Title: [Lossless] ScotiaBank Place - Ottawa, ON, Canada (November 17th, 2006) FLAC Post by: estebanf on July 01, 2008, 10:57:07 AM Guns N' Roses
ScotiaBank Place - Ottawa, ON, Canada November 17th, 2006 Opening Act: Die Mannequin, Suicide Girls, Sebastian Bach Attendance: 18,000 W. Axl Rose [vocals, piano] Robin Finck / Richard Fortus / Bumblefoot [guitars] Tommy Stinson [bass guitar] Dizzy Reed [keyboards, piano, SFX] Chris Pitman [SFX, keyboards] Frank Ferrer [drums] Rig Church Audio Stealth Cardoid Mics (HeadGlasses Mount) Sony Hi-MD MZ NH900 (PCM Mode) TransferSony Hi-MD MZ NH900 (via USB) PC (SonicStage) Nero (For Track Splitting) CDR Location 1st Row 200's mid way back on the right side Show Start Time 1158 PM (No word of a Lie 2 Minutes to midnite) CD1 1. INTRODUCTION 2. WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE 3. IT'S SO EASY 4. MR.BROWNSTONE 5. LIVE AND LET DIE 6. ROBIN GUITAR SOLO 7. SWEET CHILD O' MINE 8. YOU COULD BE MINE 9. KNOCKING ON HEAVENS DOOR 10. THE BLUES 11. DIZZY PIANO SOLO 12. BEAUTIFUL 13. BAND INTRODUCTIONS 14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 15. RICHARD GUITAR SOLO CD2 1. OUT TA GET ME 2. NOVEMBER RAIN 3. RON GUITAR SOLO 4. MY MICHELLE 5. USED TO LOVE HER 6. PATIENCE 7. NIGHTRAIN 8. IRS 9. MADAGASCAR 10. PARADISE CITY Comments: This is 99% complete, there is some of richards' guitar solo missing due to a disc change. overall it was a great show,not the best sound on every song,i honestly found that each song had a different volume level and the recording reflects that as well. Some songs mixxed very nice ,others not so nice. Axl was in good form and gave us a great show,ya sure his voice isn't what it used to be,but remember people that was like 13 years ago when he played his final shows with GNR when they were GNR in its original form,well mostly original,y'know what i mean. The band was great,all top notch performers,although i would have like to have seen buckethead,he is a very good player and very unique as well,but no biggie. setlists was graet,i would ahve loved some more illusion tunes but its all good,new songs sounded cool,i was hooked on IRS before the show from the leaked demo so that was killer for me,but the other stood their ground,some very interesting arrangements,not bad intersesting but very original sounding,can't wait to hear chinese democracy when it finally surfaces. ok back to the show here....dizzys' piano solo was great ,he did neil youngs' like a hurricane,and it came thru beauty on the recording. used to love her should be dropped off the setlists,his voice just doesn't sound good on that one anymore,sorry axl,i luv ya but its gotta go!!! I would have loved to have seen GNR in their hayday,and i was listening from the beginning too,now before anyone jumps on me for taht one i had a buddy who passed offa copy of appetite like 3-4months before welcome to the jungle hit the airwaves and tv's and just loved the album from start to finish over and over again.i know i'm not the only one who knows appetite word for word and note for note and when they did get big and then bigger and bigger,i enjoyed the ride like all you other music fans taht couldn't wait to hear and see what they would do next....it was ROCK & (or) ROLL!!!! and may it never die!!!! MORE INFO: http://www.gnrsource.com/tourdiary/2006/061117/index.htm ENJOY THE SHOW DOWNLOAD LINKS [you need to download all of them before uncompressing]: 1- http://rapidshare.com/files/125456208/gnr.11.17.2006.flac.part1.rar 2- http://rapidshare.com/files/125471157/gnr.11.17.2006.flac.part2.rar 3- http://rapidshare.com/files/125484176/gnr.11.17.2006.flac.part3.rar 4- http://rapidshare.com/files/126107604/gnr.11.17.2006.flac.part4.rar 5- http://rapidshare.com/files/126108329/gnr.11.17.2006.flac.part5.rar 6- http://rapidshare.com/files/126134369/gnr.11.17.2006.flac.part6.rar 7- http://rapidshare.com/files/126133169/gnr.11.17.2006.flac.part7.rar FEEL FREE TO POST THESE LINKS WHEREVER YOU WANT / DO NOT SELL estebanf www.misitio.fibertel.com.ar/estebanfbootlegs Title: Re: [Lossless] ScotiaBank Place - Ottawa, ON, Canada (November 17th, 2006) FLAC Post by: dimitrisaxl on July 01, 2008, 06:54:02 PM Thanx... I was looking for this show. ;)