Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Irish gunner II on October 12, 2007, 10:10:26 PM

Title: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: Irish gunner II on October 12, 2007, 10:10:26 PM
 :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
Who the fuck do they think they are ? Honestly what has Ireland EVER done to America for even a small small group of their citizens to think this utter bullshit. I clicked on the link to see why these people were even given the time of day, and I was shocked to see some AMERICANS JUMPING ON THE IRISH TRICOLOUR and direspecting my countrys flag.

I have never EVER dishonoured America in any way and I couldn't name one person I know that has danced on an american Flag in any way. I was always told to respect other countrys flags and traditions and I have done that without exception for 22 yrs yet some americans(and other americans should be utterly ashamed of these people) think it is perfectly acceptable to do this.

And apparently this group has another website that tells us that god hates sweeden which again is a joke that even on the internet these people can say this.

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: Lisa on October 12, 2007, 11:29:44 PM
anyone hate Canada??

I wouldn't waste energy busting a nut over bullshit Irish gunner ;)

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: The Dog on October 12, 2007, 11:45:35 PM
if you get upset at every dickhead with a computer and high speed internet access who decides to make some lame website you're going to be a very upset person.


Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 13, 2007, 12:48:02 AM
This guy hates everybody, don't take it personally, the guy is a complete closet case. His church, which is made up mostly of his family, are just as loony as he is. One day he will picket one too many Iraqi war soldiers funerals, (which he also does-blaming gay America for their demise) where hopefully, he will meet his maker thanks to a Vietnam vet with a grudge and an itchy trigger finger.

Watch as they run to their get away van after his protest yields a violently angry crowd. I think they would have been beaten to a pulp if it had not been for the police.

Here (

Michael Moore also dealt with this guy here ( which I thought was hilarious.

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: Genesis on October 13, 2007, 01:04:15 AM

I wouldn't waste energy busting a nut over bullshit Irish gunner ;)

What she said.

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: fuckin crazy on October 13, 2007, 04:48:30 AM
This group had their ass' handed to them during a Iraq war vets funeral protest in eastern Kentucky; which by the way, is predomidantly Scotch/Irish. Therefor Sir, your honor has been upheld by the good people of Kentucky.

EDIT: They had plans for another protest in the southern part of the state, but decided to cancel it at the last moment. :hihi: :hihi:

Moral of the story: don't fuck with a redneck

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: Jessica on October 13, 2007, 05:50:19 AM
This goes back to freedom of speech :

Should everyone be allowed to say " anything" ?

Personally, i believe that when it starts to deeply offend, when it prones dangerous behaviour ( how to commit suicide, how to murder rap? or torture, kidnap ect), when it spreads racial hatred ( nazis, anti semistic, anti arabic, anti IRISH, ect...), when it spreads religious hatred and when it prones terrorism, people should not be allowed to speak as it spreads and these people gain fans and ennemies too, creating more hatred and fear.

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: fuckin crazy on October 13, 2007, 06:29:30 AM
This goes back to freedom of speech :

Should everyone be allowed to say " anything" ?

Personally, i believe that when it starts to deeply offend, when it prones dangerous behaviour ( how to commit suicide, how to murder rap? or torture, kidnap ect), when it spreads racial hatred ( nazis, anti semistic, anti arabic, anti IRISH, ect...), when it spreads religious hatred and when it prones terrorism, people should not be allowed to speak as it spreads and these people gain fans and ennemies too, creating more hatred and fear.

I vehemently defend the right of every rascist to spew their vitriol; how else are we to know who they are?

Seriously, if one inhibits one form of speech, who is next? You, or me?

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: Jessica on October 13, 2007, 07:32:48 AM
This goes back to freedom of speech :

Should everyone be allowed to say " anything" ?

Personally, i believe that when it starts to deeply offend, when it prones dangerous behaviour ( how to commit suicide, how to murder rap? or torture, kidnap ect), when it spreads racial hatred ( nazis, anti semistic, anti arabic, anti IRISH, ect...), when it spreads religious hatred and when it prones terrorism, people should not be allowed to speak as it spreads and these people gain fans and ennemies too, creating more hatred and fear.

I vehemently defend the right of every rascist to spew their vitriol; how else are we to know who they are?

Seriously, if one inhibits one form of speech, who is next? You, or me?

We know who they are because racists always try to find ways to recruit more people into racist organisations.

