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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: FunkyMonkey on November 22, 2007, 10:13:26 AM

Title: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: FunkyMonkey on November 22, 2007, 10:13:26 AM
NOW | NOVEMBER 22 - 28, 2007 | VOL. 27 NO. 12

Halifax, NS ? Hanging out with the Trailer Park Boys should come with a label like the ones on rap albums. "WARNING: Contains explicit fuckin' language. You will probably be offended. You will definitely laugh. And you'll want to avoid operating heavy machinery afterward."

Consider this random question from Mike Smith: "Ever pack your cock with cocaine like it's a musket?"

I'm in a booth at Bubbles Mansion, the Halifax eatery (and drinkery) owned by Smith, better known as Bubbles. An alcohol-fuelled shrine to life in Sunnyvale Trailer Park, Life Is A Highway is blaring from the speakers, shopping carts hang over the bar, photographs cover the walls and tables ? Bubbles with Geddy Lee and Ed Robertson, the boys on the cover of Maclean's magazine ? and there's a full-size replica of Bubbles's shack decorated with props from the show. No sign of the kitties, though.

Smith sits beside me, glass of tequila in hand.

"I don't drink beer. Strictly tequila. And good tequila, not shit tequila ? 4 Copas, from a distillery in Guadalajara, the world's only certified organic tequila."

Smith's down-home hospitality also includes a pretty mean pizza and a great cup of seafood chowder served up by Shaggy, the Mansion's chef.

Bubbles' trademark fishbowl glasses are in a case on the table (should Smith feel the need to become his high-pitched alter ego, I suppose) next to a photograph of Bubbles, goggle-eyed and gleeful, pounding on Neil Peart's drum kit. Robb Wells (aka Ricky) and John Paul Tremblay (Julian) are across from us working on pints of "Keets."

The occasional patron walks past pretending to look for the washroom while sneaking a peek at three of the country's biggest TV stars. You may like the show or not, depending on how much you enjoy potty-mouthed pot humour. (As Smith explains, "My dad is probably the biggest fan, while my my mom doesn't like when I say 'cocksucker. '")

But after seven seasons, a Christmas special, a feature film (due to get a U.S. theatrical release in January), numerous public appearances and countless T-shirts and beer glasses adorned with their likenesses, it's safe to elevate Bubbles, Ricky and Julian to iconic status. We're talkin' something like Al Waxman, The Littlest Hobo or The Beachcombers.

"Can you imagine if people freaked out when Nick Adonidas showed up at a bar like people do for us sometimes?" asks Smith incredulously.

The boys will be in Toronto for Grey Cup weekend to host one of several pre-game rock bashes celebrating the CFL showdown's 95th year. "That'll be a good fuckin' time," says Tremblay, the most laid-back of the three.

Smith, the trio's obvious ringleader and party planner, Wells and Tremblay are hanging out and shooting the shit about football, rock 'n' roll and how to throw the ultimate tailgate party. And they're doing it as themselves, not their characters, which is rarer than seeing Julian without a rum-and-Coke.

Now, back to Smith's cock-and-bull (or is it coke-and-bull?) question. I should probably be shocked. But after four hours, round after round of drinks and a monster hash cannon that could've been used by the British to defend nearby Citadel Hill from a French invasion ? or at least made the Brits feel better about being invaded ? our conversation's already taken more twists than Mulholland Drive. Besides, at a certain point somewhere between the third and fourth round, I think, things start to get a little hazy.

Sure, there's the usual talk of dope and booze and making TV on a dime-bag budget.

But we also talk about the CFL versus the NFL (the boys agree that the CFL is better, if only because it's faster; see sidebar, this page); whether my digital recorder would fit up Smith's ass (definitely, according to Tremblay); how Janet Jackson's right breast BLEEPing killed the Trailer Park Boys' TV debut in the U.S. ("Suddenly, you couldn't swear or do dope or anything"); partying with Axl Rose during a Tokyo earthquake ("Axl's standing in the doorway of our hotel at 10 am wearing a bathrobe, shouting, 'Hey, Bubbles! Ever been in an earthquake, motherfucker?!"); how NOW's slogan should be that it's so environmentally friendly you can smoke it; Japanese ass models; and how not to be a dick ("I think we've done pretty well at not turning into dicks; if we made sick amounts of money, maybe we'd be dicks").

All that and it's not even 5 in the afternoon. So discovering that Bubbles is a tequila connoisseur comes as more of a surprise than talk of dicks and drugs.

Bubbles wants to be your Cinnamon Girl

While the Grey Cup will see the Winnipeg Blue Bombers take on the Saskatchewan Roughriders on Sunday, the boys are (naturally) much more interested in the parties.

The lineup for the Grey Cup concert series reads like a who's who of classic Can-rock: Loverboy, April Wine, Trooper, David Wilcox. Only Rush and the Guess Who seem to be MIA.

?I haven't seen Loverboy in years,? says Smith, who used to play guitar in the Juno-nominated Sandbox back before shacking up in Sunnyvale seven years ago. ?I got onstage with Trooper last year, though.?

Suddenly, the boys are talking music. No surprise. There's a strong connection between the Trailer Park Boys and rock 'n' roll. DVDs of the show are incredibly popular time-killers on band tour buses. The boys did a cross-Canada tour with Our Lady Peace after season two, and were featured in the Tragically Hip video for The Darkest One. And both Alex Lifeson of Rush and Skid Row's Sebastian Bach have been on the show, while Lifeson and Gordon Downie were in the Trailer Park Boys movie.

?I'll listen to anything from reggae to heavy metal,? says Wells.

?You liked the Flock of Seagulls,? says Tremblay.

?Did I??

?You used to wear your hair just like that.?

?I don't remember that,? says Wells, whose onscreen alter ego sports a Jason Priestleyesque pompadour circa season three of 90210.

?Lots of celebrities like our show,? says Tremblay, who somehow manages to make it not sound like he's bragging. ?Brad Pitt, Eddie Murphy....?

?I have a confirmed report that Ringo Starr watches Trailer Park Boys ? and he does a Bubbles impression,? says Smith. ?I also hear he's a tool.?

When it's mentioned that Neil Young's also known to be a fan and that he's playing Massey Hall in a few days, Smith makes a shameless plea: ?If there's any reader out there with an extra ticket and you want to bring Bubbles to see Neil, get in touch with me, for fuck's sake.?

Which leads me to ask what band they'd love to play with if they had the opportunity.

?I kind of did join Guns n' Roses and went on tour playing with them for two months,? says Smith, who met Axl Rose through Bach. Smith ? as Bubbles ? would perform his song Liquor And Whores in concert. ?It was awesome, amazing, completely surreal.?

?I'd join Steel Pulse,? says Tremblay, referring to the British roots reggae outfit. ?I'd have a pretty good rockin', chillin' time with those guys on tour.?

?I want to recant my answer and say Menudo,? says Smith, straight-faced. ?Back when Ricky Martin was with them. They were nothing without Ricky.

?It's an important question, though,? Smith continues with what I believe is mock seriousness. ?You have to factor in how hard the band parties. You could say the Police, but they're not partying ? they're off doing yoga.?

?The Stones?? asks Wells.

?Not now. Back in the 60s, but if you were in the 60s you'd join the Beatles.?

?Roger Waters??

?No. You'd want to join somebody like...?

?The Who.?

?Not the Who,? says Smith.

?Who's all banged up on heroin?? asks Tremblay.


?They're cleaned up.?

?Boys, I'm joining the Hip,? declares Wells.

?The Hip's good,? says Smith.

?I'd party with those dicks,? says Tremblay.

?Nice comfortable tour bus, lots of stuff to do after the show,? Smith says.

?Smoke different things,? says Wells.

?And they don't do yoga.?

And on and on the debate continues, over another round of drinks.

?It's strange ? we've hung out and toured with a lot of bands, and we always seem like the crazy ones,? says Tremblay. ?They're all chilled out and we're like, ?Boys, this is a fuckin' rock tour!'?

?Except for Guns n' Roses,? says Smith.

?Axl is the only one who ever out-partied us,? says Tremblay admiringly. ?Ever.?

The night started in L.A. at Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen's pad. Rose even sang a few songs. By 7 am, he'd taken the boys to another house party where he ordered the windows blacked out so it still felt like night.

?This is Axl and just booze, not any other substance ? just liquor,? says Smith. ?He can drink for two days straight. He's a machine.? By midafternoon, Rose was ready to hit a strip club.

?We were like, ?That's it. We're done,'? says Tremblay. All three TPB slept until the next day, missing the Oscar after-parties they'd been invited to.

Not that it was the last red-carpet affair for the three.

Complete Interview here:

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: Leddy on November 22, 2007, 10:29:25 AM
Very cool, thanks or posting.

"Ever been in an earthquake motherfucker?!!"  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: KIKO2K6 on November 22, 2007, 10:33:46 AM
?He can drink for two days straight. He's a machine.?

Go AXL Go !!! :hihi:

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: Six Strings on November 22, 2007, 10:40:01 AM
"Ever been in an earthquake motherfucker?!!" I'm tottally pished myself at that moment... :hihi:

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: HBK on November 22, 2007, 11:28:57 AM

ajajaj... Funny Comments.

Thanks F.M.



Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on November 22, 2007, 11:51:01 AM
Unreal.  Great stuff.  How the hell does somebody get to the co-founder of Microsoft's "pad?"  I have a new-found respect for Paul Allen. 

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: novrain91 on November 22, 2007, 12:19:45 PM
Haha, I thoroughly enjoyed reading those parts about Axl.  Just when I was thinking he might not be that big of a party guy these days.

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: cineater on November 22, 2007, 01:58:12 PM
Yeah well, I've got my hands on my hips, tapping my foot with that are you stupid look on my face. 

Don't give me that shit, it wouldn't be just a cd if he'd get his ass out of the bottle now would it?

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: CheapJon on November 22, 2007, 02:15:06 PM
fucking awesome!!  :rofl:

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: Alpachiris on November 22, 2007, 02:48:20 PM
very sad,  party all time = no cd

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: AdZ on November 22, 2007, 03:24:24 PM
very sad,  party all time = no cd

Yes having a good time is so depressing. :(

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: Alpachiris on November 22, 2007, 03:42:54 PM
no cd for 15 years is so depressing!

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: jarmo on November 22, 2007, 03:47:16 PM
no cd for 15 years is so depressing!

You are depressing.


Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: Jim Bob on November 22, 2007, 03:49:28 PM
very sad,  party all time = no cd

whats sad is you don't use your brain.

The album is DONE, it is in the hands of the record company now.   Confirmed by at least 3 different sources.    What Axl does in his spare time has nothing to do with it.

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on November 22, 2007, 03:52:00 PM
no cd for 15 years is so depressing!

Axl stays out of the public eye for years and works on the album = he's a crazy recluse and the album's not out because he's trying to make it too perfect

Axl parties hard while on tour = he has no work ethic and the album's not out because he's too busy partying

Can't win with some people

Funny stories in the interview though.  Thanks for posting it

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: Alpachiris on November 22, 2007, 04:01:13 PM
no cd for 15 years is so depressing!

Axl stays out of the public eye for years and works on the album = he's a crazy recluse and the album's not out because he's trying to make it too perfect

Axl parties hard while on tour = he has no work ethic and the album's not out because he's too busy partying

Can't win with some people

Funny stories in the interview though.? Thanks for posting it

thanks dude!!

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: AdZ on November 22, 2007, 04:01:54 PM

thanks dude!!

Go away.

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: horsey on November 22, 2007, 07:18:55 PM
axl wears bathrobes ?
nowc thats funny happy turkeyday lol.if im in a earthquake i think id get dressed ha ha '
only axl can pull that off eh ?

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on November 22, 2007, 07:45:56 PM
Every interview I've read over the past couple of years mentioned how hard the guy can party.  I'm impressed. :beer:

He's definately making up for lost time.

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: ppbebe on November 22, 2007, 07:51:19 PM
He's definately making up for lost time.

all work no party would make you a dull boy :beer:

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: SpiritDave on November 22, 2007, 09:31:26 PM
Yeah man... this is funny.  He's definitely making up for the time he's been off tour ... those tour parties must rock :)  Especially with Bach nearby ... he's a fucking 80's party animal. lol

This cool news to post.  A bit different than the usual crap :)

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: Gabbana One on November 23, 2007, 10:28:32 AM
no cd for 15 years is so depressing!

You are depressing.



Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: Drew on November 23, 2007, 10:40:10 AM
By midafternoon, Rose was ready to hit a strip club.

Finally....the fun begins!!  ;D

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: gunns1 on November 23, 2007, 07:50:38 PM
By midafternoon, Rose was ready to hit a strip club.

Finally....the fun begins!!? ;D

Its a typo,

By midafternoon, Rose was ready to hit anything in the strip club.

fixed  : ok: :hihi: :hihi:

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: aussiegunner on November 23, 2007, 11:37:49 PM
Hahahahahahaha!!!!!  :peace: :beer:   my respect for Axl just keeps on growing!! Wat a legend!!

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: jaypayton on November 24, 2007, 12:11:00 AM
i find it odd that so many people seem to be happy that Axl is partying hard considering the millions of problems that have surfaced over the years in the GNR circle due to substance abuse....

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: cineater on November 24, 2007, 12:19:34 AM
yeah I feel the same way but they are grown men, know the pit falls better then us.  and if it means anything, i wish they wouldn't.

i only scream when you scare me

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: FunkyMonkey on December 20, 2007, 05:32:12 PM
From an interview with Sebastian...

Thursday December 20, 2007 @ 04:30 PM
By: Staff

Now that Angel Down is CRTC-friendly, Bach can concentrate his efforts on other hoser-ish pursuits. Right now, he's doing very well as an ambassador of sorts for the Trailer Park Boys. After appearing on their show, he took our nation's favourite dope-smoking ne'erdowells on his tour with Guns N' Roses last year and introduced the boys to their new biggest fan, Axl Rose.

"Now Bubbles is one of his best friends," Bach says. "Axl flew Bubbles to Japan and L.A. and Australia and all over the world ? getting drunk, smoking fucking weed."

Despite Bach's admirable work promoting Canadian culture abroad, the singer is still clearly nervous about staying on the CRTC's good side. When asked if his recent success on MTV's Celebrity Rap Superstar could lead to a rap album down the line, he vehemently denies it in the name of patriotism.

"I don't think that would be Cancon-approved. I'll leave that to Snow."

Title: Re: Trailer Park Boys Interview - Axl Mention
Post by: RoxyCotton on December 20, 2007, 07:29:42 PM
"Ever been in an earthquake motherfucker?!!" I'm tottally pished myself at that moment... :hihi:

saying it in a bathrobe!   :rofl: