Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Ines_rocks! on October 12, 2007, 10:42:43 AM

Title: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Ines_rocks! on October 12, 2007, 10:42:43 AM
I decided to start this thread cos I really believe this can turn into something really funny and interesting. I did the search and found no threads similar to this one so I hope this is the first one of its kind.

Well, one of the reasons that made me join a Guns board was cos there I?d find people who I could identify with. People who wouldn?t find my passion for the band a weird thing or whatsoever. Something I really can?t find in my family. So I thought it would be funny to share our family stories about Gn?R and how they cope with us being fans (or obsessed as many say).

Here?s my story:

-My mother thinks I?m crazy. Whenever she sees me watching some Gn?R video she always asks me "Haven?t you seen it like 1000 times already?" and I?m like "But I haven?t seen this one yet. This one is different. Can?t you see it?s another concert?" and she goes "No. It?s exactly the same thing to me. Don?t you have anything else to do?". She also can?t stand whenever I buy some music magazine cos Guns are featured there. She thinks it?s way too expensive. But things aren?t that bad anyway... she has grown used to me being a fan now.? She even likes some songs. And although she can?t understand me, at least we don?t fight everyday because of it.? : ok:

-My dad didn?t even know who Guns were before I was a fan. Now whenever he hears the name of the band or whenever some music video is on TV he calls me to see it? :) He knows who Axl and Slash are, but besides that he knows nothing about Gn?R. When I appeared on national television with a red bandana and a Guns shirt, dancing and singing Novemver Rain he was like: what the fuck are you doing there? lol? ::)

-My brother likes Gn?R. He was the one who made me discover them so I can only be thankful to him. In 1992, he bought the UYI I cassete and listened to it all the time. Although I was a little girl back then, I would watch Guns concerts on TV with him. I remember we watched the Freddy Mercury tribute show on TV? :) He can?t stand the current band, doesn?t even give it a chance. Especially after they cancelled RiR 2004 to which he already had tickets to go. Last year, when I heard Guns were going to RiR I immediately bought tickets. My brother, till the day of the gig, said he wouldn?t go. I was to go on my own. However, on the day of the show, he decided to go so I didn?t go alone... and we sure had a really good time!? :D I give him all the Gn?R news... he likes to keep up with the band, although he ain?t a fan.

-None of my real friends really like the band. They know I?m a fan.... but we don?t talk much about it lol. I tried to bring some friends to the RiR gig but none of them wanted to go cos most of them didn?t have a clue about the band or its music. They don?t like rock bands... they?re much more into reaggeaton or some shit like that... oh well, but that?s another story lol.

-My grandparents don?t have the slightest clue. Don?t know I?m a fan... let alone know the band.

-The rest of my family has some idea about me being a fan, and some even joke with me about it or ask me stuff about Gn?R. I don?t mind answering at all... but sometimes I feel like they think I?m crazy or whatever. I don?t care anyway.? : ok:

Well that was my story. Hope you liked it lol. Now it?s your turn to share yours!!? :peace:

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: horsey on October 12, 2007, 11:51:00 AM
my family is so used to it an friends.i went to a very expensive resterant last night.for my sisters birthday.and her friend played a cd with.''i used to love her'' playing on the ride there.i think they have excepted it.when i found out about my tickets at the door.for the hammersteins show in ny,my tickets were at the door waiting (thanks beta ).finnnally my family didn't think the internet was crazy.i drive them crazy  on it all the time.but they were happy i finnally got some thing good from guns n roses web i guess they know now im not joking around and lyin.for proved everyone who doubted my g n' r web sites.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: mustaine on October 12, 2007, 01:29:40 PM
My mother likes GN'R (and actually she likes bands like Metallica and even some Pantera and other heavy bands that I listen to)... Estranged is one of her favorite songs. She also likes the new songs.

My father doesn't listen to GN'R and knows nothing about the band.

Two of my best friends are huge GN'R fans like myself, another friend of mine is a fan but doesn't think about anything but the music. Apart from that, it varies. Some of my friends like GN'R and others don't enjoy them that much, although I don't think I know anybody that really hates GN'R.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: .Seal on October 12, 2007, 02:06:11 PM
-None of my real friends really like the band. They know I?m a fan.... but we don?t talk much about it lol. I tried to bring some friends to the RiR gig but none of them wanted to go cos most of them didn?t have a clue about the band or its music. They don?t like rock bands... they?re much more into reaggeaton or some shit like that... oh well, but that?s another story lol
Sounds familiar  :hihi: My friends, that live in the same city, like some rap, rnb or something like that so I simply don't talk about GN'R that much to them  and when I do they are probably bit annoyed :P

Well my mom thinks Im a bit of dumb ass, or something :rofl:, with the tattoo and all the money Ive spent on all the GN'R stuff.

As for my dad he doesn't mind so much since he was a fan of a kind back in the day and from him I "inherited" (he is still alive  :hihi: ) Illusions. He also came to see GN'R last summer for the 2nd gig in Finland.

My brother probably hates them or something but then again he listens to shit music anyway..

But anyone who visits my room will probably get the idea:
( (
: ok:

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Ines_rocks! on October 12, 2007, 02:26:59 PM
Thanks for sharing Seal and horsey!? :peace:

Btw Seal I envy your wall! So fucking cool all those posters! I only got three: the AFD one, the Guns logo and some really great pic of Axl.? : ok:

The really cool think about this is seeing that other ppl got through the same thing lol like our mothers thinking we?re nuts.? :rofl: But yeah... it sucks that most our friends don?t like the same type of music... I can never talk about music with them.? :no:

Well... keep on sharing guys!? : ok:

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Jessica on October 12, 2007, 02:32:41 PM
My mother : Likes Axl's voice, she likes most songs and finds him very attractive, even said once " wouldn't mind you dating someone like him " but mum has a deep attraction for Matt Sorum. Funnily enough, mum thinks like i do about OMG, we both think it has hit potential.

