Title: [Lossless] Poplar Creek Theatre - Hoffman Estates, IL (July 17th, 1988) FLAC Post by: estebanf on June 04, 2008, 05:19:16 PM Guns N' Roses
Poplar Creek Theatre - Hoffman Estates, IL July 17th, 1988 [unknown source] > CD-R > dBpowerAmp > FLAC Sound Quality: B+ Total Time: 45:08 Total Size: 258 Mb W. Axl Rose [vocals] Izzy Stradlin [rhythm guitar] Slash [lead guitar] Duff McKagan [bass guitar] Steven Adler [drums] 01- Intro 02- It's So Easy 03- Mr. Brownstone 04- Out Ta Get Me 05- Rocket Queen 06- Band Introductions 07- Blues Jam 08- Welcome To The Jungle 09- Sweet Child O' Mine 10- Only Women Bleed 11- Knockin' On Heaven's Door [cut] Notes [www.GNRontour.com]: Axl says that this is the tour they've been wanting to play for 10 years. Steven is introduced as "the best drummer in our band!" Axl gets into a fight with someone during 'Sweet Child O' Mine,' causing him to miss some lines. DOWNLOAD LINKS [you have to download the three links before uncompressing]: 1- http://rapidshare.com/files/120055444/GNR-07-17-88.part1.rar 2- http://rapidshare.com/files/120070089/GNR-07-17-88.part2.rar 3- http://rapidshare.com/files/120080620/GNR-07-17-88.part3.rar DONT SELL / FEEL FREE TO POST THESE LINKS WHEREVER YOU WANT estebanf www.misitio.fibertel.com.ar/estebanfbootlegs Title: Re: [Lossless] Poplar Creek Theatre - Hoffman Estates, IL (July 17th, 1988) FLAC Post by: zosobob6 on June 08, 2008, 04:18:30 PM thank you. :beer:
Title: Re: [Lossless] Poplar Creek Theatre - Hoffman Estates, IL (July 17th, 1988) FLAC Post by: wheresizzy68 on June 30, 2008, 11:13:22 PM thank you. i was not familiar with this one.