Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: D on November 20, 2008, 07:12:07 AM

Title: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: D on November 20, 2008, 07:12:07 AM
Never thought I'd say that but Street of Dreams got me

now This I Love got me.

I've turned into a chick or something.....

Seriously though, All these years, There have been some negativity from the fanbase and impatience and just all this stuff. What Axl and even Admins and Mods from GNR Forums  never realized was, that we as a fanbase NEED this like a junkie needs a fix. Music is the most poweful art form in the world and I don't know if I can speak for everyone, but Axl has a unique way of helping me battle my inner demons and he has a way of making me feel good with my life and my problems.

This album is the greatest legal high anyone can get.

just from hearing a few of the Myspace songs *didn't cave and listen to all but hell, I had to hear a few* I have this huge release of emotions and pain that has been pent up for years that only a special unique talented someone like Axl can pry loose from my subconscious.

anyone else feelin this way??

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: gunns1 on November 20, 2008, 07:15:13 AM
Ill grab a kleenex for you,
and buy you the series of oprah to go with it...

I can't say if they will affect me this way,
Im buying the cd tommorow,
but My prayers are with you. :P

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: wadey on November 20, 2008, 07:18:12 AM
if you feel like that then dont listen to sorry  :hihi:

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: mrlee on November 20, 2008, 07:19:02 AM
no lol?

I just had alot of shivers moments!!!!

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: Ulises on November 20, 2008, 07:19:05 AM
I'm sure i'll shed a tear hearing "This I Love".

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: gilee7 on November 20, 2008, 09:02:34 AM
Great post, D!!! And you're spot on about GNR's music being our version of a fix. Axl's music has helped me climb up from the gutters of heartbreak and self-pity so many times. About three and a half years ago I went through a very tough breakup, and I was in an incredibly low place. Listening to a song like "Estranged" made me realize that, you know what, I'm not the only person to experience these emotions, and I started to build myself back up again.

People talk about music "talking" to them, about connecting with a song and stuff . . . I've never experienced that with any other band except Guns N Roses. It seems like no matter what emotion I'm experiencing--- loneliness, heartbreak, happiness, anger--- there's a GNR song I can listen and relate to.

I wouldn't be surprised if I shed a little tear Sunday, not so much from the beauty of the music, but just the culmination of a dream. After all these years, all the rumors, the coming and going of band members, the occasional sightings of Axl, the leaks, the hints of a release that would seem so promising and then fade away like all the others . . . And now, after all this time, the day we've been waiting for is finally upon us. No more "is it ever gonna happen?" No more "soon's not the word." Chinese Democracy is here!

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: erose on November 20, 2008, 09:11:13 AM
I'm crying as we speak. This is so fuckin' huge it's not even funny!


And the quality of the sound is just, just, MONSTER! Never heard anything like it before!

Is this really happening? I don't want to wake up!!

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: Mechanical-Worm on November 20, 2008, 09:12:35 AM
I wouldn't shed a tear per se but its musical arrangements are very sweet sounding and are beautiful.

It's a great song, but I still love the old ballads from the old days.

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: Red1 on November 20, 2008, 09:20:08 AM
When I got to the end of the album I was an emotional wreckage!  The outro of Prostitute provides the perfect soundtrack to the period of reflection that is required when you are trying to digest the fact that you have just heard Chinese Democracy.  I was pretty close to the brink of tears.......

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: oneway23 on November 20, 2008, 09:21:01 AM
There's a reason I'd prefer to listen by myself....

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on November 20, 2008, 09:38:45 AM
I just feel that there's a void in me that's about to be filled at the end of the week. Like there won't be something missing from my life anymore. Throughout all the phases of my life, all the different music that I've come to enjoy, some a lot more technical and skillful than GnR, but none ever closer to my heart. This feeling isn't just something you get from growing up with a band, it's a feeling you get when while you've been growing, this music has pulled you out of the gutter numerous times. This is it, this is what i've been waiting so long for. And I just feel that I'm finally nearing some form of inner peace, some form of completion.
D's spot on. It's like a fix that I need to have.

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: GetInTheJungle on November 20, 2008, 08:03:43 PM
You guys feel the same way as I do. 

Growing up this music touched on so many things that no one else seemed to notice or care about.

Thanks to GNR I kept some sanity and batttled through alot of tough shit.
The music touches the soul in a way that is amazing and unexplainable.

Once again thank GOD for AXL and GNR.

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on November 20, 2008, 08:10:14 PM
I can't think of any rock singer other than Axl and Freddie who could even compose something like this

There is a genuine beauty to this, it's like a classical piece.  I won't lie, it annoys me when people call a song like this cheesy.  It would be cheesy if it was forced or fabricated.  This is pure, authentic emotion.  I heard someone else say that this song is literally the sound of a broken heart.  Couldn't agree more with that

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: audjon on November 20, 2008, 08:13:30 PM
Well I wet myself, does that count?

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: Farid Bak on November 20, 2008, 08:15:44 PM
I havent heard them all, but i couldnt resist and I heard sorry in the Myspace stream... im simply  :-X speachless, it is a song that has sooo much in it i mean the lyrics are amazxing and very heart felt,  its one of the best songs i have heard and conected with in all mylife (33 years and counting)

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: circusboy666 on November 20, 2008, 09:06:04 PM not the only one who should be locked up in the asylum....
tears of joy...

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: Continental Drift on November 20, 2008, 09:52:57 PM
I largely kept it together...

"This I Love" took my breath away though... so much so that I had to stop it. That's a toughie on so many levels. It FEEEEEEELS so much like the old GN'R we all first fell in love with- and Robin's solo is absolutely gorgeous- in fact I think it's the best instrumental performance on the album IMHO (and therefore one of the best GN'R solos EVER). Meanwhile- the fact that Axl would have the guts to rip out his own heart and hand it to the undeserving "general public" like that is stunning to me. It's why he's this generation's greatest musical artist- bar none. So yes- a tear came to my eye at track 13. I never thought "Prostitute" (equally beautiful) would be a pace changing mood changer- but after #13... it's definitely that. It's a great way to close out a masterpiece album on a "perservering" through all the bullshit note.

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: D on November 20, 2008, 10:15:30 PM
A lot of people always look at me like I'm crazy, which I am, but its never been "Just Music" to me. That's one thing about the wait. I waited cause I knew the pay off would be worth it and basically I had no choice. I need these songs and that emotion to help me when I am down and all that.

Very few artists do that for me which is why I am always so passionate and will fight to the death to defend the bands I love.

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: Albert S Miller on November 20, 2008, 10:55:53 PM
I am speechless at this point, and If I may add comfortably numb, I have yet to hear the final product, though i sit here tonight reading everyones heartfelt emotions, I am honestly touched by most of you, and i wonder where my own personal journey will be taking me in just a couple more days.  Oh and D I think you are indeed a wonderful guy, nothing wrong with a few tears, no matter who you are, and if I might add they were well deserved. ;)

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: Kangaroo Friend on November 20, 2008, 11:23:05 PM
I totally expect to cry when I'm finished listening to it. 

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: CoBrA2168 on November 20, 2008, 11:30:06 PM
no lol?

I just had alot of shivers moments!!!!
SAME! Hearing the final versions of If The World and Riad gave me shivers for like the first 10 listens! They don't anymore, but I think I'm done listening until Sunday, so they will be back when I hear them fresh in my car stereo!

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: F*ck Fear on November 20, 2008, 11:31:42 PM
It's so fucking awesome man. I can't believe it's finally here.

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: Eazy E on November 20, 2008, 11:45:11 PM
but its never been "Just Music" to me.

99% of the stuff on the radio is "Just Music"... this isn't.  The album is amazing, and the fact that there has been a wait of 17 years for it (1/5 of your entire life) already makes it a huge part of who you are.  Enjoy it, listen to it over-and-over because that's what it was made for.  There are plenty of people out there that don't "get" how important something like this can be... forget them!... and if this is only the beginning?  God help us.

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: D on November 21, 2008, 12:35:50 AM
Sound corny? Maybe, but I've already been able to start healing from a lot of bad things that have happened over the last decade just by listening to this.

It is THAT powerful for me and I hope for everyone else.

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: budmaster on November 21, 2008, 12:51:22 AM
I actually thought i would cry a little...

But the album made me smile,dance & in places i had to take a break as it was so shockingly amazing & unexpected.......Worth the wait, happy to see it finished.

So happy that Axl has got through to this point , he must be really pleased to read some of the comments.  : ok:

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on November 21, 2008, 03:00:06 AM
seems most people got emotional during 'This I Love' which, I will admit is a very heartfelt song, beautiful, and definitely my favorite.

But, as pathetic as it may be, I got misty-eyed during 'Scraped.' I've been kicked around all my life, always put down and always at a penalty for voicing my emotions, opinions, myself. As a result I have extreme social anxiety and not a drop of self-confidence. So when the song came on and the lyrics said...:

Some may convince you
No one can break through
I?m here to tell you
You?re worth more than they tell you

...yeah, I got misty-eyed. As pathetic as I may seem, as ridiculed as I may be for my choice of a favorite band, no one can tell me that Axl Rose doesn't "talk" to his fans. I'm not dense, I know he's singing about himself. But music is subjective and it's only as meaningful as what you take away from it. And what I take away from it is that whether knowingly or not, this middle aged man who doesn't even know of my existence is providing me with words to pick myself up with, and shit, that's worth more to me than any fucking press release ever will be.

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: reed2009 on November 21, 2008, 03:18:54 AM
every song got to me surreal

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: Continental Drift on November 21, 2008, 04:25:06 AM
seems most people got emotional during 'This I Love' which, I will admit is a very heartfelt song, beautiful, and definitely my favorite.

But, as pathetic as it may be, I got misty-eyed during 'Scraped.' I've been kicked around all my life, always put down and always at a penalty for voicing my emotions, opinions, myself. As a result I have extreme social anxiety and not a drop of self-confidence. So when the song came on and the lyrics said...:

Some may convince you
No one can break through
I?m here to tell you
You?re worth more than they tell you

...yeah, I got misty-eyed. As pathetic as I may seem, as ridiculed as I may be for my choice of a favorite band, no one can tell me that Axl Rose doesn't "talk" to his fans. I'm not dense, I know he's singing about himself. But music is subjective and it's only as meaningful as what you take away from it. And what I take away from it is that whether knowingly or not, this middle aged man who doesn't even know of my existence is providing me with words to pick myself up with, and shit, that's worth more to me than any fucking press release ever will be.

Awesome and thanks for sharing. Those lyrics are great... and yeah he's singing about himself no doubt... but it should be cool for you to know that it seems like he's got a pretty good idea of what you're going through too. Take those lyrics to heart! : ok:

Title: Re: Anyone else shed a little tear hearing this?
Post by: gcluskey on November 21, 2008, 04:46:57 AM
Got an advanced copy from a friend who knows a supplier and have been listening to the album repeatedly in the car...up quite loud!! Have to say there has been many moments of different emotion bursting out of me listening to the album. I did have a slightly overwhelming feeling while listening to 'This I Love'. I think alot of it is to do with the fact that I'm listening to the album I waited for all these years. And it's quite emotional to hear Axl's screams again