My father : Well, he loved Abba and BB Streisand, so....

My brother : Got me into GNR, now thinks they are a bit dated but still enjoys old songs

My uncle : Got my brother into GNR and still likes them and i think he knows one of them but never really asked. He loves anything rock and roll.

My cousin on my dad's side : errm, can't say why, too private, but she laughs them off a lot, although she doesn't spit on NR.

Friends : well, i was at drama school few years back and since the world is small, some people knew them ( slash dated someone's sister, a model friend there met them all but axl in Ibiza, ect ect). They like the songs. I am usually with people who have similar tastes.

Exes : Not one of them liked GNR, one was into rap, the other into techno, the last into europe ( yeah, you read, the long haired barbies from sweden lol)

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Ines_rocks! on October 12, 2007, 02:41:13 PM

the last into europe ( yeah, you read, the long haired barbies from sweden lol)

haha that was funny! "It?s the final countdown!!" Lol when I was a kid I thought the frontman of that band was a woman... can?t say I?m to blame.? :hihi:

So cool we both had brothers who got us into Gn?R.? :D? As to your mother finding Axl atractive... well she?s got taste! Look at my mum... she?s always asking if Axl is gay... I?m sure it?s just to piss me off :no: lol? ? Anyway, thanks for sharing your story!? :peace:

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: troccoli on October 12, 2007, 02:57:39 PM
Interesting topic.? Let's see.? Well, I know that my whole immediate family (mom, dad, bro, sis) understnads that I am a Guns fan, at least music-wise.? No one else has a clue except for maybe two of my cousins who got me into GNR when I was a kid (Appetite was the first album I ever bought, and on tape no less).  I'm sure they think they are dated now.  I would guess that my mom, dad and sister think that I am slightly obsessed when I flew across the country to see all 4 shows at the Hammerstein (I am from NY).? I also have a close friend on Long Island who's a huge fan, so that worked out.? Then I told my parents about the people who have traveled across the world to see those shows and that gave them some perspective.? Had an extra ticket to the last show and realize now that I should have asked my dad.? He listens to classic rock radio (which now plays Guns stuff, at least in the US anyway).? My friends know I like them and a few know about the trip to NY.  I try to get peopel to listen to the new songs and to the ones that either never made it to the radio or are played rarely: Rocket Queen, Don't Damn Me, Coma, Locomotive, Civil War, etc.  I don't think that anyone in my family or my friends (except for that one) know the utter devotion though, meaning the $$$ I've spent on collecting:

When they find that out they will think I am insane!!!

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Ines_rocks! on October 12, 2007, 03:03:43 PM

When they find that out they will think I am insane!!!

You got all that?? :o God! I worship you now!? :hihi: So many and rare stuff! Where did you get all that? lol your parents don?t know about that?? :hihi:
Thanks for sharing.? : ok:

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: troccoli on October 12, 2007, 03:24:42 PM

When they find that out they will think I am insane!!!

You got all that?? :o God! I worship you now!? :hihi: So many and rare stuff! Where did you get all that? lol your parents don?t know about that?? :hihi:
Thanks for sharing.? : ok:

Where did I get it?  Oh, you know, here and there.  Just kidding - mostly from the internet but a few choice items I have picked up at record stores.  Once, in Boston, on the SAME day, at two different record stores, I picked up Live Like A Suicide tapes for $1 each!

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Ines_rocks! on October 12, 2007, 03:30:56 PM

When they find that out they will think I am insane!!!

You got all that?? :o God! I worship you now!? :hihi: So many and rare stuff! Where did you get all that? lol your parents don?t know about that?? :hihi:
Thanks for sharing.? : ok:

Where did I get it?? Oh, you know, here and there.? Just kidding - mostly from the internet but a few choice items I have picked up at record stores.? Once, in Boston, on the SAME day, at two different record stores, I picked up Live Like A Suicide tapes for $1 each!

For $1?? Damn... you?re lucky! But yeah... you really have some great collecting items there. One day you?ll make tons of money by selling them! Btw... how much have you spent with all that aproximately? Yeah... I?m fucking curious lol.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: troccoli on October 12, 2007, 03:46:01 PM

Where did I get it?? Oh, you know, here and there.? Just kidding - mostly from the internet but a few choice items I have picked up at record stores.? Once, in Boston, on the SAME day, at two different record stores, I picked up Live Like A Suicide tapes for $1 each!

For $1?? Damn... you?re lucky! But yeah... you really have some great collecting items there. One day you?ll make tons of money by selling them! Btw... how much have you spent with all that aproximately? Yeah... I?m fucking curious lol.

Funny, 'cause I've been thinking about that lately.  Another user on this forum told me it's probably worth upwards of $20,000.  I don't know.  I do know that I have spent at least $10,000.  Over the course of many years.  I should find out how much it's worth though because it's probably a smart idea to insure it.  But I'm not positive if I can determine a value myslef (for the insurance company) or if I have to have an independent person/agency do it.  We'll see.  :beer:

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: bazgnr on October 12, 2007, 04:08:51 PM
My Dad - 60 at the time - flew to NYC last year to catch the 5/12 Hammerstein show with me.  Also came with me to two shows during the Illusion tour back in the day...

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: AxlsMainMan on October 12, 2007, 04:14:10 PM
My Dad - 60 at the time - flew to NYC last year to catch the 5/12 Hammerstein show with me.?

What did he think of that bloody outstanding gig? ;D

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: LordRazZ on October 12, 2007, 04:29:39 PM
oh goodie. Just what I came to for.

