Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: spaghetti_incident on February 23, 2008, 12:15:43 PM

Title: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: spaghetti_incident on February 23, 2008, 12:15:43 PM

Trailer and DVD info at the very top - only GnR related info from the trailer is a mention of Bumblefoot in a psychiatrist sketch, and some Buckethead footage. I haven't seen it so there could be more since the last DVD had footage of Bucketehad's coop in the studio, all will have to be revealed upon purchase.

I figured this belonged here since the guy still seems to be in the band, but if it's already mentioned, or not relevant then move or delete it/blahblahblah.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: Loaded NightraiN on February 23, 2008, 12:34:08 PM
There's a previewof the video here: (

Buckethead appears also during the video  : ok:

Spaghetti posted that also  :peace:

That seemed like quite the dig at bumblefoot?? Interesting....

What was that I saw about Merck?

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: EstrangedBrazil on February 23, 2008, 12:42:01 PM
i truly can't see nothing special about this guy...

so many better drummers around to be dancing around this dude like he was somehow special

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: ppbebe on February 23, 2008, 12:45:46 PM
it says "Brain's Worst Drum Instructional DVD Ever".  :rofl:
Does this seem like quite a dig at brain?

interesting to say the least.
wanna see the psychiatrist sketch thingy and I can't use flash  :'(

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: Loaded NightraiN on February 23, 2008, 12:47:18 PM
it says "Brain's Worst Drum Instructional DVD Ever".  :rofl:
Does this seem like quite a dig at brain?

interesting to say the least.
wanna see the psychiatrist sketch thingy and I can't use flash  :'(

Nah if you could see the preview you'd know why its called that.... Its more of a secthc video(or so it seems!)

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: mrbucketfoot on February 23, 2008, 12:49:09 PM
The trailer sold me.  Brain is an awesome drummer and Bucket is a crazy ass.

I miss seeing him.  :(

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: ppbebe on February 23, 2008, 01:12:32 PM
of no practical use for non drummers like me but the dvd is very tempting.

brain obviously likes bumble a lot. Or he would make no mention of him let alone a joke.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: Loaded NightraiN on February 23, 2008, 01:19:44 PM
of no practical use for non drummers like me but the dvd is very tempting.

brain obviously likes bumble a lot. Or he would make no mention of him let alone a joke.

^ if it wasnt the guty who replaced his good friend i'd like to agree....

Hope some one here watches this and fills us in on anyother mentions, to clairify!

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: bazgnr on February 23, 2008, 01:47:59 PM
I second that.  Judging solely from the previous posts in this thread, I'm not sure if Brain is joking around w/ Ron, or if the joke is actually at Ron's expense....if anyone can clarify, please do.  Or better yet, maybe I'll try to judge for myself...

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: ppbebe on February 23, 2008, 02:03:15 PM
^ if it wasnt the guty who replaced his good friend i'd like to agree....

even if it was the guy that filled the big hole his best friend made by untimely leaving the band of his own accord?

 bet BH doesn't hate him either. he's free.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: mrbucketfoot on February 23, 2008, 02:29:03 PM
Ron knows Bucket.  Ron's played with Bucket. Ron's a fan of Bucket.
Bucket knows Ron. Bucket's played with Ron. Bucket's a fan of Ron.
Brain's played with Ron. Brain's a fan of Ron. Brain is in a band with Ron.

Quit trying to make everything a friggin fight.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: ToonGuns on February 23, 2008, 03:13:40 PM
Ron knows Bucket.  Ron's played with Bucket. Ron's a fan of Bucket.
Bucket knows Ron. Bucket's played with Ron. Bucket's a fan of Ron.
Brain's played with Ron. Brain's a fan of Ron. Brain is in a band with Ron.

Quit trying to make everything a friggin fight.

When did they play together? That would be a sweet listen.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: Chief on February 23, 2008, 04:03:10 PM
yeah i'd love to know more about this if indeed it's true!

Ron knows Bucket.  Ron's played with Bucket. Ron's a fan of Bucket.
Bucket knows Ron. Bucket's played with Ron. Bucket's a fan of Ron.
Brain's played with Ron. Brain's a fan of Ron. Brain is in a band with Ron.

Quit trying to make everything a friggin fight.

When did they play together? That would be a sweet listen.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: mrbucketfoot on February 23, 2008, 05:12:51 PM
Its good to hear that they are all one big happy family.
I guess that means we will get to hear Buckethead's input into CD.
Some here have speculated that Bumble Foot could be re doing Bucketheads work.

Maybe Bucket will appear on the album and maybe he won't. But this has nothing to do with the relationship between Bucket and Bumblefoot. Axl said a little while ago that Bucket would indeed still be on the album, whether he will be when we get to hear it, that remains to be seen. However Axl is known for wanting the band on albums. Buckethead is no longer in Guns N' Roses. I'm sure he'll be credited for any arrangements that he wrote and receive his due.

When did they play together? That would be a sweet listen.

Bumblefoot was interviewed in late 2006 or early 2007, I cannot remember which where he talked about the rumored tension and resentment between himself and Buckethead. He squashed it and told the interviewer that it was total shit. Just people on the forums yapping away. Then he talked about his history with Bucket, how he saw him without his mask and how they jammed together. That's all I can remember from the interview.

Regardless, there is no reason to think there was/is any animosity between the two. I'm a big fan of both guitarists (go figure) and I consider myself to be a fairly good source on both of them. Prove me wrong with some crazy thing that I've never read or a picture of Ron chasing after Bucket for stealing his Cherry Frozen Yogurt and I'll retract my statements.

Buckethead is no longer in the band and left Guns N' Roses. That was his decision. If you don't agree with the way someone works or there is a clash that wears you too thin, you find a new job and choose not to be apart of it anymore. His decision. However, let me remind you all the good things that Bucket said about Axl, the band, and the album before his departure. I obviously don't know the in-the-studio side of it, but he seemed like a pro to me. Sure there are clashes of ego and opinion but that happens in the formation of all great art. Don't put a microscope on it. Bumblefoot is in the band now and is a great fit. Bucket's off being Bucket and he seems to enjoy that sort of thing. It seemed to work out. No shattered dreams and broken lives.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: younggunner on February 23, 2008, 05:25:47 PM
i dont really think that came across as a dig....

watching that clip just makes me realize more and more how much I miss Brain and Bucket. The 2002 version of GNR is without a doubt the best version

Bucket=power/explosion :drool:

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: madagas on February 23, 2008, 06:02:17 PM
I like his karate kicks and piano playing. ;D

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: evergreen_layne on February 23, 2008, 06:15:51 PM
Brain: can you tell me what bumble foot means..

Thats all he says  :peace:

Quite why Ron has a thing for bee's feet (assuming he does) I know don't.

The full quote is:  Brain:  "Its not a dream anymore it turned into a nightmare.  Can you tell me what bumblefoot means?" 

I saw that Merck flash too.  Weird.......

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: gunns1 on February 23, 2008, 06:20:21 PM
Brain has always had a great sense of humour,
i remember going to his site and their use to be a hidden page on their, which was only accessed by clicking on an Asian man on the website,
Anyways, when the hidden page was accessed it came up with a bunch of random phrases and shit, and one of the phrases said
"Hired Gunner". Hes got a good sense of humour, that people shouldn't take to literal ,

If he was having a dig at bumblefoot, Im sure its just a little insider joke they have got going between each other,
So I wouldnt be getting bumble to call his lawyers yet...  :peace:

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: ToonGuns on February 23, 2008, 06:29:57 PM
i dont really think that came across as a dig....

watching that clip just makes me realize more and more how much I miss Brain and Bucket. The 2002 version of GNR is without a doubt the best version

Bucket=power/explosion :drool:

It certainly wasn't a dig!!! For some reason everything on this forum seems to turn into an argument.  ;)

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: ben9785 on February 24, 2008, 04:36:33 AM
That DVD looks interesting. Not only showcasing Brain's talent and even some Buckethead, but he seems like a nutbag which is always fun. I'm not a drummer, but as a musician regardless his talent is inspiring to me.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: misterID on February 24, 2008, 08:37:27 AM
I remeber there was a great video interview online with Brain and he talked about drumming, and what it was like with GNR, with his flaming GNR set behind him. After the interview they played a song by him and Buckethead :'(

Man, I miss Bucket.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: ppbebe on February 24, 2008, 12:21:06 PM


Bryan "Brain" Mantia (whose name is more often mistakenly spelled Brian) is a contemporary rock drummer who has played with the likes of Primus, Guns N' Roses and Godflesh, as well as other popular performers such as Tom Waits and Buckethead.

For those who have seen the 1991 release, Brain's Lessons: Shredding Repis On the Gnar Gnar Rad, Brain plays through some of his favorite funk and ostinato patterns ... this 2007 DVD release is nothing like it. Well I take it back, both videos have the home movie feel, but "the worst instructional dvd ever" also has  documentary/interview type footage as well ... all done 'tongue-in-cheek'. There are humorous moments in he DVD ... although that is subjective and will vary from viewer to viewer. Some will think the entire DVD is hilarious while others, like myself, will find it mildly amusing. If you don't like films such as Napoleon Dynamite, Nacho Libre or Spinal Tap, don't waste your time on this DVD ... you won't get the humor. Now I don't mean to imply that Brain Has Made the Worst Drum Instructional DVD Ever is anythng like those other films, but it is full of satire. I found a few parts of this DVD rather humorous and laughed outloud at one point during the segment entitled "Brain Buys Used Drums" (see video clip below). In several scenes there's some crass language which I think could/should have been left out. The bulk of the cursing comes from a character dressed as a catholic priest, and is feebly censored, on purpose, so you can still make out what is being said quite plainly. For that reason I'm giving this my own Parental Advisory.

Per the DVD's title, this isn't an instructional DVD by any means ... and if it were, it is in fact the worst! The only thing that is "discussed" is 2 and 4; more commonly known as the backbeat. Brain does play quite a bit on this DVD, so fans will enjoy getting to see him play within a number of 'duo' type scenarios (eg. DJ or guitarist).

I think the majority of the people who purchase this DVD would do so without reading one word of what I've written here. You can always chalk this up as my worst DVD review ever ... hopefully

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: Loaded NightraiN on February 24, 2008, 06:43:54 PM
Bumblefoot was interviewed in late 2006 or early 2007

Could you post a link to that interview?

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: grog mug on February 24, 2008, 09:45:56 PM
You can tell by commenting on Merck that he's saying Merck thought he was god and everyone should bow down to him, or something along those lines.  The guy playing Merck in the video had a god like pose with somebody bowing down in front of him, so I'm assuming hes saying Merck thought he was top notch or above everyone including Axl.  Those BUCKETHEAD scenes were AWESOME, especially him dancing around like Michael Jackson with the zombie outfit and the piano playing....PERFECT!!!  I'm sold...

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: Saul on February 24, 2008, 11:18:12 PM
They may have 'jammed' (although I have no information/source to verify it one bit) but they have never shared a stage together.

Its good to hear that they are all one big happy family.
I guess that means we will get to hear Buckethead's input into CD.
Some here have speculated that Bumble Foot could be re doing Bucketheads work.

Maybe Bucket will appear on the album and maybe he won't. But this has nothing to do with the relationship between Bucket and Bumblefoot. Axl said a little while ago that Bucket would indeed still be on the album, whether he will be when we get to hear it, that remains to be seen. However Axl is known for wanting the band on albums. Buckethead is no longer in Guns N' Roses. I'm sure he'll be credited for any arrangements that he wrote and receive his due.

When did they play together? That would be a sweet listen.

Bumblefoot was interviewed in late 2006 or early 2007, I cannot remember which where he talked about the rumored tension and resentment between himself and Buckethead. He squashed it and told the interviewer that it was total shit. Just people on the forums yapping away. Then he talked about his history with Bucket, how he saw him without his mask and how they jammed together. That's all I can remember from the interview.

Regardless, there is no reason to think there was/is any animosity between the two. I'm a big fan of both guitarists (go figure) and I consider myself to be a fairly good source on both of them. Prove me wrong with some crazy thing that I've never read or a picture of Ron chasing after Bucket for stealing his Cherry Frozen Yogurt and I'll retract my statements.

Buckethead is no longer in the band and left Guns N' Roses. That was his decision. If you don't agree with the way someone works or there is a clash that wears you too thin, you find a new job and choose not to be apart of it anymore. His decision. However, let me remind you all the good things that Bucket said about Axl, the band, and the album before his departure. I obviously don't know the in-the-studio side of it, but he seemed like a pro to me. Sure there are clashes of ego and opinion but that happens in the formation of all great art. Don't put a microscope on it. Bumblefoot is in the band now and is a great fit. Bucket's off being Bucket and he seems to enjoy that sort of thing. It seemed to work out. No shattered dreams and broken lives.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: sami ben tovim on February 25, 2008, 02:21:37 AM
Brain: can you tell me what bumble foot means..

Thats all he says  :peace:

Quite why Ron has a thing for bee's feet (assuming he does) I know don't.

The full quote is:  Brain:  "Its not a dream anymore it turned into a nightmare.  Can you tell me what bumblefoot means?" 

I saw that Merck flash too.  Weird.......

when he says that to a monkey,i dont think thats a joke

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: erose on February 25, 2008, 10:30:39 AM
I remeber there was a great video interview online with Brain and he talked about drumming, and what it was like with GNR, with his flaming GNR set behind him. After the interview they played a song by him and Buckethead :'(

Man, I miss Bucket.

You don't have a link for this?

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: ppbebe on February 25, 2008, 10:45:08 AM

The full quote is:  Brain:  "Its not a dream anymore it turned into a nightmare.  Can you tell me what bumblefoot means?" 

when he says that to a monkey,i dont think thats a joke

when it's not a joke, the answer is 'totter'.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: Mysteron on February 26, 2008, 04:56:37 PM
They may have 'jammed' (although I have no information/source to verify it one bit) but they have never shared a stage together.

You are right

Right before Bucket began playing with GN'R, they had met and spoke briefly about working together, having Ron sing on Bucket's music, but nothing ever surfaced

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: Voodoochild on February 26, 2008, 06:55:08 PM
Wow, that would be awesome, even tho Bumble should play guitar too. :)

This reminds me about a interview we did with him for my board about a year ago..:

9. Musically, what are the main differences between you and Buckethead?

About a foot in height.


Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: ben9785 on February 28, 2008, 08:52:02 PM
I received my copy of the DVD, so I'll post a full review in the near future.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: ppbebe on February 29, 2008, 11:45:11 AM
I received my copy of the DVD, so I'll post a full review in the near future.

plz do. thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: Voodoochild on February 29, 2008, 02:43:50 PM
Found this video on a orkut community:

Funny and kick ass. :D

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: GypsySoul on March 01, 2008, 07:06:49 PM
I received my copy of the DVD, so I'll post a full review in the near future.
Can I ask how much you paid for this dvd because the cheapest I saw it listed for was $30 which I think is ridiculously high for what appears from the trailer to be a spoof full of "inside" jokes.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: Atillla on March 01, 2008, 08:09:04 PM
Bumblefoot is in the band now and is a great fit.

That's just your opinion, don't talk like it is a fact. Many disagree totally on that... I mean MANY.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: gunns1 on March 01, 2008, 09:21:14 PM
Bumblefoot is in the band now and is a great fit.

That's just your opinion, don't talk like it is a fact. Many disagree totally on that... I mean MANY.

I suppose your a bucket fan who thinks hes a great fit in the band?
yes he was a talented guitarist but he looked so god dam out of place in gnr, bumble doesnt

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: Randy Jesus on March 01, 2008, 10:34:01 PM
Found this video on a orkut community:

Funny and kick ass. :D

Some day in the future, I would love to see Bumblefoot, Buckethead, and Brain work together on a track or two. Imagine what insane shit would come from that...

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: gunns1 on March 02, 2008, 06:07:05 AM
Found this video on a orkut community:

Funny and kick ass. :D

Some day in the future, I would love to see Bumblefoot, Buckethead, and Brain work together on a track or two. Imagine what insane shit would come from that...

man I never thought about that,

I think in a perfect world , could they actually put their differences aside , and once that happens,

I rekon they could create some of the best guitar music the world has ever seen,
but life being life , things we want dong usually happen..

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: CheapJon on March 02, 2008, 06:38:34 AM
Brain buys a crappy drumset:

not sure that's part of the new dvd, but it's awesome and funny IMO :hihi:

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: mrlee on March 02, 2008, 07:13:39 AM
oh well i think the guys in the band now are far better than the 2001/2 line up, they were horrid. Axls voice wasnt at its best then either.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: gunns1 on March 02, 2008, 08:09:52 AM
is this available in australia any time soon?


just watchin buckethead in that,
and he looks like a fuckin dancing corpse

that guy is a classic , He must have a few screws loose, but he has a cool dance goin on

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: ppbebe on March 02, 2008, 12:13:18 PM
Found this video on a orkut community:

Funny and kick ass. :D

Some day in the future, I would love to see Bumblefoot, Buckethead, and Brain work together on a track or two. Imagine what insane shit would come from that...

man I never thought about that,

I think in a perfect world , could they actually put their differences aside , and once that happens,

I rekon they could create some of the best guitar music the world has ever seen,
but life being life , things we want dong usually happen..

oi! don't make up a drama out of nothing.  read mysteron's post.
I don't see bad blood between bh and bbf or/the band. Or the band must hate josh freese, billy howerdel as well.

Bh is out on his free will and like axl said he contributed to gnr and Ron is in and he's contributing to the band.  I just hope some people quit their useless and annoying attacks on either guitarist.

If BH had looked so god dam out of place in gnr, what about axl and robin in 2002? they were all perfect fit then.
and again every one was perfect fit in 2006 and 2007. 
I expect another appearance change with the upcoming release.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: ben9785 on March 02, 2008, 10:32:21 PM
Yeah most of the videos linked on this page are part of the DVD I'm sure. I haven't watched it in full as yet though.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: lakersaregreat on March 03, 2008, 12:21:20 AM
brain is crazy talented. i hope he comes back. that is no disrespect to frank, but brain is in a class by himself.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: GypsySoul on March 08, 2008, 09:43:33 PM
My review.


It?s really a shame that this dvd is so overpriced ($30+) because it really was entertaining in a mostly silly-stupid-funny sorta way.  I?m sure there?s a lot of ?inside? jokes that were over my head but that many of you might understand because you?re more familiar with who or what they?re about.

If you?re looking for a clue from this dvd on whether or not Brain is still in GNR, you?re NOT gonna get it.  At one point in the main part (the part with the Bumblefoot mention), it sounds like Brain is implying that he quit (he never says what he quit.  There?s also a reference to ?quitting? on the dvd cover). BUT, in the ?extras,? Brain makes a few references to some of the guys in the band (Axl, Tommy, Richard) so I don?t think he would do that if he wasn?t still in the band or at least still friends with the guys.

Like I said, the main part of the dvd is mostly silly-stupid-funny but there was one track, #15. I?M THIRSTY AND SCARED, which is a Brain and Buckethead duet that is IMO awesome.  NOTE:  This is NOT the same duet as the one posted in the youtube.

Track #22 INTRODUCING AKI ON DRUMS, is exactly what it says ? Brain introducing his beautiful baby girl, Aki.

Some GNR mentions in the ?EXTRAS?:  In the track ?Brain?s Drums,? the first kit he shows off is his GNR kit.  He mentions that he used it at the MTV Video Awards and he says he used to have yellow lugs on the red kit but he changed it because it "was kinda too McDonalds for Axl."

Brain also has the GNR set list?s tempos written on one of the drum heads because of ?the adrenaline of the shows? that ?the bass player Tommy would always yell at me and tell me I would play stuff too fast? (they show the drum head and you can read most of what?s written ? Think About 152 .. Blues 85 .. Chinese 134 (139?) .. You Could Be Mine 148 .. Nightrain 150 .. Out Ta Get 138 .. Rocket 115 .. Brown 106 .. Jungle 128).

There's another "extra" called "Furniture shopping w/RichardFortus" but Richard is NOT in it and it has nothing to do with furniture shopping.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: grog mug on March 08, 2008, 09:50:21 PM
GREAT DVD review..I plan on buying this pretty soon.  Brain is lookin a lot different these days, and Bucket is still as good as ever..

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: mrbucketfoot on March 08, 2008, 11:38:40 PM
I miss Brain. I hope to see him in '08.  :-[

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: ppbebe on March 09, 2008, 03:04:06 PM
thanks gypsy for the review. I thought a dvd of drum lessons wouldn't be for a non drummer like me but after reading it, I'm so buying it!

Brain also has the GNR set list?s tempos written on one of the drum heads because of ?the adrenaline of the shows? that ?the bass player Tommy would always yell at me and tell me I would play stuff too fast? (they show the drum head and you can read most of what?s written ? Think About 152 .. Blues 85 .. Chinese 134 (139?) .. You Could Be Mine 148 .. Nightrain 150 .. Out Ta Get 138 .. Rocket 115 .. Brown 106 .. Jungle 128).

bumblefoot 230 :P

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: gunns1 on March 11, 2008, 08:48:48 AM
Found this video on a orkut community:

Funny and kick ass. :D

Some day in the future, I would love to see Bumblefoot, Buckethead, and Brain work together on a track or two. Imagine what insane shit would come from that...

man I never thought about that,

I think in a perfect world , could they actually put their differences aside , and once that happens,

I rekon they could create some of the best guitar music the world has ever seen,
but life being life , things we want dong usually happen..

oi! don't make up a drama out of nothing.  read mysteron's post.
I don't see bad blood between bh and bbf or/the band. Or the band must hate josh freese, billy howerdel as well.

Bh is out on his free will and like axl said he contributed to gnr and Ron is in and he's contributing to the band.  I just hope some people quit their useless and annoying attacks on either guitarist.
If BH had looked so god dam out of place in gnr, what about axl and robin in 2002? they were all perfect fit then.
and again every one was perfect fit in 2006 and 2007. 
I expect another appearance change with the upcoming release.

so you honestly think, that bumble will play and/or collaborate with buckethead in the future....

There is no bad blood between BH and BBF but as far as I can tell,
Bumble will want to be as loyal as possible to axl +everyone else whilst hes the newest in new gnr,
and as for brain, He was friends with bucket before he even met axl/in gnr, so its different
But im still wondering why brain hasnt been in gnr the past 12+ months, where he has been in other musical roles etc,

But I doubt the 2 would ever play together, look at them both, their as opposite in personalities as you could ever get,
it wouldnt work..... Bumble is a free, humble yet humerous character and is what you see, what you get kinda person,
and Bucket, well, hes a freak... can you picture then 2 in a studio doing music together?
I sure as hell cant

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: ppbebe on March 11, 2008, 11:54:47 AM
Was bh not a freak and bbf not a friendly guy like now when they talked of the collaboration having nothing to do with the band? I guess yes and I think a freak and a humble guy can work together.
besides, guitar manias that know of ron before he joined the band would say Ron is a freak guitarist.

about the future, Who knows. But that's not my point.

There is no indication of bad blood as far as anyone can tell and yet your previous post sounded as if there were differences they should settle before doing anything together.

In reality BH is basically mute and BBF has commended bh. So has Richard. Likewise,  Brain's commended Jose.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: gunns1 on March 11, 2008, 09:26:58 PM
what I basically ment was, In a perfect world, where bumble and bh could play together and put differences aside which Is gnr -contracts etc...
I mean, If Bumble went and played with Buckethead, I think that might course some uproar in the gnr band.. but
then again, I would love to see these 2 guirtarists jedis battling it out in the studio, it would be infuckinsane,
I just doubt very much that that would happen...

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: ppbebe on March 12, 2008, 11:25:53 AM
what I basically ment was, In a perfect world, where bumble and bh could play together and put differences aside which Is gnr -contracts etc...
I mean, If Bumble went and played with Buckethead, I think that might course some uproar in the gnr band.. but
then again, I would love to see these 2 guirtarists jedis battling it out in the studio, it would be infuckinsane,
I just doubt very much that that would happen...

aren't we sorta seeing it on the upcoming GNR albums?  ;D

You're assuming that GNR is stopping them but
BBF and BH thought of their collaboration that hasn't materialised for some reasons on which GNR has no bearing whatever.

It's not as if GNR members would be disciplined for what to do with their spear time Or GNR got to hate whoever out. No.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: grog mug on March 15, 2008, 01:51:18 AM
Every clip I watch makes me want to buy this more and more...damn I miss Brain and especially BUCKETHEAD!!!

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: Rocket Killer on March 15, 2008, 02:25:15 AM

this video made my day :rofl:

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: fuckin crazy on March 15, 2008, 03:28:18 AM
But im still wondering why brain hasnt been in gnr the past 12+ months, where he has been in other musical roles etc,

He pretty much laid every track(minus, perhaps two) on Serj Tankians latest album.

Title: Re: Brain releases new DVD drum lesson, mentions Bumblefoot
Post by: ppbebe on March 15, 2008, 02:52:52 PM
But im still wondering why brain hasnt been in gnr the past 12+ months, where he has been in other musical roles etc,

He pretty much laid every track(minus, perhaps two) on Serj Tankians latest album.

And yet he didn't tour with serj.

This should lead to the most reasonable conclusion that he hadn't been available for a tour then.  :yes: