Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: kanga on December 19, 2008, 08:56:34 PM

Title: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: kanga on December 19, 2008, 08:56:34 PM
The day Chinese Democracy came out I bought a copy for my son, who is serving in Iraq.  I sent it a couple of days later and he finally received it the day before yesterday.  He and his fellow Marines are really enjoying listening to it.  I might have to send him another copy, they will probably wear that one out in no time.  I think Shacklers Revenge is their favorite track at the moment.  Thought I would share that Chinese Democracy is being enjoyed and appreciated so far away.  I listen to my copy and think of him over there listening to his.  Been a while since I've seen him and missing him terribly now that it is Christmas, but glad I could send him some great music to listen to over the holidays.

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: DeN on December 19, 2008, 09:03:39 PM
goodluck to him, this war is a complete nonsense, hope he will be back soon at your side to listen to it with you.

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: kanga on December 19, 2008, 09:06:59 PM
goodluck to him, this war is a complete nonsense, hope he will be back soon at your side to listen to it with you.

Thanks for the thoughts.  It's tough being a mom and having your kid over there.

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: victor08 on December 19, 2008, 09:23:41 PM
i can't even imagine what that's like for a mom. my brother was over there for a year. he came back without a scratch, luckily :)

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: damnthehaters on December 19, 2008, 09:40:13 PM
...this war is a complete nonsense...

That's one opinion.  Either way, though, I'm glad Papa Axl could brighten a soldier's day.   :beer:

yeah, no kidding!  I'm sure our government knows a hell of a lot more than you or I.  And I know for a fact than many troops believe they are there for a good reason and doing a good thing.  I think it's best to keep comments like that to yourself. 

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: kanga on December 19, 2008, 09:46:21 PM
...this war is a complete nonsense...

That's one opinion.  Either way, though, I'm glad Papa Axl could brighten a soldier's day.   :beer:

He brightened a whole troop's christmas!  : ok:

Every Christmas he has bought me a Guns N' Roses gift (t-shirts, set of glasses etc.) this year I got to send him the best G n' R present ever.  He is the only one in his troop to get the cd so far but they are all listening to it.  

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: loretian on December 19, 2008, 10:24:14 PM
...this war is a complete nonsense...

That's one opinion.  Either way, though, I'm glad Papa Axl could brighten a soldier's day.   :beer:

Ditto.  People can believe their opinion is the absolute end-all of truth, but we can know better.  I'm glad CD could make those who are in the army have a more enjoyable experience.

It's just that kind of album.  It will affect a lot of people.

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on December 19, 2008, 11:11:29 PM
God bless your son kanga!

Mother and son enjoying CD on opposite ends of the world!  I hope he comes back safe and sound and you two can listen to it together.

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on December 20, 2008, 12:46:45 AM
I have the utmost respect for those serving including Kanga's son.

And yes we have another thread for debating whether or not we should be there. Go there if you feel the need to complain.

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: GNR4L on December 20, 2008, 01:40:12 AM
That's awesome ! thank god the troops are over there protecting us Americans.  Disagree or agree on the war is another thing, thank you to all who keep are freedom.

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: grog mug on December 20, 2008, 01:40:36 AM
That really is great, I've bought several copies for Christmas presents!

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 20, 2008, 01:51:22 AM

 I think it's best to keep comments like that to yourself. 

What's the matter? Don't like freedom of speech?

I hope your son comes home safe Kanga.

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 20, 2008, 01:55:01 AM

And yes we have another thread for debating whether or not we should be there. Go there if you feel the need to complain.

Ditto.  People can believe their opinion is the absolute end-all of truth, but we can know better. 

I know chickenshits like you two aren't over there serving in the war you advocate from the safety of your office chairs. While Kanga's son bravely serves this country, that's what I know.

Lets hope Kanga's son has a safe Christmas and I thank him for his service in Iraq. Something neither one of you had the courage to do, but were quick to send others off to do it instead.

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: ecwfan on December 20, 2008, 02:52:28 AM
              I'm not going to get into my feelings on the War. I do think its great to see the soldiers get something there to listen to. And maybe soon this entire thing will end and they'll be home with their families.

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: axljungle on December 20, 2008, 06:49:15 AM
I wish goodluck to your son Kanda, and I hope that he will be soon with you.
From here Merry Chritsmas to the soldiers in Irak in this hollydays.

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: ereeper on December 20, 2008, 07:03:51 AM
God Bless Our Troops!!!  I hope they are home soon.

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: thomas on December 20, 2008, 07:47:08 AM
goodluck to him, this war is a complete nonsense, hope he will be back soon at your side to listen to it with you.

Thanks for the thoughts.  It's tough being a mom and having your kid over there.

i know what you mean i have few friends in the army that in iraq and i do not know when they will come back home and plus i hope your son stay safe and come back home safely and im really happy that the u.s troops r enjoying Chinese Democracy ;D

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: kanga on December 20, 2008, 10:23:21 AM
Thank you all for the best wishes and support for my son.  This was something he had always wanted to do.  We moved to the USA a year or so before 9/11 and he knew then that he wanted to be a U.S. Marine.  He had always been interested in the Military, but that was when he became resolute about signing up.  He was only 14 at the time, but he kept his focus and eventually joined the Marines on 9/11/07.

I don't ever debate about the validity of the war, but instead show my support for the troops that are there.  I am very proud of my son.  They deserve our support even if there are disagreements with the validaty of being there.

I am putting another package together for him and have bought copies of all the G n' R cd's to send.  I will make those Marines fans!  Hopefully they will all come home safely and most importantly come back as hard core G n'R fans  ;D

Again, thanks to all of you for saying such nice things about my son.  I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and make the most of being with your loved ones.

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: jarmo on December 20, 2008, 11:55:07 AM
That's a nice story.

All the best to you and your family.  :)


Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: Sweet on December 21, 2008, 12:02:35 PM
Good luck to your son and to all the troops, thanks for sharing this.  :)

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: Erin on December 21, 2008, 12:16:28 PM
My deepest gratitude to your son and everyone serving with him. I wish them all a safe return.

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: Sillything on December 21, 2008, 12:18:20 PM
Here's to hoping everybody get's home safe! :peace:

Title: Re: CD Being enjoyed by the troops
Post by: kanga on December 21, 2008, 12:26:27 PM
Time out folks.

My intention with this post was not for it to turn into a political discussion on the merits of our troops being in Iraq, I merely wanted to point out that there are a bunch of kids over there who are having a miserable Christmas.  They are freezing cold, sleeping in drafty tents, having MRE's for Christmas dinner, but still having the pleasure of listening to Chinese Democracy.

We have all thoroughly enjoyed hearing the new music and I wanted to point out that some kids that are away from their families and doing their jobs under very difficult conditions are also enjoying the new music.

That being said, I want to thank everyone that sent well wishes to my son and to all the other troops that are away from home and missing their families this Christmas.

Jarmo, if you want to lock this thread I'm ok with it.