I was just DYING to know what the fuck your family thinks of GnR, and you as a fan.

When my son is born, and I play WTTJ and he smiles, will that make the GnR new section as well?


Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Ines_rocks! on October 12, 2007, 05:09:50 PM
oh goodie. Just what I came to for.

I was just DYING to know what the fuck your family thinks of GnR, and you as a fan.

When my son is born, and I play WTTJ and he smiles, will that make the GnR new section as well?


Ohh... the "great thread killer"!!? ?:nervous: You came to kill my thread? Damn...? :no: It?s ok if you don?t like or get the point of the thread though... can?t blame you for that. But if you don?t wanna add anything worthy in it don?t post.? : ok:

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Albert S Miller on October 12, 2007, 05:10:39 PM
I am one of the older generation fans so I have been with Gun's since the beginning, and like Duff I am from Seattle or the outskirts of, saw close to all of the shows in the area back in the day, and still remain true to them today. ?Have also traveled across the country to see them at RIR 06 in Lisbon with my husband and two girls who were at the time 15 and 16 what a treat huh!!!! Saw them in LasVegas last September and again in my hometown of Everett I think in January, so I have definately brought my children up properly and my husband enjoys them as well. ?As far as my parents go and the rest of my family they are all used to my daily obsession with them, my tattoos and memerobilia, scrapbooks and so on. ?Have my own personal footage from all the shows I attended last year. ?I guess like the rest of you I don't share this obsession with many of my friends either, I think they all gave up long ago. ?Oh Ya and my first time I ever noticed the band was on MTV, Axl was singing SCOM, and I was forever hooked!!!!

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Ines_rocks! on October 12, 2007, 05:19:36 PM
Thanks for sharing your story  : ok: I really envy those "old generation" fans like you who followed the band since the early days. It has to be a whole different experience.  ;) I?m glad your husband and children enjoy the band too and that they understand your "obsession" lol. That is really cool.  :peace: Btw and slightly off-topic, did you like Lisbon (my city)?

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: The Hinge on October 12, 2007, 05:51:24 PM
"axls a fuckhead"...."your living in the past"........."there not guns n roses any more".........

These are the sort of comments that are spat at me by most of my friends.

To all those oppose...umm well

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Gonzo Axl on October 12, 2007, 06:07:09 PM
My mom, sister and dad never really knew of GNR. My sis is 21 btw. I listen to them so munch in the car, that they actually ENJOY them! And get a load of this, Ive seen GNR 4 times, VR twice and my parents both WANTED to go! and did hahaha Free shows for me :)  :beer:  And they know all the history, members, everything about ChiDem

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Zerocool2 on October 12, 2007, 06:27:05 PM
My brother had the cd's that I stole as a kid and got hooked off of but my mom and dad thought Guns N Roses were the anti-christ and used to take all my can imagine how great it was when I got to go to my first concert a few years ago, I woke them up in the middle of the morning (they had no idea I was even at the show) and said "mom at GNR and oh yeah I just met all the guys outside the show"

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: GNRFan333 on October 12, 2007, 07:30:27 PM
Mother- Enjoys some of their softer songs and whatnot.

Father- tries to be a hardcore fan  :D I laugh at him. i went to the concert with him in december 06, and he said it was the best thing hes ever seen. Mainly blasts GNR on speakers very loudly.

Sister- Thinks im retarted for listtening to any bands that were active before i was even born...but she listens to rap and emo, so what does that tell ya?

Dog- is scarred of loud music, so it doesnt please her too much

Friends- casual GNR die hards, just people who have liked what they heard on the radio. Sure, i get the comments like "GNR is dead, A reunion will never happen...axls ego will fuck it up..." shit like that. But whatever. i dont care. we al laugh about it.

Me?- id sadly say close to die hard. Just bought AFD nd Lies on vinyl...near mint condition, and i was told that im obsessed if id spend 25 bucks on two records. but i dont care. I became a GNR fan after i heard jungle on GTA San Andreas...decided to download some more shiiit (since i obviously knew that song), and then came across many more songs i already knew, and then the great music ive never heard from UYI or lies. I was hooked. I then heard on radio about this "Chinese Democracy" thing...which was totally new and unheard of to me at the time. Did some looking-up on the internet, and sat back and read all about it. at first, i was amazed by it...and honestly thought 06 would have been the year. of course that never happened, and im past the point of concern with CD. sure, i love the leaks...but i dont wanna waste my time waiting like a lost dog for this thing. Then i came across some classic Axl rants and stage anticts...and i officially declared Axl Rose a Rock N' Roll God!

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: isa on October 12, 2007, 08:05:04 PM
Mi mom n grandma likes Patience n they're used to listen everyday GN'R, My brother likes first n still, but he's not very into it, now. My little cousins boy n girl who are 6 n 2, really enjoy GN'R, spacially Axl  ;D, they love him, also I have others ones which were rebel n the only way to calm them down was putting UYI video. it's amazing the power of the band on some people.

Friends: they think I'm crazy for listtening to bands that were active before I was born, all girls, but they enjoy the balads, I brouth real RN'R into the classroom.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: grog mug on October 12, 2007, 10:40:23 PM
I've made everyone in my family and all my friends and whoever else knows me listen to ALL the new stuff.  They love it, and get tired of me talking about it all the time, or anytime a music issue comes up.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Albert S Miller on October 12, 2007, 10:41:29 PM
Thanks for sharing your story? : ok: I really envy those "old generation" fans like you who followed the band since the early days. It has to be a whole different experience.? ;) I?m glad your husband and children enjoy the band too and that they understand your "obsession" lol. That is really cool.? :peace: Btw and slightly off-topic, did you like Lisbon (my city)?
Your city was absolutely beautiful, It was the hugest experience for me as a person to go that far away from home, I was really nervous!! We stayed at the Hotel Real Parque in the heart of Lisbon, we were told, they were great to us, truly I don't know how we would have gotten by without them. ?It was a great experience, and certainly one my family and I will never forget. ?I met Jarmo and Christos and a couple others from the board at the Hardrock at the preparty show and most of all I got to see Axl whom I adore so much, he is so fascinating and his talents are endless.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Robman? on October 12, 2007, 11:00:39 PM
My mom likes GN'R, especially SCOM and November Rain. My sister and my dad dont like Axl's voice, though my dad does like some GNR songs.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: russtcb on October 13, 2007, 12:03:25 AM
I'm slightly drunk and I wanna answer this honestly without getting into trouble on this board, so please MODS, if you feel I'm being rude, negative or disrespectful to Guns N' Roses, please just delete this post and don't give me negative karma:


My wife truly understands my love for GNR.  I won't bore you with the details, but other then my wife and my 19 month old son, I really don't have "family" as most people would define it.

Having said that, I know that she really gets it when she sees me involved in GNR stuff.  When the Hammerstein shows were announced, I read the news to her online and before I could turn around she said "we're driving to New York aren't we?".  That might not seem like a big deal until you realize that at that moment I was out of work, we had a newborn, she had never even seen GNR live, she wasn't really a fan but she KNEW how I felt.  She'd seen me and my little brother watch bootlegs all the way through for hours and hours in the middle of the night and rewind to watch the same Axl gesture or Slash movement like NINE times. She heard stories from me and my buddy Tony about the first time we saw Robin play and we almost SHIT ourselves at how incredible he was, she knew this new band was real and just as incredible to us.

So my wife is down with my love to say the least. Not to mention the fact that she genuinely love GNR now, and not just because I do. She really loves the music and more the new songs then the old ones. She walks through the house singing The Blues or Better on a regular basis and it's awesome for me.

I could go on for a while, but I digress, that's the best I can express how my family is about GNR.


My friends are almost 50/50 split on the subject. I have a rare breed of friends that really appreciate my love of music and love music as much as I do. Alot of them LOVE the material I've played for them and the think it's great that I've "kept the faith" and come into these new songs that most people won't know til some time in the future.
The other 50% laugh in my face. They say things like "Hey.... I might be a fan of (fill in the blank band) but at least my band RELEASES ALBUMS" and things like that.  And I have to agree with both sides.

General World:

This is where I have the hardest time. I've always been the kind of person to like the kind of music I like because I like it. I've never really cared what people thought of the artist. But most people I come into contact with seem to equate overall intelligence with me liking and believing in GNR still.
This is where I could get myself in trouble so I'll stop now.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: lynn1961 on October 13, 2007, 12:04:09 AM
I'm "old", at 45, so my parents had no clue, nor do my older brothers & sister (because they're WAY old!) ? My nieces & nephews think GnR are ok but don't like them as much as I do. ?My 21 yr old son thinks I'm insane. ?

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Ines_rocks! on October 13, 2007, 09:46:08 AM
Thank you all for sharing your stories!? :D

My 21 yr old son thinks I'm insane.?

lol lynn... well we all have gone through that as well.? : ok:

The other 50% laugh in my face. They say things like "Hey.... I might be a fan of (fill in the blank band) but at least my band RELEASES ALBUMS" and things like that. And I have to agree with both sides.

Lol I?ve heard that one so many times that I gave up on argumenting with them. I just nod you know. It?s easier! Thanks for your honest story.? ;)

My sister and my dad dont like Axl's voice.

That happens with my mum. Whenever I?m listening to Gn?R she goes: "oh there he is yelling again... make him shut up already!"? ::)

Thanks for sharing your story? : ok: I really envy those "old generation" fans like you who followed the band since the early days. It has to be a whole different experience.? ;) I?m glad your husband and children enjoy the band too and that they understand your "obsession" lol. That is really cool.? :peace: Btw and slightly off-topic, did you like Lisbon (my city)?
Your city was absolutely beautiful, It was the hugest experience for me as a person to go that far away from home, I was really nervous!! We stayed at the Hotel Real Parque in the heart of Lisbon, we were told, they were great to us, truly I don't know how we would have gotten by without them.? It was a great experience, and certainly one my family and I will never forget.? I met Jarmo and Christos and a couple others from the board at the Hardrock at the preparty show and most of all I got to see Axl whom I adore so much, he is so fascinating and his talents are endless.

I?m glad you liked Lisbon!? : ok: For me, it?s one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Oh and I was at that pre-party show as well... it was really cool seeing so many fans out there.? :)

Friends: they think I'm crazy for listtening to bands that were active before I was born, all girls, but they enjoy the balads, I brouth real RN'R into the classroom.

Yeah... what a shame. Mine say the same thing. But you know... I wouldn?t trade any "Umbrella" shit they listen to some of the best music ever made, even if it is now 20 years old.

Father- tries to be a hardcore fan :D I laugh at him. i went to the concert with him in december 06, and he said it was the best thing hes ever seen. Mainly blasts GNR on speakers very loudly.

That?s so cool you father went to the concert with you! Mine wouldn?t go even if I paid him? :no:? ?

my mom and dad thought Guns N Roses were the anti-christ and used to take all my stuff...

 :o Are you serious? They would take away your stuff? Damn...

