Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: D on December 12, 2008, 01:30:53 AM

Title: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: D on December 12, 2008, 01:30:53 AM

Dude will wake up with 1000 messages. Imagine if its just some random coincidence that  a guy signed up at the opportune time.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on December 12, 2008, 06:15:09 AM
I just think it was so cool that he came on.

For selfish reasons, he answered one of my questions.

I don't want to bother the guy.  People are gonna take advantage of the situation and drive him away.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: D on December 12, 2008, 06:23:53 AM
Yeah, I got one answered here and at MyGnr so I tried to shut the fuck up and let others have a turn.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on December 12, 2008, 06:33:38 AM
Yeah, I got one answered here and at MyGnr so I tried to shut the fuck up and let others have a turn.

Some people really took advantage of it though, to put it lightly.  :(

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: D on December 12, 2008, 06:37:05 AM
Yeah, they were excited though

Don't know what people were thinking with some questions though

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on December 12, 2008, 11:03:29 AM
I'm not gonna try.

It is great he took the time to come here, so I'll give Axl his space - dudes gonna have a PM box full anyway.....

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: lynn1961 on December 12, 2008, 11:24:53 AM I get what this thread means.......I didn't get it when it was first posted.  :P

I wouldn't be so bold as to even try.  I'm sure many people will, though. 

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: efish on December 12, 2008, 11:31:10 AM
Fuck it - I'll be the first to admit it! Yeah I sent him a PM!

Nothing big and nothing requiring or expecting a response. Axl has been my hero all my life and I just think it is so cool to be able to be able to say something to him personally that he will read.  :peace:

So who else is going to admit they messaged him? I know I'm not the only one, i'm not the only one....

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: CheapJon on December 12, 2008, 11:36:27 AM
I haven't as of yet, gotta be the right thing to say, i mean it's god i'm speaking with, wanna know more about this jacke chan song though :hihi:

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: lynn1961 on December 12, 2008, 11:44:17 AM
You guys are kidding, right?  He's going to get thousands, from everyone and their brother's dog!!  And won't have time to read them all.  Don't overwhelm the guy!

I just think it's cool that he took the time to come here and answer questions, especially since there's been such a whine that he doesn't do interviews.  What an awesome way to do it!  I'm just sorry I missed it.   

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: efish on December 12, 2008, 11:55:24 AM
You guys are kidding, right?  He's going to get thousands, from everyone and their brother's dog!!  And won't have time to read them all.  Don't overwhelm the guy!

It's not really a big deal. It's not like we're filling up his phone with voicemails or anything. When you click inbox, you can read like 20 messages per page I think. If he reads it, awesome. If not, what's the difference if he has 1040 unread PM's... or 1041?  ;)

I just think it's cool that he took the time to come here and answer questions, especially since there's been such a whine that he doesn't do interviews.  What an awesome way to do it!  I'm just sorry I missed it.   

By far the coolest way to do it! Reaching out to the real fans. Awesome.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: The Catcher on December 12, 2008, 12:04:01 PM
You guys are kidding, right?  He's going to get thousands, from everyone and their brother's dog!!  And won't have time to read them all.  Don't overwhelm the guy!

Don't tell other people what to do, you would probably had told them not to bother posting questions last night too because he would be "overwhelmed" and not answer.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 12, 2008, 02:28:21 PM
You guys are kidding, right?  He's going to get thousands, from everyone and their brother's dog!!  And won't have time to read them all.  Don't overwhelm the guy!

Don't tell other people what to do, you would probably had told them not to bother posting questions last night too because he would be "overwhelmed" and not answer.

Jeez your a loser...

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: The Catcher on December 12, 2008, 04:47:54 PM
You wish.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: chineseblues on December 12, 2008, 05:12:42 PM
Nope not going to bother the guy. I asked a question in the thread, if he ever sees it and answers it that's cool. If not that's cool, I'm not gonna badger him with questions though and I honestly don't think anyone else should either.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: GeraldFord on December 12, 2008, 05:21:53 PM

I think it's great and cool of him to come here, but I think we should give him his space.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: The Catcher on December 12, 2008, 05:22:49 PM
Yeah, when he's ready to come back, he will.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: horsey on December 12, 2008, 07:33:38 PM
it was really nice of him to do so.lets not rock the boat and give him space.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: cotis on December 12, 2008, 07:34:19 PM
I admit I sent him a PM. Saying thanks for everything and such. I don't feel ashamed.

When everyone else thinks 'Wow, EVERYONE has sent him a PM!', I think that statement is funny because I wonder how many people actually believe that. Watch, his inbox will have two messages. One from yours truly and one from EFISH.


Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: horsey on December 12, 2008, 07:36:10 PM
im not saying i didn't send one with the same thing.thanking him for the interview.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: cotis on December 12, 2008, 07:41:30 PM
im not saying i didn't send one with the same thing.thanking him for the interview.

why the hell would you do such a thing. GIVE HIM HIS SPACE!! ...your own words?

In all seriousness, I bet half the people in this thread PM'd him saying one thing or another. Whether it be thank you for the answers to the questions or something completely different. Funny how people put on an act in public to save face.

What a sham!

*edit**  fucking hate spelling shit wrong.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on December 12, 2008, 09:12:16 PM
There are 12 people here.

2 admit to sending PM's, tight.  Maybe horsey so that makes it 3.

9 People say they haven't.

Who are the 4 and a half liars?

Tune in next week to find out who gets their head chopped off!


why the hell would you do such a thing. GIVE HIM HIS SPACE!! ...your own words?

In all seriousness, I bet half the people in this thread PM'd him saying one thing or another. Whether it be thank you for the answers to the questions or something completely different. Funny how people put on an act in public to save face.

What a sham!

*edit**  fucking hate spelling shit wrong.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: cotis on December 12, 2008, 09:21:40 PM
I believe you have Garry, as well as D, CheapChinese, and lynn1961 seems fishy...I bet they did too.

The other half, well D can make that up since I heard something about him changing his name to.... Mr. McFuck?  :hihi:

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: efish on December 12, 2008, 09:23:07 PM
I see timebomb viewing the thread. I know he sent Axl a PM asking for some bootlegs. Man up and admit it TB!

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: cotis on December 12, 2008, 09:25:48 PM
Dude, shh! He is not TIMEBOMB...he is emergency.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: CheapJon on December 12, 2008, 09:36:13 PM
I see timebomb viewing the thread. I know he sent Axl a PM asking for some bootlegs. Man up and admit it TB!

axl only have mp3s... timebomb is gonna curse him out!

I believe you have Garry, as well as D, CheapChinese, and lynn1961 seems fishy...I bet they did too.

The other half, well D can make that up since I heard something about him changing his name to.... Mr. McFuck?  :hihi:

one day i will probably send dexter a pm, but i haven?t yatet anf i won't tonigh cuz i' m sjuast to watstede, maddie is my leasdt favourite song on cfrd but i jave sangf that song since i came home from the bus, well oi dinno why i'm typing but wre'??ll se ? if i remmeber this tomorroe and feel embarrased :P

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: The Catcher on December 12, 2008, 09:45:41 PM
I wonder how many PM's it takes for an inbox to get full...

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on December 12, 2008, 09:59:33 PM
I believe you have Garry, as well as D, CheapChinese, and lynn1961 seems fishy...I bet they did too.

The other half, well D can make that up since I heard something about him changing his name to.... Mr. McFuck?  :hihi:

Fatty McFuck dude, get it right!  :rant:

Fucking classic ass thread.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: Jim Bob on December 12, 2008, 10:01:25 PM
I didn't.   Theres no way he's going to be able to keep up with PMs on this board.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: The Catcher on December 12, 2008, 10:05:47 PM
Yeah I think the chance of us getting to talk to him on the board is bigger than him replying people by PM.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: Bandita on December 12, 2008, 10:33:02 PM
I see timebomb viewing the thread. I know he sent Axl a PM asking for some bootlegs. Man up and admit it TB!

axl only have mp3s... timebomb is gonna curse him out!


Probably asking Axl to tell everyone of the genius of FLAC files.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: D on December 12, 2008, 11:30:43 PM
I figured it out real fast and I sent him one like right after he registered. I thought someone saw it on Mygnr and got cute and registered the name here.

So that is why I made this thread, saying someone is gonna get a shit load of messages.

I said a couple lines

LOL at people sending fucking novels.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: LittleFly on December 12, 2008, 11:40:23 PM
Yeah, I sent a PM  :-[ Though, in the PM I said I did NOT expect a reply.  I'm thinking there are gonna be a ton of PMs in his box :hihi:  Gonna be fun to see how this all plays out ;D

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: faldor on December 12, 2008, 11:47:37 PM
Guilty as charged.  I missed the Q&A live so I figured I'd give it a shot.  I compeltely don't expect a response, or for him to even read it.  But it doesn't hurt. 

Good thread D.  Honestly, I didn't think my PM would even go through.  I thought his box would be full, by almost midday Friday.  That can happen, can't it?

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: lynn1961 on December 13, 2008, 02:20:05 AM
You guys are kidding, right?  He's going to get thousands, from everyone and their brother's dog!!  And won't have time to read them all.  Don't overwhelm the guy!

Don't tell other people what to do, you would probably had told them not to bother posting questions last night too because he would be "overwhelmed" and not answer.

Oh, come on.....answering questions because he was here and wanted to is one thing.  His PM box?  That's another. 

P.S. Thanks RJ

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: lynn1961 on December 13, 2008, 02:21:39 AM
I believe you have Garry, as well as D, CheapChinese, and lynn1961 seems fishy...I bet they did too.


not that lame

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: Chief on December 13, 2008, 03:37:57 AM
he's unlikely to have time to read all of that unless he becomes a regular (hahah), so i think i'll save the questions for the board.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: CheapJon on December 13, 2008, 04:12:46 AM
one day i will probably send dexter a pm, but i haven?t yatet anf i won't tonigh cuz i' m sjuast to watstede, maddie is my leasdt favourite song on cfrd but i jave sangf that song since i came home from the bus, well oi dinno why i'm typing but wre'??ll se ? if i remmeber this tomorroe and feel embarrased :P

damn it, did chinese democracy now hack my account last night and post

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: mrlee on December 13, 2008, 07:58:31 AM
i didnt. though it was pretty pointless due to the amount he would be dealing with in such limited time. I missed the time when he was here anyway.

I originally didnt even want to ask a question in a thread either, as i hate overloading people with stuff, even iconic rockstars. However, i had two questions that have been itching on my brain for a while, so i thought id wack them in as perhaps they would differ from the usual.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: Mr. Redman on December 16, 2008, 10:01:45 PM
I see timebomb viewing the thread. I know he sent Axl a PM asking for some bootlegs. Man up and admit it TB!

axl only have mp3s... timebomb is gonna curse him out!


Probably asking Axl to tell everyone of the genius of FLAC files.

 :rofl: :rofl:Best post. Real Audio for the win!

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: The Catcher on December 17, 2008, 08:35:52 PM
So did anybody get any reply yet? :P

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: DeN on December 17, 2008, 09:04:13 PM
I didn't. for the moment. in a way it's the only possibility to talk to Axl for the majority of us.
I enjoyed his answers in real time on the different boards, read them with a nice smile on my face and a lot of interest.
I didn't even ask a question. I have billions.

maybe I'll send to him a personnal message, because I feel connected at many levels, but I don't know.
It can be pretty weird, my english is not fluent, and I don't want to be misunderstood by someone I respect since all these years.
that's the reason I didn't talk neither about the songs of the album, I need time and I'm not sure I can share all the things I feel.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: jazjme on December 18, 2008, 12:47:31 AM
I didn't feel any need to send pms, think it was just awesome that he , came on the forums answered many questions, as he could. IT was completely awesome he did.

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: D on December 18, 2008, 04:06:37 AM
I did

He said he loves my posts and that I am by far his favorite poster and if everybody could be half as cool as me, this forum would be a much better place. :hihi:

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: jazjme on December 18, 2008, 05:53:05 AM
Nah Im  happy I met him back in 88 and again in 2006, and have hung out numerous times with frank, and richard,tommy, dizzy, and ron. So Im pretty secure in knowing that,  : ok: :peace:

Title: Re: So How many People have PM'ed Dexter?
Post by: Sin Cut on December 18, 2008, 07:13:06 AM
I did

He said he loves my posts and that I am by far his favorite poster and if everybody could be half as cool as me, this forum would be a much better place. :hihi:

i think you mix this up with the time bon jovi replied to your pm