)

Title: Re: Pleiadian Starseed Seeks Same!
Post by: Bandita on March 09, 2009, 11:15:35 PM
Of course there is life on other planets.  If we are here and have survived, surely there are others probably a lot more advanced.  I don't know how I feel about re-incarnation though.  There is nothing really to base it on.

Title: Re: Pleiadian Starseed Seeks Same!
Post by: cjmax02 on March 12, 2009, 08:27:57 PM
nah, I'm stuck on Terra Firma until 2012 at the earliest.  Rumours abound of an ascention thing...all I know is that at the end of the year, the Mayan Long Count ends.  -shrug-  I think the science of it is that the Earth and our sun line up with the centre of the galaxy. Oooo.  Something about a shift in the magnetic field...whoop-de-doo.     If it means I can see the Aurora from my house, it'll be awesome!

There are plenty of stories (mostly from India, where they've believed in reincarnation for a lot longer than Westerners) of children saying 'oh that lady was my wife, and we lived there for so-so long and we had so-so many children and I died on a Tuesday'. Thing is, most of these kids forget their past lives by the time they turn about 4. It's one of those documented phenomena that's pretty common.  I mean,  there are astral projection stories from damn' near every culture, either we're all taking the same drugs or it's actually cool..! 

I had an awesome meditation last night. :3   Oh, and today's Black Friday, again!! It was Black Friday last month too, isn't that spooky-neat?