Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Nytunz on September 08, 2008, 10:33:21 PM

Title: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Nytunz on September 08, 2008, 10:33:21 PM
Its been a long time.. 1999 was the last time GnR released an official song. But this time it is for real.
I cant say how much i have appreciate beeing a fan of Guns N Roses. And how much i look forward to this new song beeing released!

5 Days left til we hear Shacklers Revenge!!

Please, put your wishes and good luck to Axl and Guns N Roses here, before the song is released .
How much does this mean to you GNR people out there? To me this means alot!


Good Luck Guns N`Roses! Hope to see you soon! And i wish you all well with the new song! Cant wait to hear it!!
Its been a hell of a ride! But i NEVER had second doubts!!!
Go Axl!

Love Nytunz!

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: cineater on September 08, 2008, 11:19:44 PM
I'd be lying my ass off if I said half that--lol. 

But it's been great fun, thanks to the band and the fans.  One of the best times I ever had.  Best of luck guys.  Hope to see you soon.

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Albert S Miller on September 08, 2008, 11:19:50 PM
That was really very thoughtful of you Nytunz. I have to agree with all you have mentioned, and would also like to add my own thanks to the band as well. This is a huge moment for all of us fans, and surely for the band as well.

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on September 08, 2008, 11:33:25 PM
Dear Guns N' Roses,

Your hard work is going to make Nytunz very happy.  He's been eagerly anticipating this moment since July.  I hope children around the world have a difficult time passing the song because it is too awesome for their little fingers.  Here's to a successful launch and a brighter tomorrow.

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Gonzo Axl on September 08, 2008, 11:34:32 PM
Although I have heard what is rumored to be 'Shacklers Revenge', the fact that a new song is finally getting offically released really tickles my goiter.

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: ben9785 on September 09, 2008, 12:40:47 AM
I hope this is the beginning of better things to come. Thanks for the new song GNR, it is truly a gift for me.

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Scabbie on September 09, 2008, 03:38:28 AM
I'm such a sceptical person that I don't believe the silence will be over when Rock Band 2 is released. Thats just me though.

At least there will be kids (and grown up kids) all over the world singing and jumping around their living rooms to the tune of a new gnr track and finally an official song that I hope the band are proud of.  :beer:

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: gunns1 on September 09, 2008, 04:26:19 AM
good luck gnr

hopefully this is just a taste of something that we will hear more off later THIS year..

kudos !

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: RoCoKiN on September 09, 2008, 05:48:17 AM
May the force be with you...always!

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: willow on September 09, 2008, 05:58:14 AM
Either way it has been a long strange road. And I have injoyed every mili! Good luck guys, you have earned it all. I hope you get it!!
peace out

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: grabaraxl on September 09, 2008, 06:22:07 AM
Dear Gn'r, Please don't take another 9 years to release another song.

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: 33 on September 09, 2008, 07:21:36 AM
Its been a long time.. 1999 was the last time GnR released an official song. But this time it is for real.
I cant say how much i have appreciate beeing a fan of Guns N Roses. And how much i look forward to this new song beeing released!

5 Days left til we hear Shacklers Revenge!!

Please, put your wishes and good luck to Axl and Guns N Roses here, before the song is released .
How much does this mean to you GNR people out there? To me this means alot!


Good Luck Guns N`Roses! Hope to see you soon! And i wish you all well with the new song! Cant wait to hear it!!
Its been a hell of a ride! But i NEVER had second doubts!!!
Go Axl!

Love Nytunz!

Good shout Nytunz!! Hope your well my man!!!


Oh God not another cock sucking thread! The band dont really give a fuck what we think.

You seem like an intelligent fella, with your well thought out post!! Nice and positive!!


Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Annie on September 09, 2008, 08:35:24 AM
I can't wait to hear the new song! I know it will be great!

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: LordRazZ on September 09, 2008, 08:50:05 AM
In honor of the release, I wore my GnR jacket for a smoke today.

Alright, I wore it because it was cold.

But in all seriousness

IT'S ABOUT F'N TIME AXL!!!! We love you

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Jada on September 09, 2008, 09:42:26 AM
I can't really top that first post so I'm just gonna say:
Thanks gnr!  :peace:

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: 14 Yrs Of Silence on September 09, 2008, 09:42:31 AM
So how can we hear shackler's if we don't have the game?  Will links be allowed?

