Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Axl4Prez2004 on February 28, 2008, 02:10:25 PM

Title: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on February 28, 2008, 02:10:25 PM
Hello Folks,

  I've been feeling horrible and run-down the past 3 or 4 days.  I woke up this morning at 6:20, took my temperature of 101, sat up, walked 20 feet to the bathroom, took a leak...and the next thing I know I am on the floor in pain moaning.  Apparently, I blacked out and my wife came running in with our 2 year old (who also happens to be sick), and I shit you not, my wrists were locked into flexion, both of them.  Think Damon Wayans' In Living Color superhero character HandyMan.  My legs and feet were numb with pins and needles as were both of my arms, hands, fingers as well as part of my face.  I was scared out of my mind I broke my neck, or at least bruised my spinal cord. 

  The CT scan was negative, but let me tell you, 4 hours in the emergency room with the immobilizing neck brace is a scary, scary, and uncomfortable ordeal.  My wife and 2 great kids were there for me and I'm happy to tell ya'll I'm okay.
My wife asked me what year it was and I told her 2008...she told me no, it's 2010 and Hillary Clinton is president!   :hihi:
Laughter is incredible medicine.  Seriously, I was so f'ing thirsty but until cervical fracture was ruled out, I couldn't drink anything.  My wife held my hand as I'm a little doped up right now, and all I wanted was a slurpee.  I got 2 22 ounce slurpees and they were soooooo good! 

  btw, I mentioned Jolie, because as we were waiting for the prescriptions at the drug store, there was a magazine with the headline Jolie Collapses.  Well, I pulled a Jolie.  I hope she's all right. 

  also, I'm a lucky guy.  just thought I'd share.  I really thought I could either die or be paralyzed.  I did some whistling for the kids when I said I want to be..............and yes, I whistled the melody to Better.  What can I say, I love GNR, and yes, my 4 1/2 year old boy knew what I was whistling, BETTER!   :love:

  God dammit, if I die before this album comes out I will be sooo pissed!  Be careful out there folks.  Don't work too hard, especially when you are sick.  I should have known....better.  ;)

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: CheapJon on February 28, 2008, 02:13:35 PM
glad you're ok man!

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: freedom78 on February 28, 2008, 02:25:45 PM
I totally thought you had adopted some foreign kid when I read that title.  :hihi:

Anyway, feel better.   :)

If you kick off before the album comes out, we'll dig ya up and throw a copy in the casket.   : ok:

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: GeorgeSteele on February 28, 2008, 03:00:54 PM

Wow, that is some ordeal you survived.  Very happy to hear that you're doing well.  All the best, man.   :beer:

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: SLCPUNK on February 28, 2008, 03:11:11 PM
Take it slow! No more feverish bathroom backflips for you!

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on February 28, 2008, 03:24:23 PM
Thanks guys, seriously, don't work too hard, stay healthy, don't faint, yada yada yada.

Thanks for all the kind words.  They really do help.   :peace:

My wife was telling me when she found me awkwardly wedged between the toilet tank and the wall, my eyes were open but not normal, and I wasn't responding.  The doc things I just went hypotensive and passed out on my feet.  I was fortunate in the fall that I unintentionally pushed some sort of candle-like feminine knick-knack onto the floor that also made a lot of noise.  So you fellas out there, let your ladies put knick-knacks everywhere!  They pay off in the long run!   :hihi:  

ps, nice one SLC!   :hihi:  All I could think is that I'm gonna die next to a toilet!  Jesus Christ!  I'm not certain, but I think Elvis Presley died on the throne.  I don't want to go out like that, or this early!!

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: freedom78 on February 28, 2008, 03:30:03 PM
My wife was telling me when she found me awkwardly wedged between the toilet tank and the wall, my eyes were open but not normal, and I wasn't responding.  The doc things I just went hypotensive and passed out on my feet.  I was fortunate in the fall that I unintentionally pushed some sort of candle-like feminine knick-knack onto the floor that also made a lot of noise.  So you fellas out there, let your ladies put knick-knacks everywhere!  They pay off in the long run!   :hihi: 

Seriously?   THAT'S what clued them in to your collapse?  Or am I reading too much into this?   

*BUZZZZZZZZZ*  "Oh my God, Axl4Prez has fallen!  Thank goodness he knocked that 'candle-like feminine knick knack' on the floor!" :rofl: 

You didn't fall onto it did you?

Sorry...not meaning to laugh, but that IS pretty funny....though the more I read this, the more I think you and I might mean something different by "candle shaped feminine knick knack."   

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on February 28, 2008, 03:42:15 PM
Freedom, laugh man it's cool!  My wife is telling me it's a "rod-iron candle-holder with a pillar candle," that happened to be up on the top of the tank.  She thought she heard me drop something, but I guess it was a combination of me and the nick-nack biting the dust.  Any noise is good noise in a situation like that.

Scary stuff all around.  But I'm thinking if I'm a bachelor with a chick over, she's probably not going to hear me because there'd sure as hell be no nick-nack to push over.  :hihi:  The latest Playboy magazine wouldn't exactly make noise.

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: freedom78 on February 28, 2008, 03:48:23 PM
Freedom, laugh man it's cool!  My wife is telling me it's a "rod-iron candle-holder with a pillar candle," that happened to be up on the top of the tank.  She thought she heard me drop something, but I guess it was a combination of me and the nick-nack biting the dust.  Any noise is good noise in a situation like that.

Scary stuff all around.  But I'm thinking if I'm a bachelor with a chick over, she's probably not going to hear me because there'd sure as hell be no nick-nack to push over.  :hihi:  The latest Playboy magazine wouldn't exactly make noise.

Phew...because I totally thought "candle like feminine knick knack" was code for "vibrator."   :hihi: 

That's why I asked if you fell on it.  Because, if you had, I was thinking this would be an appropriate thread to ask...if a dude falls on a vibrator (as in...falls onto it in such a way that it "finds a cavity"), and another dude at the hospital removes that gay?  :rofl:

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on February 28, 2008, 04:12:52 PM
Get your mind outta the gutter Feedom!  I could have died!  But I didn't, so you can laugh your ass off, as can I!!!  This kicks ass!  I feel like Ebenezer Scrooge after he gets visited by the 3 ghosts.  Life is good my friends!  Slurpees kick ass!

Did I mention the initial responders were gonna just carry me down my steps in a chair?  I was very calm about it and said, "no, I need my head stabilized and we need a board."  Despite being scared shitless, I didn't waver on that.  btw, I tried a new cold medicine the night before.  It was a Tylenol pm, blue liquid.  The store the other day was out of Nyquil because everybody is sick.  btw, I don't have the flu or strep throat, they cultured me for both. 

no flu, no strep, no broken bones, I'm such a woos.   :-[

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: freedom78 on February 28, 2008, 04:16:07 PM
Get your mind outta the gutter Feedom!


Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: ben9785 on February 28, 2008, 06:24:58 PM
Axl4Prez2004 what has happened is horrible, but I am very relieved you are OK, and I hope you won't have any more episodes like that.

I hope that you visit a doctor regularly, and after an event like that in particularly, you'll try to get checked up more.

People these ways get sucked into a hard lifestyle and start to take things for granted like one hour extra sleep, or laying off doing too many extra hours and having a proper 2 day weekend instead of thinking about double time pay or whatever, or even those people who work alot and on top of it go out at night on weekends and load themselves with booze. It all amounts.

I hope we won't be hearing any bad news in this community anytime soon. Lets all at least get to enjoy the release of the CD albums.

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on February 28, 2008, 07:10:31 PM
Ben, thanks man.  Hands down the scariest moment of my life.  I don't ask for much.  The health of my family, being able to provide for my family, and being able to see GNR live again...several times.  I'm not asking for much!!   :crying:

 :beer: to Ben, and don't worry, health-wise I'm in excellent shape.  This was a complete fluke.  I tried to "tough it out" on Tuesday.  I stayed home Wednesday and was considering going in this morning before all hell broke loose.  If you feel like shit, no matter how much your co-workers depend on you, just call out.  That's the lesson I learned here, and I hope by writing about it, some folks here might not have to go through the same scary shit I did.

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on February 28, 2008, 07:24:23 PM
...if a dude falls on a vibrator (as in...falls onto it in such a way that it "finds a cavity"), and another dude at the hospital removes that gay?  :rofl:

It was a one in a million shot doc, one in a million! -Frank Costanza

  Hands down the scariest moment of my life. 

Well, I am glad that it didn't turn out to be too serious!  I hope nothing like this happens again.

Take 'er easy man!

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: ben9785 on February 28, 2008, 07:27:12 PM
Right on man. It's good that you take care of the health, but then again I'm sure you hear so many stories of the healthiest people in the world ending up with major health complications and some people even dying when they haven't even had to tough out a simple flu in their lifetime. Unfortunately we all get older. Myself I am 22 but little problems I had with my knees for example and a bad stomach in my late teens have started to make themselves more profound, and I'm sure stress with employment hasn't helped that either. You have to try to have balance in life at any cost.

I wish you all the best

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: The Dog on February 28, 2008, 07:50:39 PM
That could have seriously effected our campaign - but I would have gotten the sympathy vote.  :hihi:

Glad you're ok man  : ok:

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on February 28, 2008, 07:57:12 PM
Right on man. It's good that you take care of the health, but then again I'm sure you hear so many stories of the healthiest people in the world ending up with major health complications and some people even dying when they haven't even had to tough out a simple flu in their lifetime. Unfortunately we all get older. Myself I am 22 but little problems I had with my knees for example and a bad stomach in my late teens have started to make themselves more profound, and I'm sure stress with employment hasn't helped that either. You have to try to have balance in life at any cost.

I wish you all the best

For 22, you've got a good head on your shoulders.  You're absolutely right.  I started a new job near the end of last year with more responsibility and we are very understaffed.  Stupid me tries to save the world, staying late here and there, coming in on a weekend day here and there.  It adds up.  Now I know how Axl must have felt in England that night he couldn't finish out Nightrain and PC.  A collapse on stage would not have been cool.  Health always comes first.

 Frank Costanza!  :rofl:  Great reference.

PS  Hill-dog, I thought God was supposed to punish my wife not me!  She was the one that laughed when she saw John McCain raising his arms up thing I know I'm the one with decorticate posturing of both wrists!  Seriously, don't hate my wife, she wasn't serious.  McCain is a war hero and we do respect that deeply...we just like to laugh.  :peace:
Also, I did have tears.  Tears worked for Hillary twice, I figured I'd give it a try.  Mine was more of a retarded humback whale moaning in heat to be honest.  How would that play with voters?   :rofl:

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: freedom78 on February 28, 2008, 08:02:28 PM
Right on man. It's good that you take care of the health, but then again I'm sure you hear so many stories of the healthiest people in the world ending up with major health complications and some people even dying when they haven't even had to tough out a simple flu in their lifetime. Unfortunately we all get older. Myself I am 22 but little problems I had with my knees for example and a bad stomach in my late teens have started to make themselves more profound, and I'm sure stress with employment hasn't helped that either. You have to try to have balance in life at any cost.

I wish you all the best

For 22, you've got a good head on your shoulders.  You're absolutely right.  I started a new job near the end of last year with more responsibility and we are very understaffed.  Stupid me tries to save the world, staying late here and there, coming in on a weekend day here and there.  It adds up.  Now I know how Axl must have felt in England that night he couldn't finish out Nightrain and PC.  A collapse on stage would not have been cool.  Health always comes first.

 Frank Costanza!  :rofl:  Great reference.

