Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: D on December 12, 2007, 01:39:13 PM

Title: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: D on December 12, 2007, 01:39:13 PM
NFL Player Micheal Vick as many of u know, Got convicted of a Dog Fighting ring.

The other day he got sentenced to 23 months in Federal Prison and 5 years probation.

The guy has already lost a 100 million dollar contract, all of his endorsements and has been disgraced forever.

Throwing 23 months of prison time on top of all that is ludicrous and insane!!!!!!!!!

To think he got more time than most Child Molesters and more time than people who have killed HUMAN BEINGS.

What he did was horrible, but the guy has suffered enough with all he has lost and the tarnishing of his name.

Give the guy 6 months and 5 years probation and let dead dogs lie! *HAHA GOOD LINE*

I know most don't agree with me, but I think his sentence was a complete overreaction.

There have been people who kill other people in DUI accidents in sports and people cheer them when they come back and treat them like heroes and they support them.

But Vick, u would think he was selling and murdering children the way people reacted.

The guy fucked up and people should give him a 2nd chance and forgive him.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: pilferk on December 12, 2007, 02:08:50 PM
It all came down to Vick's lack of respect for the court's mandates, made during his guilty plea.

AFTER that, he lied to federal investigators, failed a drug test, and failed to accept, really, any responsibility for his actions.  Basically, he ignored every mandate the court made of him when he plead guilty, for the period prior to sentencing.

In essense, he pissed off the judge...the one GUY who could make it easier on him.  If you do that, you're a fucking idiot and you deserve whatever book gets thrown at you.

You KNEW it was going to be bad when the judge denied his request to change into a suit, at sentencing, and made him stay in his striped prison jumpsuit.  That, and his family was denied direct access to him...something he was allowed all during the pre-trial and plea process.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: The Dog on December 12, 2007, 03:09:51 PM

To think he got more time than most Child Molesters and more time than people who have killed HUMAN BEINGS.

maybe the problem isn't that he got less time than molesters and murders but molesters and murders aren't getting enough time for their crimes...

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Booker Floyd on December 12, 2007, 03:41:24 PM
NFL Player Micheal Vick as many of u know, Got convicted of a Dog Fighting ring.

The other day he got sentenced to 23 months in Federal Prison and 5 years probation.

The guy has already lost a 100 million dollar contract, all of his endorsements and has been disgraced forever.

Throwing 23 months of prison time on top of all that is ludicrous and insane!!!!!!!!!

To think he got more time than most Child Molesters and more time than people who have killed HUMAN BEINGS.

What he did was horrible, but the guy has suffered enough with all he has lost and the tarnishing of his name.

Give the guy 6 months and 5 years probation and let dead dogs lie! *HAHA GOOD LINE*

I know most don't agree with me, but I think his sentence was a complete overreaction.

There have been people who kill other people in DUI accidents in sports and people cheer them when they come back and treat them like heroes and they support them.

But Vick, u would think he was selling and murdering children the way people reacted.

The guy fucked up and people should give him a 2nd chance and forgive him.

Boo hoo.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: crazycheryl on December 12, 2007, 04:03:35 PM
Well, if he is good, he should only serve half the time which should amount to about 11 months. I don't know if the sentence is mandatory with no time off for good behavior or not. but yes, he got all that because he pissed off the judge. I agree that most criminals don't get enough time and this sentence is kind of ridiculous but pissing off a judge is not a good thing when it comes to sentencing.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Bandita on December 12, 2007, 04:26:08 PM
They had to give him slightly more time than the other 2 got in the case. 

It's probably extreme for this (even though I am an animal advocate). 

I think his loss of funds, status and endorsements have probably caused him enough suffering for a while even before he got sentenced.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: *Timothy* on December 12, 2007, 04:37:02 PM
The dude got what he deserved.