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Jaakko on September 09, 2008, 09:54:31 AM
So how can we hear shackler's if we don't have the game?  Will links be allowed?

I've been thinking of this too ! And it's only released in USA, what about the rest of the world ?

Anyway, it is cool to think there's finally going to be something official out  :)

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: $$$$ on September 09, 2008, 10:14:04 AM
So how can we hear shackler's if we don't have the game?  Will links be allowed?

i thought i read somewhere it would be available for download through Rockband or after Rockbands release?

i hope so anyways, i aint droppin 200 bones on Rockband

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: bodine on September 09, 2008, 10:17:18 AM
So how can we hear shackler's if we don't have the game?  Will links be allowed?

I'm sure once it's out, you won't need links to find it - it will be everywhere.  Hopefully on iTunes as well, but if not, you'll still be able to find it easily on your own.

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: DoctorNo on September 09, 2008, 10:29:41 AM
So how can we hear shackler's if we don't have the game?  Will links be allowed?

i thought i read somewhere it would be available for download through Rockband or after Rockbands release?

Couple of us tried to clear this up in the main thread, but I'll restate it here for anyone confused (and I don't blame non-gamers for being confused, since the term "download" is often used without specificity :

1. Rockband "downloads" (DLC, or Downloadable Content) are not audio files; they are game data, in which the audio is embedded, in a proprietary format. You can't download an audio file "through Rockband" and play it on your PC or MP3 player;
2. Shackler's won't be available for Rockband downloads, anyway, since it is on the retail disc.
3. IF Shackler's is made available in for download/purchase in MP3 format (say, through iTunes), it'll have nothing to do with Rockband, apart from the release date. Such a release makes sense, but (to my knowledge) has not been confirmed yet.

All that said: As soon as the game is officially released, you can expect dozens of Shackler's videos to hit youtube, either in game format, or in straight audio format from the jukebox function. And as this is an official release, I would imagine links to these videos will be permitted. You won't have trouble hearing the song.


On topic: Good luck, GNR.

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: slashsbaconpit on September 09, 2008, 10:53:19 AM
I don't have a video game system, so I hope to see a itunes release!

Seriously, I can't wait to hear this song. I love everything Axl's put out, and I'm sure this one will hit the mark as well.

Good luck Guns! We miss you, and can't wait to hear more from you!

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Luigi on September 09, 2008, 10:56:03 AM
I thank the one who put up this web site ( Jarmo) and I'll be thankful to hear what new music there is...  :yes:

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Verse Chorus Verse on September 09, 2008, 09:04:53 PM
Finally a new GN'R release...feels good to be able to finally reset that nine-year counter.

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: snascarella on September 09, 2008, 09:27:10 PM
I?m waiting for the "Beginning" here!  :beer:
Shackler?s is gonna be the "beginning" of the earthquake! (full album)  8)

Axl & GnfR, you?re the BEST!  :peace: :smoking:

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: CaughtMeInaComa on September 09, 2008, 09:57:43 PM
Does this mean we'll get a video for this too?

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: doooodickiebr on September 09, 2008, 09:59:33 PM bring on CD!!!!!

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: The Chad Cometh on September 09, 2008, 10:00:23 PM
Although I have heard what is rumored to be 'Shacklers Revenge', the fact that a new song is finally getting offically released really tickles my goiter.

It's times like these I'm glad I never got the leaks. 5 days baby!!

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Farid Bak on September 09, 2008, 10:13:51 PM

kudos !
I loved that part  : ok:
Guns N' Roses to kick some videogaming world behind wooot

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: SINSHINE on September 09, 2008, 10:18:41 PM
I don't believe there's a reason...for the fans to be anything less than happy to see new GN'R hit the street  ;)

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Howard2k on September 09, 2008, 10:27:35 PM
So how can we hear shackler's if we don't have the game?  Will links be allowed?

I've been thinking of this too ! And it's only released in USA, what about the rest of the world ?

Anyway, it is cool to think there's finally going to be something official out  :)

Rock Band is the USA only?   Certainly not!

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: The Chad Cometh on September 09, 2008, 10:30:36 PM
So how can we hear shackler's if we don't have the game?  Will links be allowed?

I've been thinking of this too ! And it's only released in USA, what about the rest of the world ?

Anyway, it is cool to think there's finally going to be something official out  :)

Rock Band is the USA only?   Certainly not!