PS  Hill-dog, I thought God was supposed to punish my wife not me!  She was the one that laughed when she saw John McCain raising his arms up thing I know I'm the one with decorticate posturing of both wrists!  Seriously, don't hate my wife, she wasn't serious.  McCain is a war hero and we do respect that deeply...we just like to laugh.  :peace:
Also, I did have tears.  Tears worked for Hillary twice, I figured I'd give it a try.  Mine was more of a retarded humback whale moaning in heat to be honest.  How would that play with voters?   :rofl:

There's only one way a campaigning male can justify tears...torture.  You're gonna have to say that your wife tortured you.  When you got to the hospital, did you meekly look at the floor while your wife explained to the doctor "Um...he just fell down...again."  :hihi:

Domestic violence is not funny.  :no:

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on February 28, 2008, 08:08:15 PM
 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  Oh my god, that reminded me of a Lifetime movie I once watched starring Gerald McRaney (of Simon and Simon fame...he was the first Simon...or was it the 2nd one?) anyway, and Judith Light (of Who's the Boss fame, she had shoulder pads in every one of her blazers about as big as an NFL cornerback's)  anywhoo, you guessed it, she was kickin' the crap out of him in the movie.  It was probably the one movie on Lifetime that had a good guy and a bad woman.  :hihi:

I'm typing this on my lap-top huddled in the shower...she won't find me here...what? NO,  :o don't turn the water on, my compute

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: LittleFly on February 28, 2008, 08:20:30 PM
Man, with that explaination of what happened, I would have thought a stroke  :nervous:  Then again, I always think stroke cuz I took care of a father-in-law who was prone to them.

Awesome that you can joke about it, though.  IMO that's the best way to deal with this kinda stress ;) 

I need to get more knick-knacks...I don't have any in the bathroom, what happens if I fall down???  :drool:

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: freedom78 on February 28, 2008, 08:22:17 PM
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  Oh my god, that reminded me of a Lifetime movie I once watched starring Gerald McRaney (of Simon and Simon fame...he was the first Simon...or was it the 2nd one?) anyway, and Judith Light (of Who's the Boss fame, she had shoulder pads in every one of her blazers about as big as an NFL cornerback's)  anywhoo, you guessed it, she was kickin' the crap out of him in the movie.  It was probably the one movie on Lifetime that had a good guy and a bad woman.  :hihi:

I'm typing this on my lap-top huddled in the shower...she won't find me here...what? NO,  :o don't turn the water on, my compute

Domestic violence reminds me of EVERY Lifetime movie I've watched.  :rofl:

That's sort of true...I haven't watched any Lifetime movies, but they do have a reputation of the "woman gets beat and then gets vengeance/justice/divorced & the kids n' house" movie network.

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on February 28, 2008, 08:36:58 PM
Man, with that explaination of what happened, I would have thought a stroke  :nervous:  Then again, I always think stroke cuz I took care of a father-in-law who was prone to them.

Awesome that you can joke about it, though.  IMO that's the best way to deal with this kinda stress ;) 

I need to get more knick-knacks...I don't have any in the bathroom, what happens if I fall down???  :drool:

As a chick it is your womanly duty to put up absolutely non-functional knick-knacks!  Guys don't do this.  I'm glad I'm married.  :hihi:

and yeah, if I don't laugh, I'll cry.  ;) 

I do work in the healthcare field so I knew it wasn't a stroke after a couple of the tests I went through.  The scariest shit is lying down on the floor in pain with your hands curled up and seeing your wife and kids dashing about calling 911.  Oh yeah, Kevin Everett of the Buffalo Bills went through my head.  He was paralyzed this past season in a football game.  The waiting is so horrible, but I must say, I was picked up by paramedics at 6:30, got to the hospital by 7, and as I was walking out the door at 11:08 I thought that wasn't so bad.  ER wait times can be horrendous. 

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: freedom78 on February 28, 2008, 08:40:37 PM
I do work in the healthcare field so I knew it wasn't a stroke after a couple of the tests I went through.  The scariest shit is lying down on the floor in pain with your hands curled up and seeing your wife and kids dashing about calling 911.  Oh yeah, Kevin Everett of the Buffalo Bills went through my head.  He was paralyzed this past season in a football game.  The waiting is so horrible, but I must say, I was picked up by paramedics at 6:30, got to the hospital by 7, and as I was walking out the door at 11:08 I thought that wasn't so bad.  ER wait times can be horrendous. 

Wait 'til you get the bill.  :crying:

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: SLCPUNK on February 29, 2008, 01:02:21 AM

I do work in the healthcare field so I knew it wasn't a stroke after a couple of the tests I went through.  The scariest shit is lying down on the floor in pain with your hands curled up and seeing your wife and kids dashing about calling 911. 

Dropped my second motorcycle about 18 yrs ago and went through the same process. I remember all the ER staff telling me how fortunate I was, as I walked out to my parents car that night. Of course at that age, I was too young and cocky to take it all in. I count my lucky stars every time I think about it now.

Wait 'til you get the bill.  :crying:

Yea, that's when paralysis really sets in.

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: polluxlm on February 29, 2008, 01:05:13 AM
Glad you're ok.

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: Bandita on February 29, 2008, 10:03:27 PM
As someone already said, I seriously believed you adopted a bunch of foreign kids from underdeveloped countries before I opened this thread!

Don't work when you are sick!  Your body needs rest to rejuvinate!!!!!!!!

Feel better!

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: D on February 29, 2008, 10:47:08 PM
Hello Folks,

  I've been feeling horrible and run-down the past 3 or 4 days.  I woke up this morning at 6:20, took my temperature of 101, sat up, walked 20 feet to the bathroom, took a leak...and the next thing I know I am on the floor in pain moaning.  Apparently, I blacked out and my wife came running in with our 2 year old (who also happens to be sick), and I shit you not, my wrists were locked into flexion, both of them.  Think Damon Wayans' In Living Color superhero character HandyMan.  My legs and feet were numb with pins and needles as were both of my arms, hands, fingers as well as part of my face.  I was scared out of my mind I broke my neck, or at least bruised my spinal cord. 

  The CT scan was negative, but let me tell you, 4 hours in the emergency room with the immobilizing neck brace is a scary, scary, and uncomfortable ordeal.  My wife and 2 great kids were there for me and I'm happy to tell ya'll I'm okay.
My wife asked me what year it was and I told her 2008...she told me no, it's 2010 and Hillary Clinton is president!   :hihi:
Laughter is incredible medicine.  Seriously, I was so f'ing thirsty but until cervical fracture was ruled out, I couldn't drink anything.  My wife held my hand as I'm a little doped up right now, and all I wanted was a slurpee.  I got 2 22 ounce slurpees and they were soooooo good! 

  btw, I mentioned Jolie, because as we were waiting for the prescriptions at the drug store, there was a magazine with the headline Jolie Collapses.  Well, I pulled a Jolie.  I hope she's all right. 

  also, I'm a lucky guy.  just thought I'd share.  I really thought I could either die or be paralyzed.  I did some whistling for the kids when I said I want to be..............and yes, I whistled the melody to Better.  What can I say, I love GNR, and yes, my 4 1/2 year old boy knew what I was whistling, BETTER!   :love:

  God dammit, if I die before this album comes out I will be sooo pissed!  Be careful out there folks.  Don't work too hard, especially when you are sick.  I should have known....better.  ;)

I thought u were gonna say u adopted a kid............ :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

I hope u get better.

Im gonna send u a month supply of Depends so u dont have to get out of bed. : ok: : ok:

Title: Axl4Prez Collapses
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on March 01, 2008, 10:42:34 AM
No, no adopted kids from foreign countries.  But I am paying into the 9 billion dollars per month going towards re-building Iraq with my taxes!  :hihi:

Thanks for all the support gang.   :peace:

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: AxlsMainMan on March 01, 2008, 11:46:39 AM



Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: crazycheryl on March 12, 2008, 03:39:31 PM
I know I am responding late, but did they check you for auto immune disease - like do blood work - check ANA, ESR, etc? I am going through medical shit right now - no one can tell me what is up but they are scaring the shit out of me for the things they are testing me for - carcinoid cancer, auto immune, lung disease, etc. I have a tumor on my pituitary gland discovered when I had my second daughter and that is the last thing I'm going to check but the stupid tests take time - any how, I have been reading a ton and I remember you telling me about your son with the chronic ear infections - I'm not trying to scare you but sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands when it comes to doctors - just wondering if they did those tests or said, oh, it's just the flu - and believe me, my daughter at 18 months had the flu, temp shot to 107 and she had a febrile seizure from her body getting so hot. But all of this is not really normal so whatever I find for me, I'm going to have my girls checked too. Go to WebMD or Mayo Clinic and play with the symptom checker but don't freak out cause one symptom can be a part of every disease. Did you ever find out what was wrong?

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on March 12, 2008, 06:29:39 PM
I know I am responding late, but did they check you for auto immune disease - like do blood work - check ANA, ESR, etc? I am going through medical shit right now - no one can tell me what is up but they are scaring the shit out of me for the things they are testing me for - carcinoid cancer, auto immune, lung disease, etc. I have a tumor on my pituitary gland discovered when I had my second daughter and that is the last thing I'm going to check but the stupid tests take time - any how, I have been reading a ton and I remember you telling me about your son with the chronic ear infections - I'm not trying to scare you but sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands when it comes to doctors - just wondering if they did those tests or said, oh, it's just the flu - and believe me, my daughter at 18 months had the flu, temp shot to 107 and she had a febrile seizure from her body getting so hot. But all of this is not really normal so whatever I find for me, I'm going to have my girls checked too. Go to WebMD or Mayo Clinic and play with the symptom checker but don't freak out cause one symptom can be a part of every disease. Did you ever find out what was wrong?

I do appreciate the concern CrazyCheryl.  The most important thing to check was my cervical spine and the CT scan confirmed all was good. 

I know it sounds crazy (trust me, it freaked the hell outta me) but the combination of having been sick for 3 days (fever around 101 but at times above 102.5, sore throat, etc.) and working through the illness when I shouldn't have been, not taking the time even at home to lie down and rest as I was either helping around the house or playing with the fam., all this coupled with just having woken up with a 101 degree fever and standing up to go was a perfect storm for a hypotensive collapse.
I was tested for the flu and strep, both negative.  I think it was a really bad cold.

Otherwise, (not to jinx myself) I'm in excellent shape.  I did a half-ironman triathlon in June and aside from a knee injury that's limited my athletic activities the past bunch o' months, things are great.

btw, it wasn't ear infections with my son, it was strep throat.  Medically, one of the greatest bangs for our buck came with his tonsilectomy/adenoidectomy.  And yes, we had to take the reins on that one.  As I remember it, we were pretty much at our wits end with some scary croup ordeals.  Believe it or not, the pediatrician never once (and we'd been to every doc in the practice at one time or another for well-checks or strep, etc.), not once did they bring up tonsillectomy.  Anyway, all is well now.  That's what matters.  :)

Jesus Christ, your daughters' fever shot to 107!?  Holy fuck!  I know it's hindsight now, but did she have her flu shot earlier in the flu season?  Just curious.  If they are still little, make sure they get that flu shot. 

Last bit o' advice is for you to keep an eye on that pituitary.  You're lucky to have found it early I'd imagine.  Early detection is great just in case it's cancer, which I hope it isn't.  Peace!   :peace: 

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: crazycheryl on March 13, 2008, 03:27:17 PM
One thing - I am a hypochondriac so my girls get the flu shot every year. Seriously. I don't mess around with the kids. I'm kind of pissed about the pituitary thing because at the time the endocrinologist said my symptoms were a result of smoking pot - I've searched all over the internet for effects and have never found prolactonoma as a system. That was how they found it. So, I quit smoking for a month and the breast milk dried up mostly - still a little was evident. But they decided to watch it for a year and my labs came back normal so they never did anything. I've got my final tests with my regular doc and if these tests produce nothing, then I'm going back to the endocrinologist and just ask them to take the damn thing out. My stress level is way over the top. And it isn't helping.

Thanks dude! I wish I had your motivation - damn a triathelon? Damn.

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: Ignatius on March 14, 2008, 05:01:54 AM

Glad you are ok Prez.

Dont push yourself too hard and stay healthy  : ok:

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: D on March 14, 2008, 05:07:58 AM
One thing - I am a hypochondriac so my girls get the flu shot every year. Seriously. I don't mess around with the kids. I'm kind of pissed about the pituitary thing because at the time the endocrinologist said my symptoms were a result of smoking pot - I've searched all over the internet for effects and have never found prolactonoma as a system. That was how they found it. So, I quit smoking for a month and the breast milk dried up mostly - still a little was evident. But they decided to watch it for a year and my labs came back normal so they never did anything. I've got my final tests with my regular doc and if these tests produce nothing, then I'm going back to the endocrinologist and just ask them to take the damn thing out. My stress level is way over the top. And it isn't helping.

Thanks dude! I wish I had your motivation - damn a triathelon? Damn.

Livin without a pituatary gland would be extremely difficult. All the hormone shots u would have to take etc. Wouldn't be good.

Glad u are ok Axl4prez.  What are u gonna do about that knee?  Will rest fix it up or is surgery an option?

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: crazycheryl on March 14, 2008, 04:29:08 PM
One thing - I am a hypochondriac so my girls get the flu shot every year. Seriously. I don't mess around with the kids. I'm kind of pissed about the pituitary thing because at the time the endocrinologist said my symptoms were a result of smoking pot - I've searched all over the internet for effects and have never found prolactonoma as a system. That was how they found it. So, I quit smoking for a month and the breast milk dried up mostly - still a little was evident. But they decided to watch it for a year and my labs came back normal so they never did anything. I've got my final tests with my regular doc and if these tests produce nothing, then I'm going back to the endocrinologist and just ask them to take the damn thing out. My stress level is way over the top. And it isn't helping.

Thanks dude! I wish I had your motivation - damn a triathelon? Damn.

Livin without a pituatary gland would be extremely difficult. All the hormone shots u would have to take etc. Wouldn't be good.

Glad u are ok Axl4prez.  What are u gonna do about that knee?  Will rest fix it up or is surgery an option?

I would only tell them to take the tumor off. But, I remember reading somewhere that if they remove the tumor or actual gland, some people feel awesome and they don't have all the hormones effecting their bodies. Don't remember if it's the tumor or the gland.

Title: Re: Axl4Prez pulls a Jolie. :(
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on March 14, 2008, 08:53:15 PM
One thing - I am a hypochondriac so my girls get the flu shot every year. Seriously. I don't mess around with the kids. I'm kind of pissed about the pituitary thing because at the time the endocrinologist said my symptoms were a result of smoking pot - I've searched all over the internet for effects and have never found prolactonoma as a system. That was how they found it. So, I quit smoking for a month and the breast milk dried up mostly - still a little was evident. But they decided to watch it for a year and my labs came back normal so they never did anything. I've got my final tests with my regular doc and if these tests produce nothing, then I'm going back to the endocrinologist and just ask them to take the damn thing out. My stress level is way over the top. And it isn't helping.

Thanks dude! I wish I had your motivation - damn a triathelon? Damn.

Livin without a pituatary gland would be extremely difficult. All the hormone shots u would have to take etc. Wouldn't be good.

Glad u are ok Axl4prez.  What are u gonna do about that knee?  Will rest fix it up or is surgery an option?

I know it doesn't have anything to do with the thread topic, but yeah, like D's said, my knee's been giving me fits.  2008 was going to be the year.  June, '07 I completed the 70.3 mile half-iron triathlon, and the full iron 140.6 in '08 was the big goal.  Unfortunately, I've been battling a knee injury since September, '07.  The good news D, I'm treating the injury with a new technique...exercise bike last night to plenty o' GNR and today a short 3 far no pain as a result.  I'll keep ya posted.

By the way, thank you to the GNR community for the well-wishes!!! 

Cheryl, go get that thing taken care of.  We've got an album and concerts to rock out to coming soon.  We all want ya around to enjoy it!!!   :beer: