Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Dead Horse => Topic started by: Irish gunner II on December 05, 2007, 09:17:43 PM

Title: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: Irish gunner II on December 05, 2007, 09:17:43 PM
Seems like a stupid question to ask on a massive GNR fansite such as this one. But honestly what one thing or a collection of things about GNRs music endeared them to you ?

Obviously some people started listening to the band because of friends telling them about the band(such as myself), but something must have appealed to you to still be fans after all this time.

For me it was the level of exceptional lyrics in so many of their songs. Also the band members themselves grabed my attention. It was a wide variety of characters of Axl, Slash, Duff, Izzy, and Steven in one band, and maybe that's what made them so good.

Title: Re: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: SamBob on December 05, 2007, 10:25:41 PM
I don't even remember how I heard about them or decided to start listening to their music...

But I started looking up all the info I could about the (original) members of the band, and thought they had some interesting pasts, and listened to the music, and got real obsessed and into their music. (SPECIALLY rocket queen... one of my faves off APD)


that and I like Axl's voice *shrug*

Title: Re: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: seely on December 07, 2007, 08:57:06 AM
I stumbled across them by accident, but they were the very first band i got into, i used to hate music before i got into them> (the song that got me into them was Welcome To The Jungle, incidently) as i started buying their records, i just thought they were awesome, had great melodies, riffs and that Axl was an awesome singer (and still is) and they remain my favourite band to this day, even though i like loads of other bands now.
  Simple answer:        they have great music!!!!!

Title: Re: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: isa on December 07, 2007, 07:34:12 PM
because of everything!

Title: Re: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: cresgrand on December 08, 2007, 03:50:05 AM
i think there is several reasons for me,

1. Vocals/lyrics are fantastic
2. Riffs are classic
3. diversity in the music for example Mr. Brownstone to November Rain etc
4. more than just a few hits, all there songs are good songs

Title: Re: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: CheapJon on December 08, 2007, 07:09:41 AM
i think there is several reasons for me,

1. Vocals/lyrics are fantastic
2. Riffs are classic
3. diversity in the music for example Mr. Brownstone to November Rain etc
4. more than just a few hits, all there songs are good songs

I think i agree with the above statement..
1. axl's vocals can sound so fragile yet so fucking huge and strong at the same time
2. not only the riffs but pretty much all the instrumental music is awesome.. duff's basslines, the guitar melodies, and the drumming on AFD is the best drumming record the world has ever seen IMO (yet)
3. there's almost a song for every occasion, and the "unknown" songs are almost better then the hits!

and what i've heard of the new music it all has the above ingredients.. the riffs in better and CD, the melody in the blues, the grandness of TWAT, and axl's vocals is at least as amazing as before!

I also love almost anything axl does and he inspires me, in my mind he's thee greatest musical geniuos of all time and among the most misapprehended persons in present time

Title: Re: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: Irish gunner II on December 08, 2007, 08:30:47 PM
Been thinking ALOT about this today, and then I asked myself why I really like the band. And this was what I said to myself " Could another band make AFD and make Jungle, Sweet Child, and Nigtrain sound as brilliant as they did ? "

And to be honest I said I couldn't think of one because they're wasnt one. Imagine if those five guys had never became a band and made those songs ? We would be poorer for not hearing those songs. 

Title: Re: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: Tatu on December 11, 2007, 12:48:27 PM
I could listen to GNR more than three days without stop.

I can't do that with other bands.

Title: Re: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: JimBobTTD on December 11, 2007, 04:37:10 PM
Clich? as it sounds, Guns N Roses was the first band to appeal to me on a different level. Nothing before then had come remotely close, and nothing has since either. My entire life changed when I first heard/saw them on MTV in 1988, and that is no exaggeration. Appetite for Destruction's riffs, lyrics and melodies all came together to form an LP of utter perfection, of pure listening bliss, which opened up a world of music for me and allowed me to fully appreciate who I am. The effect was so intense I don't think I spoke for hours after I first saw Paradise City on MTV.

Sounds like some kind of new age hippy bollocks, but true!

Title: Re: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: freedom78 on December 13, 2007, 11:44:55 PM
Funny thing is, the first time I heard GNR was on tv when they played Farm AID (it was in Indy that year and, as I live in Indy, the whole thing was on TV).  And I later said to a friend that the guy from Guns N' Roses had a really bad voice.  :rofl: This is because no one in my family was really big into music, and what they listened to was generally country and/or gospel, and the only rock music I had been exposed to was Bon Jovi, but his voice is much smoother and cleaner than Axl's.

Anyway, I later bought UYI II for a friend's birthday present, and we must have listened to "You Could Be Mine" about 20 times that weekend.  Somewhere along the line, I just began to dig it.  I was in junior high and, admittedly, a bit of a trend whore and GNR was trendy at the time.  But when the trend went away, my interest didn't.  Probably the first band to do that to me.

I also fell in love with "Civil War," and Axl's use of multiple vocal types, and the guitar ---oh, sweet Jesus, the guitar!--- was to die for. 

So a lot of what I love about GNR today is what really grabbed me in the first place (after the trendwhore part).  I still love the vocals, Slash's solos are so identifiable in style, and Duff's bass lines were always great too.  The combination of influences in the band, from the punk to the hard rock to the country-esque Stones stuff just combined in a great way that was both highly unlikely and wouldn't have worked with lesser musicians. 

Title: Re: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on December 14, 2007, 12:04:59 AM
i was with my uncle on day when i was 5 i heard paradice city and i really liked the song and my uncle told me it was G'n'R. So by the time i was 12 i was listening to them a lot because they were on fricken MTV ya know. But thats not the only reason i kept listening to them but only AFD its the only one i had at the time. I loved that record so much because it was so hard and in your face and iconic. Then when i was listening to the radio they said something about how they were coming back and it wasn't a one time thing at the VMAs or something like that so when i got home i tried doing some reserch and that lead me to be a member at Blabbermouth then i got banned there so i came here ;D

so really it was my uncle that first got me into them and really all of Rock and Metal i'm into today. I saw KISS on tv onve when i was 4 and again through out my young years and loved them ever since too.


Title: Re: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: sexkitten on December 14, 2007, 12:12:28 AM
Funny thing is, the first time I heard GNR was on tv when they played Farm AID (it was in Indy that year and, as I live in Indy, the whole thing was on TV).? And I later said to a friend that the guy from Guns N' Roses had a really bad voice.? :rofl: This is because no one in my family was really big into music, and what they listened to was generally country and/or gospel, and the only rock music I had been exposed to was Bon Jovi, but his voice is much smoother and cleaner than Axl's.

Anyway, I later bought UYI II for a friend's birthday present, and we must have listened to "You Could Be Mine" about 20 times that weekend.? Somewhere along the line, I just began to dig it.? I was in junior high and, admittedly, a bit of a trend whore and GNR was trendy at the time.? But when the trend went away, my interest didn't.? Probably the first band to do that to me.

I also fell in love with "Civil War," and Axl's use of multiple vocal types, and the guitar ---oh, sweet Jesus, the guitar!--- was to die for.?

So a lot of what I love about GNR today is what really grabbed me in the first place (after the trendwhore part).? I still love the vocals, Slash's solos are so identifiable in style, and Duff's bass lines were always great too.? The combination of influences in the band, from the punk to the hard rock to the country-esque Stones stuff just combined in a great way that was both highly unlikely and wouldn't have worked with lesser musicians.?

YCBM and Civil War are my two favorites!  I fell in love with them because they were angry and gritty and raw. I loved all the lyrics too. Nothing beat listening to Appetite when it first came out...still love it as much today!  I can listen to all their songs over & over and never tire of it!  Gn'R forever!  :peace:

Title: Re: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: faldor on December 14, 2007, 12:35:24 AM
Like many have already stated, the one major thing that keeps me hanging on is the pure diversity of their music.  They can knock you on your ass with hard rocking tracks, or slow it down and show their softer side.  A major reason "Rocket Queen" is my favorite song, cuz that contains both aspects.

Title: Re: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: freedom78 on December 14, 2007, 01:28:57 AM
Like many have already stated, the one major thing that keeps me hanging on is the pure diversity of their music.  They can knock you on your ass with hard rocking tracks, or slow it down and show their softer side.  A major reason "Rocket Queen" is my favorite song, cuz that contains both aspects.

I love Rocket Queen for its great groove, driven by Duff's bass line.  It's the best.  That whole album has an incredible sense of groove that goes about and beyond anything else I've seen in blues based rock n' roll.

Title: Re: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: metallex78 on December 25, 2007, 07:57:50 PM
To me, the original GN'R were the epitome of everything that is great about rock n roll.
They captured everything in the genre perfectly, the look, the attitude and of course the music, really fucking great music!!!

Hearing Slash's guitar tones on those albums still inspires me to this day to pick up my guitar and jam along. And Axl's vocals complimented that perfectly, with such raw emotion whether it was pissed-off-fuck-you lyrics, or something from the heart.

While I like a lot of other bands, no-one has ever come close to capturing what GN'R did between 1987-1993.

Title: Re: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: lynn1961 on December 26, 2007, 01:50:08 AM
Why do I like GnR's music so much?

Because they were the best bad ass rock n' roll band that ever existed.  That's all. 

Title: Re: Why do you like GNRs music so much ?
Post by: novemberparadise23 on December 28, 2007, 02:32:00 PM
 I like alot of music by a lot of different artists, but in the end only 2 bands have captured my imagination. One being Pink Floyd and my all time favorite band Guns n Roses.

I love GNR for alot of reasons but mostly because the  music vocals and  lyrics kick so much ass : ok: