Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: dolphin on January 04, 2008, 09:22:51 AM

Title: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: dolphin on January 04, 2008, 09:22:51 AM
Spears gives up kids after standoff
Singer leaves in ambulance after police attend hours-long custodial dispute
The Associated Press
updated 8:55 a.m. ET, Fri., Jan. 4, 2008

LOS ANGELES - The troubled life of Britney Spears added a new chapter when the intoxicated pop star was whisked away in an ambulance after police were called to her house to help end a nearly three-hour custody standoff involving her young sons.

The 26-year-old pop star was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Entertainment Tonight reported on its Web site Friday. Cedars spokeswoman Simi Singer said she could neither confirm nor deny the report, citing patient confidentiality laws.

Officer Jason Lee of the Los Angeles Police Department told City News Service that Spears appeared to be under the influence of an unknown substance. He declined to elaborate. No injuries were reported.

Spears was conscious late Thursday when paramedics took her out of her home in a gurney. Several police cars escorted the ambulance out of the neighborhood, followed by dozens of paparazzi.

Officers were called to Spears? house around 8 p.m. to respond to the custody dispute with ex-husband Kevin Federline over their sons, 2-year-old Sean Preston and 1-year-old Jayden James, Lee said.

By about 10:30 p.m., six police cars, two ambulances and a fire truck had entered the gated-community that includes Spears? house. Several police cars were seen in the area earlier in the night.

Spears turned over the children around 10:50 p.m., Lee said.

Calls to the Police Department?s media line early Friday were not answered.

Spears and Federline have been involved in a long and very public custody battle. Federline has temporary custody of the children because Spears, who has limited visitation rights, has defied court orders. The two were married in October 2004 and divorced in July.

Spears has appeared increasingly out of control during the past year. She has been photographed without underwear and appeared to be drunk and out-of-control. She shaved her head, beat a car with an umbrella and spent a month in rehab and has had a handful of fender benders, including one in which she ran over a photographer?s foot.

Earlier Thursday, Spears appeared for a deposition in her custody dispute.

Spears was deposed for just 14 minutes, Federline attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan told reporters after Spears left.

Spears called in sick for a Dec. 12 court-ordered deposition, but was photographed that day driving with a friend. She also didn?t show up for a session Wednesday, Kaplan said.

Spears? attorneys from the firm Trope and Trope on Wednesday filed a court motion asking to be relieved due to a ?breakdown? in communication with their client.

Kaplan said Spears? attorneys were present for what became a very abbreviated session, which had been scheduled to last two hours.

?You can imagine in 14 minutes there?s not a lot of time to develop questions,? he said.

Kaplan said another deposition would be scheduled.
? 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.



Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Bill 213 on January 04, 2008, 12:07:58 PM
As much as I don't really give one shit about her and her dumbass fall into obscurity, they really really really need to help her and get her out of LA for one, or she's going to end up killing herself.  That's the only way I see this panning out right now.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Jaci_Roxx on January 04, 2008, 12:48:28 PM
I just feel sorry for her kids.  1 and 2 year olds are able to feel and understand things that happen around them. But not enough to understand why their mommy is acting so strange. Maybe mommy doesn't even know that herself... she should find it out before it's too late :no:

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: gilld1 on January 04, 2008, 12:57:56 PM
Too bad she left in an ambulance and not a hearse.

Who would have ever thought that KFed was the level headed one?

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: DarkFairy on January 04, 2008, 01:04:13 PM
Too bad she left in an ambulance and not a hearse.

Who would have ever thought that KFed was the level headed one?

Well aren't you special. What did she ever do to you, for you to wish death on someone?

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: crazycheryl on January 04, 2008, 02:33:29 PM
The girl is definitely whacked. She does need help but must be willing to except it. It seems people have tried to get her help but she is so stubborn insisting she doesn't have any problems and doesn't need anything. So, I guess she has to fall further to get the help she needs. Hopefully, this will be rock bottom for her...

I don't feel sorry for her because after so many people tell you to get help, as an adult, it's your own responsibility to think maybe they are right if all these people are saying something and I should get help. Even do it on your own terms but get help.

Also, the thing that pissed me about this story is the fact that the kids are freakin up at 10 or 11 at night and probably didn't go to sleep until like 1 or 2 in the morning with all that was going on. And the little one was taken to the hospital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why? They said no one was harmed but why did they take the little boy - did they notice signs of abuse? Do they think he was given whatever drug she was on? Could he have ingested it accidentally and she was afraid to send the kid back because he was high. Did she lock herself and the little one in the room because he was high and she was scared something would happen to him instead of taking him to the hospital to have his system pumped?

I think she has finally dug her grave with the legal system and this is going to be a bigger story then what we are getting right now.

And supposedly the court appointed monitor called the cops. Well, if the cops could tell she was on something, why couldn't this stupid monitor? Aren't they trained to watch for signs of drug use and report it? She has to have seen Britany messed up around her kids before. Someone is not doing their job here and I blame the damn courts just as much because no regular person would be allowed to do the bullshit she has done. No regular person. The court would have taken away the kids a long time ago if this was just a regular person.

I'm a parent and that's why it this story pisses me off. Too young to have kids and goes and decides it should be fun. Well, it ain't no picnic honey and you better be ready to take on the biggest job of your life. The biggest!

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Bandita on January 04, 2008, 02:40:46 PM
This is just really sad at this point.  How many years of therapy are these kids going to need after this???????

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: fuckin crazy on January 04, 2008, 02:44:36 PM
 A lot people come from disfuctional families and end up just fine. I hope for her kids.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Bandita on January 04, 2008, 02:49:15 PM
A lot people come from disfuctional families and end up just fine. I hope for her kids.

Yea but most of them don't have the parents antics blasted all over the news.  They aren't old enough to get it now but some day they will be.  I hope she gets herself together before then.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Jaci_Roxx on January 04, 2008, 04:07:54 PM
Too young to have kids and goes and decides it should be fun.

Well I disagree with you on that one. She's not too young to have kids, just too irresponsible to maybe EVER have kids! I know a girl who's way more responsible and mature than her and she gave birth to their first baby when she was under 18.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 04, 2008, 05:10:11 PM
Too young to have kids and goes and decides it should be fun.

Well I disagree with you on that one. She's not too young to have kids, just too irresponsible to maybe EVER have kids! I know a girl who's way more responsible and mature than her and she gave birth to their first baby when she was under 18.

...sorry, ya lost me there.  Having a baby under 18 and "responsible and mature" seems pretty oxymoronic to me...just sayin'.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: norway on January 04, 2008, 07:24:44 PM

Belive all you read, the media never lies or blow things out of proportion you self rightegous bastards :P

I don't care much about Britney, but I do know certain "journalism" when I see it...and the people who belives blindly in the media :no:

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 04, 2008, 08:10:35 PM
^ so ya think she's a good mom?  ???

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on January 04, 2008, 08:14:02 PM
I feel bad that one day, her kids are going to go on Google and type in their mom's name.

That's gonna be a bummer.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on January 04, 2008, 08:18:39 PM


Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: norway on January 04, 2008, 10:29:10 PM
^ so ya think she's a good mom?? ???
I have no idea so why the fuck should I comment on that and it's not even my buisness...
The media wan't to give me an impression she isn't, right? :P

Idealy, a lot of people shouldn't have kids...those who belive blindly and are shortminded are among those. :hihi:

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: fuckin crazy on January 05, 2008, 02:04:32 AM
Humans have evolved a mechanism for reproduction in the early teen years for a reason. It is society that has determined that it is inappropriate.

Until relatively recently, people were married and having families in their teens.

EDIT: I think I heard on the news tonight that she has lost all visitation.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Jessica on January 05, 2008, 06:49:22 AM
For people saying she was onto something, the hospital ran checks for almost everything and she had NOTHING in her blood.

She is just having a breakdown, some can be very long, i mean, put yourself in her shoes :

She freaks out like many on hollywood ( although, many don't know what she lives because the razzzis and the medias were not as it is today when they still interested the press) because she is always pursued, she ran against all odds and married KFED and had two babies in a row.
KFED obviously used her, she lost all the good people around her in the proccess, friends included, and was left abandonned by herhusband with one baby and a toddler.

She was probably washed out tired due to two pregnancies in a row, depressed over her marriage fall out, even more depressed to be alone and alone with two small kids ( yes, the first two years of motherhood are known to be the worst and most isolating in a woman's life), depressed to be overweight when her whole career was image based, depressed to be laughed at, depressed everyone had been right about KFED, ect ect.

And then, he goes onto taking from her the only thing that was still human in her life :

Her kids.

PS : You have no idea how many mothers, even the ones who scream how blooming fantastic they are, are actually witches during their childrens early years.
No one knows, because mothers are usually alone with kids within the homes.
But most mothers are not under any form of scrutiny, so no one will ever know and the kids will not remember either.

PSS : what britney needs is to be totally cut off from SillyWood, from people who mean her harm ( almost everyone in her actual life), she needs to go back to basics, how to read and write, she needs to read a lot, get some proper schooling to become an interesting person for what she KNOWS and who she IS, rather than what she projects.
She needs to be confident and to achieve this, she needs to become a young woman with knowledge rather than shaking her ass and sing teenie's lullabies.
She needs to understand a lot and her upbringing didn't allow it because her own parents were undereducated.
She has to feel confident, and i firmly believe she will be confident about herself once she feels she has more than just her body.
So she HAS to devellop her brain and she is still young enough to do it.

But she needs the proper people around her, like one will say not if she says " you're fired" one who will reply " i'm not, just shut it and do your homework!!".

She needs a form of parental guidance, a life coach if you prefer, someone who will stand up to her, lock her up, and act as an adult for someone who is stuck in adolescence. Someone who will tell her she won't go out unless she did her homework, someone who will tell her that she can't go out dressed like a street prostitute, someone who will tell her that she will have no TV or Ciggies if she brings unwanted or uninvited friends over, ect ect...

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Jessica on January 05, 2008, 06:55:50 AM

she did not want to hand the kids over because one arrived at her home BRUISED.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 05, 2008, 09:21:01 AM
For people saying she was onto something, the hospital ran checks for almost everything and she had NOTHING in her blood.

She is just having a breakdown, some can be very long, i mean, put yourself in her shoes :

She freaks out like many on hollywood ( although, many don't know what she lives because the razzzis and the medias were not as it is today when they still interested the press) because she is always pursued, she ran against all odds and married KFED and had two babies in a row.
KFED obviously used her, she lost all the good people around her in the proccess, friends included, and was left abandonned by herhusband with one baby and a toddler.

She chose to be inseminated.

She was probably washed out tired due to two pregnancies in a row, depressed over her marriage fall out, even more depressed to be alone and alone with two small kids ( yes, the first two years of motherhood are known to be the worst and most isolating in a woman's life), depressed to be overweight when her whole career was image based, depressed to be laughed at, depressed everyone had been right about KFED, ect ect.

on a tv it may have looked like "overweight," but honestly, she wasn't overweight in my eyes.  Overweight for her ridiculous slut-gear, but as a normal chick wearing jeans she wouldn't be bad.  She has incredibly poor judgement and low intelligence.  It's not a good combination.  :no:

And then, he goes onto taking from her the only thing that was still human in her life :

Unfit mothers have a tendency to have their children taken away.  In the United States, if you are the mother, and you lose custody, and now visiting are one fucked up unfit mother.  The system is biased in favor of the mother, which on average may be a good thing because there usually is a special motherly bond...but in this case, Britney should not be viewed as the victim.  Her children are victims with her in their life.

Her kids.

PS : You have no idea how many mothers, even the ones who scream how blooming fantastic they are, are actually witches during their childrens early years.

Ones who scream period usually aren't very good.  ;)  Those who actually have time to "brag" about their parenting usually aren't very good either.  Also, eventually it comes out.  Children are sponges.  Abuse and/or neglect along with environments without consistent and loving boundaries, and no routines make for less than ideal kids, which makes for less than ideal adults prone to the same fucked up behavior as Miss Douchebag Spears.

No one knows, because mothers are usually alone with kids within the homes.
But most mothers are not under any form of scrutiny, so no one will ever know and the kids will not remember either.

PSS : what britney needs is to be totally cut off from SillyWood, from people who mean her harm ( almost everyone in her actual life),

I'll agree with that...but she does need somebody with her 24/7 or she will pull a Kurt Cobain.  No shotgun, but pills a plenty.  :(
she needs to go back to basics, how to read and write, she needs to read a lot, get some proper schooling to become an interesting person for what she KNOWS and who she IS, rather than what she projects.

She needed that, oh, maybe as a child and teenager instead of selling hot lookin ass in the music business?

She needs to be confident and to achieve this, she needs to become a young woman with knowledge rather than shaking her ass and sing teenie's lullabies.

it's tough teaching an old dog new tricks.

She needs to understand a lot and her upbringing didn't allow it because her own parents were undereducated.
She has to feel confident, and i firmly believe she will be confident about herself once she feels she has more than just her body.
So she HAS to devellop her brain and she is still young enough to do it.

But she needs the proper people around her, like one will say not if she says " you're fired" one who will reply " i'm not, just shut it and do your homework!!".

She needs a form of parental guidance, a life coach if you prefer, someone who will stand up to her, lock her up, and act as an adult for someone who is stuck in adolescence. Someone who will tell her she won't go out unless she did her homework, someone who will tell her that she can't go out dressed like a street prostitute, someone who will tell her that she will have no TV or Ciggies if she brings unwanted or uninvited friends over, ect ect...

The last 3 paragraphs are true...but it isn't going to happen.  She'll slowly piss away all her money, do an occasional show or interview for cash, and continue to be the unfit mother she has proven herself to be unfortunately.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: LeftToDecay on January 05, 2008, 10:53:26 PM

...sorry, ya lost me there.  Having a baby under 18 and "responsible and mature" seems pretty oxymoronic to me...just sayin'.

Sometimes accidents and fuck (pun! pun!) ups happen, regardless of how "responsible and mature" you are by default.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 05, 2008, 11:56:24 PM
Sorry, I respectfully disagree with you.  Ya see, I have a penis.  I know that when it's erect, and I am in the presence of a vagina, I can make a baby. 

Responsible and mature people don't let it get to that point.  Sperm and eggs are like nuclear warheads.  There can be no fuck ups.  Unfortunately, everybody out there isn't responsible and mature.   :( 

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Jessica on January 06, 2008, 06:27:01 AM
Sorry, I respectfully disagree with you.? Ya see, I have a penis.? I know that when it's erect, and I am in the presence of a vagina, I can make a baby.?

Responsible and mature people don't let it get to that point.? Sperm and eggs are like nuclear warheads.? There can be no fuck ups.? Unfortunately, everybody out there isn't responsible and mature.? ?:(?

Babes, there CAN be fuck ups, i fell pregnant of gaby when i was on the pill. i was not sick, was not on antibiotics, and did not forget to take it or take it with delay.

And condoms are not safer should they have a tiny hole eyes can't see.

Although i would have prefered if gabriel had come 6 months to 1 year later, i'm glad he's there now.

Offside, but just to illustrate that life works its own way sometimes.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 06, 2008, 09:23:40 AM
Jessica, don't take it personally, but the birth control pill when taken correctly, (which means consistently, which means the same time of day every day, which means doing the same even with the placebo sugar pills that are taken for the 6 or 7 days of the cycle to allow for your period) is 99.99% effective in preventing pregnancy.  I like those odds.  Funnily enough, in real-world studies it's about 96% effective...makes ya wonder if those folks are taking it properly 100% of the time.  ;)

Did I mention that ejaculation in the vagina is something to be avoided even when the female is on the pill? 

I'm sorry.  I'll say it again, responsible and mature people don't have unintended may say "an otherwise responsible and mature person" had an unintended pregnancy, but the act was in no way a responsible act performed by a mature person.  :peace:

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Skeba on January 06, 2008, 10:06:19 AM
Actually, according to a book "Hatcher, Robert A. (ed.): Contraceptive Technology, 18th rev. ed.", the perfect use pregnancyrate of the pill is 0,3%. This would mean that even when taken corretly, 1 in evert 350 or so do get pregnant.. and this is per year. The figure is a lot bigger than the 1 in every 10000. (wikipedia uses this as its source, so who knows)

I know there are a lot of studies, but I wouldn't be so quick to say that if you're only mature, and responsible, it's impossible to get pregnant.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: fuckin crazy on January 06, 2008, 01:14:37 PM
 Probably half the people on this planet were "accidents". I can only think of a couple of couples that were trying to conceive when the wife became pregnant.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Albert S Miller on January 06, 2008, 01:26:45 PM
This is just really sad at this point.? How many years of therapy are these kids going to need after this???????
Hopefully they are little enough still, it is possible they might have no memory of it later on.  In all truthfullness there isn't much I can remember about being 1 and 2, but then again that is me and I wasn't living in the same situation as a child.  I dunno like her or not I pray she accepts some serious help and meanwhile I myself will keep praying for her and her babies.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Bandita on January 06, 2008, 01:56:40 PM
This is just really sad at this point.? How many years of therapy are these kids going to need after this???????
Hopefully they are little enough still, it is possible they might have no memory of it later on.? In all truthfullness there isn't much I can remember about being 1 and 2, but then again that is me and I wasn't living in the same situation as a child.? I dunno like her or not I pray she accepts some serious help and meanwhile I myself will keep praying for her and her babies.

They are that young now but they won't be that young forever.  In a few years they will be able to process even at a young age that Mommy and Daddy just aren't quite right.  Not to mention the substance abuse and the fighting, you think that doesn't take a toll even on a small child? 

I also have to agree with Axl4Prez, being on the pill is no excuse to be careless.  If you don't want to conceive (or get STDS!) a condom should also be used!  No contraceptive is foolproof hence why you should always be extra careful.  Especially nowadays!

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Albert S Miller on January 06, 2008, 02:41:51 PM
This is just really sad at this point.? How many years of therapy are these kids going to need after this???????
Hopefully they are little enough still, it is possible they might have no memory of it later on.? In all truthfullness there isn't much I can remember about being 1 and 2, but then again that is me and I wasn't living in the same situation as a child.? I dunno like her or not I pray she accepts some serious help and meanwhile I myself will keep praying for her and her babies.

They are that young now but they won't be that young forever.? In a few years they will be able to process even at a young age that Mommy and Daddy just aren't quite right.? Not to mention the substance abuse and the fighting, you think that doesn't take a toll even on a small child??

I also have to agree with Axl4Prez, being on the pill is no excuse to be careless.? If you don't want to conceive (or get STDS!) a condom should also be used!? No contraceptive is foolproof hence why you should always be extra careful.? Especially nowadays!
I totally agree, like I mentioned above I didn't live in the same situation.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 06, 2008, 03:51:46 PM
This is just really sad at this point.? How many years of therapy are these kids going to need after this???????
Hopefully they are little enough still, it is possible they might have no memory of it later on.? In all truthfullness there isn't much I can remember about being 1 and 2, but then again that is me and I wasn't living in the same situation as a child.? I dunno like her or not I pray she accepts some serious help and meanwhile I myself will keep praying for her and her babies.

They are that young now but they won't be that young forever.? In a few years they will be able to process even at a young age that Mommy and Daddy just aren't quite right.? Not to mention the substance abuse and the fighting, you think that doesn't take a toll even on a small child??

I also have to agree with Axl4Prez, being on the pill is no excuse to be careless.? If you don't want to conceive (or get STDS!) a condom should also be used!? No contraceptive is foolproof hence why you should always be extra careful.? Especially nowadays!

Thank you Bandita!  Damn, I don't know how chicks do it.  Who the hell knows where that things been?   :hihi:

Now I'm just waiting for someone to say, "well, ya know, the pill and a condom combined aren't fool-proof."

F'in Crazy also said probably half the people on this planet are "accidents."  I'd say it's probably more.  I guess that tells ya how many responsible and mature people we have in this world.  Face it, a lot of folks just don't think things through. 

Britney's kids?  Scarred isn't the word.  Children are impacted by their environment from the first day they enter the world. :(

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: norway on January 06, 2008, 09:10:32 PM
I myself will keep praying for her and her babies.
How nice of you, I betcha Britney really appreciate it... :hihi:
Face it, a lot of folks just don't think things through.?
You got that right, you don't have to think in this matter for example...can always trust the press ::)

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 06, 2008, 10:25:18 PM
Norway, wtf???  I'm not using "the press" to get info. on Ms. Spears.  There are fucking court records, interview she's conducted, and her fucking presence at clubs at all hours!  Aww, am I being too harsh on that piece of shit mother in your eyes?  You really think she's a great mom who's just misunderstood?  Gimme a fuckin' break.  ::)

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Albert S Miller on January 06, 2008, 10:56:24 PM
I myself will keep praying for her and her babies.
How nice of you, I betcha Britney really appreciate it... :hihi:
Face it, a lot of folks just don't think things through.?
You got that right, you don't have to think in this matter for example...can always trust the press ::)
Well Norway Britty isn't in a position to appreciate anything or anyone including herself  at this time, and people like you who make such immature remarks don't even deserve to be heard, so when it comes to something I have to say, please don't waste your breath.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: D on January 06, 2008, 11:10:09 PM
Wasn't it reported that her system was clean?

I think Britney is melting under her fame and I don't think anyone here could relate to how crazy it must be to have every single thing u do documented and to constantly have people piling on you when you are going through a difficult time.

I support her and like her, I can't comment on her parenting skills because Im not around her everyday, u just hear what the press want u to hear.

I don't understand how when the press say something about Axl its bullshit but when they say something about someone like Britney, people take it as 100 percent fact.

I know how hard it is to have your kid yanked away from u and it is one of the most brutal, heartbreaking things that can happen. When you are going through a breakdown, its easy for people to say "Get it together" but people who have been through extraordinarily difficult times know thats not as easy as it seems.

I hope she comes through Ok and is able to get on with her life.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Bandita on January 07, 2008, 12:27:43 AM

I think Britney is melting under her fame and I don't think anyone here could relate to how crazy it must be to have every single thing u do documented and to constantly have people piling on you when you are going through a difficult time.

I would otherwise agree with this but it's been reported many times that she has called the paparazzi on herself to report her whereabouts and what she is doing.  You can't really have much sympathy for someone who would do that.  She isn't putting her kids 1st because if she was she would care more about fixing herself to be a fit parent.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: D on January 07, 2008, 12:45:23 AM
sometimes I think having kids is a crap shoot.

Sometimes, kids who come from horrible upbringings and shitty circumstances become great people.

Some kids who have the greatest parents in the universe, great enviroment this and that etc turn out to be serial killers

maybe not serial killers but u get my point.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: tim_m on January 07, 2008, 01:08:57 AM
sometimes I think having kids is a crap shoot.

Sometimes, kids who come from horrible upbringings and shitty circumstances become great people.

Some kids who have the greatest parents in the universe, great enviroment this and that etc turn out to be serial killers

maybe not serial killers but u get my point.

Gotta mostly agree with you on this one. Me and my sister were raised exactly the same way and are completey different. I'm the responsible mature one. She is just a completely horrible person.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: fuckin crazy on January 07, 2008, 04:43:21 AM
I think a lot of her problems go back to her education, or rather, lack there of. She was shipped off to be a child star after primary school. I think I remember hearing somewhere that her and Justin would blow off their tutors.

She is a dumb as a rock; I wonder if the some description is befitting of Justin.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: norway on January 07, 2008, 07:07:50 AM
You really think she's a great mom who's just misunderstood?? Gimme a fuckin' break.? ::)
No, I said I have no idea so I won't waste my time to comment. That and being negative is not my style :P
D put it out all fine.

I am more concerned when hostile, prejudgemental sheeplings get children TBH...which makes us dependant on good leaders, not good people.
please don't waste your breath.
Yeah, why do I bother wasting my time with people throwing insults around like you ::)
but when they say something about someone like Britney, people take it as 100 percent fact.
"We are the angry mob, we read the papers everday" heard that tune? :hihi:

No, don't get me wrong.
I am all for promoting the responsebillety needed for children, but not at the expense of others.

And the "she needs professional help" type of comments...I shouldn't have to explain it. I know it's not ment as helpful, constructive tips.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 07, 2008, 05:48:05 PM
sometimes I think having kids is a crap shoot.

Sometimes, kids who come from horrible upbringings and shitty circumstances become great people.

Some kids who have the greatest parents in the universe, great enviroment this and that etc turn out to be serial killers

maybe not serial killers but u get my point.

1st off, Bandita's nailing these issues right on the head.  I agree 100%.   :beer:

2nd, D.  I guess you could call it a "crapshoot," but here's the kicker.  You as a parent can manipulate the odds.  You are basically the dirty casino owner.  You can load the dice.  The argument you make is akin to those who tell ya about George Burns living to 100 smoking cigars 12 hours a day since he was 8 years old, and then telling you "getting lung cancer is a crapshoot."  "Sometimes you get it, sometimes you don't."  I think we both know that's a b.s. argument.

There are ways you can boost your odds of raising a good kid and having them become good adults.  Let's just say the reason I call Britney a bad parent is because she does things that decrease the odds of her kids turning out well-adjusted.
Good mothers with little ones at home don't party to all hours of the night and call the same paparazzi she blames for her problems to give her location. 

Also, D, make sure you aren't confusing "good parents" with families that have material possessions, big house, nice cars, etc.  Good parents come from all walks of life.  I'm sure you know that.  I think there are some people out there who don't.  Often, children of privilege are spoiled.  The parents work so damn much they feel guilty and slack on limits.  (some don't feel guilty and just aren't parental material...they have kids and they have no patience or ability to connect with kids...they have kids because it's expected, and that's a shame.)


Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Bandita on January 07, 2008, 07:02:09 PM
I think a lot of her problems go back to her education, or rather, lack there of. She was shipped off to be a child star after primary school. I think I remember hearing somewhere that her and Justin would blow off their tutors.

She is a dumb as a rock; I wonder if the some description is befitting of Justin.

At the very least, Justin seems to have his shit together.  You don't hear the same kinds of things about him.  His career is well and he isn't in court and rehab nonstop.

Britney may be stupid but there have to be some people in her life that can at least TRY to steer her in the right direction. 

As always, I agree with all points by Axl4Prez.  How kids turn out may indeed be somewhat of a crapshoot but it certainly doesn't hurt to try to put the odds in their favor and that has NOTHING to do with money. :peace:

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: D on January 07, 2008, 08:31:45 PM
Yeah, I do agree with that Axl4prez, sometimes what appears to be good on the outside, is anything but on the inside.

I do think Dr Phil is a piece of shit though.

Britney's mom asks him to come and HELP her so what does he do?

Holds a fuckin press conference and is gonna have a TV show dedicated to it tomorrow.

Thats bullshit and pretty low class in my opinion.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 07, 2008, 10:08:05 PM
D, not that I think Phil is the greatest guy in the world (his show lately has gotten more and more Maury Povich-like) but I thought I heard he was canceling that show.  I don't know the details.

btw, thanks for the props folks.  :)

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: fuckin crazy on January 07, 2008, 10:20:57 PM
^That still doesn't change the fact that he is the penultimate media whore; of course Brit takes top honors.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Bandita on January 08, 2008, 12:13:40 AM
It's gonna take a lot more than Dr. Phil to help this mess. 

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: LeftToDecay on January 08, 2008, 03:16:39 AM
Responsible and mature people do not make mistakes

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: JMack on January 08, 2008, 10:22:05 AM
? ? ?For her kids sake I hope she gets better.? It pains me to write this but, I have to give K-Fed accolades for trying to keep reporters and photographers away from his kids and that he is active in trying to get his ex-wife some help.? Idiot or not he is stepping up instead of running away.? The Spears parenting skills are the opposite of how to raise children.? They, especially the mother is a big media whore who lives her life through her kids.? Brittney has had mental issues for some time now and they did little before the last 9 months to help get her help.? Jamie Lynn the 16 yr old pregnant daughter used to sleep regularly with her boyfriend in her own mother and fathers home.? What did they think would eventually happen?? They really don't see it as a problem that their kids are seen in bad light or in distress.? They don't know any better, they need people to advise them that this isn't good before they take action.? This is what one of the ex-family lawyers has said.??? I don't know?? It's a bad scene all around.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: Bandita on January 08, 2008, 12:52:18 PM
They really don't see it as a problem that their kids are seen in bad light or in distress.? They don't know any better, they need people to advise them that this isn't good before they take action.? This is what one of the ex-family lawyers has said.??? I don't know?? It's a bad scene all around.

The mother doesn't care because she sees $$$$ instead of seeing her kids severely suffering.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: JMack on January 09, 2008, 10:45:25 AM
They really don't see it as a problem that their kids are seen in bad light or in distress.? They don't know any better, they need people to advise them that this isn't good before they take action.? This is what one of the ex-family lawyers has said.??? I don't know?? It's a bad scene all around.

The mother doesn't care because she sees $$$$ instead of seeing her kids severely suffering.
Your absolutely right and it's sad.? They live through their kids to get famous and rich off them.? I always thought it was the parents job to give their kids the best opportunity to do better.?

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: D on January 09, 2008, 01:55:34 PM
Lets just hope Britney doesn't start having sleepovers with 12 year old girls.

Title: Re: Brittney Spears gives up kids after standoff
Post by: JMack on January 09, 2008, 02:23:31 PM
Handing out surgical masks and all that?  Hey at least he's a fuctioning emotional wreck.  He may function a tad with a young lad but he is functioning.