Rock Band has not been released in Australia yet, let alone Rock Band 2. This sucks ass.

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: cineater on September 09, 2008, 11:41:03 PM
I'm such a sceptical person that I don't believe the silence will be over when Rock Band 2 is released.

Won't be my last words to the band either.   ;D

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: wadey on September 10, 2008, 09:51:12 AM
Looking forward to re-birth of the best rock band of all time................maybe theres a big release just round the corner

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: kaasupoltin on September 10, 2008, 10:08:28 AM
Good luck Guns N' Roses, hope this is the new beginning!

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: horsey on September 10, 2008, 11:36:47 AM
i am glad for g n' r really i am truely.good luck with the realease of cd too.this is a new begining all over again ,rock -on !
 : ok:

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Jaakko on September 10, 2008, 01:19:38 PM
So how can we hear shackler's if we don't have the game?  Will links be allowed?

I've been thinking of this too ! And it's only released in USA, what about the rest of the world ?

Anyway, it is cool to think there's finally going to be something official out  :)

Rock Band is the USA only?   Certainly not!

I meant that rest of the world gets it much later.

I wish this or something else would already hit radio. I'm fucking tired of youtube etc.

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Drope on September 10, 2008, 02:50:09 PM
Well, I've got to thank GN'R for opening my head to new sounds. The leaks opened my music taste in an amazing way. I will always be thankful for that. And it opened my head in the way that, before entering into forums and all that kind of stuff, I used to think that Axl was the bad one, the only responsable of everything, bla bla bla. So, after listening to the leaks I uderstood where Axl was going, and all that ideas of "machine music" disapeared from my mind. And I've got to thank everyone in forums that helped me realize a bit more about the reality (or at least made me get a bit closer  ;D).

I hope Axl the best. He deserves it, for all the effort, and mostly because the product has an incredible quality.

I've got to be honest. With everyone who stops and read what I say, and to myself: it's still hard for me (in fact, I still can't) to accept this band as Guns N' Roses, as a continuation of the band of the 90's. And it stopped me from opening myself to Axl's view for a long time. But I learned to manage my ideas with the fact that I loved the new tracks. I hope not to offend anyone, it's just what I think.

But both things can be convined. My thoughts about GN'R and the fact that I love this music (what I think is the important thing of all this). So I thank Axl and GN'R for that, for opening my head. Sorry I can't totaly agree with you, Axl, but know that you opened my head musicaly, and I'll always be thankful for that.

So my words for GN'R are: thank you, and go on, this hasn't started yet!

Sorry about my english, I'm from Argentina.

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on September 10, 2008, 11:14:07 PM
Good luck and Gods speed to the band. Hopefully the album will drop soon after rockband2 :)

i never had a 3rd or 4th thought that it wouldn't come out i just hope its all we want and expect it to be and then some.


Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: grog mug on September 10, 2008, 11:19:27 PM
I'm really starting to think this song will only be released to this game, not in stores.  The first single will be "Better", followed up by "The Blues" or something else slow we haven't heard yet.  Can't wait to hear the UPDATED version of this song though!

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on September 11, 2008, 01:44:05 AM
I can't say I've been waiting for this album for as long as many of the other fans. It has only been 6 years for me. I've had my highs and lows during the wait. I've had sad times and I've had great times. In some cases the eventuality of this release kept me going, as pathetic as that is. I know that "vicarious existence is a fucking waste of time" but it didn't matter to me because when I was young, Guns n Roses was MY band. Everyone has their band and GnR was mine. Every time anyone talked shit about them, I set them straight. I have zero charisma as a person except when I'm talking about Guns n Roses. The best time of my life was the first concert I ever went to on may 12th, 2006. These songs have helped me through a lot of tough times. Each and Every GnR song brings back a flood of different memories, good and bad alike. The release of this album will really be like a close to a chapter of my life. I drive around for therapeutic reasons listening to music. I cannot even begin to imagine how great of a feeling it will be to drive around listening to Chinese Democracy. It will be a great feeling to finally not be prodded by remarks like "hey, when's chinese democracy coming out?" in a snarky laughing joking manner by people. I don't know, maybe I HAVE been wasting my time, but you know what? The time is already lost, the past is the past, I can't change it. I've spent WAY too much time, effort, blood and sweat (figuratively by working my ASS off to be able to pay for show tickets and literally at the shows themselves) to just turn my back on it all just because even this band that I've devoted so much to tells me that "vicarious existence is a fucking waste of time" (line from my favorite song too). All my life I have had a bad habit of never seeing things through. Well, I'm going to see this one through, I'm not going to give up the excitement I feel at the mere thought of hearing this album upon its release. Now enough of my shit...

