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The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: Giant_Robot on September 16, 2008, 03:34:48 PM

Title: Slash on His Solo LP, “Guitar Hero” and How Guns n’ Roses Changed Fans’ Lives
Post by: Giant_Robot on September 16, 2008, 03:34:48 PM

Rolling Stone recently caught up with Slash in L.A., where he was speaking to fans at a Guitar Center Sessions event (Click above to watch the guitarist talk about Gn’R’s early chemistry and his guest session with Bob Dylan.) Afterwards, he told us that working on his forthcoming solo album has been “cathartic” because “I’m totally on my own. A buddy of mine has got a mini-studio in his house and we stay until two or three in the morning just recording the basic demos,” he says. “I’m used to a band situation where I’m one fifth of the input no matter who brought the song or whatever it is. Every band I’ve ever been in we all just sort of tear it apart, put it back together, and it comes out however it comes out. This is interesting for me because I’m just doing my thing and I have no one to answer to.”

Eventually, Slash will bring in different singers for every song, though he won’t name names. “There’s a wish list and so far I’ve managed to get pretty much everybody on that wish list to commit,” he says. “At the pace the Velvet singer search is going I’ll probably get this done before then.”

RS also grilled Slash on who he’d like to see on Guitar Hero and when he realized Guns n’ Roses were impacting fans. Keep reading to find out why a David Bowie concert was one of his favorites:

I talked to Steven Tyler recently and he said you were a big inspiration for Guitar Hero: Aerosmith.
He called me about it before they did it and I was like, “You gotta do it.” It’s cool actually ’cause I was the first real face on that game, and it’s sort of taken on a life of its own.

As the original guy do you feel more invested in the game?
Well, having the Aerosmith guys do it was very cool ’cause Aerosmith’s one of the bands I was heavily influenced by. And Metallica’s doing it, that’s great. Those are two ones that I think gives it some credibility. And they’re doing a Hendrix one, which is great.

Joe Perry mentioned Cheap Trick as one he’d love to see because they could take that push from it to get to the next level.
I played with Cheap Trick a bunch of times. Cheap Trick would be cool; Judas Priest would be cool. James Gang would be cool [laughs]. For fans’ sake I’m sure an Yngwie [Malmsteen] record would be sort of cool. It would be definitely a Guitar Hero exercise. You have to understand how the game works and what band really fits in to that, because you have to be able to do something interesting with the fingers, so it can’t be anything overly simple. It’s gotta have some sort of involvement as far as chord changes and solos. AC/DC is probably the top one. They don’t need the boost, but that would be the top one. That’s really the ultimate guitar-driven band when it comes down to it.

You’ve spoken about how much Aerosmith’s Rocks influenced you and it was weird to think that Appetite for Destruction was now having that same effect on other people.
I think the first time I ever really saw how that clicked was when the “Paradise City” video came out. There’s this couple in Guns n’ Roses T-shirts somewhere in the first 10 rows. There’s a closeup of them making out, just a quick shot, and that hit a nerve with me ’cause that took me back to when I used to be putting my hand up some girl’s shirt in the heat of the rock concert. I met that chick by the way, years later. But lately it’s just been a lot of people talking about certain moments that they’ve had listening to a particular song or whatever. But I can relate to it, I know exactly what they’re talking about because all those things you go through in life as a teenager, usually to the background music of some great band that you’re into. It’s very important, the rock & roll colorizing of the whole thing; you start looking at people’s experiences like that.

What was the best concert where you put your hand up a girl’s shirt?
David Bowie.

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: FunkyMonkey on September 16, 2008, 03:47:11 PM

?At the pace the Velvet singer search is going I?ll probably get this done before then.?

I though Matt said any minute... :-\

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: D on September 16, 2008, 03:49:31 PM
I still think When its all said and done, Sebastian will end up with the job.

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on September 16, 2008, 05:16:41 PM

What was the best concert where you put your hand up a girl?s shirt?
David Bowie.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, wham-bam thank you ma'am!

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: Falcon on September 16, 2008, 08:51:39 PM
I still think When its all said and done, Sebastian will end up with the job.

Not a chance D.

There is no way that guy will get that job.

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: IKnowWhereIAM on September 16, 2008, 10:14:37 PM
I still think When its all said and done, Sebastian will end up with the job.
Baz is busy recording country music, or at least a country single...the only thing less VR than that would be a collaboration with Barney the talking dinosaur.

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: CheapJon on September 17, 2008, 05:15:28 PM
I still think When its all said and done, Sebastian will end up with the job.
Baz is busy recording country music, or at least a country single...the only thing less VR than that would be a collaboration with Barney the talking dinosaur.

don't drop that dime is so hardrock

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: D on September 17, 2008, 05:26:05 PM
Dont Drop that dime is still one of the best songs I've heard in a long time and it isnt Country like Baz is doing.

