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The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: Sandinista on September 29, 2008, 10:03:49 PM

Title: New Duff Interview (Dublin)
Post by: Sandinista on September 29, 2008, 10:03:49 PM
I had the pleasure of interviewing Duff and Geoff Reading before the Loaded gig in Dublin on Friday, and I've posted up a short review and a full transcript below. It's way too long to paste, so I'll just leave the linky up if anyone's interested.

Title: Re: New Duff Interview (Dublin)
Post by: lynn1961 on September 30, 2008, 12:16:00 AM
Great interview!  Thanks for sharing it! 

Title: Re: New Duff Interview (Dublin)
Post by: Genesis on September 30, 2008, 02:09:28 AM

Title: Re: New Duff Interview (Dublin)
Post by: JAC185 on September 30, 2008, 07:38:44 AM
How did you split the guitar duties on the record? I mean, you haven?t played guitar in a band...

Duff: Yeah, well you know Mike Squires is the lead guitar player. So Mike?s the lead guitar player, and I play all the good parts.

[Geoff liked that one.]

Duff:  Any good parts you hear on the record- it?s me. All the shit parts, or any questionable part, I?m sure it must be him.

Geoff: He?s played guitar in a band before.

Duff: I?ve played guitar since I was twelve. It?s not like, all of a sudden, I just picked up a guitar and went, ?OK...?

Geoff: Sometimes it sounds that way, but it?s not.


That was great! Thanks alot!

Title: Re: New Duff Interview (Dublin)
Post by: mrlee on September 30, 2008, 08:36:07 AM
cool interview!!!

Wild Youth gig near my area alot (since i live near the place they are located)

dont really dig them myself much, saw them live quite a few years ago nearer there beginning, wasnt too into it.

But its great that duff digs on them alot!

Title: Re: New Duff Interview (Dublin)
Post by: FunkyMonkey on October 05, 2008, 12:37:25 PM
Nice interview thanks for posting.  It does sound like everyone is going to be doing their own thing for a while...

And what prompted the recent reunion? I know you?ve played one-off gigs, but what made you decide to make a new album?

Duff: Well, I think we always had it in the back of our heads we were gonna do another record. Dark Days was kind of unfinished business- Velvet Revolver kind of just happened out of nowhere, so we couldn?t just... I think we had a European tour booked, and Velvet Revolver started so that was sort of of unfinished business for me, you know, to play with Slash. So Loaded was kind of put on the shelf for a second. We still played shows in Seattle once in a while, but it was just getting better and better and we all just realised we needed each other as a band. It filled a certain void.

Slash recently claimed that his solo album might be released before Velvet Revolver have found a singer. Do you think the new Loaded record will be out before the new VR singer is found?

Duff: It could be. I mean, I don?t know when we?re going to find a singer.

It?s not going well?

Duff: It?s not that it?s not going well... it?s more that there are so many singers that have turned in stuff. I think we?ve realised that there?s no rush. It?s like, get the perfect guy. To be honest, I?m focusing on this right now. Slash is going to do his Santana record...

Yeah... have you heard anything from that?

Duff: I haven?t heard a thing, no. I just hope he doesn?t get the guy from Matchbox 20 to sing on it.

Geoff: Who?s gonna write the songs?

Duff: I don?t know! He?s very hush-hush about it... I?m sure it?ll be great whatever he does.