He agreed to comply with the authorities then didn't till he had too.  the test positive for Drugs after he said he would stop using didn't help either.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Bodhi on December 12, 2007, 04:51:34 PM
NFL Player Micheal Vick as many of u know, Got convicted of a Dog Fighting ring.

The other day he got sentenced to 23 months in Federal Prison and 5 years probation.

The guy has already lost a 100 million dollar contract, all of his endorsements and has been disgraced forever.

Throwing 23 months of prison time on top of all that is ludicrous and insane!!!!!!!!!

To think he got more time than most Child Molesters and more time than people who have killed HUMAN BEINGS.

What he did was horrible, but the guy has suffered enough with all he has lost and the tarnishing of his name.

Give the guy 6 months and 5 years probation and let dead dogs lie! *HAHA GOOD LINE*

I know most don't agree with me, but I think his sentence was a complete overreaction.

There have been people who kill other people in DUI accidents in sports and people cheer them when they come back and treat them like heroes and they support them.

But Vick, u would think he was selling and murdering children the way people reacted.

The guy fucked up and people should give him a 2nd chance and forgive him.

Boo hoo.

holy shit i think i agree with Booker on something.....serioulsy who gives a shit about Michael Vick?  he deserves EVERYTHING he got....why should we feel sorry for him?

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: The Dog on December 12, 2007, 05:17:03 PM
Seriously as far as douche bags go - Vick is their poster boy.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: sandman on December 12, 2007, 05:46:55 PM
It all came down to Vick's lack of respect for the court's mandates, made during his guilty plea.

AFTER that, he lied to federal investigators, failed a drug test, and failed to accept, really, any responsibility for his actions.?

that explains it all. he could have been out much earlier if he had just "played the game."

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 12, 2007, 06:08:48 PM

To think he got more time than most Child Molesters and more time than people who have killed HUMAN BEINGS.

maybe the problem isn't that he got less time than molesters and murders but molesters and murders aren't getting enough time for their crimes...

there's no "maybe" about it Butters.  Right on.  Vick, what an arrogant, stupid fuck.  He deserves every fucking minute of the sentence.  We still love ya D, we just disagree on this one.   :peace:

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: D on December 12, 2007, 07:30:49 PM
U guys arent thinking the way I am thinking though

Its like Clinton and lying about having oral sex with Monica Lewinksy

Sure he could've just admitted to it, but who the fuck would do that?

He may have gotten off had it not been for his "friends' rolling over and copping a deal as well as his attorneys may have made it very hard to prove he without a doubt was involved.

When u are famous, tons of endorsements and making millions and millions of dollars, U are not gonna just say "Ok I did it"

I am not saying what he did wasn't wrong. I think it was absolutely horrible what Vick did and sure he deserves most of everything thats happened to him.

Its just, I find it disturbing when more people are outraged over Vick killing some dogs over people molesting children and killing and doing other crazy things to human beings.

People will forgive a murderer before they will Vick and that's pretty fuckin twisted.

VIck messed up doing the dog fighting, but after the fights, he couldn't exactly make the dogs pets. So basically he had to kill them.

He should get SOME TIME but 2 years? that is simply overboard in my opinion.? Hell drug dealers get less than that.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 12, 2007, 08:00:21 PM
What he lost outside of the court of law is irrelevant in my book.

He deserves more than 23 months if you ask me.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Bandita on December 12, 2007, 08:08:03 PM
What he lost outside of the court of law is irrelevant in my book.

He deserves more than 23 months if you ask me.

True, but the effects of what he has lost monetarily will surely outlast the jail sentence, that was just the icing on the cake for me.


He was made an example of for future cases really.  The media and those pushing animal rights agendas latched onto this being he is a celebrity so there was no way the courts could have not made an example of him as well by sentencing him to less time.  While you may not view it exactly as fair, it did bring to the forefront the issue of dogfighting.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 12, 2007, 08:18:20 PM

True, but the effects of what he has lost monetarily will surely outlast the jail sentence, that was just the icing on the cake for me.

Well, I meant it was irrelevant when contemplating his sentence. It's certainly not irrelevant to him, but to say that his punishment should have been less severe in court because he already lost X amount of money...I don't agree with that.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Loaded NightraiN on December 12, 2007, 09:14:44 PM
He should get SOME TIME but 2 years? that is simply overboard in my opinion.  Hell drug dealers get less than that.

Butters said it best:

maybe the problem isn't that he got less time than molesters and murders but molesters and murders aren't getting enough time for their crimes...

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Booker Floyd on December 12, 2007, 09:26:12 PM
He deserves more than 23 months if you ask me.


Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: TAP on December 12, 2007, 09:36:32 PM

Its just, I find it disturbing when more people are outraged over Vick killing some dogs over people molesting children and killing and doing other crazy things to human beings.

You seem more outraged by people being outraged over Vick than you do about molesting children.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Mr. Redman on December 12, 2007, 09:39:33 PM
I think he should be made into an example, bounce him from prison to prison. Remember, some drop the soap, others throw it between your legs.

They made an example of John Gotti - Hell, how many out there know he got his ass beat 9 days before he died. I only know this because my uncle was cell mates with Mr. Gotti.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 12, 2007, 09:45:41 PM
One word for Michael's shower time in the next 2 years...Re-COCK-ulous.   :hihi:

I don't get the Clinton reference.  Bill lied about a blow-job.  Why the hell was he even being asked about a blowjob under oath? 

Plus, the utter disrespect Vick showed in so many different ways toward the court, the judge, the process in general...what a fucking a-hole.  He repeatedly lied.  He tested positive for marijuana.  When does the nonsense stop? 

He'll never play in the NFL again...and if he does, he will be a marked man, not just by NFL players, but by fans.  There would be fan boycotts guaranteed.  Trust me. 

D, don't feel sorry for this son of a bitch.  He dug his own grave.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: The Dog on December 12, 2007, 10:37:28 PM

He'll never play in the NFL again...and if he does, he will be a marked man, not just by NFL players, but by fans.  There would be fan boycotts guaranteed.  Trust me. 

don't be so sure of that - have you seen some of the teams this year?  Shit, I could play QB for some of them.  Fans don't mind when the Ws are being put up (but Vick was never that good to me anyway).  Maybe him and Ricky Williams will play for the CFL or something...

One things for sure, he'll never EVER play for the Browns - the dog pound would FUCK HIM UP!!   :hihi:

on a side note, what the hell does "ricockulous" mean and where on earth did you come up with that!??!

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: *Timothy* on December 12, 2007, 10:39:38 PM
Vick should hope the XFL has a comeback from the dead.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Bill 213 on December 12, 2007, 10:47:09 PM
Vick deserved every day of that sentence he got.  Any piece of shit that would fight animals deserves that.  Football player or not. 

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Bodhi on December 12, 2007, 11:00:16 PM

He'll never play in the NFL again...and if he does, he will be a marked man, not just by NFL players, but by fans.? There would be fan boycotts guaranteed.? Trust me.?

don't be so sure of that - have you seen some of the teams this year?? Shit, I could play QB for some of them.? Fans don't mind when the Ws are being put up (but Vick was never that good to me anyway).? Maybe him and Ricky Williams will play for the CFL or something...

One things for sure, he'll never EVER play for the Browns - the dog pound would FUCK HIM UP!!? ?:hihi:

on a side note, what the hell does "ricockulous" mean and where on earth did you come up with that!??!

ricockulous is a word I believe Zakk Wylde came up with....instead of riDICKulous he uses reCOCKulous...get it?? yeah Zakk is drunk.....often

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: freedom78 on December 12, 2007, 11:15:48 PM
The other day he got sentenced to 23 months in Federal Prison and 5 years probation.

The guy has already lost a 100 million dollar contract, all of his endorsements and has been disgraced forever.

Throwing 23 months of prison time on top of all that is ludicrous and insane!!!!!!!!!

To think he got more time than most Child Molesters and more time than people who have killed HUMAN BEINGS.

The prison time wasn't thrown on top of it all.  He lost his contract and endorsements because people in our society don't want to employ a dogfighter.  The justice system didn't take those from him. 

While I don't condone molesters walking free with little time, I'm not sure that says anything about the appropriateness of his sentence so much as about the problems within the system.  And isn't animal brutality correlated with people who eventually become violent toward other people?  I seem to recall that fact.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: tim_m on December 13, 2007, 03:15:03 AM
Sentence was appropriate i think. I was actually hoping the judge wouldn't even stick to the recommended time and setenced him to even more.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: pilferk on December 13, 2007, 07:19:17 AM
Well, if he is good, he should only serve half the time which should amount to about 11 months. I don't know if the sentence is mandatory with no time off for good behavior or not. but yes, he got all that because he pissed off the judge. I agree that most criminals don't get enough time and this sentence is kind of ridiculous but pissing off a judge is not a good thing when it comes to sentencing.

With good behavior, because they gave him so much and sentenced him in the maximum range (1 month shy of it) he'll have to serve between 18 and 20 months of his sentence.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: pilferk on December 13, 2007, 07:22:14 AM
U guys arent thinking the way I am thinking though

Its like Clinton and lying about having oral sex with Monica Lewinksy

Sure he could've just admitted to it, but who the fuck would do that?

He may have gotten off had it not been for his "friends' rolling over and copping a deal as well as his attorneys may have made it very hard to prove he without a doubt was involved.

When u are famous, tons of endorsements and making millions and millions of dollars, U are not gonna just say "Ok I did it"

I am not saying what he did wasn't wrong. I think it was absolutely horrible what Vick did and sure he deserves most of everything thats happened to him.

Its just, I find it disturbing when more people are outraged over Vick killing some dogs over people molesting children and killing and doing other crazy things to human beings.

People will forgive a murderer before they will Vick and that's pretty fuckin twisted.

VIck messed up doing the dog fighting, but after the fights, he couldn't exactly make the dogs pets. So basically he had to kill them.

He should get SOME TIME but 2 years? that is simply overboard in my opinion.  Hell drug dealers get less than that.

You misunderstand.

When he copped his plea, he agreed to do certain things.  If he did them, there was one sentencing guidline.  If he didn't, there was another.

He flat out didn't, and pissed off the judge.  So how can you feel sympathy, remorse, or outrage for a guy who's actions...AFTER he had pleaded guiltly.... added at least 12 months to his sentence?

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: fuckin crazy on December 13, 2007, 08:27:34 AM
Throwing 23 months of prison time on top of all that is ludicrous and insane!!!!!!!!!

Sorry D, It's ludicrous the the sadist didn't get 10 years.

To think he got more time than most Child Molesters and more time than people who have killed HUMAN BEINGS.

That is a myth that is commonly thrown around. Child molesters and murderers generally get 10-20 years, or life, in State courts. He was found guilty in Federal Court. So, he will serve atleast 85% of his time.

People who get 1-5 years for taking a life are convicted of "manslaughter". There is a difference; There was no intent. That son of a bitch intented to to commit those acts. FUCK HIM! Hopefully, when he gets out, his career will be over. I'll boycott ANY company that gives him a job.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: GeorgeSteele on December 13, 2007, 08:51:10 AM

He'll never play in the NFL again...and if he does, he will be a marked man, not just by NFL players, but by fans.? There would be fan boycotts guaranteed.? Trust me.?

don't be so sure of that - have you seen some of the teams this year?? Shit, I could play QB for some of them.? Fans don't mind when the Ws are being put up (but Vick was never that good to me anyway).? Maybe him and Ricky Williams will play for the CFL or something...

One things for sure, he'll never EVER play for the Browns - the dog pound would FUCK HIM UP!!? ?:hihi:

If Al Davis is still around in 2 years, he'll have a job.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: sandman on December 13, 2007, 09:55:12 AM
i'd be shocked if he doesn't play in the NFL again. depending on if there's a suspension when he gets out of jail, he will be 29 or 30 when he's eligible to play again.

americans are very forgiving and love a good comeback story. even if he continues to be an ass, americans are facinated with "the bad guy." just look at how popular mike tyson was. hell, ray lewis was involved in a murder and he's a god to alot of people. pacman jones. the NFL is loaded with criminals.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: fuckin crazy on December 13, 2007, 03:27:07 PM
i'd be shocked if he doesn't play in the NFL again. depending on if there's a suspension when he gets out of jail, he will be 29 or 30 when he's eligible to play again.

He still has his indictments in State Court to deal with, and I have a suspicion that the local Judges won't be so forgiving. I seriously doubt any further convictions will run concurrent with the federal conviction.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: axlrosegnr on December 13, 2007, 03:54:40 PM
What he lost outside of the court of law is irrelevant in my book.

He deserves more than 23 months if you ask me.

I agree, throw him away

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: D on December 13, 2007, 05:07:14 PM
I think the reason crime is so high, partly is, prison doesnt rehabiliate anyone.

Also when people get out of jail, its almost impossible for them to get jobs cause they are ex-cons.

I think once u serve your time, u should be free to do whatever else u want.

If Vick can still be play, he should be allowed to.

He committed a bad act but he will have paid his debt.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: fuckin crazy on December 13, 2007, 05:39:34 PM
I think once u serve your time, u should be free to do whatever else u want.

If Vick can still be play, he should be allowed to.

He committed a bad act but he will have paid his debt.

I agree. I support his decision to work where ever he wants, but I will encourage everyone I know to not support businesses that hire him.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 13, 2007, 06:40:42 PM
I think the reason crime is so high, partly is, prison doesnt rehabiliate anyone.

Also when people get out of jail, its almost impossible for them to get jobs cause they are ex-cons.

I think once u serve your time, u should be free to do whatever else u want.

If Vick can still be play, he should be allowed to.

He committed a bad act but he will have paid his debt.

D, Michael will be able to play all the football he wants....however, it will not be in the National Football League.  Trust me.  Someone mentioned the local charges, and yeah, they will very likely not be concurrently run with his federal time. 

Al Davis will not be in the market for a quarterback for the next ten years.  Jamarcus Russell is a stud.  No other owner is stupid enough to sign Michael Vick.  It comes down to $$$$$$$$$$$$. 

Yes, NFL teams are desperate for quarterbacks (look at Testaverde at 43 years old in Carolina) but remember, character is huuuuuuge.  Vick's got none.  He is an irresponsible piece o' shit that better be on suicide watch because this guy's life as he knew it is done, over, finished.  He'll be finding Jesus soon, trust me.

Physical talent alone doesn't guarantee you a job.  Testaverde at 43 was taken in when younger guys like Aaron Brooks and Jeff George were told no thank you.  Character means something at the quarterback position.  It's like the unofficial spokesperson for the team.  The question mark of potential gambling under-world ties would always swirl.  Hell, the game he "took off" at the end of the season a few years back...this guy is a p.o.s.  and no, I'm not afraid to "judge others."  We don't "judge others" enough in my eyes.  That's why we so much shit around us every day.  People should be judging their own actions and always seeking to strengthen their moral fiber.   :yes:

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: freedom78 on December 13, 2007, 06:48:25 PM
Al Davis will not be in the market for a quarterback for the next ten years.  Jamarcus Russell is a stud. 

Yeah...if only they could get an amazingly good, fast, tall receiver for, say, a 4th round pick. one would be that stupid. 

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: tim_m on December 13, 2007, 07:49:00 PM
I'm not so sure he returns to the NFL at least as a quarterback. He is very likely going to miss 3 seasons. That is an eternity for a player especially one who's a running quarterback like he is. He is not going to be able to properly train in prison. I think its going to be very difficult for him to return to his current form after missing possibly three years.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: D on December 13, 2007, 08:26:25 PM
My thing is

Leonard Little drove drunk and killed someone yet Ram fans cheered the guy.

Ray Lewis is probably responsible for the guy dying in Atlanta over super bowl weekend some years back and people cheer him.

Pacman Jones is a raving idiot who may have caused a guy to get shot and paralyzed.

U let a guy kill a dog though and he is the antichrist.

Pit Bulls in my opinion are evil breeds of dogs to begin with that most people want rid of.

Don't believe me? Do some research on some of the unprovoked attacks.  Of course take into account I am from Kentucky, the capital of Cockfighting *which I honestly have no problem with..... Sorry....*  Its just the guy did a bad thing but he is being treated like Chris Benoit when he murdered his family.

He killed some dogs, he didn't rape and murder children or sell crack thus killing and destroying an entire community.

Im not a supporter of dog fighting, I just think people are overreacting a bit and if they cared that much about other pressing issues, maybe more important stuff would get done.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Bandita on December 13, 2007, 08:55:49 PM

Pit Bulls in my opinion are evil breeds of dogs to begin with that most people want rid of.

Don't believe me? Do some research on some of the unprovoked attacks.? Of course take into account I am from Kentucky, the capital of Cockfighting *which I honestly have no problem with..... Sorry....*? Its just the guy did a bad thing but he is being treated like Chris Benoit when he murdered his family.

You really believe this?  Wow.

Why do you keep comaring the crimes of Vick to what others did?  One has nothing to do with the other. 

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: fuckin crazy on December 13, 2007, 09:26:22 PM
Pit Bulls in my opinion are evil breeds of dogs to begin with that most people want rid of.

Don't believe me? Do some research on some of the unprovoked attacks.

I have. They don't attack nearly as often as other breeds. It is the owners that are evil, the breed itself is a very loving, and loyal animal. I had one that lived for 13 years. It was one of the most gentle, loving animals I have ever had. It slept with my kids, and played with the neighborhood cats.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Booker Floyd on December 13, 2007, 09:38:59 PM
Cockfighting *which I honestly have no problem with..... Sorry....*

That you have "no problem" with such pointless, sadistic cruelty is disturbing.  No amount of arbitrary comparisons to unrelated crimes changes that.  And your disclaimers seem disingenuous after youve essentially justified his acts.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: tim_m on December 13, 2007, 09:39:24 PM
Sorry dude your wrong about pitbuls. Its people who make them vicious. A good friend of mine has one and she's a very sweet friendly dog.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 13, 2007, 10:05:23 PM
Bandita's right D.  His crime has nothing to do with the ones you are comparing it to.  In my opinion, every crime you have mentioned thus far is treated with kid gloves.  That's just my opinion.

Vick deserves everything he's received (and lost).

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Bandita on December 13, 2007, 10:41:22 PM
It really makes no sense. This could be about any dog breed.  You could start a cocker spaniel dogfighting ring and what would make it any different from pitbulls fighting? 

I find it really disturbing that some people feel there isn't anything wrong with this practice.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: ibelieveinaxl on December 13, 2007, 11:22:21 PM
Well, if he is good, he should only serve half the time which should amount to about 11 months. I don't know if the sentence is mandatory with no time off for good behavior or not. but yes, he got all that because he pissed off the judge. I agree that most criminals don't get enough time and this sentence is kind of ridiculous but pissing off a judge is not a good thing when it comes to sentencing.

Under Federal Guidelines, he must serve a minimum of 18 months....

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: D on December 14, 2007, 01:05:27 AM
It is possible, that Vick didn't fully realize what he was doing was as wrong as it was.

In Kentucky,Virginia,West Virginia etc, Sometimes u don't equate things the same way as others. I had friends back in Kentucky who were heavy into cockfighting, and it just never seemed like a big deal.  Dog Fighting is worse, but still, People are acting like he was filming child porn.

I think people would be less astonished and more forgiving if he did.  thats what bothers me.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: ibelieveinaxl on December 14, 2007, 01:14:05 AM
It is possible, that Vick didn't fully realize what he was doing was as wrong as it was.

In Kentucky,Virginia,West Virginia etc, Sometimes u don't equate things the same way as others. I had friends back in Kentucky who were heavy into cockfighting, and it just never seemed like a big deal.? Dog Fighting is worse, but still, People are acting like he was filming child porn.

I think people would be less astonished and more forgiving if he did.? thats what bothers me.

Let's say you're right about him not fully realizing its wrong (just for arguments sake). Our legal system doesn't work that way. Ignorance of the law is no excuse to a crime. We live in a society where we have to have some common sense about right and wrong. We can't bury our heads in the sand and use that as an excuse to a common sense action. Just like a person who doesn't realize that drinking and driving is dangerous, we should not and do not allow that person to use ignorance of the law to forgive his/her actions.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Bobarcord on December 14, 2007, 01:54:55 AM
D. being a goddamn retard  is no excuse.

Vick got he he got cause he fucked up even after agreeing to comply with the authorities.

If you want to talk about fucking ridicules shit . Then go look up the WM3.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: The Dog on December 14, 2007, 03:27:56 AM
D, pardon me if this sounds harsh (honestly, i had my company holiday party tonight and i'm blotto)....but.

my dog is part pit - he is the biggest pussy alive and couldn't hurt a soul if he wanted to.

to say they are evil breed of dogs is just woefully ignorant and retarded.  Overall I like you as a poster - but this comment makes you a GIGANTIC DOUCHE. 


Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: GeorgeSteele on December 14, 2007, 11:36:57 AM

I had friends back in Kentucky who were heavy into cockfighting, and it just never seemed like a big deal.?

Ouch!  Doesn't that hurt?  Make love, not war, brother.

Bad joke aside, the senseless inflicting of pain or death on innocent animals is horrible, sadistic and beyond cruel.  Someone said to me that what he did was subhuman - but the sad truth is that only a human being would do such a thing.   He deserves every minute behind bars that he got and then some. 

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Wheres Izzy on December 14, 2007, 03:18:54 PM
It is possible, that Vick didn't fully realize what he was doing was as wrong as it was.

In Kentucky,Virginia,West Virginia etc, Sometimes u don't equate things the same way as others. I had friends back in Kentucky who were heavy into cockfighting, and it just never seemed like a big deal.? Dog Fighting is worse, but still, People are acting like he was filming child porn.

I think people would be less astonished and more forgiving if he did.? thats what bothers me.

You gotta remember it's not just the dog fighting, he was running an illegal gambling ring that spread across multiple states. Plus if he only got a six month sentence he would be back in the league next year (someone would sign him) and recoup a big chunk of the money he just rightfully lost.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Booker Floyd on December 14, 2007, 03:38:08 PM
the senseless inflicting of pain or death on innocent animals is horrible, sadistic and beyond cruel. 

I simply cant relate to anyone who feels differently.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: JMack on December 14, 2007, 04:05:07 PM
? ? ?There are some looking at does the punishment fit the crime and others who look at race or being famous.? I think media has so much to do about it.? Vick and his brother have proven to be shit heads, yet we should remember that culture has a lot to do with the problems they face.? Ah Bullshit!? Both compared to myself led a charmed life.? Should Michael get 2 years when others get less?? Who knows?? I say yeah.? I don't care about the Vick family suffering financially and getting time for crimes committed.? They still have plenty of cash believe you/me.
? ? ?Do people care or compare these 2 stories?? The big woman who Isiah Thomas called a bitch (BTW I don't condone it but they're only words) getting 12 million dollars compared to a woman wrongly diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and being treated for 9 years until doctors realized that oops a mistake was made and that she never had it.? She also sued and was awarded 2.5 million.? Maybe thoughs 2 awards should be switched No?? Same stories of couldn't work lost friends and money, traumatized and looked at differently.
? ? ?That makes me wonder not Vick's self induced destruction.? ?

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: the dirt on December 14, 2007, 04:12:48 PM
It really makes no sense. This could be about any dog breed.? You could start a cocker spaniel dogfighting ring and what would make it any different from pitbulls fighting??

I know I'm going off track a little here, but dont tell me if you bread pitbulls to fight and I bread hotdogs it would be fair in the end.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: JMack on December 14, 2007, 04:31:50 PM
If I were to eat your pure bred hotdogs, would that be a criminal offense or strictly civil?

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: D on December 14, 2007, 04:43:43 PM
To Reitterate

I dont agree with Vick and Dogfighting

I also think its a horrible, almost unredeemable act.


Compared to what people get for what I consider to be worse crimes, I think he got a raw deal.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 14, 2007, 06:26:25 PM
It is possible, that Vick didn't fully realize what he was doing was as wrong as it was.

In Kentucky,Virginia,West Virginia etc, Sometimes u don't equate things the same way as others. I had friends back in Kentucky who were heavy into cockfighting, and it just never seemed like a big deal.  Dog Fighting is worse, but still, People are acting like he was filming child porn.

I think people would be less astonished and more forgiving if he did.  thats what bothers me.

Ummmm, no.  Sorry, if Vick went all Gary Glitter he'd be in prison for a lot longer than 23 months, and rightfully so.  Also, there would be absolutely no question he'd be out of the NFL forever.  Yeah, there's a small chance he could get back in the NFL, but do I think it will happen?  Hell no. 

He totally screwed himself.  The dog-fighting, dog killing, illegal gambling, illegal drug use after he was warned not to, the lies.   D, he got off lightly.   :peace:

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: D on December 14, 2007, 06:30:00 PM
I just wonder how big businesses like Burger King and KFC can get caught skinning animals alive but people still have no problem scarfing down chicken and Whoppers, but Vick is the anti christ.

Seems a little hypocritical to me in a lot of ways.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: TAP on December 14, 2007, 06:41:16 PM
I think someone's been reading this thread....

 PHOENIX, Arizona (AP) -- A man accused of being the Phoenix Baseline Killer was sentenced to 438 years in prison Friday for the sexual assaults of two sisters.

Mark Goudeau still faces trial for the slayings of eight women and a man in 2005-2006, and faces a possible death sentence if he is convicted of those charges. He has pleaded not guilty.

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 14, 2007, 06:42:22 PM
I wouldn't exactly say people are calling Vick the Anti-Christ.  Stupid asshole?  Yeah.  Unappreciative waste of talent?  Yes.
A piss-poor example for kids looking up to him?  Yeah. 

I too have issues with corporate America...but with all due respect to the Krusty-Burger chains of America, they're just buying the meat from the people who sell it to them at the lowest price possible.  Activism is good and shines a light on those who wish to abuse animals when there is a more humane way to get the meat that satisfies our hunger for meat...

...speaking of which, Mr. Vick may find himself in a situation very soon where a cell-mate may have a hankering for some famous ex-starting quarterback meat.   :o

Title: Re: Micheal Vick Sentence was RICOCKULOUS!!!!
Post by: Jim Bob on December 14, 2007, 07:50:12 PM

...speaking of which, Mr. Vick may find himself in a situation very soon where a cell-mate may have a hankering for some famous ex-starting quarterback meat.   :o

They should put him in a cell with fellow soon to be convict Scott Weiland.  Notorious for his place as lead singer/frontman in the world's most dangerous band.    He also likes gay butt sex, so it would be perfect really.