Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Administrative => Administrative, Feedback & Help => Topic started by: greekmule on December 08, 2008, 10:45:40 PM

Title: unfair post removal
Post by: greekmule on December 08, 2008, 10:45:40 PM
I checked the CD-charting thread today and found out that 3 posts i made yesterday were deleted.

In these posts I was pointing out how world wide sales are far more important than american sales and how gnr fans should focus on the amazing music Axl and the band

gave us and not on the lack of promotion. In addition I expressed my opinion that the quality of music is far more important than gnr dominating the charts.

I expressed my honest opinion which at the same time was supportive of axl and the band. Can a mod please explain why my posts got deleted?

Title: Re: unfair post removal
Post by: western_chaos on December 08, 2008, 11:04:52 PM
Yeah, most of my posts get deleted. Only my non-g'nr posts remain lol.  :hihi:

I posted something in the jungle in say something about the poster above you and it got removed cause we started talking about Axl.

Title: Re: unfair post removal
Post by: Adam Bomb on December 09, 2008, 01:09:36 AM
Haha. Bunch of clowns. This place really isn't fit nowadays. Love how ye keep me out of the public eye though. It really is funny.

Ah, can someone pm me a rough idea of what will be deleted from me? I'd hate to lose a big one in the Jungle somewhere. Thanks in advance...

Title: Re: unfair post removal
Post by: TomFriend on December 09, 2008, 04:25:44 AM
A moderator will be along shortly to call you whiny and tell you to fuck off.

Title: Re: unfair post removal
Post by: XxWickeds10xX on December 09, 2008, 10:59:19 AM
Join the club. It seems to be normal around here lately....unfortunatley.

Title: Re: unfair post removal
Post by: jarmo on December 09, 2008, 11:47:46 AM
I expressed my honest opinion which at the same time was supportive of axl and the band. Can a mod please explain why my posts got deleted?

Because suddenly the thread was about USA vs the rest of the world!

"Our country is better than yours".  ::)


Title: Re: unfair post removal
Post by: Axlative on December 09, 2008, 01:09:31 PM
To improve the situation I propose something used on a couple of other forums I frequent.

When it comes to single post deletions (which of course is the only thing that should happen as thread deletion is rarely a good alternative to locking or moving), instead of just having the post disappear why not replace the content of the post with a badge informing of the general reason for the deletion e.g. rules violation, unacceptable behavior/manners or off topic post. Those three probably cover most cases and guide all members to a more acceptable behavior and increase the transparency in moderation of the forum.

I could see it improving things. A lot.

Title: Re: unfair post removal
Post by: greekmule on December 09, 2008, 04:28:45 PM
I expressed my honest opinion which at the same time was supportive of axl and the band. Can a mod please explain why my posts got deleted?

Because suddenly the thread was about USA vs the rest of the world!

"Our country is better than yours".  ::)


well actually it was not about that. I only mentioned that world wide sales (which include the US) are more important than US sales alone. But anyway thanks for responding ::)

Title: Re: unfair post removal
Post by: jarmo on December 09, 2008, 04:54:50 PM
I explained it to you, and it's not good enough.

A lose - lose situation for me!


Title: Re: unfair post removal
Post by: norway on December 09, 2008, 07:23:17 PM
I expressed my honest opinion which at the same time was supportive of axl and the band. Can a mod please explain why my posts got deleted?

Because suddenly the thread was about USA vs the rest of the world!

"Our country is better than yours".  ::)


I betcha lot of them who said it actually are descendants from european societies :P

Yeah, go celebrate yule and call it christmas, or x-mas you unfaithfull bastards! :hihi:

Title: Re: unfair post removal
Post by: Jdog0830 on January 30, 2009, 10:01:16 PM
I expressed my honest opinion which at the same time was supportive of axl and the band. Can a mod please explain why my posts got deleted?

Because suddenly the thread was about USA vs the rest of the world!

"Our country is better than yours".  ::)


I betcha lot of them who said it actually are descendants from european societies :P

Yeah, go celebrate yule and call it christmas, or x-mas you unfaithfull bastards! :hihi:
Yeah did they talk about how they all did there part to fuck up the world l Little More and More