...I'm going out on a limb by saying that no matter what, GnR can rest assured that they have the most devoted fans in the world. We all gripe, argue, curse each other out, talk shit about the band, disagree with each other and how the band treats its fans, and the list goes on. But I dare anyone to find another family that's fucking picture perfect and not dysfunctional in the least. The release of this song is not just another song to us, it really is the breaking of a nearly decade long silence. Non GnR fans won't know what that means.

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Bodhi on September 11, 2008, 02:07:30 AM
It have been waiting for this record to come out since the "illusion" tour ended....its about 15 years...I remember when I was in high school in the mid to late 90's you could not find a Guns N Roses t-shirt over a decade later GNR shirts are being worn by kids as young as 12, and GNR merchandise can be found at any mall you go to in America...For those of you who were not around for that time period, it is probably harder to fully appreciate the things that are going on in the GNR world today...There was a period between 1994-2000 where the only time we even heard a word out of Axl was from his Phoenix Airport arrest in 1998, the remix of Sweet Child at the end of Big Daddy in 1999, and his phone interview in late 1999 with Kurt Loder after the release of "Oh My God" Earlier in 1999 Axl was on the cover of Spin Magazine with the headline "what the world needs now is Axl Rose"  It was an article about the up and coming record but really did not offer any incite from actual band members.....that was it..between 1994 and mid to late 1999 we literally heard nothing..I remember in the summer of 1997 Kurt Loder did a "wheres Axl" segment for the news break on MTV.  Im not sure who else on this board remembers it...Its been a long time coming...I remember all of those things like it was yesterday...I am very glad that there is a site like this one that is ACCURATE and fair to the band...there are alot of bullshit sites out there, I have always known that this is one I could come to to find out what is REALLY going on with GNR...Before there was even a Guns N,,I remember it was  and it NEVER GOT UPDATED EVER!!!  FOR YEARS!!!!  Anyway I will cut this off now cause i think I have rambled on enough.  This is a great time to be a Guns N Roses fan..I have had the opportunity to see the new band 6 the front row of GA for 4 of them, that is something that I never thought would be possible back in the dark ages that was the late 90's...I have no doubt that this record is going to be worth the wait....

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on September 11, 2008, 02:11:44 AM
It have been waiting for this record to come out since the "illusion" tour ended....its about 15 years...I remember when I was in high school in the mid to late 90's you could not find a Guns N Roses t-shirt over a decade later GNR shirts are being worn by kids as young as 12, and GNR merchandise can be found at any mall you go to in America...For those of you who were not around for that time period, it is probably harder to fully appreciate the things that are going on in the GNR world today...There was a period between 1994-2000 where the only time we even heard a word out of Axl was from his Phoenix Airport arrest in 1998, the remix of Sweet Child at the end of Big Daddy in 1999, and his phone interview in late 1999 with Kurt Loder after the release of "Oh My God" Earlier in 1999 Axl was on the cover of Spin Magazine with the headline "what the world needs now is Axl Rose"  It was an article about the up and coming record but really did not offer any incite from actual band members.....that was it..between 1994 and mid to late 1999 we literally heard nothing..I remember in the summer of 1997 Kurt Loder did a "wheres Axl" segment for the news break on MTV.  Im not sure who else on this board remembers it...Its been a long time coming...I remember all of those things like it was yesterday...I am very glad that there is a site like this one that is ACCURATE and fair to the band...there are alot of bullshit sites out there, I have always known that this is one I could come to to find out what is REALLY going on with GNR...Before there was even a Guns N,,I remember it was  and it NEVER GOT UPDATED EVER!!!  FOR YEARS!!!!  Anyway I will cut this off now cause i think I have rambled on enough.  This is a great time to be a Guns N Roses fan..I have had the opportunity to see the new band 6 the front row of GA for 4 of them, that is something that I never thought would be possible back in the dark ages that was the late 90's...I have no doubt that this record is going to be worth the wait....

When you get old enough, everything cycles around.

Go Shackler's Revenge!

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Bodhi on September 11, 2008, 05:18:02 AM

When you get old enough, everything cycles around.

Go Shackler's Revenge!

im 27! :hihi:

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: cyllan on September 11, 2008, 06:38:04 AM
Good post, Shadows.   :D

You're right, there have been some dark days over the past 15 years but I firmly believe that we're at the dawn of something fantastic just now.  And I second your comments about this site; it's great to have a place where rumours are dispelled and where being optimistic and supportive isn't considered a crime.

I'm not going to say 'welcome back' to GNR because, in my eyes chaps, you never went away.  Instead, I'll just say that I hope the release of SR achieves everything you're hoping for and that it's the merely the ap?ritif with which to whet our tastebuds before the ultimate cocktail of delights that will be Chinese Democracy.

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: oldgunsfan on September 11, 2008, 08:48:12 AM
So how can we hear shackler's if we don't have the game?  Will links be allowed?

I've been thinking of this too ! And it's only released in USA, what about the rest of the world ?

Anyway, it is cool to think there's finally going to be something official out  :)

Rock Band is the USA only?   Certainly not!

Rock Band has not been released in Australia yet, let alone Rock Band 2. This sucks ass.

if you want it that bad, isn't there a way to buy it from a US store and have it shipped :-\

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: gunns1 on September 11, 2008, 09:08:59 AM
australia is an untapped market for this kinda thing..

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: gnrpatience on September 11, 2008, 11:51:47 AM

GNR music is why i love them.

Axl Rose good luck in this new album and i will be supporting until my dead!

Cant wait to get the new album and tour with you again!

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Sillything on September 13, 2008, 05:12:23 PM
Good luck with the new song! It's so fuckin great!  I love it! I want to buy it now!!

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: bitstorm on September 13, 2008, 07:12:11 PM
I have been a fan of GNR since 87. I liked the old stuff immensely, but I absolutely LOVE the new band and the change in direction.

From what I've heard of the new songs, they are f'n awesome. Not just a new style, it's a reinvention. Those are real songs, and the lyrics are some of the best I've heard in years. The music they are doing now is just as relevant as what the new bands are doing today. I definitely wish to support them for the first commercially released material. Hopefully CD is before end of year. Go Axl & GNR.

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: IKnowWhereIAM on September 14, 2008, 05:06:03 AM
Well, its out, officially.  I was really hoping to see something on us a sign, please!  Post the song on your MySpace! 

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: kollemann on September 14, 2008, 05:14:25 AM
GNR leave the silence if they release Chinese Democracy......

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: Death Cube K on September 14, 2008, 09:50:47 AM
5 Days left til we hear Shacklers Revenge!!

 :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

Can't wait. Hope it's a good song!

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: gcluskey on September 14, 2008, 09:07:35 PM
its a great song! love it

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: cyllan on September 15, 2008, 04:45:28 AM
I have been a fan of GNR since 87. I liked the old stuff immensely, but I absolutely LOVE the new band and the change in direction.

From what I've heard of the new songs, they are f'n awesome. Not just a new style, it's a reinvention. Those are real songs, and the lyrics are some of the best I've heard in years. The music they are doing now is just as relevant as what the new bands are doing today. I definitely wish to support them for the first commercially released material. Hopefully CD is before end of year. Go Axl & GNR.

Welcome to the board, bitstorm.  It's a very exciting time to be a GNR fan and I agree with you 100% about both the old and the new songs.  Can't wait to hear CD - hopefully the wait is almost over.   :)

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: ppbebe on September 15, 2008, 11:51:44 AM
Toast shackler's rockband 2 revenge! :beer:

Title: Re: Last words to GNR before the release of S.R. "GNR Leaving the Silence!"
Post by: bitstorm on September 15, 2008, 08:08:31 PM
Welcome to the board, bitstorm.  It's a very exciting time to be a GNR fan and I agree with you 100% about both the old and the new songs.  Can't wait to hear CD - hopefully the wait is almost over.   :)

That was very kind of you to welcome me cyllan, thank you very much.  :beer:

I have been a lurker here for many years. I came out of hiding because I do believe we will see a release sometime soon. I do not have any inside information or anything like that, what inspired me to post was that enough people have come forward to say the album is indeed finished, and the new music I'd heard (whether it will be on CD or not) is definitely worth talking about. I have often seen the phrase "epic" used to describe the music and I think it's very appropriate. I can't remember the last time I got this excited about a new album, and I definitely want to show support for the band.