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The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: FunkyMonkey on August 11, 2008, 09:18:05 PM

Title: Interview: Matt Sorum and Max Noce
Post by: FunkyMonkey on August 11, 2008, 09:18:05 PM
Here is some of the interview...

Matt Sorum and Max Noce

Mon, 11 Aug 2008

Sharp dressed men

What inspired you guys to start Sorum Noce?

Max: It was out of necessity really. You can't find a lot of good clothing out there for guys. Most things are way too extravagant. There's never something that's just clean, nice and well-made. I never found what I wanted to wear, so I just decided to start making it myself.

Matt: Yeah, I agree [Laughs].

Max: Sometimes simplicity is actually the most difficult thing to achieve.

Matt: In the music world, it seems like when people think of "Rock n' Roll Attire," they think of skulls, daggers and dragons.

Max: Dragons are cool [Laughs].

Matt: They are, but if you look at the rock n' roll bands that Max and I grew up with, they had a certain classic style. Look around the shop at the photos we have. There's The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Beatles and Led Zeppelin.

Max: Were you more of a Stones guy or a Beatles guy?

Matt: I thought The Beatles were a little fluffy in the early days, but then, in the late '60s and the early '70s, they started getting stoned, growing beards and writing groundbreaking songs. When they originally came out they were more of a pop group, but they definitely were really cool.

Max: The second phase of The Beatles is probably my favorite.

Matt: The style that we like is that basic rock n' roll flare that's not overdone. The '80s took rock fashion to a place that was more hair metal. It actually was mixed with glam. If you look at the early glam bands like T. Rex and David Bowie, they were very cool in the way they dressed. They didn't overdo it. When it got into the '80s hair metal phase, that's when the true glam got taken out.

Max: That whole '80s style was almost like a fantasy world. In a way, it was like a fantastic vision from their minds.

Matt: They were trying to mix it up, but it was just a fashion gone awry. The early glam stuff from T. Rex and Bowie was great?English bands again. There's a lot of English influence in our store as far as the suits go. They have that English-tailored style, and they're more fitted. The leather probably comes from a bit of a punk rock background?classic punk like The Ramones and Iggy Pop. The clothes we carry are real, rugged and rock n' roll. Any guy can wear our stuff though. It's like a guy with a good jacket. Think of Marlon Brando or Steve McQueen. All of those classic dudes just had it. It wasn't about much. They didn't have to wear a bunch of shit. They had a t-shirt and a good fucking jacket.

Max: You can have one good piece that's your main piece, and you can do a lot with it.

Sometimes all you need is that one great jacket to tie it all together.

Matt: You could even go further back. Look at guys like Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra. Look at the classic Rat Pack movies. When those guys got dressed, they had their certain thing. When they picked up their accessories before they left the house, they had the same things all the time. They'd have a ring, a watch, a cigarette case and maybe some mints. That was it. Then they went out. They were ready, and they had everything they needed.

It was easy. It was something that didn't require much thought, and the style was more utilitarian.

Max: Well it was the standard of those times. Style is also the way you carry yourself as well. That's an important side of it too obviously.

Matt: We have a lot to offer in the store, but it's about the personality of the guy that's wearing it. Everybody's different, and everybody should have the option to be different. When I was growing up, I used to steal shirts out of my mom's closet because I was a skinny little kid. That was the '70s though. If you look at Robert Plant, he'd wear shirts that were three sizes too small for him [Laughs]. His pants were so tight that it looked like he was suffocating. It's all about the personality and how you want to wear the clothes.

Max: Sometimes, if you wear a well-done, well-fitting piece, it does transform the way you carry yourself. You act more confidently in whatever group you're in. I think clothes can add confidence. If you do feel stronger and more confident in yourself, then that transpires with other people.

Matt: Some people think I'm completely fucking weird for doing Sorum Noce.


Matt: In the rock and roll world, you're not allowed to do much except for what you're well-known for. So I've been getting some flack for it, on the Internet mainly, from rock n' roll fans. From my experience, some fans want you to be in Guns N' Roses for the rest of your life?or at least until they die. This is just an absolute creative outlet that has nothing to do with Guns N' Roses or any of that, except for the fact that I played in the band. I could've said something about the way Axl dressed or how I dressed in those days [Laughs].

Fans need what their icons gave them initially, and they don't want to see them change.

Matt: Exactly, so people will say, "It's another musician doing a clothing line." I think that's bullshit.

Max: It's not like that here. A lot of people that are in the spotlight don't even do anything. Their names are just tagged on. It's not the same with Matt and I; we do work together on all of the clothing. We designed the store, and we do everything like that. It's hands-on.

Matt: I love making things happen and watching them come to fruition. A guy named Sonny Barger was the president of The Hell's Angels. He said, "There are three kinds of people in the world. One, there are those that make things happen. Two, there are those that watch things happen. Then the third kind of person says, 'What happened?'" [Laughs] Max and I fit in the first category. We like to make things happen. Right, Max?

People don't realize that the possibilities are endless if you're willing to work hard. A lot of people are just lazy too. You've got a lot going on, but you've both put so much into this.

Matt: Anthony Robbins, man, the guy knows what he's talking about [Laughs].

Max: It's true. You have to work hard towards what you want to do. It doesn't come immediately. It's not an overnight thing. It takes 20 years to be an overnight success. You have to take risks sometimes.

Matt: For me, being a drummer, I've always been more of a foundational guy, but never an integral part. I've always felt that, and I know that. It's not like I felt it, and I felt bad about it. I just know it. So to step out and do something on my own with Max as my partner, I think it's something that people couldn't really grasp unless they tried to do something like it. That's the basis behind it. It's a challenge. We were writing a song with Velvet Revolver this week, and it's the same kind of feeling. I didn't really write songs with Guns N' Roses, so I was afraid to show it to them. I was insecure about it. Everybody is pretty much in some aspect. I wrote this song, and I played it. Everyone is totally into it. You break through that wall, and it's like the clothing thing. One day Tommy Hilfiger came in here, and he loved it. He signed our book.

Max: He even bought some stuff.

Matt: Be cool, move forward, meet people, it's about getting out there.

Max: It's about personality as well. That's a big part of it. It's like a band.

Matt: Exactly, not all the songs are great. There may be pieces on that rack over there that will move in a different direction. Things may change. In the studio, I'm like, "Shit, maybe that song's not the greatest, let's do another one." At the store, we're like, "Let's do another jacket." We want to make it better all the time.,,4757765,00.html