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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 08:22:34 AM

Title: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 08:22:34 AM
Maybe Jarmo can post them, the questions are too many to fit into one post.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: anythinggoes II on December 14, 2008, 08:24:34 AM
Q:- Will you go back into the studio again to record, or are you done with all the things have recorded currently?

A: Probably and that?s a joke right?

Q: - Will there ever be decent promo and interviews etc concerning this album or is this it?

A: There were imo well thought out plans and strategies that unfortunately were ignored once we were pressing CD?s.  There will be proper interviews and some are already scheduled for much later intentionally.  God idea, bad?we?ll see. I?m happy the record?s out the rest? one nightmare at a time.

Q: - What is your favourite band atm/ what was the last concert you went to?

A: Don?t really have a fave at the moment. I?d rather not comment so much on what I listen to or what bands etc. That hasn?t turned out well so much and seems especially if I?ve been positive so I?d rather focus on this band. Can?t remember. Actually perhaps surprisingly I?m not so big on live shows personally, never have been.  That?s not to say I can?t go to an event and have a good or a great time and really enjoy it.

Q: - Why did you decide to sing that line, "But I don't want to do it" in that voice?

A: Because I like it, feel it absolutely fits the song, is a bit reggae etc and is lots of fun personally.


A: When we can!!

Q: -how do you take very deep emotional things to extract words, notes, songs ?

A: Always different, most times much harder than I?d prefer and of course if it?s about something unpleasant that brings other difficulties into play.

Q: -This I Love is incredible, what's the next song in the trilogy?

A: Not sure, we have an acoustic piece I feel I can really work with and can hear the rest of the ideas for in my head so maybe?

Q : -Hows the autobiography going?

A: Answered.

Q : -What does the future hold for 'OMG'?

A: There?s a remix w/lots of new vocals and a wilder guitar intro but it?s not taken all that seriously.

Q: -Will Brian May appear on Atlas Shrugged?

A: Perhaps on an alternate or bits, on that track it has more to do with recording issues and getting the mix to a good level.

Q: -What had happened to the 01 and 06 supposed DVDs.

A: What DVD?s?

Q: -Thanks for appearing on MJ Fox parkinson disease event.

A: My thanks to Michael, Mohammed and Martin Scorcese for having me.

Q: -Are you gonna come to Croatia 

A: I?d like that. Your part of the world has been through so much.

Q: -What part of guitar work for TWAT is yours?

A: I wrote Robin?s bit in the second verse. There?s microscopic bits throughout usually woven down in the other guitars. There bits throughout the end, the basic power chord bit was originally mine, there?s a ghost like bit that formed the basis for the end vocal melody right befor e Robin?s riff?s in one side in the outro before Bucket?s solo and as it gets to the very end there?s lot?s of little over dubbed bits woven in and out very small but structured bits.

Q: And which women influenced the writing of the new ballades.

A: Ha! We?ll get to these a bit later as they?re a bit more complicated than a simple answer of a few names but most are composites and became much more about the song than particular individuals.
Also again I?d like people to have a chance to develop their own relationship with the material a bit. Not dodging as most of these answers will come out over time.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: anythinggoes II on December 14, 2008, 08:25:15 AM
Q: - Axl, will you release the HOB 01/01/01 on dvd, or have it available for download for fans through the gnr site?

A: Asked and answered.

Q: -Do you plan on being on the forums sometimes or is this a one time thing?

A: We?ll see how it goes.

Q: -Any plans on updating the website to make it friendly?  And what ever happened to the fan club thing?

A: I?ve started (again) recently to make an attempt to try and get something going there. It?s been extremely frustrating. I?ve had ideas but former management went with theirs. Previous to what we have now I?ve consistently had others attempt to pressure and railroad me into working with others that I chose not to as it was more about managerial control than a good website and not in my best interest so the ideas get shelved and it generally just sits there. Plus as frustrating as it was for everyone it was not time to talk publicly. So it gets consistently shelved.

Q: -What are your views on Contraband and Libertad?

A: I?ll save this one. These are obviously highly charged areas and I?d rather take things one step at a time.

Q: -IF Robin is gone, who would you want to replace him?

A: Good question?!

Q: -What's goin on with this biography of yours

A: Asked and answered.

Q: -Who's Shackler and why does he want revenge?

A: He lives deep within each and every soul stirring only when the moon is right? or to the smell of KFC?. Or as Brain says ?Once upon a time there was a Shackler??

Q: -How'd you get those weird sounds in the beginning of the song that sound sorta like elephants?

A: That?s Bucket?s guitar. Which knowing that, it?s how I hear them and I could understand others having a different impression.

And on another note? I don?t really get the ?industrial? rap it gets considering these are guitars with very minimal keys. Some of what may be mistaken for keys are Bucket?s different guitar bits and my underlying background vocals. Imo as it?s not clear to the average listener exactly what?s happening and it?s not something most are used to it tends to get lumped in to a category and by some it?s not so innocent as it?s being cute which again imo does a disservice to the song and the band kinda like how I felt when  Sweet Child won a Moonman as heavy metal.

I?ve never been fond of that type of labeling as it tends to try and pigeon hole the material and the band especially in the mainstream media. Though there are others who legitimately enjoy the track and see it that way for their own reasons as well so then maybe it?s not all that important.

Also though Bumble is playing several parts the basis is Bucket and the main verse riff is his and his performance.  Bumble?s correct in what he said publicly it?s just that there?s a lot more going on there as well.

Q:-What's a Riad/Bedouin and can you clarify for the last time if the song is Oklahoma or not?

A: Another one step at a time question! It?s not Oklahoma which later became Berlin and subject to change.

Q: -When's the next album coming?  Are you still planning the multiyear thing?

A: No idea and that was someone else?s thoughts.

Q: -Why did you only play There Was a Time twice in 2006 and not at all in 2007?

A: Not sure I just go with how things feel at the time.

Q: -I'm glad you dusted off Don't Cry in 2007.  Anything else (aside Perfect Crime which was on the setlist) that may be brought back from the dead in the future?

A: I?d like to do Estranged at some point but there?s no plans. I know the guys pick a couple every so often on their own to get down but I don?t know what those are.

Q: - i was wondering if there wil be a dvd release of the tours ya did in 06/07 ?

A: It?d be nice but rt now no plans.

Q: - What's the story behind Crash Diet and why was it never put on to a GNR album?

A: Somethin? done with Wes and his friend and more about their guitars than Guns.

Q: - What the hell was My World?  lol (I've always been curious)

A: Great question and here goes for all your inquisitive minds with a bit you aren?t aware of but is the real story?

Unfinished 1st run 1st dabbling/experimenting all in fun demo that became Duff?s favorite song at the time telling me how he loved to blast it at his house with Ice T and the Bodycount guys before Illusions came out and before it was decided to be on the record. I wanted to try and develop it and wanted guitars of some kind but Slash felt and his words at the Record Plant in all seriousness were ?It?s perfect? and Slash and Duff were the deciding factor to have it on the album.

Personally I feel Duff legitimately liked it but I can?t say Slash did in the same way. In fact I feel he was keenly aware some would take issue with the track and against me so for him in that sense it was ?perfect?.  Imo Duff wasn?t aware or part of that and was ?used? unwittingly for support in talking me out of developing it or not including it which at the time I had no real intention of using as is.

Q: -axl did you do a song with eazy-e in the early 90's i would like to hear it if you did eazy-e was tight

A: Answered but it?s nothing like Easy.

Q: -whats your favorite disney animated film and score

A: Hmm? Snow White and ?Apple core nothing more?? more a skit than a score. Probably Cinderella but I haven?t listened consciously since I was a kid. If that forever a day line?s from there that was pulled out of my ass or my subconscious which some are certain are fairly close together.

Q: -do you have any fond memories of hanging out with n.w.a.

A: Not that I can share!

Q: -do you like the little mermaid

A: We text. The whole breathing under water and no vagina make things a bit awkward but?

Q: - when would be the earliest we could hope expect a tour/tour announcement.?

A: When we decide on one! Seriously I don?t know I?m focused more on other areas but we are talking seriously. We have a great relationship with our Euro and other areas promoter as well as the promoters in Austraila and Japan and Irving has lots of ideas we just started tossing around.

Q: - Is the song "Sorry", directed at anyone in particular?

A: Answered.

Q: - Have You Watched the fan-made videos online, do you like some of them? any in particular?

A: Only seen bits and pieces.

Q: - Will the rerecorded appetite ever see the light of day?

A: It?s really just adat and maybe but it was just for learning purposes, more like rehearsal?s.

Q: - Will we ever get a documentary of some sort about the rebuilding of Guns and the making of CD?

A: We?ll be talking about the reality of making the record a bit for a while beyond that I can?t say.

Q:  Who is in the band?

A: Answered somewhere. It?s more about who?s on the album right now.

Q: - -Did you hear the arcapella version of sweet child of mine in step brothers? what did you think??

A: Haven?t heard yet.  Heard it was funny.

Q: - the "next" album ,does it look like that one ? so different style ?

A: Not clear on the question exactly but I?ll take a shot? it?s a lot more different styles than on this one. As I?ve said it seems more like a double album to me meaning Chinese and the followup.

Q: - Can you take a picture of yourself with CD in your hand and add it to the "Do you Have CHinese Democracy" flickr group here 

A: Don?t have one yet!!

Q: - - Could you name a few books that you've read lately?

A: Haven?t lately. Bought a book on Blackwater.

Q: - Is music the meaning of your life, if not, what is?

A: My family and Guns seems to be in a lot of ways.

Q: - is the band still in contact with Paul Huge? Any more future plans with him? Guest apperance on tour maybe?

A: Yes, I?m sure there are and maybe.

Q: -has anything disney influenced you musically?

A: More the atmosphere there and Walt Disney?s original intent along with Bucket and others who enjoy Disney and the films than directly music related..

Q: -is it just me or do i hear you say lennon when i play catcher backwards

A: Haven?t noticed. It?s not intentional from me but that doesn?t mean it isn?t there.

Q: -bumblefoot told me in the eddie trunk chat dizzy reed plays pokemon do you play pokemon whos on your pokemon team? and , axl , wii ps3 or xbox360?

A: Haven?t played.

Q: -will there be any cover songs on future albums?

A: Maybe. Haven?t planned.

Q: -are you friends with bill warde? i talk to him alot, can you tell me somthing i can tell him that will freak him out? so i can be like hey bill axl told me you ...bla bla bla etc. whatever

A: Sabbath?  :thumbsup:Never met, say hi and all the best!!

p.s. please dawn the white underwear again onstage  it looks amazing

A: Ha!! I?m wearin? ?em now and skateboarding in my crib filled with blue jello while on acid for I am The Shackler in the Rye with Diamonds!! 

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 08:29:13 AM
Thanks! 8)

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: wells on December 14, 2008, 08:31:52 AM
thanx anythinggoes II, You were a bit faster  :D

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: thinkaboutyou on December 14, 2008, 08:32:52 AM
I wonder if he might answer more  ;D

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 08:43:06 AM
The Little Mermaid comment made my day :rofl:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on December 14, 2008, 08:43:23 AM
Axl is the fucking best. Come to HTGTH

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: chineseblues on December 14, 2008, 08:43:54 AM
The Little Mermaid comment made my day :rofl:

I gotta agree there, that was classic Axl. Made me spit out my morning coffee  :hihi:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 08:53:41 AM
Read what he says about My World.
Just shows how much we have been lied to over the years, I always heard Axl put that song on there without the other members having any idea. Slash said he didn't know about it until he heard the record. What a fucking liar. Now as Axl's side of the story is finally starting to emerge we'll slowly but surely see who the real bad guys were...

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: SoulMonster on December 14, 2008, 09:14:11 AM
Bad guys is taking it a bit too far, it's just that Axl is the real deal, the others don't seem to have a problem with lying to get in a better position. The My World answer shows that.

He seems to like that forum a bit more, or rather the questions which I think are better than here or mygnr, which is why he really digs into them and stays there longer.

The admin there is starting to become a nazi though, although understandable sometimes but he shouldn't cross the line and pretend Axl is a child who needs to be hold his hand, LOL.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: GnR-NOW on December 14, 2008, 09:14:41 AM
When Axl talks its always interesting and fun at the same time.  When he went on Trunk in 06, it was more about great story telling, that was funny and interesting to listen to.  I'm glad he's opening up to the fans.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: D on December 14, 2008, 09:15:58 AM
Bad guys is taking it a bit too far, it's just that Axl is the real deal, the others don't seem to have a problem with lying to get in a better position. The My World answer shows that.

He seems to like that forum a bit more, or rather the questions which I think are better than here or mygnr, which is why he really digs into them and stays there longer.

How does it work over there? Do they have a thread with the questions already asked and he just goes through?

Here and MyGNR it was just madness.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on December 14, 2008, 09:18:02 AM
yes. but right now you can post new questions in that thread in which axl answered some today.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on December 14, 2008, 09:20:03 AM
Bad guys is taking it a bit too far, it's just that Axl is the real deal, the others don't seem to have a problem with lying to get in a better position. The My World answer shows that.

He seems to like that forum a bit more, or rather the questions which I think are better than here or mygnr, which is why he really digs into them and stays there longer.

The admin there is starting to become a nazi though, although understandable sometimes but he shouldn't cross the line and pretend Axl is a child who needs to be hold his hand, LOL.

people are behaving quite well i would say.
axl does it all himself, he created the thread and does what he wants, he chooses the questions, but in order, so closing the thread for him to answer at some point is normal ....

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: SoulMonster on December 14, 2008, 09:20:28 AM
Bad guys is taking it a bit too far, it's just that Axl is the real deal, the others don't seem to have a problem with lying to get in a better position. The My World answer shows that.

He seems to like that forum a bit more, or rather the questions which I think are better than here or mygnr, which is why he really digs into them and stays there longer.

How does it work over there? Do they have a thread with the questions already asked and he just goes through?

Here and MyGNR it was just madness.

When Axl shows up he first gets bombarded with questions, then the admin closes the thread until Axl answers some, then opens again for new questions etc. Today Axl just started a new thread with questions of last night he answered now and posted it like that in 1 post.

