Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: D on August 06, 2008, 04:01:52 PM

Title: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: D on August 06, 2008, 04:01:52 PM
I have been a vegetarian for 4 years but today I am going back to eating meat.

Wish me luck

I am nervous as hell cause I am afraid i will get sick as fuck.  I am just too picky to be a vegetarian. I dont particularly like Veggies and I workout so hard that I often feel just way too malnourished.

No fast food or pork though, everything I eat will be grilled on a foreman grill.

Anyone know of anybody who has done this? I am just so scared of getting very sick.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: Bodhi on August 06, 2008, 04:04:07 PM
why would you get sick? I eat  meat like a mad man and work out all the fine...

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: AxlsMainMan on August 06, 2008, 04:10:25 PM
why would you get sick? I eat  meat like a mad man and work out all the fine...

Because his body hasn't had to process meat in 4 years..

D, I'd use a BBQ instead of a George Foreman grill so that the grease and fat atleast drips off.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: $$$$ on August 06, 2008, 04:19:00 PM
I was actually seriously considering becoming a vegetarian after seeing some videos of what goes on in a lot of slaughter houses ie: scalding chickens to death and other disgusting things I dont even want to mention.

 Im not agiants eating animals, its nature, but it shouldnt be like that.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: D on August 06, 2008, 04:24:58 PM
Yeah, I never became a vegetarian due to animal right issues. I just did it cause I was sick of the way I was living. Being a vegetarian helped give me enough discipline to stop drinking cokes, to start running and all of that good shit. Now, though, I feel I will be able to start eating grilled lean chicken,steak,hamburger and fish and really take my fitness to a new level.

I hate Tofu, I hate the stuff they try to make taste like meat and Im not a particularly big time salad eater. SO i live off Vegetable soup, spaghetti, cheese pizza, mac N Cheese and all sorts of other CARB infested dishes.

Foreman grills actually knock all the fat out of the meats AMM, so i think it will be my best option.

I am just tired of not having good food choices and Im tired of not giving my body the protein etc it needs to recover from my grueling runs/workouts.

Im gonna stop by and get some roast beef after I run today............ Lets hope I aint up all night puking.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: $$$$ on August 06, 2008, 04:37:42 PM
you really have to be careful and really gradually wane meat back into your diet. My sister tried to do what your doing and got really sick so now shes back to not eating meat.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: AxlsMainMan on August 06, 2008, 04:42:24 PM
Yeah, I'd maybe talk to your doctor D before you go back on meat.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: Lisa on August 06, 2008, 04:42:40 PM
I woundn't start with beef D...try some grilled chicken first...probably a little easier to digest and don't try to eat more the 3-4 oz either. Slow and small portions is the key to reaquainting your digestive tract with meat. :D

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: Bodhi on August 06, 2008, 04:50:44 PM
why would you get sick? I eat  meat like a mad man and work out all the fine...

Because his body hasn't had to process meat in 4 years..

ahhh I took it as though he was worried about what was in that would make him sick

you should be fine...4 years isnt that long...stick to grilled chicken and things like that at first...

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: Mysteron on August 06, 2008, 05:05:30 PM
I have been a vegetarian for 4 years but today I am going back to eating meat.

Wish me luck

I am nervous as hell cause I am afraid i will get sick as fuck.  I am just too picky to be a vegetarian. I dont particularly like Veggies and I workout so hard that I often feel just way too malnourished.

No fast food or pork though, everything I eat will be grilled on a foreman grill.

Anyone know of anybody who has done this? I am just so scared of getting very sick.

You'll be fine

I was vege for 10 years then went back to eating meat.

I thought being vegetarian would make me healthier, but it was quite the opposite. Meat is an essential part of our diet, unless you can eat alot of Quorn or tofu. Both are ok in small and unhealthy amounts, but too much is sickening. Other protein sources such as beans, nuts and dairy are not enough.

Being vege is ok for those who do it for the animals. Most end up dying younger though according to stats. Take it as you will.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: D on August 06, 2008, 05:13:01 PM
and people say Mysteron is only great with GNR news. : ok:

Let me ask u a question Mysteron. what did u start back eating and how much? U didnt puke or anything?

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: w.axl.rose on August 06, 2008, 05:15:48 PM

garry you still owe me my steak  :rant: .... and in and out  :hihi:

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on August 06, 2008, 10:26:17 PM

garry you still owe me my steak  :rant: .... and in and out  :hihi:

You always bail at the last second!

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: MadmanDan on August 06, 2008, 10:29:37 PM
  I don't really see the animal rights issues, especially when it comes to pork. The pig cannot live on its own, it has to be fed and taken care of...if suddenly EVERYBODY on the planet would stop eating pork, the pig would be extinct, wouldn't it?

  Sure, I'm all for killing them in an unpainful way. I witnessed a few pig slaughters, and iI find it awful that it's a smart enough animal to know that he's going to be killed, and starts squealing..ummm..."like a pig" :)

 P.S. Holy shit that steak looks fucking awsome

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: $$$$ on August 06, 2008, 10:57:00 PM
im talkin about this shit

im definitely not a hippie animal lover but that shit almost brought me to tears

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: Rapunzel on August 06, 2008, 11:16:25 PM
I turned vegetarian when I was 10 years old because I was such a Michael Jackson fan, and remained one for the next 9 years.

When I was in hospital waiting to get my gall bladder removed all I could think about was meat!

I decided to go with what my body was craving.

My first 'meat' meal was a Fillet O' Fish! - I ate white meats first and then gradually built it up to eating a big juicy steak!

You won't get sick, in fact your body will love you for it.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: Chief on August 07, 2008, 12:01:48 AM
FYI - meat is not essential.. for example there are 100s of millions of people in Asia who are vegetarian and they are healthy and fine.  It's all about a well rounded diet, and it can work.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: Rapunzel on August 07, 2008, 12:40:06 AM
Good point - however, this aspect of the Asian diet puzzles me -

Brown rice is more nutritious than white and yet, in such nations where rice is the staple, only white rice seems to be eaten. Furthermore,  many of these countries cultivate rice for export...

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: w.axl.rose on August 07, 2008, 01:36:44 AM

garry you still owe me my steak  :rant: .... and in and out  :hihi:

You always bail at the last second!

we decided you would bring me the food remember 

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: Genesis on August 07, 2008, 01:49:19 AM
Welcome back to the dark side, D. Meat is the only way. Especially if you are into bodybuilding. Stick to chicken for a while though.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on August 07, 2008, 02:02:11 AM

garry you still owe me my steak  :rant: .... and in and out  :hihi:

You always bail at the last second!

we decided you would bring me the food remember 

"We" didn't decide anything.  You are however, a master storyteller.


Since you have turned everything around, just remember to do everything in moderation from here on out.  Don't want to have to many peaks and valleys, especially with your diet.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: D on August 08, 2008, 07:47:41 PM
Got some skinless, chicken breast tenders today and a foreman grill


I kind of feel guilty having gone 4 years and now eating this. but man this is soooooooo good, so low in fat and calories and high in protein. WOW, I am gonna be  a machine in 2 months. I lost 100 pounds eating pizza,spaghetti and junk food. I cant imagine the fat percentage and weight Im gonna lose now.

I ate

3 chicken breast tenders 200 calories TOTAL mixed in with a serving of spinach

220 calorie meal and I am stuffed!

First couple of bites were weird though.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: CheapJon on August 08, 2008, 08:12:35 PM
no matter what some of these folks tells you.. there's a big chance of you getting sick, i guess some are lucky when they haven't got sick

i could never imagine being a vegetarian.. i'm too cool ;)

you were both a runner and a vegetarian, that's a disgrace to the manrace.. D u deserve all those assholes that has honked and yelled at you, flipping u off and driven in pools of water so u got all wet  :rofl:

damn now i'm all hungry, must have meat

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: D on August 08, 2008, 08:24:07 PM
Ate it 1 hour ago and I feel fine. NO stomach problems, nothing.

i hate very light just in case though.

Chicken is the perfect start back food. I had a friend that went 10 years and he said chicken gave him diarreah

he of course at it fried and from a restaurant.

I grilled mine and got lean, skinless.

so I should be fine.

I took a night off from running just in case though!

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: mrlee on August 08, 2008, 08:32:54 PM
meat rules. its damn tasty shizzle.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: Jim on August 12, 2008, 02:11:34 PM
Got some skinless, chicken breast tenders today and a foreman grill

Lean, mean and fat reducing?, or whatever the bastard's called.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: AxlsMainMan on August 12, 2008, 03:40:10 PM
Got some skinless, chicken breast tenders today and a foreman grill

Lean, mean and fat reducing?, or whatever the bastard's called.

Lean, mean, grilling machine! ;)

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: Mysteron on August 12, 2008, 03:54:24 PM
and people say Mysteron is only great with GNR news. : ok:

Let me ask u a question Mysteron. what did u start back eating and how much? U didnt puke or anything?

You'll be fine  :)

I started on fish and white meat. Have eaten steak and red meat since. All is good.

Obviously, if you are wanting to be healthy, steer clear of the red stuff.

If you have to be bad, eat red for breakfast, so you burn it off during the day  :peace

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: GeraldFord on August 12, 2008, 04:45:53 PM
I eat fish, but haven't eaten meat in nine years...

Read Fast Food might change your mind...

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: AxlsMainMan on August 12, 2008, 05:00:48 PM
I don't really like fruit or vegetables, so meat is like 90% of my diet :hihi:

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: St_Jimmyuk on August 12, 2008, 05:02:57 PM
Got some skinless, chicken breast tenders today and a foreman grill

Lean, mean and fat reducing?, or whatever the bastard's called.

Lean, mean, grilling machine! ;)

its defiantly the way to go  : ok:

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: D on August 12, 2008, 06:20:54 PM
I will absolutely never eat fast food again.

Lean Red meats however will be on the menu. I workout like a pro athlete, so lean reds here and there shouldnt hurt me.

Im tryin to get my bodyfat percentage under 8 and this should do the trick.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: GeraldFord on August 12, 2008, 06:32:42 PM
You know what I love are those veggie burgers...

Take a roll, put on mayo, then two veggie patties with cheese, (cook in microwave for 2 min) then use onions, lettuce and katsup..fucking awesome..better than least better than sex with my bitch ex.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: Genesis on August 13, 2008, 01:58:09 AM
Lean Red meats however will be on the menu. I workout like a pro athlete, so lean reds here and there shouldnt hurt me.

Don't go overboard with red meat though. Beef etc., no matter how 'lean' will always have a fat content higher than white meats like chicken. Take the example of IFBB pro bodybuilder Mike Matarazzo. He used to eat 5lbs of meat a day at one point. His last heart attack was in 2007.

Read the whole story:

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: D on August 13, 2008, 02:02:29 AM
with the red, I figured one steak a week, 1 hamburger a week, 1 roast beef a week and that should be cool.

Im gonna go tomorrow and get some no hormone or additive added Oven Roasted Turkey from the all natural grocery store.

No way in hell id eat 5lbs of red meat.

Ive had chicken twice and its been great, my stomach the next day though has felt kind of weird. Not nauseous or anything just kind of weird. Its hard to explain.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: tim_m on August 13, 2008, 02:27:07 AM
Lean Red meats however will be on the menu. I workout like a pro athlete, so lean reds here and there shouldnt hurt me.

Don't go overboard with red meat though. Beef etc., no matter how 'lean' will always have a fat content higher than white meats like chicken. Take the example of IFBB pro bodybuilder Mike Matarazzo. He used to eat 5lbs of meat a day at one point. His last heart attack was in 2007.

Read the whole story:

Wow thats crazy no way in hell could i eat that much meat in one day. I wouldn't even eat that much in a week.

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: Genesis on August 13, 2008, 05:41:30 AM
That's just an extreme example of course. :)

Title: Re: Ending my Vegetarianism today
Post by: tim_m on August 13, 2008, 06:44:44 AM
I would sure hope so lol.