Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: spaghetti_incident on December 11, 2007, 07:49:04 PM

Title: Eye Glasses
Post by: spaghetti_incident on December 11, 2007, 07:49:04 PM
Well, I went to the eye doctor today to get an exam and he told me that my corneas are shaped like footballs (they are supposed to be shaped like baseballs) so I have a stigmitism so I have to get reading glasses and glasses to help me drive at night.

I've never worn glasses (except sunglasses) so this is a weird experience.

Any suggestions on how to go about making sure you find the right ones?

Do you start off with frames and go from there?

What price range am I looking at?


Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: fuckin crazy on December 11, 2007, 08:51:56 PM
I don't know, but I have had astigmatism for years and never wore glasses(except as a teen). Though my sight has got so bad latey, I am going to have to go.

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: Bandita on December 11, 2007, 09:07:30 PM
Just don't get bifocals no matter if they suggest them or not, they will drive you nuts.  I am supposed to use reading glasses but I don't.  I have been wearing regular glasses/now contacts since I was 14 though.  Just find frames you won't mind being seen in and take it from there.

Some health plans cover some of the expense, a decent pair of glasses will set you back a few hundred bucks I would think.

The most important thing is making sure you are happy with the frames.  Even if they say they look good on you, YOU are the one who has to wear them.

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 11, 2007, 09:52:55 PM
can you get contact lenses? 

Glasses are cool...unless you're like me and need lenses the size of Hubble's telescope.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: freedom78 on December 12, 2007, 12:43:22 AM
Well, I went to the eye doctor today to get an exam and he told me that my corneas are shaped like footballs (they are supposed to be shaped like baseballs) so I have a stigmitism so I have to get reading glasses and glasses to help me drive at night.

I've never worn glasses (except sunglasses) so this is a weird experience.

Any suggestions on how to go about making sure you find the right ones?

Do you start off with frames and go from there?

What price range am I looking at?


I've had glasses since third grade, so I guess I'm the "expert". 

There are a number of things that affect cost, namely:

1.) Who makes the frame
---frames come in many many styles, and from many companies.  A lot of the companies that makes clothing/fashion also make frames (Kenneth Cole, Gucci, etc.).  They can range from $75 to a couple hundred, depending on what you get.
2.) lens coatings
---they can make them anti-glare, and some change to tinted in high sun, etc.
3.) lens thickness
---If you have bad eyes, as I do, your lenses will either be coke bottles or you'll have to upgrade to a thinner (and pricier) lens material.   

If you have good insurance, it makes sense to get new lenses every year or when necessary.  You can always get new lenses in old frames, though eventually a frame will wear out and need to be replaced.  How long that will be just depends on you.  I have tended to do so every other year, both for frames and lenses, as my eyes don't change much anymore. 

I'd recommend the following:

#1: find something that looks good on you...otherwise you'll hate them.  Obviously, it'll seem strange at first, but different isn't necessarily bad.  Different face shapes tend to be complemented by different frame "face shape glasses" or something to that effect and I'm sure you'll find a wealth of info.  But, of course, try on many pairs and take someone with you that you trust to give you good advice...after all, the try on pairs don't have prescription lenses in them, so it's tough to tell exactly what they look like (I generally get about 3 inches from the mirror, as I'm near sighted).

#2: if you need the thinner lenses then get them.  They'll make your glasses weigh less and they'll be less distracting...especially for someone who's never worn them.  There's nothing worse than uncomfortable glasses, though even comfortable ones will take some time to get used to.  On that note, you might think about the differences between spring hinges and non-spring hinges, which will affect how they fit and how tight they are.

As for cost...well, I usually get a decent but not over the top $$$ frame, the thin lenses, and maybe the anti-glare (can't remember, honestly).  It runs about $300.  But it could vary greatly for you, depending on eye insurance, the frame you like, and whether you need thin lenses. 

Hope this helps.   

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: Jaci_Roxx on December 12, 2007, 06:40:24 AM
Just one thing: get an insurance if you're gonna wear them when you're drunk.? :-[ ;D


Oh, and once you have the glasses, wear them as much as you can, even when you don't need them. Walk around the house wearing them to get used to them before you get in the car etc...

I've had glasses for so many years that when I don't wear them I accidentally poke myself in the eye trying to "adjust" them.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: rds.06 on December 12, 2007, 08:41:47 AM
Eat more carrotts, that will sort out your eyes.  :smoking:

If you dont like carrotts get your eyes lasered, if you got insurance it should cover it.

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: Bandita on December 12, 2007, 10:07:16 AM

If you dont like carrotts get your eyes lasered, if you got insurance it should cover it.

Most insurance in the US doesn't cover the laser procedure and it's really expensive.

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: Mandy. on December 12, 2007, 03:25:38 PM
If I don't wear reading glasses, I get this headache and it feels like my brain is imploding. Still, I don't wear them, especially in public (though everyone tells me it might get worse in the future...).

unless you're like me and need lenses the size of Hubble's telescope.? ?:hihi:

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: crazycheryl on December 12, 2007, 03:50:39 PM
Ok. I am really an expert on this subject since I have had glasses since 2nd grade and went through tons of pairs, hard contacts, soft contacts, gas permeable contacts and finally got lasik.

1.  Try on tons of frames - pick the frame first - and pick a frame for your face shape. Sometimes people get small glasses and there face is too big and the glasses look tight or they get glasses too big and look dorky.
2.  Bring a trusted friend with you to give advice.
3.  Make sure you can see yourself when trying on the frames or you won't be able to make a good decisioin.
4.  Pick a color that compliments your hair and facial coloring. For example - purple is fun but how is that going to go over in an office? I am blonde and blue eyed and made the mistake of getting black frames once and it made me look too pale and washed out. I stuck with brown after that.
5. The frame prices will all range. The actual lenses are the expense. But around $300 sounds right.

6. Get Lasik!!!!!! It rocks so hard and they actually offer financing now so you can pay it off slowly or before the interest rate starts to kick in. Most insurance in the US will not cover it but I don't know about globally. Anyway, had it paid off in 12 months before the interest kicked in and it is one of the best things I have ever done in my life.

I lost and ripped so many pairs of contacts along with getting pink eye and itchiness, I gave up wearing them. I only wore glasses, then I had kids and went through five pairs in four years because the kids would jump on me, step on my glasses, knock me in the face, etc. and the final straw, I was visiting sexkitten and decided to try and snake on the floor (yes, we were drunk) and took a dive face first and broke the handle off my glasses. I couldn't see anything for the rest of the weekend and had to walk around with a handle taped to my glasses. I have or should say had, a very strong prescription. I decided that's it and went for the Lasik. It has saved me more money than I can say by not having to buy contacts or glasses and no more problems with the kids. No solutions, no eye patches, no disinfecting, it's a beautiful thing.

Glasses are an adjustment.

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: Bandita on December 12, 2007, 04:32:14 PM
I really want to get the lasik done.  Maybe next year I will look into the financing thing.  I mostly wear my glasses because I find my contacts to be like mini torture devices-a few years back I passed out (drunk of course) and when I woke up the next day and went to take them out I wound up scratching my left cornea because my eyes were very dry.  To me, there was no worse pain and I have had major surgery.  I have a little scar in that eye now and it's always irritating when I put the contact in over it.  Now I save them for when I am going out somewhere and try to remember to remove them before I pass out in an alcohol induced haze.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: CheapJon on December 12, 2007, 04:37:25 PM
i personally don't understand why some people don't use their glasses in public..

i think glasses are cool.. many people are attractive in glasses as long as you find the right frames.. me myself is since i'm so goodlooking already and when i'm trying someones glasses i look intellegent too? ;) and when i ?look at myself in the mirror with someones glasses on I almost faint.. that's how I gorgeous am :hihi:

and i'm sure you are too, wear them with attitude :)

damn my perfect sight :no:

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: Bandita on December 12, 2007, 04:41:15 PM
me myself is since i'm so goodlooking already and when i'm trying someones glasses i look intellegent too? ;) and when i ?look at myself in the mirror with someones glasses on I almost faint.. that's how I gorgeous am :hihi:

But are you as goodlooking as THIS GUY?


Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: CheapJon on December 12, 2007, 04:43:42 PM
me myself is since i'm so goodlooking already and when i'm trying someones glasses i look intellegent too? ;) and when i ?look at myself in the mirror with someones glasses on I almost faint.. that's how I gorgeous am :hihi:

But are you as goodlooking as THIS GUY?


oh come one.. no one's that hot ;)

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: fuckin crazy on December 12, 2007, 05:14:06 PM
Lasik isn't for everyone, It corrects one aberation, but introduces others. For the average person this is not a problem, but for others, it can impair ones ability to discern sutle differences in structure ... especially at higher magnifications.(ie. Astonomers, Microscopers)

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: Jessica on December 12, 2007, 07:12:01 PM
I bought the frame first each time, last i had a Gucci one, very nice and i got my glass tainted darker because my eyes were fragile.

Now, i have a totally different pair, prada ones, with normal colored glass.

I paid 175 and 205 euros for the frames alone and my health insurance covered the totality, the glass cost included, and with our health card system, i didn"t have to advance the money, so really, i didn"t pay a thing.

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: Jaci_Roxx on December 13, 2007, 10:16:47 AM
wear them with attitude :)

That's probably the most important advice you can give!   : ok: It's important to like 'em so choose a pair that YOU like the most.

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: spaghetti_incident on January 12, 2008, 06:22:07 PM
Well, I picked them up today at VisonWorks.  I got one pair as sunglasses and another pair to use daily. 

What a difference when I drove home.  Now the streetlights aren't fuzzy :hihi:

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: Albert S Miller on January 12, 2008, 08:50:15 PM
I fortunately have never had to wear glasses, but I think they make people look smart if that makes any sence.? I have colored contact lenses just for the fun of it but found they are really not so fun. ::)
Anyway Spagetti Inc I bet your glasses look great on you, and as mentioned above wear them with confidence.

PS: I think it was really cool of all of you to be so helpful.

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 13, 2008, 08:38:32 AM
After about 20 years, it's time for me to actually get eyeglasses again.  I've been thanking God for about 20 years for contact lenses.  Like I said before, my eyes are magnified tremendously with eyeglasses.  I've gone about 20 years with no back-up pair of glasses because I swore I wouldn't wear them however, I've got insurance that covers them.....and it's probably smart to just get them and let my eyes breathe normally for a couple hours a day. 

I will need new contacts as well...I got my current pair, which I wear 16 hours/day everyday, back in '03.  Wish me luck!  Any suggestions on eyeglasses/features/etc.? 

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 14, 2008, 06:38:17 PM
Jesus, remember the Seinfeld where Kramer takes the car salesman out on a thrill-ride below Empty?  That's what I'm doing with these hellish soft contact lenses of mine.  Almost 5 years on one pair is a bit long.  :-[

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: Bandita on January 14, 2008, 06:56:58 PM
I wear contacts (I use the ones you toss after 2 weeks) but I always keep a pair of glasses around just for comfort.  I can't sleep in the contacts at all and I find after about 8 or so hours I feel like I need to rip them out.  A few years back I was taking one of my contacts out and my eyes had become too dry and I wound up scratching my cornea with the side of the lens.  Now I have a small scar there and it always feels uncomfortable when I have the lenses in. 

5 years is probably way too long to have a pair.  I would imagine even with regular cleaning that they could probably still attract dirt and bacteria.  Maybe try the disposables?

Also, these days they are pretty good with shaving the lenses down on glasses so that even if your script is strong they won't look too much like coke bottles! :peace:

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: spaghetti_incident on January 14, 2008, 08:10:30 PM
I wear contacts (I use the ones you toss after 2 weeks) but I always keep a pair of glasses around just for comfort.  I can't sleep in the contacts at all and I find after about 8 or so hours I feel like I need to rip them out.  A few years back I was taking one of my contacts out and my eyes had become too dry and I wound up scratching my cornea with the side of the lens.  Now I have a small scar there and it always feels uncomfortable when I have the lenses in. 

5 years is probably way too long to have a pair.  I would imagine even with regular cleaning that they could probably still attract dirt and bacteria.  Maybe try the disposables?

Also, these days they are pretty good with shaving the lenses down on glasses so that even if your script is strong they won't look too much like coke bottles! :peace:

See, I don't like anything in my eyes at all.  I do like my glasses though.  What a difference they make in just reading day to day stuff.

I was worried I would get a headache though from wearing them and I didn't.  :)

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 14, 2008, 09:49:50 PM
Also, these days they are pretty good with shaving the lenses down on glasses so that even if your script is strong they won't look too much like coke bottles! :peace:

A-la Axl May 12th at The Hammerstein before I saw them perform There Was a Time..."You have nooo idea..." 
You have no idea how big these eyeballs get!  I will be shocked as hell if my eyes aren't the size of asteroids!  :yes:

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: JMack on January 16, 2008, 01:12:09 PM
Here ya go..See Utah Taints

Title: Re: Eye Glasses
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 16, 2008, 06:08:23 PM
Here ya go..See Utah Taints

Huh?  ???