Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Moonlight J on January 31, 2009, 12:26:36 PM

Title: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: Moonlight J on January 31, 2009, 12:26:36 PM
Well, becoming a dad a few years ago, and living in a small house had estranged me from my vinyl for quit some time, that is until CD came out. Needless to say, the 2 LP set didn't exactly put me back in the saddle, regardless of Bach's comments. In fact, Best Buy got back their tripe. Anyways, over the last week or so, I've been hitting the phonograph once again, and it is soooooooooo true that the clairity and depth of sound trumps compact discs. I can acually enjoy Matt Scrotum's drums on the Illusions, and pick out any layer of the song I want to with my ears because the sound isn't muddied. Man, CD is an epic work, but I feel fans of the band who dig vinyl are getting the shaft on this one. Sure, it's 40 gram vinyl or what ever, but why not use that extra black to press 4 thinner, much higher quality records. Seriously, if I never hear CD properly, dying happy may be a problem.
For the sake of sound, please sign this petition. Thanks, fuckers! : ok:

Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: SLCPUNK on January 31, 2009, 12:34:41 PM
I can acually enjoy Matt Scrotum's drums on the Illusions,

You sure you weren't watching "Step Brothers"?

Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: JuicySwoos on January 31, 2009, 08:08:52 PM
I think 3 LP's would do the trick even.  But consider it signed.

Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: Moonlight J on February 02, 2009, 09:23:37 PM
A. I've never seen the movie, so I don't get the joke.

B. Over 400 views, and one signature. Thanks!  :love:

C. I agree that 3 would do the job. The Illusions were on 4 total, and that sounds as sweet as a tasty treat.

D. I'm signing the petition again. :yes:

Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: Uzi76 on February 03, 2009, 09:38:05 AM
I am signing the petition!

Chin Dem on 4 LP PLEASE  : ok:

Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: St_Jimmyuk on February 06, 2009, 03:34:29 PM
sure why not

*signed*  : ok:

Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: jarmo on February 07, 2009, 02:56:41 PM
Do you think Interscope would be interested?

I'm sure the manufacturing would cost more....


Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: Eclipsed107 on February 08, 2009, 01:50:15 PM
Sure, it's 40 gram vinyl or what ever, but why not use that extra black to press 4 thinner, much higher quality records. Seriously, if I never hear CD properly, dying happy may be a problem.
For the sake of sound, please sign this petition. Thanks, fuckers! : ok:

Actually, it's 180 gram, and 180 gram is the highest quality vinyl there is.

The thinner the vinyl, the worse the quality.

Spreading it over 3 LP would be a good thing, but putting it on cheap thin records would be a horrible thing.

Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: Lostrose on February 08, 2009, 02:23:21 PM
i would sign it if i had a record player.  but i don't, so uh........  what's my motivation?

Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: keithos27 on February 09, 2009, 03:11:20 AM
where/how do i sign?  if by replying to this thread then consider this *signed*

keep it at 180 gram, and increase the cost.  make it limited edition or something.  for those of us that want this, we'd be willing to pay the extra $$$.  it doesn't/probably shouldn't be as mass produced as say the cd pressings or even the original vinyl pressing (which DOES suck and i own two copies).

Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: waxlrick on February 09, 2009, 05:35:20 AM
Signed...even though I don't have a  vinyl player anymore.

But you just sound so god damn passionate about it.

Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: Rainfox on February 09, 2009, 07:21:41 AM

I'll be getting my record player in a month or so.

Are all copies of CD on vinyl the skippy kind?



Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: erose on February 09, 2009, 10:47:28 AM
Yeah, I don't get it?

Does thinner discs give you higher quality?

I thought it was the other way around and that the current vinyl version of CD is pretty much as good as it gets...

I know the quality on this is higher than any of my old appetite records and the quality on those doesn't really stink to be honest...

Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: JuicySwoos on February 09, 2009, 02:00:11 PM
Yeah, I don't get it?

Does thinner discs give you higher quality?

I thought it was the other way around and that the current vinyl version of CD is pretty much as good as it gets...

I know the quality on this is higher than any of my old appetite records and the quality on those doesn't really stink to be honest...

Yes the heavier the Lp the "better".  There even some 200 gram LPs out there.  Some also care about what kind of vinly is used for the LP, such as "virgin vinyl", which is 100% new and does not use any recyled vinyl.  Many LPs back in the day were made from non virgin vinyl in order to reduce costs.

 The problem with CD is not the weight of the LP, but the poor pressing combined with the complexity of the music.  Even though it is 180 gram, it is the worst sounding LP I own, and I own normal weight LP's from the 60s.  I would rather it be kept at 180 gram, but I would take 4 normal LPs over what is out there.  Having 3 or 4 LPs, no matter the weight, would put almost all of the music on the outer grooves of the LP, which are the better sounding grooves.  Because CD has so much going on musically, combined with a sub par pressing (which is happening to many "new" releases because pressing plants can't keep up with demand), the inner grooves of the LP are distorted, which is why many are complaining that SOD, IRS, and Catcher sound like crap, because they are all on the innver grooves.  One or 2 more LPs would concievably solve this issue. 

Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: GIMH on February 09, 2009, 02:24:37 PM
I've no real complaints about the sound but it skips in different places each time for me. Hopefully the new artwork that we are supposed to be getting will be available on vinyl as well...

Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: Mama Kin on February 09, 2009, 02:50:19 PM
Yeah, I don't get it?

Does thinner discs give you higher quality?

I thought it was the other way around and that the current vinyl version of CD is pretty much as good as it gets...

I know the quality on this is higher than any of my old appetite records and the quality on those doesn't really stink to be honest...

Yes the heavier the Lp the "better".  There even some 200 gram LPs out there.  Some also care about what kind of vinly is used for the LP, such as "virgin vinyl", which is 100% new and does not use any recyled vinyl.  Many LPs back in the day were made from non virgin vinyl in order to reduce costs.

 The problem with CD is not the weight of the LP, but the poor pressing combined with the complexity of the music.  Even though it is 180 gram, it is the worst sounding LP I own, and I own normal weight LP's from the 60s.  I would rather it be kept at 180 gram, but I would take 4 normal LPs over what is out there.  Having 3 or 4 LPs, no matter the weight, would put almost all of the music on the outer grooves of the LP, which are the better sounding grooves.  Because CD has so much going on musically, combined with a sub par pressing (which is happening to many "new" releases because pressing plants can't keep up with demand), the inner grooves of the LP are distorted, which is why many are complaining that SOD, IRS, and Catcher sound like crap, because they are all on the innver grooves.  One or 2 more LPs would concievably solve this issue. 

Speaking of recycled vinyl. In his autobio, John Densmore (drummer for the Doors, for those unaware) was sitting around one day and got to deciding he should listen to his one of his gold records. So, he took if off the wall, cracked the glass and put it on the turntable. He was pissed. Electra was too cheap to buy an actual Doors album and have it plated gold and hand it over, so they just bought some dollar store record, put a Doors sticker in the center and painted it gold.

Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: Moonlight J on February 16, 2009, 08:47:00 PM
Well, thanks to all of those who support this idea. I can only hope that this thread caught the attention of somebody who has some pull in the GNR world.  :peace:

Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: Gunner80 on February 16, 2009, 10:51:07 PM
A lot has to do with the Stylus you're using on your turntable. I great sounding one starts at about $1000.00.

Title: Re: 4 LP petition! (a.k.a. please, Mr. Rose!)
Post by: savedsol on February 17, 2009, 12:30:07 PM
Well, thanks to all of those who support this idea. I can only hope that this thread caught the attention of somebody who has some pull in the GNR world.  :peace:

Doubt it. Buy a better CD player instead. My NAD setup out of Canton Ergos does not dissapoint.