Title: [Lossless] ''Japanese Democracy'' Intex Osaka Hall 5 - Osaka, Japan 07/21/07 Post by: estebanf on April 18, 2008, 03:15:21 PM Guns N' Roses
''Japanese Democracy'' Intex Osaka Hall 5 - Osaka, Japan Opening act: MUCC July 21st, 2007 Original CD's > dBpowerAmp > FLAC W. Axl Rose [vocals, piano] Robin Finck [guitar] Richard Fortus [guitar] Bumblefoot [guitar] Tommy Stinson [bass guitar] Dizzy Reed [piano, keyboards, percusion] Chris Pitman [keyboards, SFX] Frank Ferrer [drums] Disc 1/2 [1:14:00] 01- Intro (1:40) 02- Welcome To The Jungle (5:29) 03- It's So Easy (3:21) 04- Mr. Brownstone (4:20) 05- Live And Let Die (3:13) 06- Robin Finck Guitar Solo (5:47) 07- Sweet Child O' Mine (5:42) 08- Interlude (0:31) 09- Better (5:01) 10- Knockin' On Heaven's Door (9:19) 11- You Could Be Mine (6:04) 12- Instrumental Jam (1:56) 13- Dizzy Reed Piano Solo / Angie [instrumental] (3:29) 14- The Blues (4:40) 15- Instrumental Jam (2:02) 16- Instrumental Jam (3:22) 17- Beautiful [instrumental] (3:55) 18- Out Ta Get Me (4:10) Disc 2/2 [1:19:00] 01- Instrumental Jam (4:44) 02- November Rain (6:35) 03- November Rain [outro] (2:04) 04- Instrumental Jam (1:20) 05- I.R.S. (4:33) 06- Bumblefoot Guitar Solo / Godzilla Theme (2:39) 07- Don't Cry (4:34) 08- Rocket Queen (6:41) 09- Used To Love Her (3:25) 10- My Michelle (4:05) 11- Patience (5:53) 12- Patience [outro] (2:08) 13- Nightrain (5:48) 14- Interlude (0:30) 15- Chinese Democracy (4:20) 16- Madagascar (5:51) 17- Paradise City (7:59) 18- Outro (0:51) 19- [Bonus Track] Sweet Child O' Mine (July 17th, 2007 Nagoya) (5:53) DOWNLOAD LINKS (you need to download all parts to uncompress): 01- http://rapidshare.com/files/108027297/GNR-JAPANESE-DEMOCRACY-FLAC-ESTEBANF.part01.rar 02- http://rapidshare.com/files/108043364/GNR-JAPANESE-DEMOCRACY-FLAC-ESTEBANF.part02.rar 03- http://rapidshare.com/files/108059618/GNR-JAPANESE-DEMOCRACY-FLAC-ESTEBANF.part03.rar 04- http://rapidshare.com/files/108263495/GNR-JAPANESE-DEMOCRACY-FLAC-ESTEBANF.part04.rar 05- http://rapidshare.com/files/108299234/GNR-JAPANESE-DEMOCRACY-FLAC-ESTEBANF.part05.rar 06- http://rapidshare.com/files/108314619/GNR-JAPANESE-DEMOCRACY-FLAC-ESTEBANF.part06.rar 07- http://rapidshare.com/files/108328166/GNR-JAPANESE-DEMOCRACY-FLAC-ESTEBANF.part07.rar 08- http://rapidshare.com/files/108485031/GNR-JAPANESE-DEMOCRACY-FLAC-ESTEBANF.part08.rar 09- http://rapidshare.com/files/108504568/GNR-JAPANESE-DEMOCRACY-FLAC-ESTEBANF.part09.rar 10- http://rapidshare.com/files/108509026/GNR-JAPANESE-DEMOCRACY-FLAC-ESTEBANF.part10.rar Total size: 885 Mb Feel free to post these links wherever you want. Enjoy! estebanf http://misitio.fibertel.com.ar/estebanfbootlegs/ Title: Re: [Lossless] ''Japanese Democracy'' Intex Osaka Hall 5 - Osaka, Japan 07/21/07 Post by: timebomb on April 18, 2008, 08:21:11 PM thx to me for releasing this cd set i bought from argentina silver cd paid 38.00 for
Title: Re: [Lossless] ''Japanese Democracy'' Intex Osaka Hall 5 - Osaka, Japan 07/21/07 Post by: Bert on April 19, 2008, 05:34:22 AM Thanks estebanf :peace:
Title: Re: [Lossless] ''Japanese Democracy'' Intex Osaka Hall 5 - Osaka, Japan 07/21/07 Post by: Voodoochild on April 19, 2008, 06:41:22 AM Thanks man.. Is that a new source?
Title: Re: [Lossless] ''Japanese Democracy'' Intex Osaka Hall 5 - Osaka, Japan 07/21/07 Post by: timebomb on April 19, 2008, 05:18:52 PM this is a silver set of a source already out it was called top gun before as a cdr
Title: Re: [Lossless] ''Japanese Democracy'' Intex Osaka Hall 5 - Osaka, Japan 07/21/07 Post by: gunns1 on April 25, 2008, 04:41:00 AM Thankyou heaps Estebanf,
by the way estebanf, whats the quality like? I know its flac format, but the actual recordign qualtiy, is it a +? 9 out of 10? Title: Re: [Lossless] ''Japanese Democracy'' Intex Osaka Hall 5 - Osaka, Japan 07/21/07 Post by: Mr Bootlegs on April 25, 2008, 12:32:38 PM Is this soundboard? If so, does anyone know were i can get an mp3 for ipod purposes?
Title: Re: [Lossless] ''Japanese Democracy'' Intex Osaka Hall 5 - Osaka, Japan 07/21/07 Post by: estebanf on April 25, 2008, 01:19:16 PM Is this soundboard? If so, does anyone know were i can get an mp3 for ipod purposes? it isnt. there are no soundboard recordings available from 2007 Title: Re: [Lossless] ''Japanese Democracy'' Intex Osaka Hall 5 - Osaka, Japan 07/21/07 Post by: Mr Bootlegs on April 26, 2008, 04:32:13 PM What about the 15th at bodokan? I know it was mixed with the audience recording or something but still......
I heard there was 4 soundboards from 2007. Guess i'm wrong though. I was sure the 14th had a soundboard as well.... Title: Re: [Lossless] ''Japanese Democracy'' Intex Osaka Hall 5 - Osaka, Japan 07/21/07 Post by: ForeverGNR on April 27, 2008, 11:21:19 AM You're thinking about the monitormix, right? :)
Title: Re: [Lossless] ''Japanese Democracy'' Intex Osaka Hall 5 - Osaka, Japan 07/21/07 Post by: Mr Bootlegs on April 28, 2008, 01:57:30 PM Theres a monitor mix? Of which show?
Sorry i was on holidays when all this shit happened and i'm catching up very slowly on my bootlegs. Title: Re: [Lossless] ''Japanese Democracy'' Intex Osaka Hall 5 - Osaka, Japan 07/21/07 Post by: pothead on May 06, 2008, 06:15:05 AM cheers estebanf, got any artwork for this at all?