My mom, sister and dad never really knew of GNR. My sis is 21 btw. I listen to them so munch in the car, that they actually ENJOY them! And get a load of this, Ive seen GNR 4 times, VR twice and my parents both WANTED to go! and did hahaha Free shows for me :) :beer: And they know all the history, members, everything about ChiDem

haha that?s so cool they wanted to go with you! And yeah... although it might be weird for them to go with you, at least you didn?t have to pay for it!? ;D

"axls a fuckhead"...."your living in the past"........."there not guns n roses any more".........

These are the sort of comments that are spat at me by most of my friends.

To all those oppose...umm well

It?s so sad when our friends can?t respect the music we like. I mean... I?m not always picking on them for liking Shakira or whatever shit like that. Well... at least we like good music! And if it wasn?t for Guns I?d be listening to the shit my friends do for sure.? :P

Well... keep on sharing guys! I?m really loving this thread.  ;D

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Wasted_youth on October 13, 2007, 02:20:57 PM
every girlfriend i have gets a constant bombardment of gunners. Most of them at the start dont know what to think, but the ones worth keeping usually say " hey this band is fucken great" after a few Rock and root sessions

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: lynn1961 on October 14, 2007, 12:26:51 AM
Ines - what I think is ironic is that I'm probably the age of your parents, and your parents aren't into it.  My son, who is closer to your age, doesn't get it either.   Doesn't matter that I'm 45 - I've always been a rock n' roll junkie.   

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Alpachiris on October 14, 2007, 12:48:33 AM
My mother and father likes GN'R, (Estranged , november rain, are Their favorite songs)

Many old people in Argentina like guns n roses.

The new guns only fans knows exist, for the press the band is Dissolved1

sorry for my english.. ;D

ahhh my father went to the concert with me in 1992 and 1993 buenos aires!

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Ines_rocks! on October 14, 2007, 08:27:58 AM
Ines - what I think is ironic is that I'm probably the age of your parents, and your parents aren't into it. My son, who is closer to your age, doesn't get it either. Doesn't matter that I'm 45 - I've always been a rock n' roll junkie.

Lol yeah... it has nothing to do with the age you know. My mother, who is 50, never was into rock... she liked Abba you know  :hihi:. As to my father, who is 57, he never really liked music anyway... I?m always picking on him saying: "damn! you lived in the led zepellin, beatles, doors, jimmi hendrix era and you didn?t even enjoy it!!". lol

ahhh my father went to the concert with me in 1992 and 1993 buenos aires!

How cool! That must have been a hell of an experience!  ;)

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: November_Rain on October 14, 2007, 01:44:19 PM
No one around me likes GNR so I have nobody to share my love for this band with. And last year when I decided I was going alone to see them in Madrid all my friends and family thought I was crazy and then, a few months later they played in my town and people were like " you?re gonna see them AGAIN? ". As if two times were enough :P

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: sexkitten on October 14, 2007, 04:14:44 PM
My older sister and I always wanted to go on a double date with Gilby & Axl (of course, she with Gilby and me with Axl)! She will get me GNR memorabilia for xmas or b-day presents, but she's not a huge fan like I am. 

My younger sister doesn't really like them, but definitely supports my love of the band...for xmas last year she gave me 6 bottles of Nightrain and put one in my stocking!

My dad is an old hippie who loves the beatles, the dead, dylan, zepplin, etc. So my love of music came from him...he'll watch videos with me, and appreciates them.

My friends don't get it at all and think I'm crazy! I actually went to the first Hammerstein show by myself because none of my lame-ass friends would go! The best thing is I ended up meeting some of you at the 8 other shows I went to last year and had a blast! I made some true friends here who all share the same passion for our favorite band...and that rocks so hard!!!  :peace:

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Ines_rocks! on October 14, 2007, 04:27:01 PM

My friends don't get it at all and think I'm crazy! I actually went to the first Hammerstein show by myself because none of my lame-ass friends would go!

I soo understand you. It sucks!  :no: But yeah... at least u met a lot of cool people there!  ;)

And last year when I decided I was going alone to see them in Madrid all my friends and family thought I was crazy and then, a few months later they played in my town and people were like " you?re gonna see them AGAIN? ". As if two times were enough :P

You went to Madrid all by yourself? God you got some courage in there!  :peace: I don?t think I could do it.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: bazgnr on October 14, 2007, 07:42:33 PM
My Dad - 60 at the time - flew to NYC last year to catch the 5/12 Hammerstein show with me.?

What did he think of that bloody outstanding gig? ;D

He wasn't all that impressed with Bullet for My Valentine, but he loved it when GnR hit the stage.  He'd forgotten to pick up ear plugs, so we're on the floor - right beside a fairly intense mosh pit - and I turn around to see that he stuffed pieces of napkins in his ears.  It was a blast walking back through Times Square after the show, although for as much fun as I made of him for the whole napkin-earplug bit, I couldn't hear a damn thing he was saying.  That show was definitely one of the cooler moments I've shared with my dad, you know?

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: sexkitten on October 14, 2007, 08:21:04 PM
My Dad - 60 at the time - flew to NYC last year to catch the 5/12 Hammerstein show with me.?

What did he think of that bloody outstanding gig? ;D

He wasn't all that impressed with Bullet for My Valentine, but he loved it when GnR hit the stage.? He'd forgotten to pick up ear plugs, so we're on the floor - right beside a fairly intense mosh pit - and I turn around to see that he stuffed pieces of napkins in his ears.? It was a blast walking back through Times Square after the show, although for as much fun as I made of him for the whole napkin-earplug bit, I couldn't hear a damn thing he was saying.? That show was definitely one of the cooler moments I've shared with my dad, you know?

That's so awesome!  :peace: Bazgnr's dad rocks!

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: faldor on October 14, 2007, 09:14:50 PM
When I first really got into GNR, back when the UYI albums came out.  I used to blare those CD's from my room and whenever "Get In The Ring" came on my mom would ask me what I was listening to and if it was really appropriate (I was in middle school).  I'd quickly play her "November Rain" though, she loved that song.  Thought it was beautiful.  She, and my dad, were public school music teachers, so they could appreciate good music.  Not fans of the vulgarities though.

My sister actually liked GNR way before I did, back when Appetite came out.  And since I thought it was uncool to like what your older sister liked at that time, I resorted to hating GNR back then.  That didn't last long though.  Years later while at college she went to a hypnotist and he got her to do something crazy whenever "Welcome to the Jungle" played.  She's afraid to listen to that song till today because of that.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: AxlsMainMan on October 15, 2007, 12:11:53 AM
My Dad - 60 at the time - flew to NYC last year to catch the 5/12 Hammerstein show with me.?

What did he think of that bloody outstanding gig? ;D

He wasn't all that impressed with Bullet for My Valentine, but he loved it when GnR hit the stage.? He'd forgotten to pick up ear plugs, so we're on the floor - right beside a fairly intense mosh pit - and I turn around to see that he stuffed pieces of napkins in his ears.? It was a blast walking back through Times Square after the show, although for as much fun as I made of him for the whole napkin-earplug bit, I couldn't hear a damn thing he was saying.? That show was definitely one of the cooler moments I've shared with my dad, you know?

I went with my Dad too Bazgnr :)

Truly a night neither of us will ever forget :beer:

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: gcluskey on October 15, 2007, 01:27:34 PM
When I was a teenager I used to blast Appetite and Lies from my bedroom whilst playing air guitar or singing into a hairbrush! My mother thought I was listening to devil music and thought I was on drugs!! But she liked Sweet Child O Mine. She didn't like the GNR T-Shirts I wore, actually it was mainly the one with the needles sticking out of a skull. She tore it off me one day, I went mental, as a fired up teenager would!! Almost 20 years later and I'm still a fan and my mother is more understanding about that type of music, she doesn't like all of it but she understands that its nothing to do with the devil!!

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Ines_rocks! on October 15, 2007, 02:32:56 PM
Devil? I really don?t get itlol.. I mean it?s not as if you were listening to Black Sabbath... :rofl: oh well, to each its cross.? : ok:

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: bazgnr on October 15, 2007, 05:17:29 PM
My Dad - 60 at the time - flew to NYC last year to catch the 5/12 Hammerstein show with me.?

What did he think of that bloody outstanding gig? ;D

He wasn't all that impressed with Bullet for My Valentine, but he loved it when GnR hit the stage.? He'd forgotten to pick up ear plugs, so we're on the floor - right beside a fairly intense mosh pit - and I turn around to see that he stuffed pieces of napkins in his ears.? It was a blast walking back through Times Square after the show, although for as much fun as I made of him for the whole napkin-earplug bit, I couldn't hear a damn thing he was saying.? That show was definitely one of the cooler moments I've shared with my dad, you know?

I went with my Dad too Bazgnr :)

Truly a night neither of us will ever forget :beer:

Now that's an understatement....!!!   

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: sexkitten on October 15, 2007, 11:11:48 PM
My sister actually liked GNR way before I did, back when Appetite came out.? And since I thought it was uncool to like what your older sister liked at that time, I resorted to hating GNR back then.? That didn't last long though.? Years later while at college she went to a hypnotist and he got her to do something crazy whenever "Welcome to the Jungle" played.? She's afraid to listen to that song till today because of that.

Huh?  Got hypnotized?  Please expand on this.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: faldor on October 15, 2007, 11:45:52 PM
My sister actually liked GNR way before I did, back when Appetite came out.? And since I thought it was uncool to like what your older sister liked at that time, I resorted to hating GNR back then.? That didn't last long though.? Years later while at college she went to a hypnotist and he got her to do something crazy whenever "Welcome to the Jungle" played.? She's afraid to listen to that song till today because of that.

Huh?? Got hypnotized?? Please expand on this.
Yeah, she was hypnotized.  She offered to participate from the crowd and got put under and told her that whenever she heard "Welcome to the Jungle" to do something crazy.  I wanna say it had something to do with taking her clothes off, but this is my sister so I'd rather not think in those terms.  For that reason, we'll say he had her dance like a chicken.  She got freaked out one day I started playing her a copy of a concert I went to back in 2002.  She heard Jungle and told me to stop it, and told me the story.  I guess the hypnotist did a good job on her.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: sexkitten on October 16, 2007, 07:16:33 PM
My sister actually liked GNR way before I did, back when Appetite came out.? And since I thought it was uncool to like what your older sister liked at that time, I resorted to hating GNR back then.? That didn't last long though.? Years later while at college she went to a hypnotist and he got her to do something crazy whenever "Welcome to the Jungle" played.? She's afraid to listen to that song till today because of that.

Huh?? Got hypnotized?? Please expand on this.
Yeah, she was hypnotized.? She offered to participate from the crowd and got put under and told her that whenever she heard "Welcome to the Jungle" to do something crazy.? I wanna say it had something to do with taking her clothes off, but this is my sister so I'd rather not think in those terms.? For that reason, we'll say he had her dance like a chicken.? She got freaked out one day I started playing her a copy of a concert I went to back in 2002.? She heard Jungle and told me to stop it, and told me the story.? I guess the hypnotist did a good job on her.

That's insane!!!!