DDTD is like a throwback to Stones country etc.

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on September 17, 2008, 05:44:14 PM
Dont Drop that dime is still one of the best songs I've heard in a long time and it isnt Country like Baz is doing.

DDTD is like a throwback to Stones country etc.

Don't Drop That Dime is a cool song. I'd forgotten about it actually. I may just go and listen to it now. :D

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: CheapJon on September 17, 2008, 06:01:37 PM
I like it too, pretty much the best song on libertad together with just 16, maybe the 2 only real good songs on that album.. i was just pointing it out as a country-esque song that VR did

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: FunkyMonkey on September 18, 2008, 01:19:32 PM
It looks like Slash may have said more that he should have?  There are several other articles like this one...

Rumor: Slash accidentally reveals Guitar Hero: Hendrix

Sep 17th 2008

Has frizzy-haired Guns N' Roses guitar legend Slash mistakenly leaked news of a Jimi Hendrix-themed Guitar Hero title? In an interview with Rolling Stone, the axe-shredder ended up discussing Activision's mega-franchise, and appeared to let news of a future release slip. "Well, having the Aerosmith guys do it was very cool 'cause Aerosmith's one of the bands I was heavily influenced by," he enthused. "And Metallica's doing it, that's great. Those are two ones that I think gives it some credibility. And they're doing a Hendrix one, which is great."

While aging rock guitarists aren't our usual source for games industry gossip, this is totally believable; after all, it's likely Activision will produce a Guitar Hero: Hendrix sooner or later, given the company's love of money. But somebody at Activision needs to have a quiet word with Slash, because the man is plainly off the chain. First he changes his name to a violent-sounding verb, and now he's giving away Activision's trade secrets like they're candy. Could he be any more rock 'n' roll?

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on September 18, 2008, 09:26:27 PM
Who cares?

Saying that there is going to be a GH: Hendrix is like saying we will have a new president in January.

Stupid journos.

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: IKnowWhereIAM on September 19, 2008, 01:38:36 PM
Now, if Slash let slip with a release date for Chinese Democracy I would be interested...

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: jarmo on September 19, 2008, 01:46:36 PM
Now, if Slash let slip with a release date for Chinese Democracy I would be interested...

He already said it was coming out in March 2006...


Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: IKnowWhereIAM on September 19, 2008, 03:43:01 PM
He already said it was coming out in March 2006...

Well! Now at least we've got that to look forward to... :rofl:  I will put Slash in the 'unreliable source' category...

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: D on September 19, 2008, 04:38:34 PM
This is so dumb. Who gives a shit if he spilled the beans on guitar hero hendrix.


I mean the supposed greatest guitarist of all time getting his own Guitar Hero game is news how?

I don't think it is gonna hurt the sales of it any.

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: suicide on September 19, 2008, 04:42:16 PM
Well! Now at least we've got that to look forward to... :rofl:  I will put Slash in the 'unreliable source' category...

Who's in the 'reliable source' category? Must be a very short list.

Anyway, it's good to get some updates about Slash's solo lp! I read some time ago Glenn Danzig (The Misfits / Danzig), Sebastian Bach and Steven Tyler did some work for it. Do wo know any other names?

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: IKnowWhereIAM on September 19, 2008, 05:53:53 PM
Who's in the 'reliable source' category? Must be a very short list.
When it comes to Gn'R the list is VERY short...
I doubt that it was a secret (Hendrix), and I have to wonder if todays game buyers even care...while I give much-respect to Hendrix groundbreaking work, Slash, Yngwie, Eddie VH, Satriani, Hammett and even Buckethead have all surpassed him - in my opinion. 

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: CheapJon on September 19, 2008, 06:20:37 PM
Well! Now at least we've got that to look forward to... :rofl:  I will put Slash in the 'unreliable source' category...

Who's in the 'reliable source' category? Must be a very short list.

Anyway, it's good to get some updates about Slash's solo lp! I read some time ago Glenn Danzig (The Misfits / Danzig), Sebastian Bach and Steven Tyler did some work for it. Do wo know any other names?

we don't even know the ones u mentioned..

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: suicide on September 20, 2008, 02:29:57 AM
Well, Danzig worked with Slash on a blues album. Could have been another project. I remembered reading about it and googled it, turns out the news is from october 2003. (
I did read an interview with Steven Tyler where he mentioned working with Slash. Did they do anything else together recently?
And didn't Bach say he wouldn't be the singer for VR but did work with Slash?

Title: Re: Slash on His Solo LP, ?Guitar Hero? and How Guns n? Roses Changed Fans? Lives
Post by: CheapJon on September 20, 2008, 10:57:22 AM
And didn't Bach say he wouldn't be the singer for VR but did work with Slash?

i think that was a project that never happened.. some kind of superband thingie, not VR or slash's solo album