Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Jaci_Roxx on December 15, 2007, 09:34:46 AM

Title: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Jaci_Roxx on December 15, 2007, 09:34:46 AM
Any AD(H)D's out there? Diagnosed or not (yet) diagnosed?

I'm mostly ADD but I have periods of Hyperactivity, so at first they thought I was bipolar. I was also seriously depressed for 2 years. I'm 25 now and most doctors told me it was a childrens' problem and adults couldn't be diagnosed... well I went to a specialist and proved them wrong.  :P ::)
I've had it since I was a kid, but they thought I was just quiet and shy. It changed when I was a teenager, I ended up being loud, hyperactive and all kinds of stuff.
I've been to about 6 different schools, high schools not included (at the moment I'm studying to become practical nurse), I've had more than 10 jobs in 5 years... I cannot concentrate on anything unless it's REALLY interesting, like music. :P
I don't take any adhd medication, only a small daily dose of benzodiatsepines that help me calm down a bit if I'm hyperactive or aggressive.  ;)

Your turn.  :smoking:

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Bandita on December 15, 2007, 04:14:07 PM
My ex had it that I lived with for 3.5 years.  Absolutely true that it can carry into and be diagnosed in adulthood.  Sadly for him he was not medicated either but chose to medicate himself with alcohol and other drugs, eventually getting himself arrested and doing some serious time. 

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 15, 2007, 04:50:32 PM
^ yikes, that's some scary shit. 

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Bandita on December 15, 2007, 05:02:01 PM
^ yikes, that's some scary shit.?

It really was at the time.  After 3.5 years I finally realized that I was just making myself crazy over it and I had to leave.  This was a long time ago though, 10 years or so since I left.  It's funny though because still after all this time about once a year he will contact me and tell me he appreciates how much I tried to help him.  He is still in no better shape than he was then.


On the other hand I have another friend who has ADHD.  We became friends when we were about 15 or so.  He had a lot of issues with school and was on and off meds for a million years.  Now he actually is a teacher.  So it doesn't always turn out like my ex did. 

I don't think having it should be a stigma. 

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 15, 2007, 05:58:01 PM
I grew up being watched by a neighbor after school and in the summer seeing as how my mom was a single mom who had to work to scrape by.  My neighbor was a foster mom with a biological son who was my older bro's age and 2 other sons and 1 daughter all 3 of which had severe ADHD and learning difficulties.  To sum it up, there was never a dull moment.

I always felt like a narrator growing up being surrounded by craziness.  Did I mention the foster mom was getting beaten by an alcoholic cop husband?  I never knew this growing up.  I mean, I always saw the cases upon cases of Schmidt's beer, but I was too young to put 2 and 2 together, and I never saw the abuse so hence I never knew. 

People think Jerry Springer stuff isn't real.  Oh, it is.  Trust me.

Anyway, I felt like I had a healthy respect for the power of Ritalin.  Off their meds, these kids were...I can't even give it words. 

What's the cause?  For these kids I know for a fact they went through hell and back before they were even a year old.  I know the oldest of the adopted foster kids was almost beaten to death, fractured skull, etc. as an infant.  The Tom Cruises of the world who think no meds. are needed are just clueless.  Do I think meds are over-prescribed?  Yes.  But...those who need them, neeeeeed them.

Me personally, I'd probably be considered hyperactive.  The attention deficit thing never hit me...unless you count staring at chicks' bodies from 8th grade on!  :hihi:  Back in 1 st grade I remember being masking taped to my chair by my teacher because I kept getting up for one thing or another.  Nowadays that would probably make headlines along with a million $ lawsuit!
 :hihi:  The teacher called me Tigger.  A black horn-rimmed glasses wearin' Tigger. 

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Butch Français on December 15, 2007, 06:18:06 PM
nope, but I can't concentrate either unless it's really interesting!...seriously, why bother if it's not?

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Jaci_Roxx on December 16, 2007, 12:14:01 PM
The Tom Cruises of the world who think no meds. are needed are just clueless.? Do I think meds are over-prescribed?? Yes.? But...those who need them, neeeeeed them.

I think SOME meds are too easily prescribed, for example SSRI and other anti-depressants. Doctors seems to think depression goes away if you just eat enough drugs. Sometimes it does, sometimes it don't. IMO you need to find out what causes your depression (or your other symptoms) before you can get rid of it.
I was depressed because I couldn't get anything done and I felt like I wasn't good at anything. My home was a mess, school was a mess, I was a mess... and anti-depressants just made me sleep all day long or become REALLY aggressive. I tried about 8 different SSRI/SNRIs before I went on benzodiatsepines. 
Since I found out I have adhd things have been a lot better actually!  :) Now I realize WHY I am the way I am, and why I was depressed. My life is still a mess but at least I know why it is, and that I'm not a bad person because of it. 

Meds can be either really good or really bad for you I guess...  :confused:

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Bandita on December 16, 2007, 12:27:57 PM
I tried about 8 different SSRI/SNRIs before I went on benzodiatsepines. 

You do understand that you aren't supposed to stay on those for long periods of time though?  You will get a tolerance and need higher dosages and then become addicted. 

This article has some info on it:

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on December 16, 2007, 12:43:02 PM
fake rich countries conditions.

cannot stand all these stuff.
"Your kid is dumb he doesnt have add, he is dumb."

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Bandita on December 16, 2007, 02:07:11 PM
fake rich countries conditions.

cannot stand all these stuff.
"Your kid is dumb he doesnt have add, he is dumb."

What is your problem??????  Anyone who has a clue about ADD knows that it has NOTHING to do with intellect level. 

I am NOT saying that some conditions are not over-diagnosed but who are you to say what is real and what isn't a real condition?  Or to call people stupid for claiming to have it??????????

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: jarmo on December 16, 2007, 02:16:07 PM
fake rich countries conditions.

cannot stand all these stuff.
"Your kid is dumb he doesnt have add, he is dumb."

What is your problem??????  Anyone who has a clue about ADD knows that it has NOTHING to do with intellect level. 

I am NOT saying that some conditions are not over-diagnosed but who are you to say what is real and what isn't a real condition?  Or to call people stupid for claiming to have it??????????

He's French.

Unfortunately there's no cure for that condition.  :hihi:


Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: tbizzle on December 16, 2007, 02:30:38 PM
I was diagnosed with it when I was like ten. So was my brother.  I was one meds for a few years, but I don't think it made much of difference, I was just a bad kid.

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Jaci_Roxx on December 16, 2007, 03:10:39 PM
I tried about 8 different SSRI/SNRIs before I went on benzodiatsepines.?

You do understand that you aren't supposed to stay on those for long periods of time though?? You will get a tolerance and need higher dosages and then become addicted.?

This article has some info on it:

Yeah, but mine have a long half-life, meaning that the effect lasts all day long, so you don't get the "ups and downs" that you'd get with for example diazepam... They're chlordiazepoxide (Librium/Risolid...), 10 mg's a day. I've taken the same dose for about a year and they still work fine for me. Doctors have warned me about them, but at the same time they also say that if they make me feel better I should keep taking them (because I was in a really bad shape for a long time because of the depression).


By the way, I experienced the weirdest kind of withdrawal symptoms when I stopped using SSRI's! The so-called brain shivers, fever etc... They were horrible, so I know what might happen if I started taking more benzos or went "cold turkey".  :nervous:

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Bandita on December 16, 2007, 03:41:19 PM
I tried about 8 different SSRI/SNRIs before I went on benzodiatsepines.?

You do understand that you aren't supposed to stay on those for long periods of time though?? You will get a tolerance and need higher dosages and then become addicted.?

This article has some info on it:

Yeah, but mine have a long half-life, meaning that the effect lasts all day long, so you don't get the "ups and downs" that you'd get with for example diazepam... They're chlordiazepoxide (Librium/Risolid...), 10 mg's a day. I've taken the same dose for about a year and they still work fine for me. Doctors have warned me about them, but at the same time they also say that if they make me feel better I should keep taking them (because I was in a really bad shape for a long time because of the depression).


By the way, I experienced the weirdest kind of withdrawal symptoms when I stopped using SSRI's! The so-called brain shivers, fever etc... They were horrible, so I know what might happen if I started taking more benzos or went "cold turkey".? :nervous:

You should never go cold turkey off any medications like that, the withdrawls are much the same as if you were hooked on illegal narcotics. 

Glad they are helping you though.

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 16, 2007, 06:25:09 PM
fake rich countries conditions.

cannot stand all these stuff.
"Your kid is dumb he doesnt have add, he is dumb."

Surely you jest.  ^  way over-diagnosed, yes...fake condition, umm, no.

Aren't SSRIs selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors?  I thought those were for depression.  What I do know about them is that exactly like Bandita explained, your body will develop a tolerance to the drugs.  They are not a permanent solution for depressed people.  It's similar to the effects of steroids on males.  These "ultimate men" develop shrunken testicles and grow breasts once the steroid regimens stop...among other problems.  Long-term usage of ritalin, I'm not  sure.  If I'm not mistaken, it's an amphetamine (an upper) that in adhd kids, actually calms them down.   

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Bandita on December 16, 2007, 07:31:54 PM
From what I am reading the drug you are taking is really only approved for very short term treatment of an acute condition.  It also has a high tolerance rate and dependency level.  Generally it's used for insomnia or to help alcoholics get through withdrawls. 

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: babydolls on December 17, 2007, 07:57:27 AM
A guy at my husband's work recently told him that he was diagnosed with it as a child.  He was presecribed medication (i think it was ritalin) from age 9 to 18 i think - and then was told that after you've taken medication for that long, you've built up a natural immunity to it - so pointless to take anymore.  I think this guy copes fairly well - but he has hardly told anyone at work.  My husband was actually trying to find out more about it the other day, so he could understand the behaviour better.

oh and as for the "fake rich countries conditions" comment - that was uncalled for.  A personal lack of knowledge or understanding about a disease or condition should not render it non-existent.

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Jaci_Roxx on December 17, 2007, 08:00:52 AM
From what I am reading the drug you are taking is really only approved for very short term treatment of an acute condition.? It also has a high tolerance rate and dependency level.? Generally it's used for insomnia or to help alcoholics get through withdrawls.?

I'm not going to use them for the rest of my life, but right now I need something to help me complete my studies etc. I've gone to several doctors and they've told me it's safe to use them for now. I have to renew my prescription quite often.. I have to see a doctor at least every 3 months. If they tell me to stop using them for some reason I will (but slowly of course). They've also adviced me to take a day off of meds every now and then, so that I won't develop tolerance too easily. Once or twice a week would be good, but sometimes I forget. ?:-[

Having said that, I don't recommend those meds to anyone unless they can't find any other way to deal with their problems. I don't recommend any adhd meds either, but sometimes they're the only way a person can live a so-called "normal" life.

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Jaci_Roxx on December 17, 2007, 08:10:23 AM
oh and as for the "fake rich countries conditions" comment - that was uncalled for.? A personal lack of knowledge or understanding about a disease or condition should not render it non-existent.

A doctor once told me to "think positive, go jogging and do fun stuff" when I was seriously depressed. You don't say that to a person who's depressed unless you want them to jump off a roof!  :P

People aren't properly informed about diseases etc... adhd is for example a neurological problem, and people tend to think it's psychological. Even doctors sometimes think it is!

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: babydolls on December 17, 2007, 09:02:33 AM
^ I've had similar "useful" comments from Drs when I suffered from depression. its crazy isnt it.    The same Drs were very quick to prescribe me with some pretty strong and dangerous medication at the time - which i struggled with for a bit, then eased myself off them completely. Managed to deal with my personal demons in other ways and havent needed medication for years (yay).  great you finally got an accurate diagnosis, and are doing ok  : ok:

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Bandita on December 17, 2007, 11:54:08 AM
oh and as for the "fake rich countries conditions" comment - that was uncalled for.? A personal lack of knowledge or understanding about a disease or condition should not render it non-existent.

A doctor once told me to "think positive, go jogging and do fun stuff" when I was seriously depressed. You don't say that to a person who's depressed unless you want them to jump off a roof!? :P

People aren't properly informed about diseases etc... adhd is for example a neurological problem, and people tend to think it's psychological. Even doctors sometimes think it is!

My favorite commentary that I received from a family member while I was depressed was "Get over it!"  Imagine if it was that easy.

I will tell you though that I was on a medication similar to yours some years ago and I stayed on it for a long time.  When I came off of it, it was awful.  My body was in withdrawl for a long time.  After going through what I did with that now I refuse to take any medications which could become addictive. 

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 17, 2007, 06:46:25 PM
^ I've had similar "useful" comments from Drs when I suffered from depression. its crazy isnt it.    The same Drs were very quick to prescribe me with some pretty strong and dangerous medication at the time - which i struggled with for a bit, then eased myself off them completely. Managed to deal with my personal demons in other ways and havent needed medication for years (yay).  great you finally got an accurate diagnosis, and are doing ok  : ok:

I know it's off-topic and I apologize, but depression is a tough one.  Many of the folks I've known who have struggled with depression were not physically fit.  Is it the chicken or the egg?  What caused what?  Did the depression help cause the poor maintenance of the body, or did the poor maintenance of the body help cause the depression?  If your doctors only said, "Go exercise and you'll feel better," that's b.s.  If they worked it into your recovery plan as a component of your treatment, I'd say they're a very good doctor.   8) 

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: babydolls on December 18, 2007, 08:24:31 AM
interesting point.  I think any Dr or person that can encourage an interest that takes someone struggling with despression out of that "zone" - has got to be a positive step .  I didnt have a problem with personal physical fitness when I was at my worst - but it took 3 Drs before i got a referral to someone who understood and suggested recovery plan and actions.   I had problems facing up to the fact i was depressed and was made even more uncomfortable by the first few Drs attitudes, they were so damning and useless (one laughed at me when I tried to explain how i was dealing with it - wtf????) - I felt even worse.  Having the right person to talk to initially would be the perfect step forward for all conditions and diseases for everyone.

I agree though,  if your body is physically in poor maintenance, it certainly leaves the door open for a poorly maintained mind as well.

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: Gunsnroses11391 on January 21, 2008, 09:33:11 PM
yeh i was diagnosed when i was 9 years old, im 17 years old now.....

Title: Re: Anyone else diagnosed with ADHD?
Post by: fuckin crazy on January 21, 2008, 10:07:08 PM
My brother was diagnosed with it a long time ago when it was called ADD. That is some strong stuff they give those kids.