Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Atillla on March 04, 2008, 06:46:59 PM

Title: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Atillla on March 04, 2008, 06:46:59 PM


Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: slash1213 on March 04, 2008, 06:52:50 PM
Son of Bitches  :rant: However, who knows how they' ve been trained and what type of Shit they have to go through. Still , If they were stupid enough to get this on video , they should be punished .. IDIOTS

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Atillla on March 04, 2008, 07:04:13 PM
Well,  this is the least shocking of the many animal cruelty videos by soldiers...

I also found videos of US soldiers in Iraq blowing up a dog with C4, shoot a dog with machine gun while the dogowner watches, blow up a sheep with a grenade, tormenting an injured puppy, blowing up a kitten, etc. And all of those videos they are cheering like someone scored a goal.

But I won't post those for obvious reasons.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: fuckin crazy on March 04, 2008, 08:09:37 PM
The sick fuck.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on March 04, 2008, 08:16:40 PM
Friendly fire...sweet, sweet friendly fire.  What a fucking asshole.  I was happy to see somebody posted that fucker's land address.  He's lucky it's nowhere near me.   :rant:

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: The Dog on March 04, 2008, 10:42:55 PM
I'm hoping its a fake.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Verse Chorus Verse on March 04, 2008, 10:45:17 PM
I got banned on another forum for posting this, so tread carefully.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: fuckin crazy on March 04, 2008, 10:52:11 PM
I got banned on another forum for posting this, so tread carefully.

Let me guess ... it was the GnR warmonger forum.  ;)

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: The Dog on March 04, 2008, 11:01:03 PM
I got banned on another forum for posting this, so tread carefully.

which forum?


Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: fuckin crazy on March 04, 2008, 11:25:20 PM
I got banned on another forum for posting this, so tread carefully.

which forum?


You said it, not I.  :hihi:

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Gunner80 on March 05, 2008, 03:42:10 AM
This country's(USA) service people are a disgrace! We have a lot of scum bag gang members enlisted.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 05, 2008, 03:44:21 AM
Anybody heard from Flagg lately?

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: polluxlm on March 05, 2008, 04:11:25 AM
Anybody heard from Flagg lately?

He says the dog was a terrorist. Got what was coming.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: D on March 05, 2008, 05:18:24 AM
Honestly, I think u guys are overreacting.

Fuck a dog, now shooting a sheep, the bastard should burn! :hihi:

Maybe Iraqi's are strapping bombs to dogs?

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: D on March 05, 2008, 05:19:15 AM
This country's(USA) service people are a disgrace! We have a lot of scum bag gang members enlisted.

Dont discredit the millions by a small minority.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Atillla on March 05, 2008, 07:14:14 AM
Honestly, I think u guys are overreacting.

Fuck a dog, now shooting a sheep, the bastard should burn! :hihi:

Maybe Iraqi's are strapping bombs to dogs?

You obviously havent seen those vids. They are targeting a sdog on the street, nothing on the dog is seen, it was just walking around looking for food. They taunt it, you can hear they are joking, there is no stress or potential sign of danger to themselves. They shoot it or use c4 on it that they put there before, and then they all cheer and get a huge orgasm. Same with the sheep on a farm, a kitten just walking past by about 100 feet away, etc.

That is barbaric behaviour at the same level as terrorists.

Your type of people will defend these kind of things no matter what, because of course, you guys are on the good side, always ;)

If the other side was doing these things and there was a videotape of it, you would say "nuke all them arab barbarians!" But now it's your side doing it, so "it's ok, don't overreact people"  : ok:

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: D on March 05, 2008, 07:18:48 AM

Please dont compare animals to human beings being blown up.

Its not cool to blow up animals but I find it retarded that no one starts threads when "Humans" are blown up.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Jaci_Roxx on March 05, 2008, 08:09:40 AM

Please dont compare animals to human beings being blown up.

Its not cool to blow up animals but I find it retarded that no one starts threads when "Humans" are blown up.

I disagree. If we allow anyone to do this kind of shit, what's next? Are we going to allow people to do anything they like to their pets? I'm not an activist or anything, but animals, especially pets that pose no threat to anyone... Who the hell would want to blow up something like that for fun? I don't like war, but I don't think soldiers blow up babies for fun and videotape it! At least I hope they don't.

But who am I to say anything. I prefer cats to (most)people. They never lie, they never cheat, and never let you down. (If they do, we just think they don't know what they're doing and keep lovin 'em.  :hihi: )

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Atillla on March 05, 2008, 08:39:45 AM

Please dont compare animals to human beings being blown up.

Its not cool to blow up animals but I find it retarded that no one starts threads when "Humans" are blown up.

Cheers for proving my point about you being THAT type of person  ;)  : ok:

Some one who does not care about animals, will never really care for humans.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Tatiana Kudrin on March 05, 2008, 09:41:46 AM
Oh my god, this is disgusting!  :rant: 

However,  using this to create even more hatred against US soldiers is kinda lame. I mean, everyone knows that soldiers from any country do this kind of thing and even worse. Some of my relatives told me about the kind of fun they would have during their days - that was in the 50ies and in the early 60ies. Ill treating animals or killing them was already part of the 'amusement' at the time... I'm sure they were doing other 'games' but never mentioned them because I was a kid.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: chineseblues on March 05, 2008, 09:47:51 AM

Please dont compare animals to human beings being blown up.

Why not? They can feel as much pain as you or I. They are defenseless animals, anyone doing shit like this to them deserves to be shot in the head.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: TAP on March 05, 2008, 09:48:03 AM
He should have thrown Michael Vick over the cliff.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Jaci_Roxx on March 05, 2008, 04:32:50 PM
He should have thrown Michael Vick over the cliff.

Now that's what I would call justice.  ;)

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: freedom78 on March 05, 2008, 05:07:43 PM
This country's(USA) service people are a disgrace! We have a lot of scum bag gang members enlisted.

Dont discredit the millions by a small minority.

Exactly.  This is disgusting, but don't paint with too broad a brush.  I'm sure there are millions of veterans and active personnel who find this as disgusting as you and I.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on March 05, 2008, 05:21:25 PM
Gunner80: "This country's(USA) service people are a disgrace! We have a lot of scum bag gang members enlisted."

Easy fella.  You'll have bad apples in every large group.  The overwhelming majority of soldiers are not this cruel.  The overwhelming majority are just following orders.  They are doing their job.  Do I agree with the orders from the top?  Hell no, but they are doing their jobs the best they can.   :peace:

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Drew on March 05, 2008, 08:12:27 PM
Some of you are painting the U.S. troops with a very broad brush.  :rant:


Dog Saved by Marine Coming to Calif.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: guns_n_motley on March 05, 2008, 08:42:33 PM
Some of you are painting the U.S. troops with a very broad brush.  :rant:


Dog Saved by Marine Coming to Calif.

shh dont post it...some of the biased liberals on this board dont want to hear good things about our military!!

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on March 05, 2008, 08:55:04 PM
hey there guns n motley, some of us folks voiced concern over painting with too wide a brush.   ;)

I do hope this fucker gets a dishonorable discharge and tons of really bad treatment from his peers.  :rant:

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: The Dog on March 05, 2008, 11:23:58 PM
I asked my brother if he heard about this last night, hes a big McCain fan and says a lot of stuff about liberals like guns n motley.  his response:

"maybe it was an al queda dog"

i have to admit, i laughed.

any updates on this story?  I'm still hoping its a fake.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: D on March 05, 2008, 11:44:27 PM
Its easy to sit in your comfortable house and make criticisms. Very Easy

U dont walk in their shoes, u dont face the dangers they face, U aren't under the stress they are under

They use kids for suicide bombs, So why wouldnt they strap a bomb around a dog's neck like a collar?  In war, U cannot be to careful.

All u see is the dogs over the cliff, but u have no clue as to why they are doing it.

If its just for fun then yeah thats fucked up, Still dont think they should go to hell or jail, but I find it appalling how people care more about animals than they do children and humans.

