Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: dolphin on March 25, 2008, 07:45:48 PM

Title: The Coffee thread
Post by: dolphin on March 25, 2008, 07:45:48 PM
I can't do starbucks coffee.  I don't like it because it's too bitter.  However, I am noticing a lot of places display "we proudly brew starbucks coffee" in their establishment.

So, for those of you who do starbucks, please post your favorite drinks so I can maybe start liking it.

I know just to drink it with cream and sugar it is way too bitter/strong for me.

Let's say I keep 7-eleven coffee in business.   :hihi:   Regular coffee with French Vanilla cream is my favorite.

But if you have a favorite  HOT starbucks drink (NOT COLD), post it here :peace:

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: Albert S Miller on March 25, 2008, 08:43:18 PM
I can't do starbucks coffee.  I don't like it because it's too bitter.  However, I am noticing a lot of places display "we proudly brew starbucks coffee" in their establishment.

So, for those of you who do starbucks, please post your favorite drinks so I can maybe start liking it.

I know just to drink it with cream and sugar it is way too bitter/strong for me.

Let's say I keep 7-eleven coffee in business.   :hihi:   Regular coffee with French Vanilla cream is my favorite.

But if you have a favorite  HOT starbucks drink (NOT COLD), post it here :peace:
I used to make coffee or espresso for a living.  I will agree with you on their roast it is a very dark roast and has a very strong taste.  What I might suggest is to upsize your cup and downsize your coffee shot from a double to a single when you r stopping for Starbucks.  I don't care for their chocolate either as it is semi-sweet, which if you are a mocha drinker this  will also add to the bitter taste of the coffee.  I really like to have a hot chocolate made with white chocolate and a shot of their razzleberry, (no coffee) it's excellent if you just want a warm drink in the morning.

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on March 25, 2008, 09:52:26 PM
Espresso is my favorite. If you drink it after dinner plan on having an all nighter!

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: Bandita on March 25, 2008, 09:54:28 PM
I find Starbucks to taste like tar in a cup.  I'm a Dunkin Donuts gal! ;D

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on March 25, 2008, 10:10:32 PM
How do you people drink that stuff?  Bluckkk.  No thanks.  I remember trying it the morning of a big exam back in grad school...I never had coffee so I decided to have 3 monster cups.  I had to pee every 30 minutes!  I'll save the urinary urgency for my nineties hopefully!   :hihi:

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 25, 2008, 11:42:09 PM
I have an extremely clean house...that's all I'm sayin'.

I had to pee every 30 minutes!  I'll save the urinary urgency for my nineties hopefully!   :hihi:

I know where every bathroom is, in the Tampa Bay area.

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: fuckin crazy on March 26, 2008, 12:43:55 AM
I refuse to drink Starbucks!!! Any Arabica bean coffee is good if the beans are prepared properly(read not burnt ...). A lot of companies cut the beans with Robusta which gives coffee that taste that smells like cat piss.

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: lynn1961 on March 26, 2008, 02:21:32 AM
I have noticed that, sometimes, coffee does smell like cat piss!   :o  No shit!  (sniff..sniff...what's that smell?  Oh God, it's my coffee!)

I don't drink Starbucks, so couldn't tell you anything, here!  The best coffee is my own, made at home.   

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 26, 2008, 02:22:52 AM
I like 8'Clock bean, Starbucks, Royal Cup.


Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: Chief on March 26, 2008, 03:15:16 AM
The best coffee I've ever had and i'm not even a big drinker, is from Groundworks in LA.

try it out, you won't be disappointed. you can even order online.

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: GeorgeSteele on March 26, 2008, 11:25:37 AM

Starbucks coffee is a little wierd.  It does taste like shit, but I was hooked on that shit for a good 2 years.  I had to slowly wean myself off of it.  I'm convinced they lace it with speed or something.

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: COMAMOTIVE on March 26, 2008, 11:55:23 AM
I'm a true coffee addict, so I can shed some light here

I walk into Starbucks and order a Venti - Black    I always laugh when the worker questions me again to make sure I don't want " Room for Milk"
Sometimes, I actually order a Venti Black with a shot of Espress in it. 
I love the darker, Starbucks style coffee and prefer it over Dunkin Donuts any day

Seattle's Best is very good too.

I throw down about 8 cups of Black Coffee a day and I'm not an exciteable or nervous type of guy , at all

I can drink a cup or two at 7 or 8 pm and still crash with no problems at 11 pm if I choose to

And SLPUNK - I also know where every clean restroom is, within a 30 mile radius!

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 26, 2008, 01:37:04 PM

Starbucks coffee is a little wierd.  It does taste like shit, but I was hooked on that shit for a good 2 years.  I had to slowly wean myself off of it.  I'm convinced they lace it with speed or something.

It will make you speed your tits off, that's fer sure.

And SLPUNK - I also know where every clean restroom is, within a 30 mile radius!

I am not alone!

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: COMAMOTIVE on March 26, 2008, 01:56:14 PM

Starbucks coffee is a little wierd.  It does taste like shit, but I was hooked on that shit for a good 2 years.  I had to slowly wean myself off of it.  I'm convinced they lace it with speed or something.

It will make you speed your tits off, that's fer sure.

And SLPUNK - I also know where every clean restroom is, within a 30 mile radius!

I am not alone!

Nah man, not only can I scope out bathrooms, I know which ones are the cleanest and most spacious!

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: pilferk on March 26, 2008, 02:32:14 PM
I find Starbucks to taste like tar in a cup.  I'm a Dunkin Donuts gal! ;D

Girl after my own heart.

If I'm drinking coffee made outside my own house (which is rare), it's DD coffee.  Heck, we buy the bags of DD coffee beans and make THAT at home, sometimes.  It's the only "store bought" coffee that I find "drinkable".

You all want good coffee:

Find some good Jamaican Blue Mountain (it's coffee, you drug addled pot heads).

Get a good vacuum pot and brew away.

Heaven in a cup.

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 26, 2008, 02:56:16 PM
French Press is always awesome too!

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: AxlsMainMan on March 26, 2008, 03:12:21 PM
You Yanks' are missing out on the good stuff ;)


Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: Jessica on March 26, 2008, 04:35:40 PM
Milk coffee like a Latte with either vanilla or hazelnut in it, spray a little choc powder up on top as well and i'm happy

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: dolphin on March 26, 2008, 08:53:02 PM
I find Starbucks to taste like tar in a cup.  I'm a Dunkin Donuts gal! ;D

Girl after my own heart.

If I'm drinking coffee made outside my own house (which is rare), it's DD coffee.  Heck, we buy the bags of DD coffee beans and make THAT at home, sometimes.  It's the only "store bought" coffee that I find "drinkable".

You all want good coffee:

Find some good Jamaican Blue Mountain (it's coffee, you drug addled pot heads).

Get a good vacuum pot and brew away.

Heaven in a cup.

Yes, that JBM stuff is awesome.  I bought some when I took a cruise to Jamaica.

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 26, 2008, 10:55:34 PM
Starbucks is great if you're looking to get some good ole American road rage on.

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: pilferk on March 27, 2008, 12:48:42 PM
You Yanks' are missing out on the good stuff ;)


Maybe I'm misremembering a bit...but...

Do the Tim Horton Chains have something called a "Beaver Tail"?

If so, I've had their coffee.

It's the closest thing to Dunkin Donuts coffee I was able to track down in Canada......which meant it was drinkable, at least. :)

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: AxlsMainMan on March 27, 2008, 01:25:35 PM
You Yanks' are missing out on the good stuff ;)


Maybe I'm misremembering a bit...but...

Do the Tim Horton Chains have something called a "Beaver Tail"?

While still an integral part of Canadian culture, "Beaver Tails" are their own chain ;)


Tim Hortons is Canada's signature coffee chain, and can be found on pretty much every street just like McDonalds :)

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: pilferk on March 27, 2008, 02:10:15 PM

While still an integral part of Canadian culture, "Beaver Tails" are their own chain ;)


Tim Hortons is Canada's signature coffee chain, and can be found on pretty much every street just like McDonalds :)


I must have been inundated by the Tim Horton signs, and mistakenly remember THAT as the place I got coffee.

Instead, it must have been the "Beaver Tails" place, because that picture is, indeed, exactly what I had along side my cup of coffee.


The Beaver Tail, alone, made me consider moving to Canada, forsaking my US citizenship, donning flannel, and saying "eh" constantly.

Then I remember Celine Dion, and the shameless theft of "Canadian Bacon" from the brits.


Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: AxlsMainMan on March 27, 2008, 02:28:11 PM
The Beaver Tail, alone, made me consider moving to Canada, forsaking my US citizenship, donning flannel, and saying "eh" constantly.


They really are that damn good ;)

Then I remember Celine Dion


You can have her.

We'll keep Rush, Neil Young, Gordon Lightfoot, The Tea Party, The Tragically Hip, Our Lady Peace, etc ;)

and the shameless theft of "Canadian Bacon" from the brits.

There was a time when Canada was just a mere British colony, so perhaps "Canadian Bacon" was part of the divorce settlement ;)

I hope you enjoyed your visit to Canada though Pilferk :beer:

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: TomFriend on March 27, 2008, 03:41:52 PM
There is no Starbucks in Holland, yet Starbucks have a HQ here. Figure that out. I'm an ex-pat, so I've been jonesing for some good coffee for about....2 years now. Luckily there are other things here to satisfy the craving.

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: COMAMOTIVE on March 28, 2008, 09:37:30 AM
For the record  -  The second you start mentioning Whipped Cream, Carmel or Syrup in the same sentence as your Coffee - You are no longer a man or
a true Coffee Drinker!  :o

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: Mr. Redman on March 28, 2008, 10:53:19 AM
Holiday Gas Station coffee, but then again I am biased 'cause I get it for free. :D

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: Bandita on March 28, 2008, 09:09:30 PM
This thread reminds me of this:

Coffee flavored coffee!!!!!!!!! ;D

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on March 28, 2008, 10:54:03 PM
For the record  -  The second you start mentioning Whipped Cream, Carmel or Syrup in the same sentence as your Coffee - You are no longer a man or
a true Coffee Drinker!  :o

I get weird looks from the girl at Starbucks every time I say no to those things!

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 29, 2008, 12:45:06 AM
Next time just say "I like my coffee like I like my President"


Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: fuckin crazy on March 29, 2008, 02:18:07 AM
Next time just say "I like my coffee like I like my President"


I'll have a stoopid motherfucker ... please. :D

EDIT: Oh, you meant in Jan.

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: sandman on March 29, 2008, 07:41:37 AM
i'm addicted to Dunkin Donuts (caffeine actually).

Extra large, cream, 1 sugar. every day.

unless i'm brewing at home where i usually go with Wawa. Very good coffee.

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: cineater on March 29, 2008, 10:17:18 PM
Just give me my Folgers and don't fuck with it, straight black.  Closest stuff to gas station coffee for the home.  None of that decaf stuff either.  I live on coffee, all day, everyday.

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on March 30, 2008, 12:49:07 AM
Next time just say "I like my coffee like I like my President"


I'll save that one for my tour of the Southern states.

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: JennaSide on March 30, 2008, 12:50:06 AM
the closest to coffee that I can do are vanilla frappacinos. Love those things.

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: COMAMOTIVE on March 30, 2008, 11:54:56 AM
Next time just say "I like my coffee like I like my President"


President of what?  The " I detest my own country " fan club? :hihi:

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 30, 2008, 12:26:53 PM
Next time just say "I like my coffee like I like my President"


President of what?  The " I detest my own country " fan club? :hihi:

That writer's strike is a bitch ain't it?

Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: COMAMOTIVE on March 30, 2008, 01:43:18 PM
Next time just say "I like my coffee like I like my President"


President of what?  The " I detest my own country " fan club? :hihi:

That writer's strike is a bitch ain't it?


Title: Re: The Coffee thread
Post by: western_chaos on April 02, 2008, 04:19:16 PM
Starbucks is great if you're looking to get some good ole American road rage on.

When I drink starbucks, it empties my pockets and I start shaking and people ask me if I'm having a seizure.

Get the white chocolate mocha frappucino. Frappucinos are awesome, they're like a slurpee but with coffee. However, if you want to truly vomit, then try the Iced Americano.  :-X