It works well, but like I said before, the admin should treat Axl more like an adult...he knows it will get crazy and people will get excited, so knows what to ignore and how to guide it back to reasonable proportions :D

Where is Hassan Nasrallah ?  I agree it works well, but it kills the spontanious (sp?) thing a bit. And the admin threatening fans with ban because they don't follow his rules which he doesn't follow himself (he asks multiple questions while locking the thread LOL) which Axl had nothing to do with is going overboard I think  :)

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on December 14, 2008, 09:28:12 AM
it's ok, lets not create drama, go ask a question ;) it's all good

peace man !

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Bruno Poeys on December 14, 2008, 09:28:39 AM
The admin there is starting to become a nazi though, although understandable sometimes but he shouldn't cross the line and pretend Axl is a child who needs to be hold his hand, LOL.
He's feeling that he's god or something else just because Axl's there.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: willow on December 14, 2008, 09:29:24 AM
This is so much fun! I love the direction of questioning too.
Thanks again Axl!

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Bruno Poeys on December 14, 2008, 09:30:02 AM
Also though Bumble is playing several parts the basis is Bucket and the main verse riff is his and his performance.  Bumble?s correct in what he said publicly it?s just that there?s a lot more going on there as well.
We know that, Axl. Bumble just told us what he played and that's nice cause a lot of people can't recognize who's playing. Though, a few of us knew who played what cause we know their playing style. ;)

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 09:32:00 AM
The admin there is starting to become a nazi though, although understandable sometimes but he shouldn't cross the line and pretend Axl is a child who needs to be hold his hand, LOL.
He's feeling that he's god or something else just because Axl's there.

You're both wrong, Sean is in fact a very cool and humble guy. Don't talk about what you don't know about.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: jarmo on December 14, 2008, 09:33:47 AM
Here and MyGNR it was just madness.

It was madness because people didn't listen to me when I asked them nicely to stop posting new questions.

If I moderate, I get called a nazi and if I don't, it's "madness"....  :hihi:

I think it went well over all.


Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: SoulMonster on December 14, 2008, 09:34:34 AM
Yeah I never confused Bumble with Bucket....even when I was flamed on other forums for telling them it was Bucket or Bumble or Finck.

 One admin even banned me for telling him Bumble did the solo in CITR, he was like, no I am a huge Bumble fan for so many years and he wouldn't play crap like that ;D

Axl at Mygnr now? Means he will be here soon? yep confirmed, Dexter is busy posting at MyGnr.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Bruno Poeys on December 14, 2008, 09:36:44 AM
The admin there is starting to become a nazi though, although understandable sometimes but he shouldn't cross the line and pretend Axl is a child who needs to be hold his hand, LOL.
He's feeling that he's god or something else just because Axl's there.

You're both wrong, Sean is in fact a very cool and humble guy. Don't talk about what you don't know about.
No we're not and we know what we're talking about. You're being the blind man here.

Yea, I think it went very well here... it's not just madness.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on December 14, 2008, 09:37:22 AM
He's at mygnr right now

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 09:37:32 AM
Here and MyGNR it was just madness.

It was madness because people didn't listen to me when I asked them nicely to stop posting new questions.

If I moderate, I get called a nazi and if I don't, it's "madness"....  :hihi:

I think it went well over all.


Yes it did.
I think it has been proven that Axl likes it in a moderated form as you were trying to do here rather than chaos, because he seemed much more comfortable and stayed there for like 7 hours, taking his time with each question instead of being "bumrushed", as he put it, when he first came to

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 09:39:27 AM
He's at mygnr right now

If that's the case, get ready, he might come over here next!! :o

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: SoulMonster on December 14, 2008, 09:40:18 AM
I think Axl will do at mygnr what he did at namely start a new thread and post the answers from earlier question on that forum.

then  he'll be here for the same thing?

WOW, check the mygnr thread, this si getting serious now!

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on December 14, 2008, 09:40:47 AM
from his mygnr profile:

Last Seen: Today, 09:39 AM
Viewing Board Index

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on December 14, 2008, 09:41:27 AM
Axl @ mygnr:

Let's try something. I'll give a topic and lets try and get a few or more of your questions on the subject. I've either read or heard all types of opinions on these and that's not what I'm trying to get at here. What I'd like to try are the questions as straightforward and concise as you can try and make 'em. I'll read them and if possible answer them collectively. I'll do my best to give you what I can and we'll see how it goes.  So here goes...

The ownership of the name Guns N' Roses.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: SoulMonster on December 14, 2008, 09:42:52 AM
The fact even Axl uses smilies cracks me up everytime I see them  ;D :D :P :hihi:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Robman? on December 14, 2008, 09:44:32 AM
Axl @ mygnr:

Let's try something. I'll give a topic and lets try and get a few or more of your questions on the subject. I've either read or heard all types of opinions on these and that's not what I'm trying to get at here. What I'd like to try are the questions as straightforward and concise as you can try and make 'em. I'll read them and if possible answer them collectively. I'll do my best to give you what I can and we'll see how it goes.  So here goes...

The ownership of the name Guns N' Roses.

Can you post a link to this thread on myGNR by any chance?

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: SoulMonster on December 14, 2008, 09:46:35 AM
Axl @ mygnr:

Let's try something. I'll give a topic and lets try and get a few or more of your questions on the subject. I've either read or heard all types of opinions on these and that's not what I'm trying to get at here. What I'd like to try are the questions as straightforward and concise as you can try and make 'em. I'll read them and if possible answer them collectively. I'll do my best to give you what I can and we'll see how it goes.  So here goes...

The ownership of the name Guns N' Roses.

Can you post a link to this thread on myGNR by any chance?

Axl should really ignore the troll posts, he answered one of them again, hehe. Lol he burned 2 of them now :D

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: gunns1 on December 14, 2008, 09:47:48 AM

Axl @ mygnr:

Let's try something. I'll give a topic and lets try and get a few or more of your questions on the subject. I've either read or heard all types of opinions on these and that's not what I'm trying to get at here. What I'd like to try are the questions as straightforward and concise as you can try and make 'em. I'll read them and if possible answer them collectively. I'll do my best to give you what I can and we'll see how it goes.  So here goes...

The ownership of the name Guns N' Roses.

Can you post a link to this thread on myGNR by any chance?

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on December 14, 2008, 09:48:57 AM
hahahaha, ax's fucking funny


Could you tell us more about "there was a time", this is the best song on the album for me, i like the epic atmosphere and your voice is totally awesome at the end of the song. thumbsup
I hope you will play it on the next Tour.
Thanx for your time,

Greetings from Paris, France. smile
(if you need a guide to visit Paris, Eiffel Tower & stuff, tell me ! lol)

Not here or I would've said something like "Hey ask me anything other than what I've originally posted here."

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: dust of my dust on December 14, 2008, 09:50:55 AM
The Little Mermaid comment made my day :rofl:

Don't forget the last answer: it's also pretty damn funny!

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: SoulMonster on December 14, 2008, 09:52:15 AM
Ok now it's going thw rong way, some trolls intentionally are asking troll questions to annoy Axl and get a reaction. Admin move in

Mygnr always does this shit, it al turned negative with the trolling of the usual suspects who got the green light.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on December 14, 2008, 09:55:15 AM
man, how dumb can people be? they're gonna scare him away

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: ppbebe on December 14, 2008, 09:56:54 AM
The Little Mermaid comment made my day :rofl:

Don't forget the last answer: it's also pretty damn funny!

rye-mes with lucy in the sky.  ;D

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Robman? on December 14, 2008, 09:57:31 AM
Thanks for the links guys.

Some people are being total dickheads about it, though the question about his voice would be interesting, its not the place to ask it.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 10:16:13 AM
He left
Maybe he's coming here? :o

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: SoulMonster on December 14, 2008, 10:21:46 AM
Dexter has left the mygnr building, and so would I...what a bunch of fkn cunts.  (i mean the ones who kept trolling...)

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Alfie Bones on December 14, 2008, 10:23:19 AM
I just hope he doesn't consider all downloading motherfuckers to be like that.

We can be civil, it just needs to be structured. He's the frontman for one of the biggest acts in music history, and there are bound to be be idiots like them.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on December 14, 2008, 10:27:29 AM
People still asking him about CD. Seriously, have i missed "take-away-your-brain-day" or something like that?

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Annie on December 14, 2008, 10:28:00 AM
I love what Axl said about the ballads and people developing their own relationship with them. THIS I LOVE is truly the theme song for the character EDWARD in the TWILIGHT series.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: D on December 14, 2008, 10:30:12 AM
U did a great job with it Jarmo.

The fact the server didn't crash is truly a testament to this forum.

It definitely went great over here no doubt, I mean it was madness just by the excitement and the just out of this world flood

There is nothing anyone could've done about that.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: SoulMonster on December 14, 2008, 10:31:03 AM
After that little fiasco at mygnr this hour, I think when the new version of the booklets come out, the thanx to eric will mysteriously disappear LOL.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: axe on December 14, 2008, 10:31:41 AM
The problem is people are looking for some idiotic Idol Connection by trying to get his or her own question answered. That's just stupid. When you see there's already a ton of questions unanswered, why the fuck still try to get your own in? Just wait and enjoy what the man answers. And even if you really have the need to ask something, make it something good and stop asking if Axl likes the fact that you're wearing different colored socks right now. And nobody really cares if Axl had a good time in any country or if the fans in that country are good or not.


Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 10:33:36 AM
I think his plan is to come back to mygnr and answer collectively.
Sucks that my account there was banned though, for standing up for Jarmo, Fernando and Axl. Anyone care to lend me their account for a question? :hihi: I could have had my question on the first page if only some good hadn't taken away my posting privileges.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: D on December 14, 2008, 10:34:18 AM
not to piss anyone off, cause it isn't my intent, but yeah, I agree with the above poster. One dude must have asked like 200 times if Axl remembered someone giving him some cigars or something................. :hihi: :hihi:

Hey Axl, when i was 10 I met u in Atlanta GA and u gave me an autograph? Do u remember me? :hihi: :hihi:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on December 14, 2008, 10:34:23 AM
i could kill right now

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Alfie Bones on December 14, 2008, 10:34:58 AM
MyGNR is an awful forum. I hope the man stops going there before he loses faith in all of us.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 10:35:18 AM
i could kill right now

Who and why?

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: mrarkadin on December 14, 2008, 10:35:25 AM
Dexter has left the mygnr building, and so would I...what a bunch of fkn cunts.  (i mean the ones who kept trolling...)

Most people seemed to have kept on topic. I hope the offensive few didn't annoy Axl too much. If so, a shame, because the idea and the topic really impressed me. He's impressed me a lot these last few days.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on December 14, 2008, 10:37:49 AM

anyone who asked dumb questions at mygnr.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 10:38:39 AM

I just hope he decides to come here instead.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Alfie Bones on December 14, 2008, 10:39:09 AM

Someone should ask Uncle Axl to sic the Shackler on them.

Edit: The one from the song.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: D on December 14, 2008, 10:39:11 AM
So did axl go to Mygnr again? or is someone confusing that with

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 10:40:10 AM

Someone should ask Uncle Axl to sic the Shackler on them.


Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Alfie Bones on December 14, 2008, 10:40:54 AM
Shackler's Revenge.

Not you.  : ok:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: SoulMonster on December 14, 2008, 10:41:57 AM
Dexter has left the mygnr building, and so would I...what a bunch of fkn cunts.  (i mean the ones who kept trolling...)

Most people seemed to have kept on topic. I hope the offensive few didn't annoy Axl too much. If so, a shame, because the idea and the topic really impressed me. He's impressed me a lot these last few days.

Nah, if you refreshed a lot you would see the thread was filled with trolls :P

They later got deleted, by locking thread etc.

And yeah, the concept of Axl was impressive. He was gonna tackle many topics like these in seperate threads it seems....but he cannot just talk about it without being asked for some reason. I hope he does the same here....mygnr is fail for that kind of reasonable approach IMO.

If he shows up here, guys, read his post clearly...he doesn't want your opinion, that's clear...he wants a question dealing specifically with the few words he gives you. PERIOD :)

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 10:43:58 AM
Dexter has left the mygnr building, and so would I...what a bunch of fkn cunts.  (i mean the ones who kept trolling...)

Most people seemed to have kept on topic. I hope the offensive few didn't annoy Axl too much. If so, a shame, because the idea and the topic really impressed me. He's impressed me a lot these last few days.

Nah, if you refreshed a lot you would see the thread was filled with trolls :P

They later got deleted, by locking thread etc.

And yeah, the concept of Axl was impressive. He was gonna tackle many topics like these in seperate threads it seems....but he cannot just talk about it without being asked for some reason. I hope he does the same here....mygnr is fail for that kind of reasonable approach IMO.

If he shows up here, guys, read his post clearly...he doesn't want your opinion, that's clear...he wants a question dealing specifically with the few words he gives you. PERIOD :)

Yeah, he wants to give us his side of the story on things, just ask him all the right questions and we might end up having the intrerview of the decade.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Josh on December 14, 2008, 10:44:18 AM
The problem is people are looking for some idiotic Idol Connection by trying to get his or her own question answered. That's just stupid. When you see there's already a ton of questions unanswered, why the fuck still try to get your own in? Just wait and enjoy what the man answers. And even if you really have the need to ask something, make it something good and stop asking if Axl likes the fact that you're wearing different colored socks right now. And nobody really cares if Axl had a good time in any country or if the fans in that country are good or not.


 : ok: For 15 years we've been discussing (online or otherwise) this band, this artist, and this album.  I think it's disappointing but at the same time funny that when the man himself shows up and actually invites discussion this is the best we can do.  I do think the most interesting question asked was why Axl chose this particular topic.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: D on December 14, 2008, 10:44:39 AM
NM on there now

Guys, if Axl comes over here

PLEASE listen to what he says and don't go apeshit.

He wanted simple questions on a topic and u got people not even listening.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: ppbebe on December 14, 2008, 10:45:35 AM
Dexter has left the mygnr building, and so would I...what a bunch of fkn cunts.  (i mean the ones who kept trolling...)

Most people seemed to have kept on topic. I hope the offensive few didn't annoy Axl too much.

as Dexter wrote@ mygnr

"Nah. Friendly banter by those with opposing views." he seems to be quite a relaxed person. or patient.

that no way in the hell means you should try his patience.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Alfie Bones on December 14, 2008, 10:46:32 AM
Jarmo should create an Axl forum and only give certain people posting access.  :rofl:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 10:46:50 AM
Dexter has left the mygnr building, and so would I...what a bunch of fkn cunts.  (i mean the ones who kept trolling...)

Most people seemed to have kept on topic. I hope the offensive few didn't annoy Axl too much.

as Dexter wrote@ mygnr

"Nah. Friendly banter by those with opposing views." he seems to be quite a relaxed person. or patient.

At least these days :hihi:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: SoulMonster on December 14, 2008, 10:48:46 AM
Jarmo should create an Axl forum and only give certain people posting access.  :rofl:

You want World War 3 to start now, right on this forum  ;D

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 10:49:30 AM
Jarmo should create an Axl forum and only give certain people posting access.  :rofl:

You want World War 3 to start now, right on this forum  ;D

YES!! >:(

FUCK, he's back on Oh well, hope he takes his time to come here afterwards.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Alfie Bones on December 14, 2008, 10:50:29 AM
Jarmo should create an Axl forum and only give certain people posting access.  :rofl:

You want World War 3 to start now, right on this forum  ;D

YES!! >:(

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: D on December 14, 2008, 10:52:02 AM
If i were an admin

I would give Axl mod powers or what have u, that way u can lock a thread after a certain point, but Axl would still be able to post in it.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: ppbebe on December 14, 2008, 10:52:53 AM
like at cd com?

Jarmo should create an Axl forum and only give certain people posting access.  :rofl:

You want World War 3 to start now, right on this forum  ;D

YES!! >:(
armagedon starts now?

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 10:53:35 AM
If i were an admin

I would give Axl mod powers or what have u, that way u can lock a thread after a certain point, but Axl would still be able to post in it.

They made him a mod over at so that he could be the only one posting in his thread. I think that was a great idea, worked out great. Axl took his time and stayed for more than 7 hours.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Alfie Bones on December 14, 2008, 10:54:23 AM
like at cd com?

Jarmo should create an Axl forum and only give certain people posting access.  :rofl:

You want World War 3 to start now, right on this forum  ;D

YES!! >:(
armagedon starts now?

8:00 tonight. "Chinese Democracy" is the official theme.

(WWE Armageddon Pay Per View, at least)

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: D on December 14, 2008, 10:55:23 AM
U figure with all those questions, I am sure he is typing a pretty decent reply as we speak.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on December 14, 2008, 10:56:58 AM
He's back at mygnr!!!!!

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 10:57:55 AM
U figure with all those questions, I am sure he is typing a pretty decent reply as we speak.

Yeah, I'm guessing something similar to what he did over at

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: D on December 14, 2008, 10:58:44 AM
Seriously guys, I know u all get excited as hell if u are anything like me. BUT PLEASE read what he writes so we don't piss him off by not paying attention and reading.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 11:00:03 AM
He's back at mygnr!!!!!

He has logged out again :rofl:

Forever the enigma ;D

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: SoulMonster on December 14, 2008, 11:01:07 AM
Seriously guys, I know u all get excited as hell if u are anything like me. BUT PLEASE read what he writes so we don't piss him off by not paying attention and reading.

The problem with mygnr is, they banned all the rational folks who would have asked the proper questions and mainly negative trolls and hysteric fangirls are left over  :hihi:

He left again, he was like....nah fok it!

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 11:02:13 AM
The problem with mygnr is, they banned all the rational folks who would have asked the proper questions

You can say that twice...

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Alfie Bones on December 14, 2008, 11:02:43 AM
He's back at mygnr!!!!!

He has logged out again :rofl:

Forever the enigma ;D

So, when's Leo DiCaprio going to portray our Howard Hughes?

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Princess Leia on December 14, 2008, 11:03:56 AM
Hi Guys, I have an idea. If you allow me. Axl wanted to talk about the GN'R name ownership when he was at mygnr. I was on the fans who spoke with him back in 2001 at Rock in Rio (Brazil) at the hotel pool. He explained things about the name ownership that day so I know what his answer was. Do you wanna talk about it?

Btw I've been around forums. Chief knows me  ;D

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on December 14, 2008, 11:04:34 AM
Go ahead.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: SoulMonster on December 14, 2008, 11:05:53 AM
Hi Guys, I have an idea. If you allow me. Axl wanted to talk about the GN'R name ownership when he was at mygnr. I was on the fans who spoke with him back in 2001 at Rock in Rio (Brazil) at the hotel pool. He explained things about the name ownership that day so I know what his answer was. Do you wanna talk about it?

Btw I've been around forums. Chief knows me  ;D

I think best would be better for all to let Axl answer, but much appreciated :)

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: D on December 14, 2008, 11:09:18 AM
Hi Guys, I have an idea. If you allow me. Axl wanted to talk about the GN'R name ownership when he was at mygnr. I was on the fans who spoke with him back in 2001 at Rock in Rio (Brazil) at the hotel pool. He explained things about the name ownership that day so I know what his answer was. Do you wanna talk about it?

Btw I've been around forums. Chief knows me  ;D

I think best would be better for all to let Axl answer, but much appreciated :)

agree with this

Id rather hear from Axl but thanks anyway!

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: sixgnr on December 14, 2008, 11:10:42 AM
There are a lot of stupid people in every forum! :rant: F#@k off

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: younggunner on December 14, 2008, 11:11:47 AM
I really hope he comes over here. Hes been on the boards 3 times and Ive missed him each time!

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: thinkaboutyou on December 14, 2008, 11:12:05 AM
Hi Guys, I have an idea. If you allow me. Axl wanted to talk about the GN'R name ownership when he was at mygnr. I was on the fans who spoke with him back in 2001 at Rock in Rio (Brazil) at the hotel pool. He explained things about the name ownership that day so I know what his answer was. Do you wanna talk about it?

Btw I've been around forums. Chief knows me  ;D

tell us in a weeks time if Axl doesn't say anything ............

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Princess Leia on December 14, 2008, 11:13:00 AM
How about this? Someone can start the topic about the name ownership. You guys post whatever you think about it then I explain his view on the issue. Or just wait and see if he shows up so he can give you the answer

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: D on December 14, 2008, 11:13:08 AM
There are a lot of stupid people in every forum! :rant: F#@k off

This is true. I don't want to start a forum war or anything but next time, I hope everyone reads!

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 11:14:36 AM
I really hope he comes over here. Hes been on the boards 3 times and Ive missed him each time!

Me too. I feel pretty confident that he will show up though. Just sit glued to the screen the rest of the day like me. I have an exam on Tuesday but this is more important.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: thinkaboutyou on December 14, 2008, 11:15:39 AM
How about this? Someone can start the topic about the name ownership. You guys post whatever you think about it then I explain his view on the issue. Or just wait and see if he shows up so he can give you the answer

I think wait a few days

for all we know axl might be answering the questions on mygnr in one big post

I really hope he comes over here. Hes been on the boards 3 times and Ive missed him each time!

Me too. I feel pretty confident that he will show up though. Just sit glued to the screen the rest of the day like me. I have an exam on Tuesday but this is more important.

i've been pretty lucky I was around for all 3 chats

i even got a pm from him when i welcomed Axl to mygnrforum

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: younggunner on December 14, 2008, 11:16:49 AM
Me too. I feel pretty confident that he will show up though. Just sit glued to the screen the rest of the day like me. I have an exam on Tuesday but this is more important

My dam laptop wasnt working this weekend otherwise I would have been here as it happened. What time did he sign on today? I signed off around 1 am. Must have just missed him

And whats with all the Disney questions?

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: CheapJon on December 14, 2008, 11:23:13 AM
what the faawk

axl comes on, has a good idea on how to do this and only a minority cares about what he said when he gave a topic that he thinks a lot of persons have opinions and questions about :no:

it's just so fucking cool that he even does this and comes back and it seems like some people wanna fuckin ruin it or something..

(was talking about the bandname rights-thingie at mygnr)

so cool that he wanna do estranged again :)

a little bummed out on that OMG.. " it?s not taken all that seriously" I hope I missinterpreted it because IMO it's as good (a real studioversion that is) as any song on CD

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 11:31:06 AM
Is he still at mygnr?

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: D on December 14, 2008, 11:31:45 AM
Its been 35 minutes. I say he would type a pretty long bunch of answers to those questions though.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on December 14, 2008, 11:32:17 AM
Nah, i guess it's over for today. Thanks to those brainless fuckers at mygnr. Hope next time he stays away from that place

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Jada on December 14, 2008, 11:32:40 AM
it seems like some people wanna fuckin ruin it or something..

(was talking about the bandname rights-thingie at mygnr)

Yeah that pisses me off too. But like someone has said "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."  :P

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 11:33:02 AM
Its been 35 minutes. I say he would type a pretty long bunch of answers to those questions though.

He used something like that, if not longer, to type one gigantic post at yesterday before he left, so who knows.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: D on December 14, 2008, 11:36:53 AM
yeah, i mean there were about 10 or so really awesome questions and Im sure he is answering those. if he didn't let those one idiots make him turn off the computer, I'm sure a few people who are overexcited and didn't read aren't going to.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: mrarkadin on December 14, 2008, 11:38:42 AM
Its been 35 minutes. I say he would type a pretty long bunch of answers to those questions though.

He used something like that, if not longer, to type one gigantic post at yesterday before he left, so who knows.

He's probably choosing his words carefully. Axl clearly has a few things to say on the matter. I can't wait to see what his take is.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: axlroses on December 14, 2008, 11:51:54 AM
I couldn't believe how many really smart people(sarcasm) posted random things.  Axl takes the time to let people ask questions and they screw it up.  I really look forward to his answers.  I am sure that he has plenty to say and add that we don't know.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: eragon on December 14, 2008, 11:57:06 AM
Seriously guys, I know u all get excited as hell if u are anything like me. BUT PLEASE read what he writes so we don't piss him off by not paying attention and reading.

The problem with mygnr is, they banned all the rational folks who would have asked the proper questions and mainly negative trolls and hysteric fangirls are left over  :hihi:

He left again, he was like....nah fok it!

Well, Axl visited mygnr to answer questions about the ownership of G N' R.  A subject that can't be discussed here without a proper banning.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 11:57:29 AM
Has he answered yet?

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: jarmo on December 14, 2008, 11:58:57 AM
Well, Axl visited mygnr to answer questions about the ownership of G N' R.  A subject that can't be discussed here without a proper banning.

What the fuck does that mean?


Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on December 14, 2008, 12:00:00 PM
i think he was online again

Last Seen: Today, 11:56 AM

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: eragon on December 14, 2008, 12:05:01 PM
Well, Axl visited mygnr to answer questions about the ownership of G N' R.  A subject that can't be discussed here without a proper banning.

What the fuck does that mean?


I don't want to start a fight about this Jarmo. In the past i posted several messages about the old band here but all in a sec they got removed by a mod. I hope this explains what i said before because the ownership of G N' R is also part of the old band.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: greendog on December 14, 2008, 12:08:46 PM
I don't want to start a fight about this Jarmo. In the past i posted several messages about the old band here but all in a sec they got removed by a mod. I hope this explains what i said before because the ownership of G N' R is also part of the old band.

Stop trying to get one up on mods/admins and maybe you'd be around here a little longer.  :confused:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Bumbles N Roses on December 14, 2008, 12:09:56 PM
Well, Axl visited mygnr to answer questions about the ownership of G N' R.  A subject that can't be discussed here without a proper banning.

What the fuck does that mean?

Some of the guys over there had really shitty thoughts  :rofl: :hihi:   I had a good thought, but the thread got locked before I could press reply   :P

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: jarmo on December 14, 2008, 12:10:11 PM
I don't want to start a fight about this Jarmo. In the past i posted several messages about the old band here but all in a sec they got removed by a mod. I hope this explains what i said before because the ownership of G N' R is also part of the old band.

Of course you don't want to start a fight. You just throw some bullshit statement out there.....

It was probably removed for a good reason.

Some people come here only to post about the old band.

People who aren't interested in actual news or recent events.


Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Bumbles N Roses on December 14, 2008, 12:13:26 PM
I don't want to start a fight about this Jarmo. In the past i posted several messages about the old band here but all in a sec they got removed by a mod. I hope this explains what i said before because the ownership of G N' R is also part of the old band.

Of course you don't want to start a fight. You just throw some bullshit statement out there.....

It was probably removed for a good reason.

Some people come here only to post about the old band.

People who aren't interested in actual news or recent events.

I dont get the extremist for the old and the new.  Can't someone like em both?

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: chineseblues on December 14, 2008, 12:18:13 PM
I don't want to start a fight about this Jarmo. In the past i posted several messages about the old band here but all in a sec they got removed by a mod. I hope this explains what i said before because the ownership of G N' R is also part of the old band.

Of course you don't want to start a fight. You just throw some bullshit statement out there.....

It was probably removed for a good reason.

Some people come here only to post about the old band.

People who aren't interested in actual news or recent events.

I dont get the extremist for the old and the new.  Can't someone like em both?

You can like whatever you want but some people come here JUST to talk about the old band and care nothing about the new album etc. This isn't the place for that kind of shit.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: CaughtMeInaComa on December 14, 2008, 12:19:48 PM
If ever there was a time to be a member of a GN'R fansite... This is it! Exciting Times!

some people come here JUST to talk about the old band and care nothing about the new album etc. This isn't the place for that kind of shit.

Apperently Alot of people ask Axl about the old Band, Axl doesn't seem to mind (which I was very suprised!) He kinda' just beats around the bush
in answering them. But they are perfectly valid questions. considering he still deals with the old members, rather it be in the press or in court issues.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Skunk on December 14, 2008, 12:20:30 PM
I don't want to start a fight about this Jarmo. In the past i posted several messages about the old band here but all in a sec they got removed by a mod. I hope this explains what i said before because the ownership of G N' R is also part of the old band.

Of course you don't want to start a fight. You just throw some bullshit statement out there.....

It was probably removed for a good reason.

Some people come here only to post about the old band.

People who aren't interested in actual news or recent events.

I dont get the extremist for the old and the new.  Can't someone like em both?

I think most of us like them both. Most of the time this board is moderated to keep the topics to what is going on now and away from endless arguments, which i appreciate. I love all the older material, of course, but i do think some people decided a long time ago that they were mad at Axl for moving on and they can't get over it, and it comes through in their posts. There's a section on this board to talk about Yesterdays.


"There were imo well thought out plans and strategies that unfortunately were ignored once we were pressing CD?s.  There will be proper interviews and some are already scheduled for much later intentionally.  God idea, bad?we?ll see. I?m happy the record?s out the rest? one nightmare at a time."

Anyone else think this was a really interesting answer? It sounds like the promo was a bit messed up, but Axl was happy to get the album out anyway, and now they're going for a long slow push, no? Maybe this is related to the Best Buy exclusive? The album will have been out almost a month by the time we get a Better video, and who knows how many singles will follow. Either way i look forward to hearing these proper interviews  ;D

I also eagerly await his response on the band name issue. Probably the most talked about issue amongst casual fans. I wish posters would show Axl the respect he's shown us. I hope he tells us what originally made him decide to own the name himself, what that has meant over time, and how much difficulty if any it created along the road to CD.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Bumbles N Roses on December 14, 2008, 12:24:44 PM
yeah i know, I just find the extremeist funny.  I usually post on, but I came over here for some fun  :beer:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: CheapJon on December 14, 2008, 12:27:39 PM
bring your shit up in the admin section, thanks

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 12:28:56 PM
bring your shit up in the admin section, thanks

Yeah, this is for the interview and related positive things.
Complainers go elsewhere.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on December 14, 2008, 12:32:20 PM
I registered at & back in 2005 and finally made my 1st posts over there after Dexter signed up.

I like some of the other sites too, but I've just liked it over here better! People talk shit about jarmo / mods deleting posts but go over to the other sites and you'll begin to appreciate HTGTH more....

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: axe on December 14, 2008, 12:35:26 PM
I want to know what Axl thinks of Finland finally beating Sweden in the floorball world championship final! I wonder if he actually watched the game, and if not then why not? Did Kimi R?ikk?nen already call him about this huge sporting event?

("I'll get me coat.")

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: eragon on December 14, 2008, 12:38:33 PM
I don't want to start a fight about this Jarmo. In the past i posted several messages about the old band here but all in a sec they got removed by a mod. I hope this explains what i said before because the ownership of G N' R is also part of the old band.

Of course you don't want to start a fight. You just throw some bullshit statement out there.....


You call it a bullshit statement i call it an oppinion.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: jarmo on December 14, 2008, 12:48:53 PM
I don't want to start a fight about this Jarmo. In the past i posted several messages about the old band here but all in a sec they got removed by a mod. I hope this explains what i said before because the ownership of G N' R is also part of the old band.

Of course you don't want to start a fight. You just throw some bullshit statement out there.....


You call it a bullshit statement i call it an oppinion.

Oh God... How many more times do I have to explain this?

I'm aware that it's an opinion.

But maybe it's an opinion I don't care to see posted in every other thread?

Maybe it's something that's been talked about multiple times already and it's been done to death?

Did you ever think about that?

Just because you woke up one day and thought "Hey! I'll log in on a GN'R fan site and talk about how much the old band rocks and the new band sucks!" doesn't mean it's original nor that you're the first person in the universe to post that.

Your "it's an opinion" defense is as weak as the "freedom of speech" one. I'm aware of both of them. It still doesn't mean that I need to allow shit that doesn't add anything to this board to be posted.

If we allowed anybody with "an opinion" to post anything they felt like due to "freedom of speech", this board would be pretty horrible. Most people realize that.

This is nothing personal against you, so I hope you don't take it as an attack. Just making sure you see where I'm coming from.

Seems like many people either don't see it, or don't want to, because they just wanna post shit that's been posted before or have no interest in current events.

Now, you're gonna say "But Axl posted....". Yes, he did.

The big difference is that Axl has way more information on the subject than the rest of us.

We could discuss the topic of the band's name until your keyboard gave up, and it would be just a bunch of assumptions and speculation.


Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Mobenrad on December 14, 2008, 12:49:59 PM
The Little Mermaid comment made my day :rofl:

Haha I know right?

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: eragon on December 14, 2008, 12:54:50 PM

This is nothing personal against you, so I hope you don't take it as an attack. Just making sure you see where I'm coming from.


Ok man. No hard feelings.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Eclipsed107 on December 14, 2008, 01:13:29 PM
I dont get the extremist for the old and the new.  Can't someone like em both?

No!  You're only allowed to like the old band's music, if you like the old band members, especially their work outside of Gn'R you will be called an idiot.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Princess Leia on December 14, 2008, 01:14:04 PM
Well Jarmo I wouldn't post my own speculation on the issue because I was given an answer. However I must agree with you that Axl has far more information. I respect and I understand that and your wishes no to touch on the subject unless Axl himself want us. I was just trying to help.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: jarmo on December 14, 2008, 01:16:15 PM
Well Jarmo I wouldn't post my own speculation on the issue because I was given an answer. However I must agree with you that Axl has far more information. I respect and I understand that and your wishes no to touch on the subject unless Axl himself want us. I was just trying to help.

Like I said, certain topics have been done to death already. And with no new information, it seems like a waste of time and energy to just keep going round and round in circles....

Especially at this point in time when there's new music to enjoy....


Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: IKnowWhereIAM on December 14, 2008, 01:28:58 PM
This is truly amazing, and for me is only surpassed by my first full listen to CD, as far as my interest.  While I love the answer to the Little Mermaid question, I cringe when I read some of those 'silly' questions...thanks god Axl has a good sense of humor...can you imagine Curt Loder asking that?!  :hihi:

I was looking for the 'answered' part of biography question...can anybody point me in the right direction, couldn't find it.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 01:41:45 PM
This is truly amazing, and for me is only surpassed by my first full listen to CD, as far as my interest.  While I love the answer to the Little Mermaid question, I cringe when I read some of those 'silly' questions...thanks god Axl has a good sense of humor...can you imagine Curt Loder asking that?!  :hihi:

I was looking for the 'answered' part of biography question...can anybody point me in the right direction, couldn't find it.

He said it's not as much a biography as it is a legal document of every detail concerning the old band's break-up. He also said he has about 40 000 words (he doesn't know '12 000' came from, as some people had said he had). He also said he doesn't go back to it much, as it's really depressing.

I tried to find the exact quote, but is down right now for some reason. I'll get it for you later, but that's pretty much the way he put it.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Dark Angel on December 14, 2008, 01:53:23 PM
This is truly amazing, and for me is only surpassed by my first full listen to CD, as far as my interest.  While I love the answer to the Little Mermaid question, I cringe when I read some of those 'silly' questions...thanks god Axl has a good sense of humor...can you imagine Curt Loder asking that?!  :hihi:

I was looking for the 'answered' part of biography question...can anybody point me in the right direction, couldn't find it.

He said it's not as much a biography as it is a legal document of every detail concerning the old band's break-up. He also said he has about 40 000 words (he doesn't know '12 000' came from, as some people had said he had). He also said he doesn't go back to it much, as it's really depressing.

I tried to find the exact quote, but is down right now for some reason. I'll get it for you later, but that's pretty much the way he put it.

The interview from today is on page 1 in this thread..... :)

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 01:54:46 PM
This is truly amazing, and for me is only surpassed by my first full listen to CD, as far as my interest.  While I love the answer to the Little Mermaid question, I cringe when I read some of those 'silly' questions...thanks god Axl has a good sense of humor...can you imagine Curt Loder asking that?!  :hihi:

I was looking for the 'answered' part of biography question...can anybody point me in the right direction, couldn't find it.

He said it's not as much a biography as it is a legal document of every detail concerning the old band's break-up. He also said he has about 40 000 words (he doesn't know '12 000' came from, as some people had said he had). He also said he doesn't go back to it much, as it's really depressing.

I tried to find the exact quote, but is down right now for some reason. I'll get it for you later, but that's pretty much the way he put it.

The interview from today is on page 1 in this thread..... :)

Thanks, I was the one that posted it, but I'm looking for the one from yesterday where he talked about his biography, it seems to be missing from this site but I'll look it up at as soon as the site is up and running.


Found it:

It's not exactly an autobiography as much as legal record of every last detail of what went down with the breakup. I have about 40k words on it (don't know where 1200 came from) but it's generally really depressing so I don't go back to it so much.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 02:00:40 PM
How many questions has he answered in total so far? Must be hundreds :o
I'm beyond impressed, almost shocked.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: overmatik on December 14, 2008, 02:05:38 PM
I was relieved by reading what he say about the booklet not being the right one.

Contrary to the opinion of some people here I always said that the booklet was lame and an amateur work. Good to know Axl is with me on that! :hihi:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Dark Angel on December 14, 2008, 02:06:49 PM
How many questions has he answered in total so far? Must be hundreds :o
I'm beyond impressed, almost shocked.

I just know the first one on lasted more than  6 hours. Dont remember what i counted it to except for more than 1oo answered on

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 02:07:12 PM
It's not lame, I think it looks cool as fuck, but unfortunately it had quite a few mistakes...

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: IKnowWhereIAM on December 14, 2008, 02:11:48 PM
It's not exactly an autobiography as much as legal record of every last detail of what went down with the breakup. I have about 40k words on it (don't know where 1200 came from) but it's generally really depressing so I don't go back to it so much.
Thanks!  Sounds like this will never, nor was it ever, intended to see the light of day ( :no:)...I would still love to read his life story (to present) in his own words, but if it is depressing for him, and could hinder development of music, I can live without it.  : ok:

On the up side, it sounds like we will be getting the down-low on the making of CD in some form or another: "A: We?ll be talking about the reality of making the record a bit for a while beyond that I can?t say."   :peace:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: GNR4L on December 14, 2008, 02:12:53 PM
It will be interesting to see the new booklet and not really compare the two, see what was orginally suppose to come out.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: ecwfan on December 14, 2008, 02:24:08 PM
            Ahhh I'm kinda jealous.... Axl spent 2 days there. And only 1 day here.....damn. Still a nice interview.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Erin on December 14, 2008, 02:47:01 PM
Q: - Is the song "Sorry", directed at anyone in particular?

A: Answered.

I can't find where he answered this question. Can someone help me out please.

Thanks!  :)

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: The Catcher on December 14, 2008, 02:48:25 PM
With Sorry.. like a lot of the material is drawn from a lot of different situations. The main focus on the boards w/the track seems to be either Slash or "the fans" (and the collective of "the fans" is another thing that doesn't work for me) and is much too restrictive or narrow and limits what I feel I intended.

For me it's for anyone talking nonsense at mine and the public's expense and that many of those as well as the public don't know who to believe.

Also where possible I'd like to give people the opportunity to get what they can from the material for a while before clouding that with my inspirations. Of course that's not always avoidable.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Erin on December 14, 2008, 03:06:29 PM
Thank you Shackler  :)

I also want to add my thoughts on the questions. I like the idea of him throwing out a topic and guiding the conversation. So far my favorite questions are the weather one (just because it literally made me laugh out loud) and the question someone asked about how does he take such emotional things and put them in words and notes. THAT was an awesome question and I never would have thought of that! So kudos to whoever came up with it.

My only "complaint" is that there have been way too many tour questions. I think he's made himself clear that he is in talks, and we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

I have no idea what I would ask if I were given the opportunity. I think you guys have really covered it.

OH...and I, too, was a little confused by his Kurt Cobain response but I think I get it now. Basically that he has moved on, right? Also, I have never read Catcher in the Rye, but it surprised me to hear he hates it so much.

Big thanks to Axl and to all the forums for making this happen  :D

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Litti10 on December 14, 2008, 04:01:21 PM
shiit i miss these every time. but its ok least i get to read them afterwards. , im still  a bit surprised coz Axl u dont normally do this kinda stuff. very strange... :peace:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: BurningHills on December 14, 2008, 04:06:14 PM
Q: -do you like the little mermaid

A: We text. The whole breathing under water and no vagina make things a bit awkward but?


Oh man - Axl. You rule!  :hihi:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Sillything on December 14, 2008, 05:36:34 PM
Q: -do you like the little mermaid

A: We text. The whole breathing under water and no vagina make things a bit awkward but…


Oh man - Axl. You rule!  :hihi:

It sure is some funny shit :rofl: This is amazing times for us.  I'm really happy Axl seems to be happy. Though I obviously not know him personally (but get the feeling I do a bit more because of the chatts) it really means a lot to me that he is ok because his music has helped me fuckin survive and endure life for the past 19 years. :peace:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: reed2009 on December 14, 2008, 05:55:20 PM
the AX man is great!

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Clau on December 14, 2008, 08:37:16 PM
impressive, I am very sincere charm. Axl The best!. happy holidays. welcome to the Argentine in a new tour :peace: : ok:
Clau :smoking:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Moonlight J on December 14, 2008, 09:44:04 PM
My wife thinks I'm a little nuts for being so excited about this, but yet she understands. :hihi:
In some way or another, artists move people with thier creations, and in turn we feel some connection with those that influenced our emotions. Of course, due to the nature of mass manufactured music product, fans of musicians often get the chance to hear the thoughts behind the art and its creator.
So what I'm trying to get at is, to me this feels like not hearing from an old "friend" for too long, and suddenly they zoom in out of the blue! Thanks, Mr. Rose. It is very good to hear from you again. Oh, yeah... and the album is is fucking mindblowing. : ok:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: journey on December 14, 2008, 10:00:03 PM
Q: -do you like the little mermaid

A: We text. The whole breathing under water and no vagina make things a bit awkward but?


Oh man - Axl. You rule!  :hihi:

That was hilarious! ha

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: IKnowWhereIAM on December 16, 2008, 04:13:26 AM
My wife thinks I'm a little nuts for being so excited about this, but yet she understands. :hihi:
In some way or another, artists move people with thier creations, and in turn we feel some connection with those that influenced our emotions. Of course, due to the nature of mass manufactured music product, fans of musicians often get the chance to hear the thoughts behind the art and its creator.
So what I'm trying to get at is, to me this feels like not hearing from an old "friend" for too long, and suddenly they zoom in out of the blue! Thanks, Mr. Rose. It is very good to hear from you again. Oh, yeah... and the album is is fucking mindblowing. : ok:
My wife actually isn't a huge fan of GnR...and she's been making fun of my excitement over CD for the last 2 months...but she was riveted to the screen reading these 'interviews', and Axl's letter.   : ok:

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: chechus_t on December 16, 2008, 12:35:33 PM
anybody knows if axl is going to answer some more questions?? and if he does.. where?? thanks!

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: Alfie Bones on December 16, 2008, 12:40:21 PM
anybody knows if axl is going to answer some more questions?? and if he does.. where?? thanks!

He's said it may happen. We won't know until it does. Probably late night American time.

Title: Re: Axl posts all new interview (14/12) at
Post by: ppbebe on December 16, 2008, 12:46:48 PM
and if he does.. where?? thanks!

hopefully the next stop is here today.  :P