U let a guy molest a bunch of kids and u hear JACK SHIT

U let a guy kill a dog and everyone is outraged.

Anyone else see the flaws in this and the reason the world sucks?

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: ben9785 on March 06, 2008, 12:07:01 AM
That's fucking bullshit. Sure they are under serious stress and responsibility out there, but what kind of fucking behavior is that? An innocent, clueless dog, throw it off a cliff like that? Bastards.

No, most of the people in the service are responsible and dedicated to their work.

But a small minority of this nature, particularly representing their country with such a responsibility, should have the shit beaten out of them for this kind of behavior.

And D, cruelty to animals like this should be treated just like any other case involving humans because after all we are creatures together on the earth all the same. As you pointed out however, regardless of the situation, the world can suck because cruel behavior towards defenseless animals and harmless innocent children alike is recurring but ignored and deemed insignificant.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 06, 2008, 12:07:11 AM
Some of you are painting the U.S. troops with a very broad brush.  :rant:


Dog Saved by Marine Coming to Calif.

shh dont post it...some of the biased liberals on this board dont want to hear good things about our military!!

Last time I checked gunner80 was Bush's defender, hardly a liberal.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on March 06, 2008, 12:20:30 AM
Its easy to sit in your comfortable house and make criticisms. Very Easy

**You're darn right.**

U dont walk in their shoes, u dont face the dangers they face, U aren't under the stress they are under

**I don't give a fuck.  We're all expected to be civil, even in war.  D, you know there's no fucking excuse for that type of behavior.  Zero.**

They use kids for suicide bombs, So why wouldnt they strap a bomb around a dog's neck like a collar?  In war, U cannot be to careful.

**That's a ridiculous argument.  So now we should lower ourselves down to their level.  Maybe we should start taking their women and children hostage, and if our demands aren't met, we'll behead them with knives or swords.  ::)**

All u see is the dogs over the cliff, but u have no clue as to why they are doing it.

**D, have you watched it?  They are laughing dude.  They are getting their kicks off that shit.**

If its just for fun then yeah thats fucked up, Still dont think they should go to hell or jail, but I find it appalling how people care more about animals than they do children and humans.

**why do you think people care more about pets than fellow human beings?  You said the same things when the Vick thing was going down.  People are still allowed to be sickened by this behavior.  If you honestly think more than 10% of the population is sickened more by animal abuse than pedophiles you are sadly misinformed.**

U let a guy molest a bunch of kids and u hear JACK SHIT

**give us the news story and I'll post my righteous indignation (it usually comes off as self-righteousness, but at least I'll admit it.  :) )**

U let a guy kill a dog and everyone is outraged.

**killing an animal for shits and giggles is fucked-up.**

Anyone else see the flaws in this and the reason the world sucks?

**I know where you are coming from, but I just disagree big-time.  Yes, serial killers, pedohiles, wife-beaters, they are the scum of the earth.  On a heaven-hell ratings gameshow, much worse than dog-killers...but that doesn't make these pussies who get thrills off of killing animals for no good reason innocent.**

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: ben9785 on March 06, 2008, 12:40:27 AM
Axl4Prez2004 got it right on man.

D, People know the struggle and pressure and stress when at duty. But the whole point why these people have been chosen to carry out the service is not only to serve their country but to represent their country with pride, dignity, morals and respect - none of this immature sick narrow minded bullshit of torturing animals.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Bill 213 on March 06, 2008, 12:49:22 AM
D, these soldiers are laughing about this and making jokes.  I'm pretty sure they're not being endangered by Fido there.  And as a former US soldier myself, I find this appauling and think these idiots should be punished to the fullest for animal cruelty.  Regardless of the stress you are under, your job as an American soldier is to uphold truth, justice and every single moral that is imposed in the eyes of good.  Not to be a retard and throw innocent harmless puppies over a cliff or to put a bunch of naked Iraqi prisoners into pyramids and make cool Fonzie poses by them.