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Nadi on October 17, 2007, 02:38:41 AM

-None of my real friends really like the band. They know I?m a fan.... but we don?t talk much about it lol. I tried to bring some friends to the RiR gig but none of them wanted to go cos most of them didn?t have a clue about the band or its music. They don?t like rock bands... they?re much more into reaggeaton or some shit like that... oh well, but that?s another story lol.

yeah he same here...none of my friends...actually none of ppl from my real life like the band... and they make fun of me that i life in past and so...:(

so thats so nice, that i can b in contact w ppl who likes the band on net... :)

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Ines_rocks! on October 17, 2007, 02:29:01 PM

-None of my real friends really like the band. They know I?m a fan.... but we don?t talk much about it lol. I tried to bring some friends to the RiR gig but none of them wanted to go cos most of them didn?t have a clue about the band or its music. They don?t like rock bands... they?re much more into reaggeaton or some shit like that... oh well, but that?s another story lol.

yeah he same here...none of my friends...actually none of ppl from my real life like the band... and they make fun of me that i life in past and so...:(

so thats so nice, that i can b in contact w ppl who likes the band on net... :)

Yeah that was my point with this thread. Knowing other?s stories so we don?t feel so "alone"  ;)

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: horsey on October 17, 2007, 09:52:08 PM
you know when i wanna give up.i hear a car ride by blasting g n' r .so when that happens and i hear ''better '' blasting out car window's.i will really be happy !

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Irish gunner II on October 19, 2007, 09:36:18 PM
My mother wouldnt be a fan of GNR really but even though I'm 22 she got me a GNR t-shirt two years ago for christmas which was really a suprise. She said " I know you like the band so I thought it would be a good christmas present"
My dad has never said either way that he dislikes or likes GNR, but I assume they arent his cup of tea.

My youngest brother(14) likes the band a bit but wouldnt be telling everybody about it, and he bought me a Zeppelin T-Shirt for my birthday last year which was cool, so there is hope for a passing of the torch :)
My other brother(18) can't stand any rock music and has told me to "turn off that shit" when listening to zeppelin.

My Family know I like GNR but don't really like or care one way or the other. Although I was telling one of my cousins about CD and we were talking about 80s bands so obviously I said GNR and apparently "they are overhyped and not that good" but sure thats life.

My friends, well one of my friends is the reason I love this band so much. I remember first few weeks of College and he brought his copy of Appetite in and told me to listen to it. My other college friends which are mostly girls like SCOM and one said WTTJ was a brilliant song.

BTW Ines great thread, as I got me thinking about how GNR has shaped parts of my life.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Bandita on October 19, 2007, 11:35:56 PM
What a great thread, I loved reading all your stories.

My family has thought my love of GNR as being nuts for the past 20 years.  :hihi:

Some of my friends like them but none quite as much as me.  The rest of them just think I am crazy.

Even now when I play it my Mom will be like, "Isn't it time you get past them already????????"

Hell no, I say!!!!

My boyfriend loves to make fun of the fact that they can't seem to release an album.  I sense my love of GNR might outlast him, haha! ;D

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: 14 Yrs Of Silence on October 19, 2007, 11:55:20 PM
No one I know really gets my "obsession" with GN'R. ?I put that in quotes because thats what others would call it however I think that word is a little extreme and is more fitting for some of you nutjobs! ? :hihi:

In 1988 at age 11 I was first introduced to AFD after having been into WTTJ and SCOM. ?It blew me away and I convinced my mom to get me the tape immediately. ?While my family always thought I would grow out liking the type of music that GN'R made, I guess you could say they underestimated my loyalty and meaning that Guns had to me. ?I was basically a good kid, good grades, raised right and never got into too much trouble. ?I guess thats part of what was so appealing to me...the danger. ?Living out a sick fantasy of moral corruption. ?

Through the years my interest never really decreased despite lack of production. ?I guess thats part of whats made the classic lineup and that time so meaningful. ?Theres a mystique about them that very few bands could ever match. ?Since Axl's introduced the new band my interest has gone to another level in anticipation of CD.

So hear I am, 30, married with a child on the way. ?My wife, god bless her, puts up with me very well. ?She used to laugh everytime she saw me on this website, but now realizes its just apart of my daily routine. ?She was not into GN'R before she met me. ?However, she went to see them at Hammerstein with me and didn't even complain waiting until 11 for them to hit the stage (this includes listening to Bullet for my Valentine!). ?She's gotten used to listening to GN'R in the car on a regular basis and I've made enough of a fan out of her that she can sing along to Madagascar and TWAT ?:)

Most of my friends like GN'R and those that have heard some of the new material like it, but none are like me, checking this website daily in hopes that we get the announcement we've been waiting a long time for. ?One of my oldest buddies was right there with me during the early days, but today he thinks its all a big joke. ?He doesn't think CD will ever see the light of day and I can't wait til the day comes when he and all the other haters eat crow! ?

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Lostrose on October 20, 2007, 03:37:33 AM
-None of my real friends really like the band. They know I?m a fan.... but we don?t talk much about it lol. I tried to bring some friends to the RiR gig but none of them wanted to go cos most of them didn?t have a clue about the band or its music. They don?t like rock bands... they?re much more into reaggeaton or some shit like that... oh well, but that?s another story lol
Sounds familiar? :hihi: My friends, that live in the same city, like some rap, rnb or something like that so I simply don't talk about GN'R that much to them? and when I do they are probably bit annoyed :P

Well my mom thinks Im a bit of dumb ass, or something :rofl:, with the tattoo and all the money Ive spent on all the GN'R stuff.

As for my dad he doesn't mind so much since he was a fan of a kind back in the day and from him I "inherited" (he is still alive? :hihi: ) Illusions. He also came to see GN'R last summer for the 2nd gig in Finland.

My brother probably hates them or something but then again he listens to shit music anyway..

But anyone who visits my room will probably get the idea:
( (
: ok:

Thats pretty friggen awsome...  I'll give credit where it's due.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Ines_rocks! on October 20, 2007, 10:05:59 AM

BTW Ines great thread, as I got me thinking about how GNR has shaped parts of my life.

Np.  : ok: It?s always great hearing other?s stories isn?t it?  ;)

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Irish gunner II on October 20, 2007, 12:17:00 PM
Its good to know that other GNR fans have to go through the same stuff with family and friends.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: qcmyoungwill on October 20, 2007, 05:48:44 PM
I'm 28 and have been listening to GNR since I was a youngin.? My mother took me to the record store in 1987 to buy Appetite.? My mother?? She likes country music and the Eagles.? I can't stand the fuckin Eagles.? My pops is a rock and roller.? Took me to my 1st concert (The Stones) and brought me up right listening to the classics (Stones, Zep, Sabbath).? He likes GNR but won't buy any of their albums.? He won't buy anything that came out after 1985.? He's just as crazy as I am about collecting records though.? He's got 3 copies of the Stones "Sticky Fingers" on vinyl for no particular reason.? Probably because he likes the zipper.? My bro's don't listen to GNR because they're stupid... although the way my bro Mick has been recently... he will soon.? My other bro Dennis is too young to understand what GNR meant to people my age.

My girlfriend thinks I'm insane... but she is going to let me name our 1st born son William Axl... as long as his hair is red.  Otherwise it will be William Roger.  Keep your fingers crossed.  lol

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: horsey on October 20, 2007, 10:56:31 PM
my mom smokes alot of grass and don't lisen to music much.but she has herd everything down the road with g n' r and loves between them puff's i tell ma your lisening to axl and she says i know allreaDY sister lisen's to hip hop but still loves axl cause of me.i was just remenisin right now how families find g n' r in our world ya know.hey how bout elvis is he alive in hawwii ?
yes i been messin with some grass tonight lol.kiddies'

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: gcluskey on November 05, 2007, 09:05:12 PM
Wish my mam smoked grass too...she only ever smoked a joint once out of curiosity that I rolled for her but she doesn't think its right :)

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: crazycheryl on November 06, 2007, 05:26:35 PM
I'm an older fan too so my parents never really even knew what GNR was. Don't laugh but they listened to polish music and country most of the time or old time crooners like Bobby Vinton or Dean Martin, Frank, etc. Whenever I would talk about going to a heavy metal show, they just said I was nuts and make sure nothing happens. But mostly when I would listen to it with them around, they said it was a bunch of noise that gave them a headache and that wasn't real singing. Shut that shit off was what I would hear.

My sister likes dance music mostly and rap. She doesn't know any metal bands.

Some friends like old GNR but make fun of me for still liking it and thinking another CD will be released. I always argue with one of my friends regarding Axl. And it always ends with us agreeing to disagree.

My hubby likes metal but GNR isn't his favorite, he loves Judas Priest and Metallica. He went to the last shows with me but won't go night after night. Lucky for him, they only came for one night.

I play GNR for my kids and they just look at me right now. I think they are still too young and both girls so they kind of like nice songs.

And I blog here from work because I would get a kick in the ass if I spent as much time as I do at home on this board.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Jaci_Roxx on November 06, 2007, 05:56:11 PM
My little sister comments on Axl's hotpants every time she sees UYI vids. And she keeps saying that if Hell exists, they play WTTJ there eternally. :D
Dad doesn't really have an opinion, and mom once said Axl looks cute in SCOM video.? :yes:

I kinda try to hide my obsession from everyone else. I put the headphones on when I'm on the computer so my (soon to be ex) fiancee can't hear what I'm listening to. ::) I'm not embarrassed to be a fan, I just dont want to hear any stupid remarks about gnr from someone who doesn't appreciate them as much as I do.? :smoking:

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Kaleigh on November 08, 2007, 04:43:44 AM
My whole family is decently into GNR.  Both my mom and dad took me and my younger bro to separate concerts, though my mom is a diehard right along with me, while I'd call my dad more of a casual fan.  My younger brother loves them as well (I pretty much forced him to), but they aren't his top favorite band.  So yeah, it's fun being in a family of Gunners.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Lostrose on November 14, 2007, 02:33:51 AM
My whole family is decently into GNR.? Both my mom and dad took me and my younger bro to separate concerts, though my mom is a diehard right along with me, while I'd call my dad more of a casual fan.? My younger brother loves them as well (I pretty much forced him to), but they aren't his top favorite band.? So yeah, it's fun being in a family of Gunners.

Jeez, i wish.  My brother was huge into GnR when i was shittin' my diapers, but he stopped when i was in 3rd grade or so.  Roughly 15 years later, i went back into his old room and took his GnR Lies poster.  it's pretty funky, but nothing a frame didn't fix.  But then my ex-roomate stole it from me anyway, that fuck.

My mom thought my GnR obsession was a phase, until i got my tattoo.  And my whole family called me white trash when i came home w/ my license plates that say "GNR LIES"

They just don't understand.

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Kasanova King on November 15, 2007, 03:37:04 PM
My parents are Italian (they were born in Italy so they're not Italian Americans) they aren't very big fans of heavy metal.  My dad took me to my first Guns N' Roses show in Philadelphia in 1991 (One hell of a show, the entire show is available on youtube) and the only thing he remembers is that it let out really late for me (I was only 14 at the time) I think it let out around 1 am....and I remember him saying, "what kind of band goes on stage so late??"...and I remember thinking to myself, "dad, if you only knew how early they actually had come on (by their standards)"

Title: Re: Gn?R and Family
Post by: Ines_rocks! on November 15, 2007, 03:41:01 PM
You?re all very lucky that your parents like the band and even go to the gigs with you! Lol I can?t even imagine going to a Guns show with my dad... it?d be hillarious  :hihi:.

Thanks for sharing!  : ok: