Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: younggunner on October 22, 2008, 06:49:01 PM

Title: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: younggunner on October 22, 2008, 06:49:01 PM
Chinese Democracy and all that it has entailed(the making of it,contracts,promos,labels,lawsuits,etc) has been a part of Axls life for over a decade.

I wonder how Axl feels now that he has offically jumped back into the pool after all of this time. He is about to embark on the next part of his legacy. It must be a an overwhelming feeling for him.

Hopefully one day he tells us how he feels about all of this.

Do you guys think hes happy, nervous, relieved, etc on the day he released the first official single from his highly anticipated album?

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: leatherebel on October 22, 2008, 06:53:39 PM
more stressed than ever  ;D

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: plasmabeam on October 22, 2008, 06:56:48 PM
Probably relieved more than anything. With anything like this, once you get the wheels in motion, you can relax jussst a bit  :yes:

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: leatherebel on October 22, 2008, 06:58:09 PM
Probably relieved more than anything. With anything like this, once you get the wheels in motion, you can relax jussst a bit  :yes:

How can you ever relax once you set the wheels in motion  ??? Makes no sense.

No more rest from now on  :peace:

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: gav on October 22, 2008, 07:02:16 PM
I'm not going to pretend for a second how Axl feels...

All I know is when I have poured my heart and soul into something and then finish it, I have a great sense of relief that washes over me

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: gcluskey on October 22, 2008, 07:02:50 PM
I'd say he's relieved... he's obviously very proud of his work. People that he's shared the album with described him 'rocking out' listening to it. I'd say he's excited about finally offering his body of work up to his loyal fans that have stuck with him all the way. It's got to be an amazing feeling having achieved so much in his life already and now embarking on another exciting musical journey with all his supporters behind him. I'd say he'll be relaxing for a bit now knowing the recording process is over. He's got to have a mountain of material to release over the next few years and he can enjoy it more now without all the stresses of breaking up with old Guns, finding new musicians and trying to make a comeback. He's made his comeback! People just want to hear Axl and always will. Can't believe its been so long. There's young people only getting to hear Guns n Roses now, people that were only being born during the glory days in the early nineties. Appetite changed my life and I'm hoping Chinese Democracy will have the same effect on the new fans  :peace: :beer:

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Jim on October 22, 2008, 07:03:59 PM
Probably relieved more than anything. With anything like this, once you get the wheels in motion, you can relax jussst a bit  :yes:

How can you ever relax once you set the wheels in motion  ??? Makes no sense.

It makes perfect sense !!

Anticipation can be the worst part of anything.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: RoCoKiN on October 22, 2008, 07:05:05 PM
Axl Rules! 

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: TomFriend on October 22, 2008, 07:05:09 PM
He'll be feeling whatever the most fervent fan of GNR is feeling, X10, I'd imagine.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Annie on October 22, 2008, 07:08:04 PM
I hope that he is happy!

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Axl&Baz07 on October 22, 2008, 07:16:47 PM
overwhelming is the correct word, i'd imagine.

i just want to say a Heartfelt Thank You, to Axl & GN'R.

this light at the end of the tunnel is just what we all needed right now!!!

i look forward to getting CD SO much, as do the legions of fans, worldwide!  :peace:

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Chief on October 22, 2008, 11:37:57 PM
Go Axl!  celebrate.. it's been a long time coming.

they all must feel amazing!

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Ax on October 23, 2008, 01:35:50 AM
I imagine that he is very happy and feels like a huge weight has been taken off him.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: tim_m on October 23, 2008, 01:40:59 AM
I'd say probably a wide ranger of emotions including happy, relieved, nervous excited etc. He has to be ecstatic that he has finally proved all the haters and the doubters and bashers wrong. They all said this day would never come this album would never come out. He can now give them all a great big fuck you!

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: St_Jimmyuk on October 23, 2008, 05:38:21 AM
Has anyone ever stopped to think that this was all part of axl's game plan? even if the other members did not quit he still had it planned to wait so long for a return?

Just a thought

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: willow on October 23, 2008, 05:50:46 AM
Very overwehelmed and relieved. I hope he is on top of the world right now. But knowing Axl he is totally stressed and worried. Guess I would be too.
Axl you and the guys have worked forever on this thing and given it your all. Your best is the best you can do. Just remember when the critics start there crap they said shit about everything else too. It don't mean shit. Sales of the cd and tickets means a  lot more!!
I am hoping the guys will finally be considered a real part of this band now. They have earned it! Hold your heads high and smile!
peace out

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Albert S Miller on October 23, 2008, 07:42:53 AM
Very overwehelmed and relieved. I hope he is on top of the world right now. But knowing Axl he is totally stressed and worried. Guess I would be too.
Axl you and the guys have worked forever on this thing and given it your all. Your best is the best you can do. Just remember when the critics start there crap they said shit about everything else too. It don't mean shit. Sales of the cd and tickets means a  lot more!!
I am hoping the guys will finally be considered a real part of this band now. They have earned it! Hold your heads high and smile!
peace out
That was very sweet :)

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Hudson on October 23, 2008, 09:56:23 AM
It will be a rollercoaster ride. He must be relieved that it is finally coming out. At this point he does not give a shit what critics could possibly say. But once the band begins to tour and they begin to do press they will go through their ups and downs. I am sure we will hear some nice rants here and there from Axl.

I figure that they are going to embark on a massive tour on the scale of UYI I & II to promote this album perhaps for a couple of years. Although I am not sure if they can still fill up the stadiums... at least in the states like back in the day unless it is a festival.

I hope it will be a positive experience for Axl were he will be happy and at peace with himself and will be inspired to continue to write great music for years to come.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: LunsJail on October 23, 2008, 12:03:46 PM
Has anyone ever stopped to think that this was all part of axl's game plan? even if the other members did not quit he still had it planned to wait so long for a return?

Just a thought

I don't think he would have made statements like "It is this year" and "March 6, 2007" if he had planned for it to take this long.  Plus how could you expect other band members to stick it out with you?  Things happened and it was a long process but we're finally at the finish line... ;D

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on October 23, 2008, 12:05:49 PM
Great thread topic YG...

Hope its sinking in for them - its still sinking in for me.  :)

my thoughts are with Axl and all the guys... expecially dizzy, tommy, and robin who been there the longest...  its been a long haul for them

the music is great (we already knew it would be)  now i just want it to do well - i am literally personally dissapointed and even pissed anytime i hear a negative review or comment about the song -  I fuckin' cursed at my radio..  I don't know this woman who called it bitching about "its not GN'R..." but I know she's a bitch! lol!  and evil!  :hihi:  and I deliver a speech akin to the posts i've made on here in past years for similar debates!  

So still putting up the good fight!  Will it ever end?  Prob not!  not for us...  and prob not for Axl!

I don't even want to guess how he's handling it all...
I hope Axl is enjoying having it out there - the single out, the release announced...    
I hope he sat back and let the champagne flow and busted out the cubans... and enjoyed it.

I do imagine him just being real busy making arrangements and working on deals for promotion, and touring, etc.

I so want it to be huge for Axl and Guns...    They deserve it after so much long hard work and dedication (and putting up with rabid fans! lol!)

I just wanna shake their hands and hug them and slap 'em on the back - C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !    :love:
Fuckin' A!  They must be elated no one will EVER fuckin' ask them When is CD going to be out?"  ;D

I really hope they have an album release party and they all get together and fuckin' kick back and celebrate with their friends and families...   :beer:

It'd be great if they did a big hollywood style bash (as well.)  

hell, If I had the resources and connections I'd throw the fuckin' party for them myself  - they really deserve it!!!!  

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: TWT on October 23, 2008, 04:41:28 PM
Well, the response to the radio airplay in the UK seems overwhelmingly negative, but I suppose he had to expect that - and CD is arguably the weakest song on the album out of the tracks we've heard in terms of radio. I'm sure there's a part of him that wonders if it wouldn't just be best to leave it all in the vaults and keep the myth growing. The same part that's been doing just that for the last six years! There's also obviously going to be scathing reviews around the corner from those critics who have been waiting for ages to tear into Axl and the album, but that's also to be expected. Once CD is out and fans lap it up, and a new generation of fans latches onto the hype, it will feel a lot better for all the band.

An early backlash is probably the best thing to happen as it should allow objective reviewers to look at the album from a more reasonable perspective.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Olorin on October 23, 2008, 04:59:42 PM
Really? Thats odd, from what I heard listening to the radio the song had a good reception. Not universally liked by folk texting in, but the people who thought it was great and the people who thought it was just ok, overwhelmingly outnumbered people saying they didnt like it.

Its a good song, but its the tip of the iceberg - once the album drops the inital naysayers will be left gawping.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: cyllan on October 23, 2008, 06:24:06 PM
Yeah, I got the feeling that it was getting a mixed reaction, but more positive than negative.  One thing I did note was that it was provoking strong feelings in people but, as I said in another thread, I think that's a good sign because I don't believe that Guns have ever aspired to produce bland, wash-over-you kinda music.  When I do hear a DJ spouting crap, I'm sure to text or e-mail them and put them straight - Alex Zane this morning anyone?!

Also, great post, Eva, wonderfully expressed and I echo your sentiments.   : ok:

I can't begin to imagine how Axl and the rest of the band are feeling right now.  I guess that relief and anxiety are pretty likely to be mixed up in there and, to be honest, it chokes me up a little to think of everything he's had to fight through to get to this point.  I suppose that's why I get so angry when I hear the ignorant remarks on the radio.

But, y'know what, regardless of the reviews to come, Axl has made a huge number of people incredibly happy this past week and that in itself is an achievement well worth celebrating.  I expect that the coming months are likely to bring more pressure but I really hope that he'll be able to take a quiet moment here and there to reflect on just how far he's come and to remind himself of the love and support he has from the thousands of GN'R fans around the world.  :)

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Thorned Rose on October 23, 2008, 06:48:37 PM
I bet the feeling he has is great.

A very long journey indeed. I'm sure he isn't worried about the reviews of the single, although I bet he's read every one of them.

I give the single a B+. Only thing taking away from it... is that we had to all wait a very long time.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: willow on October 23, 2008, 07:14:28 PM
Very overwehelmed and relieved. I hope he is on top of the world right now. But knowing Axl he is totally stressed and worried. Guess I would be too.
Axl you and the guys have worked forever on this thing and given it your all. Your best is the best you can do. Just remember when the critics start there crap they said shit about everything else too. It don't mean shit. Sales of the cd and tickets means a  lot more!!
I am hoping the guys will finally be considered a real part of this band now. They have earned it! Hold your heads high and smile!
peace out
That was very sweet :)

Thank you. Ment every word of it. Not always easy to put into words what your thinking though.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on October 23, 2008, 07:30:58 PM
I am so happy for Axl.  Never met the guy, but I respect him so much.  He has gone through so much shit...a weaker man would have thrown in the towel long ago...or worse, gone for the reunion cash-grab.  Thank you Axl for staying true to your vision.  Thank you for staying true to the art.   :peace:

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: badapple81 on October 24, 2008, 05:01:30 AM
My guess is that it would be a relieving feeling to finally be out of his hands. I remember that one press release he talked about what it has been like trying to get it all done. Must be a feeling of relief now no matter how it goes.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: jrsone on October 24, 2008, 05:26:14 AM
Well, the response to the radio airplay in the UK seems overwhelmingly negative, but I suppose he had to expect that - and CD is arguably the weakest song on the album out of the tracks we've heard in terms of radio. I'm sure there's a part of him that wonders if it wouldn't just be best to leave it all in the vaults and keep the myth growing. The same part that's been doing just that for the last six years! There's also obviously going to be scathing reviews around the corner from those critics who have been waiting for ages to tear into Axl and the album, but that's also to be expected. Once CD is out and fans lap it up, and a new generation of fans latches onto the hype, it will feel a lot better for all the band.

An early backlash is probably the best thing to happen as it should allow objective reviewers to look at the album from a more reasonable perspective.
How hard is it to be a critic? How hard is it to make unique original music?

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Annie on October 26, 2008, 02:26:40 PM
I can't speak for Axl, but I've been on such a high the past few days that I don't even care that the world economy is falling apart and my IRA lost $30,0000.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: commissioner on October 26, 2008, 03:47:48 PM
I can't speak for Axl, but I've been on such a high the past few days that I don't even care that the world economy is falling apart and my IRA lost $30,0000.

Ho lost that much...???  wow!  I listen to the US News daily (from Canada) as it effect us & everyone around the world.  That's tuff! 

On Axl... Who knows how he is feeling but I am sure he is happy to be making the fans happy! 

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: November_Rain on October 26, 2008, 04:24:20 PM
Maybe he feels stressed but excited at the same time. :)

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Jessica on October 26, 2008, 04:53:32 PM
Let's hope all goes well, he and they deserve it.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: horsey on October 26, 2008, 07:17:28 PM
im sure it will go fine.and good luck axl all my love /horsey .i think it will rock the worlds socks off !
and i mean that axl has to be a bit nervous still.hope you don't got the jitters will all work out great !

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: GnR-NOW on October 26, 2008, 07:43:03 PM
I think he probably has a sense of accomplishment by releasing this record, he should be proud of himself  :beer:

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: AliveOrJustBreathing on October 28, 2008, 07:23:27 AM
Thinking about the interview Axl did in 2006 on the Eddie Trunk show compared to what happened before that on the Euro/Asia/US trek of 06, I feel he might be in a better place, certainly then he was in 2002. Its unlikely that we might get any footage from that particular tour released on a DVD because Rose seemed to be irritated by the entire tour, and forced to perform, whereas in 2006 he seemed to be in a much better place within himself. In 2007 he said himself he didn't really want to tour but was glad that he got the chance to. Now, in 2008, the album is finally looking to see the light of day and I wonder if its because Axl himself is finally happy with the way things have gone over the past few years compared to any setbacks he might have had.


Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: The Hinge on October 28, 2008, 07:31:10 AM
Your lucky to get any footage released on DVD from any tour that guns do.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Silverchair on October 28, 2008, 08:05:52 AM
Of course he's in a better place. No 45 yr old man is wanting to spend a year on the road touring, unless you're the stones... no one WANTS to do it. Touring just comes with the territory.

The 2006 tour was great. He was genuinely ok on stage. He didn't seem to be pissed... he seemed relaxed. Cracked jokes. He was definitely having fun. Now he has a better management team, I'm sure the label is getting off his back, the media is being KINDer... lol.

I would love footage of the 2006 tour.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Olorin on October 28, 2008, 08:26:04 AM
I think how he was happy enough being at being pictured out clubbing, at premiers, chatting on radio, tv  etc. showed how much more content he was being in the public eye in 2006, than he might have been in the past. Not to mention the success of the tour. The accoustic gig seemed to  be done for the sake of the enjoyment factor alone. He definently seemed more happier and at ease on stage than he did in 2002.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on October 31, 2008, 05:48:12 AM
I can't begin to imagine how Axl and the rest of the band are feeling right now.  I guess that relief and anxiety are pretty likely to be mixed up in there and, to be honest, it chokes me up a little to think of everything he's had to fight through to get to this point.  I suppose that's why I get so angry when I hear the ignorant remarks on the radio.

But, y'know what, regardless of the reviews to come, Axl has made a huge number of people incredibly happy this past week and that in itself is an achievement well worth celebrating.  I expect that the coming months are likely to bring more pressure but I really hope that he'll be able to take a quiet moment here and there to reflect on just how far he's come and to remind himself of the love and support he has from the thousands of GN'R fans around the world.  :)

it really has been an amazing journey... for him and Dizzy and Tommy and Robin... and Chris... and Beta... and Del --  all of them    AND for us fans
I actually wouldn't trade the past several years of being a guns fan for anything else...   i figure this is how it had to be - this is how its meant to go down

All I want now is for Robin to get back and for them all to enjoy...

As far as Axl being aware of the thousands of fans around the world - I honestly believe that it has been a huge part of what has sustained him over the years... 
Myself and many, many other fans kept faith in Axl.. believed he would keep going - that he wouldn't give up... 
I'm a believer in our inter-conectedness and believe that our energies constantly pass between us...   So I believe the same way we feel Axl's energy and believe in him,, he feels our energy.

I just know I'm gonna cry when I see that CD and when I play it the first time....  and then again when I get to see Axl on stage again bringing to life something dear to my heart: Guns N' Roses....   
(and pleeeeease - please please please be there Robin!)

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: GypsySoul on October 31, 2008, 10:19:05 AM
I remember reading somewhere that by time an album/song/etc. is actually physically released, the artist is so far past it and into their next project that the only time they even stop to think about it is when they have to do promotions so I do hope Axl and the entire GNR camp do get to take a minute to "stop and smell the roses" (pun intended) even if it's just to savor the overwhelming feelings they've given us fans  ;D .....

.......... then it's onward n' upward!!! :headbanger: 

As far as the Robin thing goes, obviously that's totally up to the band and whatever they decide, we'll embrace it.
But IMO if he's gone ... oh fuckin well!!! :wave:

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Ulises on October 31, 2008, 11:13:36 AM
Chinese Democracy and all that it has entailed(the making of it,contracts,promos,labels,lawsuits,etc) has been a part of Axls life for over a decade.

I wonder how Axl feels now that he has offically jumped back into the pool after all of this time. He is about to embark on the next part of his legacy. It must be a an overwhelming feeling for him.

Hopefully one day he tells us how he feels about all of this.

Do you guys think hes happy, nervous, relieved, etc on the day he released the first official single from his highly anticipated album?

I think he's happy, nervous and relieved :hihi:

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: ThatGuy on October 31, 2008, 11:16:59 AM
I believe wholeheartedly that Axl is fully aware he is nearing a return to his rightful throne as rock music's greatest frontman of the past 20 years.   :peace:

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: The Catcher on October 31, 2008, 07:51:48 PM
I wanted to write a post like this some days ago, but you beat me to it. The feeling for Axl must be overwhelming indeed. For those of us who have followed him every step of the way, it is an overwhelming feeling, for Axl himself, having worked on this project for 14 years, tons of weight must be lifted off of his shoulders. It must be a very strange feeling for him to actually release this thing, Chinese Democracy has been Axl's baby since before the old band broke up, and a huge burden must now be lifted off his shoulders. I guess it must be an overwheling feeling of freedom and to finally get his due credit. And it's all more than well-deserved.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on October 31, 2008, 09:22:05 PM
WE have his back.  : ok:

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: younggunner on November 02, 2008, 10:53:29 AM
"I'd say my parole is nearly over. I'm practically a free man and if you don't like it you'll have plenty of time to get used to the idea.?

Was Axl right? Dam Skippy!

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Jim Bob on November 02, 2008, 11:27:16 AM
I believe wholeheartedly that Axl is fully aware he is nearing a return to his rightful throne as rock music's greatest frontman of the past 20 years.   :peace:
he proved that in 2006.

"I'd say my parole is nearly over. I'm practically a free man and if you don't like it you'll have plenty of time to get used to the idea.?

Was Axl right? Dam Skippy!


Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: younggunner on November 02, 2008, 11:56:37 AM
we actually agree on something? lol

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: LunsJail on November 03, 2008, 01:47:10 PM
[i]"I'd say my parole is nearly over. I'm practically a free man and if you don't like it you'll have plenty of time to get used to the idea.?[/i]

Was Axl right? Dam Skippy!

When was this said?

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: CheapJon on November 03, 2008, 03:35:24 PM
[i]"I'd say my parole is nearly over. I'm practically a free man and if you don't like it you'll have plenty of time to get used to the idea.?[/i]

Was Axl right? Dam Skippy!

When was this said?

press release from like hong kong wasn't it?

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: younggunner on November 03, 2008, 05:15:02 PM
august 2002

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Axlover on November 04, 2008, 12:11:46 AM
I love this thread! Everyone showing so much love for Axl! It's so nice to see the appreciation rather than complaining. I hope he reads all this and feels the love and respect that everyone is showing! As for myself, I couldn't be happier for him, but this is only the beginning. More work to come when he tours. I'm sure that is very tiring and stressful in itself. I want Axl to know how much I've anticipated seeing him on tour again. I didn't get to go to any of the recent concerts. I've only seen GNR once when I was a teen, and I cannot WAIT to see him tour this time! I have SO much respect and adoration for that man it is hard to put into words!

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Chuzeville on November 04, 2008, 04:49:24 AM
I'm pretty confident he'll be too busy to suffer from post partum depression.  : ok:

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: gunns1 on November 04, 2008, 05:09:54 AM
Im looking forward to Axl being back in the media eye again for all the right reasons,
and to see him enjoying the praise and attention from his album,

I will also love to see how he deals with everyones opinions on the album, both good and bad.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: Jessica on November 13, 2008, 03:39:47 AM
Bravo !

This bit of a song comes back to my mind ( properllerheads feat.shirley bassey)

"The word is about
there's something evolving
but they don't know if it's coming or going
They say the next big thing is here
That's the revolution's near
But to me it seems quite clear

That it's just a little bit of history repeating....."

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: TWT on November 14, 2008, 05:07:00 AM
I'm getting a feeling of far too much negativity over here in the UK. AC/DC and Metallica recently released fairly shitty albums and went to No.1 and received a bit of a nostalgic boost. All I'm seeing about CD is 'fake GNR'. There's just not that feeling of 'they're back' with GNR, and of course technically they're not. I know Axl will have become accustomed to being slagged off over the last 21 years, but he's left himself an easy target and there are too many people who won't rest until they can say that CD was a disaster. We've already seen stuff like that Guardian 'review'. Axl has put to much into this to want to have to put up with that kind of shit.

Axl has managed to build this incredible myth over the last decade, now I fear it's all going to crumble down around him in a matter of weeks and we can forget about EVER hearing the second and third albums in any official capacity.

Title: Re: It Must Be An Overwhelming Feeling For Axl...
Post by: John Galt on November 14, 2008, 05:30:12 AM
well seeing as GnR in 206 put together a 5 city arena tour in the UK, I don't think UK will be a problem market.  Forget Radio 1 - its aimed at sub 25 year olds whereas Guns main market is older than that...  Dj Chris Evans gave it the thumbs up, as did his listeners - and thats the core.  These are people who are less likely to have time to write on blogs, text in - they have busier lives, families etc and don;t live 24/7 on the net/texting their mates/ being on myspace etc ... 

And any how - when the album hits I am confident the music will override the negative stuff - many people will take their opinions for reviews such as rolling stone magazine etc -