However, the any other very large group.......has it's share of bad apples, I should know because my MOS (or job) was 95c...being a Military Corrections officer.  It was my job to house servicemen that were arrested and charged under the crimes of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice.  The majority of the crimes committed were drug related, but we did have a lot of shitbags in there for disgusting things (child molestation, rape, assault, etc.)

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: D on March 06, 2008, 02:10:36 AM
That's fucking bullshit. Sure they are under serious stress and responsibility out there, but what kind of fucking behavior is that? An innocent, clueless dog, throw it off a cliff like that? Bastards.

No, most of the people in the service are responsible and dedicated to their work.

But a small minority of this nature, particularly representing their country with such a responsibility, should have the shit beaten out of them for this kind of behavior.

And D, cruelty to animals like this should be treated just like any other case involving humans because after all we are creatures together on the earth all the same. As you pointed out however, regardless of the situation, the world can suck because cruel behavior towards defenseless animals and harmless innocent children alike is recurring but ignored and deemed insignificant.

Let me ask a question to all of u on here:

What did u eat for dinner today?

I bet u ate a nice juicy animal on your plate

If so

SHUT UP : ok:

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: CheapJon on March 06, 2008, 02:22:19 AM
I didn't eat a fuckin puppy that's for sure, if you say it's the same wether i eat a puppy or i'm eating a pig, then i'd love to see you eat a puppy, actually i'd hate to see that but u get my point..

killing an babyanimal is like killing a child, that's just not right, u can have your reasons (kinda) to kill an adult but a child, no fucking way

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Bill 213 on March 06, 2008, 02:38:52 AM
Hahaha D how can you compare killing for food with two idiots tossing a tiny very young puppy over a cliff?  There's no comparison, simple as that.  Those two idiots are pieces of shit.....they're a disgrace to the country for their actions and should be ashamed of themselves as human beings.  There's no stress causing's nothing more than a few punks taking out their masculinity issues on a tiny harmless animal.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: D on March 06, 2008, 02:44:57 AM
They eat puppies in China

Someone has to kill them

He threw a dog over a cliff

Shitty thing to do but God Damn, lets dont insult and the entire US Army over it, I mean fuck!

Its a God Damn Dog, get over it. They rape women or kill a kid fine, rage all u want.

But just cause one dipshit threw a dog over a cliff, lets not insult and talk shit about the entire US Military. I think that is bullshit and completely out of line.

Killing a baby animal is like Killing a Child?

Did u really just say that?

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: NicoRourke on March 06, 2008, 03:01:11 AM

Killing a baby animal is like Killing a Child?

Did u really just say that?

Well I don't know about the others but I'm saying it.

Ain't no difference to me.

I hope the motherfucker don't make it back in one piece.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Tatiana Kudrin on March 06, 2008, 03:51:17 AM
That's fucking bullshit. Sure they are under serious stress and responsibility out there, but what kind of fucking behavior is that? An innocent, clueless dog, throw it off a cliff like that? Bastards.

And D, cruelty to animals like this should be treated just like any other case involving humans because after all we are creatures together on the earth all the same. As you pointed out however, regardless of the situation, the world can suck because cruel behavior towards defenseless animals and harmless innocent children alike is recurring but ignored and deemed insignificant.

Let me ask a question to all of u on here:

What did u eat for dinner today?

I bet u ate a nice juicy animal on your plate

If so

SHUT UP : ok:

C'mon D! Are you accusing us of cruelty?  :o I know about the way some people  feel toward eating meat and I respect their decision. It's their opinion. But you can't use this argument in this thread. That soldier did something really bad, it was real evilness, killing an animal just for the fun of it. It's a deviant  behavior, that's called  perversity.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: D on March 06, 2008, 05:26:12 AM
He was comparing ANIMALS to people and how we all inhabit and share the earth.

If that is so, Killing them for food,clothing etc is not like throwing one over a cliff but Burn To death or die in your sleep, u still die.

My point is, everyone acts so outraged when an animal is killed and then sits down to a steak dinner.

Kind of hypocritical if u ask me

Just because a dog has a better personality, that doesn't mean its life is more valuable than a Cow or a Chicken etc.

That would be like saying its ok to kill so and so cause he is a dick but get the chair for killing a nice person.

Dont get me wrong, The soldier is wrong and what he did was completely retarded and fucked up and heartless and stupid.

Its ok to condemn the guy to a degree, But callin our armed forces a "disgrace" cause one douche throws a dog over a cliff is uncalled for.

Those are the ones I am bashing on here.

Not the ones who are just geniunely pissed that a guy would throw a dog over a cliff

I hope people can see the difference.

I am in no way condoning throwing an animal over a cliff.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: The Dog on March 06, 2008, 10:26:34 AM
I wonder if the explosion in times square this morning was related to this at all....

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 06, 2008, 02:17:25 PM
Take a look at this dog baby here, just as nice as she can be. Emotions include but not limited to: Jealousy, anger, excitement, happy, and critical thinking. She also is really good at sniffing crotches.

( (

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: AxlsMainMan on March 06, 2008, 02:27:14 PM
Killing a baby animal is like Killing a Child?

Did u really just say that?

Imagine if people took half the money they blow on dogs, cats, etc, and invested it into health care, education, infrastructure, finding cures for diseases, etc.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 06, 2008, 02:54:58 PM
Killing a baby animal is like Killing a Child?

Did u really just say that?

Imagine if people took half the money they blow on dogs, cats, etc, and invested it into health care, education, infrastructure, finding cures for diseases, etc.

Imagine if they took the money they blow on phony bologna wars and spent them on health care, education, infrastructure, finding cures for diseases, etc.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: AxlsMainMan on March 06, 2008, 02:59:50 PM
Killing a baby animal is like Killing a Child?

Did u really just say that?

Imagine if people took half the money they blow on dogs, cats, etc, and invested it into health care, education, infrastructure, finding cures for diseases, etc.

Imagine if they took the money they blow on phony bologna wars and spent them on health care, education, infrastructure, finding cures for diseases, etc.

While trillions may be spent on wars, billions are still spent on animals each year.

Take my mother for example:

She has 3 dogs and 2 cats, but is too cheap to pay child support.

Or take Vulgar's thread for example:

People have lots of money to blow on their pets, but forget contributing to providing basic health care for everyone.

It's pretty sad.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 06, 2008, 03:33:46 PM

While trillions may be spent on wars, billions are still spent on animals each year.

Take my mother for example:

She has 3 dogs and 2 cats, but is too cheap to pay child support.

Or take Vulgar's thread for example:

People have lots of money to blow on their pets, but forget contributing to providing basic health care for everyone.

It's pretty sad.

True, but that does not represent everybody, does it?

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: D on March 06, 2008, 03:41:44 PM
You cant blame the phony wars on the soldiers though. They basically have no choice in the matter. They are sent, they have to go.

I couldnt imagine being away from home and in a place like Iraq fighting a bullshit war for years. Would have to fuck with your head a little and make u do crazy things.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: AxlsMainMan on March 06, 2008, 03:43:36 PM

While trillions may be spent on wars, billions are still spent on animals each year.

Take my mother for example:

She has 3 dogs and 2 cats, but is too cheap to pay child support.

Or take Vulgar's thread for example:

People have lots of money to blow on their pets, but forget contributing to providing basic health care for everyone.

It's pretty sad.

True, but that does not represent everybody, does it?

No it doesn't.

It ultimately boils down to priorities.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on March 06, 2008, 03:55:58 PM
How manly and macho of them to take the life of a poor, defenseless critter like that.

I hope Bob Barker gets wind of this and kicks that cowards ass.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: polluxlm on March 06, 2008, 03:59:05 PM
Animals kills animals. If it's ok by nature, it is ok by us.

However, it should be done with respect.

Once you start killing for 'fun' you've crossed the line, end of story.