I do not think allowing them to say absolutely everything that's on their mind is correct.

You or me don't seem to have sociopathic behaviour, do we ?

So i don't see any normal people having problems.

But the internet has great problems being monitored, and different countries in different laws make it extremely hard to prosecute people, so i really think something has to be done because all these sickos found a heaven into internet.

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: Irish rose on October 13, 2007, 07:49:36 AM
Just had a look at that site..load of bollox anyway..

as my friend once said " the information superhighway has become a dirt track" (he probably stole that one!!)

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: JMack on October 13, 2007, 09:28:52 AM
I just called my mother in law in Ireland and called her an ass.

ah no I didn't because she's here again.

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: Wheres Izzy on October 13, 2007, 10:36:39 AM
This goes back to freedom of speech :

Should everyone be allowed to say " anything" ?

Personally, i believe that when it starts to deeply offend, when it prones dangerous behaviour ( how to commit suicide, how to murder rap? or torture, kidnap ect), when it spreads racial hatred ( nazis, anti semistic, anti arabic, anti IRISH, ect...), when it spreads religious hatred and when it prones terrorism, people should not be allowed to speak as it spreads and these people gain fans and ennemies too, creating more hatred and fear.

I vehemently defend the right of every rascist to spew their vitriol; how else are we to know who they are?

Seriously, if one inhibits one form of speech, who is next? You, or me?

I agree. And while I am not defending the godhates... guy If you think this is a big deal try living in a country where actual news broadcasts show half the third world doing this to your flag AND mexico who has lived off of America's teet forever.

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: freedom78 on October 13, 2007, 11:39:41 AM
guy If you think this is a big deal try living in a country where actual news broadcasts show half the third world doing this to your flag

Exactly what I was thinking.  This is par for the course, if you're an American.

But take it from me: Ireland is great!  I've been there, it's a wonderful country, and the fine folks at (who I'm guessing are behind this one) just need to get laid.  You should be more insulted that they caricatured your country as one part Notre Dame Fightin' Irish mascot, and one part Lucky Charms mascot.   

This goes back to freedom of speech :

Should everyone be allowed to say " anything" ?

Personally, i believe that when it starts to deeply offend, when it prones dangerous behaviour ( how to commit suicide, how to murder rap? or torture, kidnap ect), when it spreads racial hatred ( nazis, anti semistic, anti arabic, anti IRISH, ect...), when it spreads religious hatred and when it prones terrorism, people should not be allowed to speak as it spreads and these people gain fans and ennemies too, creating more hatred and fear.

I vehemently defend the right of every rascist to spew their vitriol; how else are we to know who they are?

Seriously, if one inhibits one form of speech, who is next? You, or me?

I would also defend this speech, as disgusting as it is.  I don't think this is really spreading ethnic hatred...these people are idiots, no one believes what they say (again, except their own "church," which is really just one big inbred family of idiocy), and they're widely mocked. 

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: AxlsMainMan on October 13, 2007, 03:17:49 PM
Personally, i believe that when it starts to deeply offend, when it prones dangerous behaviour ( how to commit suicide, how to murder rap? or torture, kidnap ect), when it spreads racial hatred ( nazis, anti semistic, anti arabic, anti IRISH, ect...), when it spreads religious hatred and when it prones terrorism, people should not be allowed to speak as it spreads and these people gain fans and ennemies too, creating more hatred and fear.

In a free society like Canada, we are entitled to hold our own beliefs and opinions.

However, if you act prejudicially and treat someone in a discriminatory manner, then your are breaking the law.

I vehemently defend the right of every rascist to spew their vitriol; how else are we to know who they are?
I would also defend this speech, as disgusting as it is.

Opinions can be held, however they do not always have to be expressed.

Perhaps Canada and the US are simply different in that regard.

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: fuckin crazy on October 13, 2007, 03:23:12 PM
You or me don't seem to have sociopathic behaviour, do we ?

So i don't see any normal people having problems.

Who is to decide what is "normal"? You, me, doctors, the government? That is a slippery slope you are starting to descend.

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: polluxlm on October 13, 2007, 03:31:27 PM
Freedom of speech is total, or it's nothing. Anyone want to express their hatred for jews, niggers, crackers or faggots that should be their right.

Personal threats on the other hand is something else, of course, as that plays into the inalienable rights of a sovereign human being. And imo that should be superior to freedom of expression.

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: JMack on October 15, 2007, 12:46:14 PM
:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
Who the fuck do they think they are ? Honestly what has Ireland EVER done to America for even a small small group of their citizens to think this utter bullshit. I clicked on the link to see why these people were even given the time of day, and I was shocked to see some AMERICANS JUMPING ON THE IRISH TRICOLOUR and direspecting my countrys flag.

I have never EVER dishonoured America in any way and I couldn't name one person I know that has danced on an american Flag in any way. I was always told to respect other countrys flags and traditions and I have done that without exception for 22 yrs yet some americans(and other americans should be utterly ashamed of these people) think it is perfectly acceptable to do this.

And apparently this group has another website that tells us that god hates sweeden which again is a joke that even on the internet these people can say this.
Hey Gunner to be honest, you must have and use your sence of humor to keep your sanity over most of these idiots.? They do this because they want to inflame and get in your kitchen.? I think your right that no flag should be burned or stomped on and people should be respectful of others as they would want the same respect in kind.? I fully understand your anger because I feel the same way.? First, that it takes place here in the US under the protection of the constitution and police and secondly when my country is always portrayed as the bad guy or under constant verbal attack from dolts around the world that fails to see or mention all the good that my country or the citizens of the US 0f A has done or continues to do.? Always on the top of the list of countries that rush to help others in need.? I may be American yet being of Irish decent it bothers me two fold.? I do become irritated by some when my country is bashed yet have to stop posting when I realize where it comes from.? I usually resort to humor else where.
? ? I believe that if your secure of who you are and what you stand for then your ahead of the pack.? You can disagree with many but to be able to discuss things and joke around with people in person or even here on the GnR fansite then that's cool.? If you come across a jackass, then stay above it because it's not worth your time and effort.? If in person someone continues to press the issue then I feel very sorry for them.? On this site you can at least ignore or laugh at their idiocy.? As for this group of idiots that spews hate, I wish the police turned away for awhile and see what happens to the idiots w/o the protection.? Fuck the the loud miniority when it comes to such disrespect.? With you I concur that the total disrespect for everything should stop but don't count on it.
? J. Mack

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: The Dog on October 15, 2007, 01:22:32 PM
while the site itself was pure garbage nonsense, i did think the image of the Notre dame guy boning the lucky charms elf was comical  :hihi:

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: JMack on October 15, 2007, 02:06:19 PM
Ha Ha I didn't even bother to check it out.

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: Lisa on October 15, 2007, 04:48:16 PM
DO NOT say 'boner' around Jmack..he gets nervous :yes:

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: JMack on October 16, 2007, 07:40:35 AM
Ha Ha Only when you enter a room and it's just staring you in the face.  Any wrong moves and it can spew it's venom and I don't won't that.

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: carlosmontana on October 16, 2007, 09:56:00 AM
it's just the same cult that hates sweden as well. in fact i think they hate everybody. well, except them selfs...

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: JMack on October 16, 2007, 10:11:23 AM
Nah they hate themselves too.

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: CheapJon on October 21, 2007, 12:31:42 PM
appearantly too

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: freedom78 on October 21, 2007, 02:28:43 PM
They also hate America and Canada.  Enjoy this excerpt:

"They held special paganistic services for firefighters at the regular Sunday morning fag mass, and 17 WBC members, with brightly colored signs, singing, and sermonettes injected a tad of truth into their self-absorbed orgy of fag lies, to wit:  God Hates America!  On Sept. 11, God sent flaming javelins of wrath and vengeance to bring down the towers and cast thousands of filthy sinners (including 350 firefighters) into Hell!  They were not heroes.  They were guilty fags and dykes and fag- and dyke-enablers.  The wonder is that God did not destroy all of New York and all of America in fire and brimstone! --as at Sodom and Gomorrah in 1898 B.C.  Amen!"

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 22, 2007, 04:47:52 AM
The guy should just visit an airport bathroom and get it over with already.

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on October 22, 2007, 09:39:58 AM
I see they don't hate Scotland yet.

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: freedom78 on October 22, 2007, 10:43:17 AM
I see they don't hate Scotland yet.

Give it time.

Title: Re: This has to stop and is not one bit funny.
Post by: CSS on October 22, 2007, 11:43:38 AM
Give it time.


They hate everything and everyone, including God...

It's fucking absurd.