Wonder how he'd feel if someone pushed him off a cliff for shits and giggles. What's the big deal, he's just a soldier, right? Cannon fodder.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: ben9785 on March 06, 2008, 04:58:00 PM
D, you seem to be accusing everybody here of giving disgust to the WHOLE ARMY FORCE, which is ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT.

As I said, the role of people in service is to represent their country and carry out their duties with respect, morals and dignity, and that is what 99.99999999...........% of the people serving strive for. Unfortunately, there are a lousy minority like this guy who obviously have no morals, no dignity, they disgrace the force.

And eating meat? What kind of an argument is that?

Animals kill animals for food. Humans kill animals for food. This is part of how nature is. Don't ask me why there is health benefit in eating lean meat or things like that. This is just nature.

What was shown in this video is crossing the line. This is cruelty.

It could just as easily have been him getting thrown over a cliff..

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 06, 2008, 06:44:42 PM
You cant blame the phony wars on the soldiers though.

Nobody is.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: The Dog on March 06, 2008, 08:07:48 PM
Killing a baby animal is like Killing a Child?

Did u really just say that?

Imagine if people took half the money they blow on dogs, cats, etc, and invested it into health care, education, infrastructure, finding cures for diseases, etc.

Imagine if they took the money they blow on phony bologna wars and spent them on health care, education, infrastructure, finding cures for diseases, etc.

i think the war has cost more than dog food and chew toys  :hihi:

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: LittleFly on March 06, 2008, 08:42:04 PM
I haven't watched the vid yet (I'm on the work network and try not to watch vids on it) I also don't want to get into the argument about money or if the war is right or whatever.

What I DO want to mention, though, is the fact that many serial killers start their careers by killing and mutilating animals.  People who will throw a puppy off a cliff (no matter who owns it, member of al-queda or not) can be dangerous to society as a whole.  Yeah, I know soldiers are supposted to be dangerous when their in a dangerous place....but their going to still be dangerous when they get home. 

That's scarey :(

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 06, 2008, 11:36:17 PM
Killing a baby animal is like Killing a Child?

Did u really just say that?

Imagine if people took half the money they blow on dogs, cats, etc, and invested it into health care, education, infrastructure, finding cures for diseases, etc.

Imagine if they took the money they blow on phony bologna wars and spent them on health care, education, infrastructure, finding cures for diseases, etc.

i think the war has cost more than dog food and chew toys  :hihi:

Chew toys are big these days man...

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: The Dog on March 07, 2008, 12:02:14 AM
So is the price of oil...  :-\

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 07, 2008, 12:09:24 AM
When I told my friends 3/gallon a couple years back they laughed at me..."No way."

Who wants to take bets on 5 a gallon in less than five?

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Grouse on March 07, 2008, 07:07:45 AM
The puppy strikes back!! (

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on March 07, 2008, 09:02:31 AM
That soldier should be dishonorably discharged.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Sober_times on March 07, 2008, 11:23:50 AM
It looks like to me the video is of a guy throwing a dead dog. The dog never really moves, and doesnt look alive to me. I think the dog was dead and these dudes were fucking around and decided it would be funny if they made a video that looked like they killed a dog.  :smoking:

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: chineseblues on March 07, 2008, 07:00:24 PM
It looks like to me the video is of a guy throwing a dead dog. The dog never really moves, and doesnt look alive to me. I think the dog was dead and these dudes were fucking around and decided it would be funny if they made a video that looked like they killed a dog.  :smoking:

No you're wrong. You can hear the dog yelping when he throws it.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Sober_times on March 07, 2008, 09:15:26 PM
It looks like to me the video is of a guy throwing a dead dog. The dog never really moves, and doesnt look alive to me. I think the dog was dead and these dudes were fucking around and decided it would be funny if they made a video that looked like they killed a dog.  :smoking:

No you're wrong. You can hear the dog yelping when he throws it.

Nah, im right. The dog never really doesnt look alive. You hold a dog like that its gonna move...the yelping could either be from some other fucker there, I know a friend that can sound like a dog pretty good, or it came from a dog they had there. Also coulda just been added before the video was put online. Their just a couple fuckers who found a dead dog and thought it would be funny.  :smoking:

Edit: Or I supose they could have killed it off-camera..cuz that dog is dead on camera. If it was was released what march 3rd? And this aint on the news?

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Vicious Wishes on March 07, 2008, 10:17:52 PM
IF it's true, then he/they deserve serious punishment. But don't judge the entire incident based on something you saw on the internet. Believe it or not, not everything on the www is true.

Again, IF it's true, they need to pay for their actions. Court martial, jail time, discharge, whatever. But like others have said, even if it is true, don't assume this is common place. Some people are assholes, no matter their country, race, religion, military affiliation.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: freedom78 on March 07, 2008, 11:27:40 PM
Edit: Or I supose they could have killed it off-camera..cuz that dog is dead on camera. If it was was released what march 3rd? And this aint on the news?

I saw it on the news a few days ago.  I was a little surprised they showed it.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: fuckin crazy on March 08, 2008, 03:48:00 AM
Killing a baby animal is like Killing a Child?

Did u really just say that?

I'll say it, killing any mammal for sport, or fun is equivalent. I have less qualms about the other Classes, but mammals are very similar. To put it perpesctive, there is a hell of a lot of less difference between a man and a dog than there is between a spider and an insect.

Nah, im right. The dog never really doesnt look alive. You hold a dog like that its gonna move...the yelping could either be from some other fucker there, I know a friend that can sound like a dog pretty good, or it came from a dog they had there. Also coulda just been added before the video was put online. Their just a couple fuckers who found a dead dog and thought it would be funny.  :smoking:

Edit: Or I supose they could have killed it off-camera..cuz that dog is dead on camera. If it was was released what march 3rd? And this aint on the news?

Grab a dog by the scruff of the neck ... it was alive.

Hopefully, somebody frags this asshole.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: D on March 08, 2008, 06:37:06 AM
Are u sure that wasn't a dead dog? I mean the thing wasn't moving any. It looked Dead to me. There were countless dogs barking and shit in the background

After watching the video again, yeah that is some pretty fucked up shit. The guy should definitely get something done to him. I wouldn't want a guy who would do something like that watching my back.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on March 08, 2008, 08:44:16 AM
Even if it was a dead dog the guy needs to have consequences for his behavior. I say they still kick him out of the army.

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: fuckin crazy on March 13, 2008, 06:21:07 AM

"The video is shocking and deplorable and is contrary to the high standards we expect of every Marine," the Kane'ohe Bay base said in a release.

Base officials said the video came to their attention this morning [March 3]. An investigation has been initiated. Maj. Chris Perrine, a Marine spokesman here, said "it's looking like" the Marine is based out of Hawai'i.

"We do not tolerate this type of behavior and will take appropriate action," the base said.
The puppy-flinging Marine referred to as "Motari" is believed to be Lance Cpl. David Motari, who was depoyed to Iraq for seven months in mid-2007:
Maj. Chris Perrine, a Marine spokesman, said a Lance Cpl. David Motari is with the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment at Kane'ohe Bay.

returned to Hawai'i in October from Haqlaniyah, Iraq, after a seven-month deployment, Perrine said. The 1,000 Marines with the 1st Battalion were stationed in the "Triad" area of Haditha, Haqlaniyah and Barwana northwest of Baghdad.

Motari could not be reached for comment.

"We're still trying to figure out, is this a legitimate video?" Perrine said. "Was it edited? Is it (Motari) who's in it? We don't know. We'll find that out hopefully sooner rather than later."

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: D on March 14, 2008, 04:36:37 AM
What I thought was, it was a real dog and then when his arm went back he dropped it and picked up a stuffed animal


U can clearly see his arm go all the way back so...............

Title: Re: US Soldier throwing a Puppy off a cliff . Vid , no gore .. but ...
Post by: Sober_times on March 14, 2008, 05:36:11 AM
What I thought was, it was a real dog and then when his arm went back he dropped it and picked up a stuffed animal


U can clearly see his arm go all the way back so...............

Its a real dog..but a dead one. :smoking: