Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: jarmo on September 19, 2007, 08:59:36 PM

Title: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: jarmo on September 19, 2007, 08:59:36 PM
The same car on a bigger road

After more than a year as a member of Guns N? Roses, Ron ?Bumblefoot? Thal looks back at his time with the legendary rock n? roll band. Ron speaks of playing GN?R covers in a band called Leonard Nimoy, performing ?Don?t Cry? with Axl in Japan, jamming with Izzy Stradlin, how he became a member of the band ? and not least the culinary highlights of life on the road.

(Note: I originally did this interview for Danish music magazine, Gaffa. Both my editor and Ron have given permission for this unabridged version to be made available ? exclusively for Here Today? Gone To Hell! While the journalistic value might have suffered somewhat in an attempt to include everything, this should be regarded as a little treat for the fans of Ron and Guns N? Roses.)

By Mikkel Elbech

The time is set, and when the clock strikes 11am, I phone up Ron ? well-prepared with questions that should ensure an interview of a considerable length. I myself am placed in sunny Santa Barbara on the west coast, while Ron is three time zones away in his home in New Jersey. He is, in fact, busy recording in his home studio when I call him. He apologizes kindly for being busy and postpones the interview a couple of hours, and then calls me up and postpones it a tad more. Oh, well, no biggie ? after all, Guns N? Roses are notorious for being late, so no surprise that a little delay is occurring here.

It?s four o? clock, and I give it another go. I?m in luck, and the interview can begin. He?s still in the studio, which is in the midst of thorough renovation. He?s clearly excited and gives a basic rundown of the activities happening.

- Me and Frank were just laying some drum and guitar tracks to a song for this rapper, and we?re doing it at my studio. I had my studio all taken apart while I rebuild this one big room, and I just put all the equipment back in there. You should see what it looks like where we?re playing! The walls are just wood with insulation hanging out of them and wires sticking out for the outlets that aren?t in yet. There?s no ceiling, it?s just beams going up to the roof, his drum set, a bunch of mics, my computer setup, and my amp, and it?s the complete opposite of everything you would imagine on MTV Cribs or anything like that. As ghetto a studio as you can possibly imagine! We don?t even have walls. But it sounds great, it sounds amazing. We got the coolest drum sound and everything just came out great.  Frank might go meet with the record label, and I have to go to south Jersey and do a photo and video shoot for a guitar magazine, that?ll be coming out later in the year.

Who are you recording the song for?
- I can?t say. But he?s good and he?s got a cool song, and we had fun playing on it.

Only a few musicians get to experience a transition of the kind that Ron has experienced. A lot of less known musicians get to play with big legends, but not many fill out as prominent a position as Ron does in Guns N? Roses, playing lead guitar alongside Robin Finck. It?s impossible to imagine that a rock musician as Ron didn?t encounter Guns N? Roses around the same time as the rest of the world did ? 20 years ago when ?Appetite For Destruction? destructed the rules of rock n? roll in the 80?s. And sure enough ? his earliest memory of the band is not unlike that of many others.
- That would be about 3 o? clock in the morning, watching MTV. I think I was 17. I remember seeing this video for the song ?Welcome To The Jungle?, and I was pretty blown away. Every once in a while you see a band that you just know has something special about them, and they most definitely did.
Played GN?R songs in cover band

Back then, as a musician, did you rock out to the music and dream of, at some point, being a member of the band?
- No, I never considered it. To me it just wasn?t something that would have been a possibility. Especially, I mean, at that time ? you know, if you see a band come out that you like, the first thing you say is not, ?wow, I sure hope that band members leave and I get to join!?
Maybe not actually becoming a member, but more just dreaming about it, pretending that you were ? playing cover songs and stuff like that.
- I did have a cover band back then.   What cover songs were we doing at the time? We were doing covers of GN?R.
Yeah? Which ones?
- We?d do ?Brownstone?, ?My Michelle?, uh, what else? I think we did ?Jungle?. A bunch of stuff off of Appetite. I had a band called Leonard Nimoy ? you know, the guy on Star Trek? He played Spock ? and we would do covers of AC/DC, Kiss and Aerosmith, Guns, and? It?s pretty funny, we would ?  no, I shouldn?t even get into that story, it?s too much! We just did some crazy shit.

The transition

Can you describe the transition from being a solo musician to quite suddenly being a member of GN?R, playing venues for thousands upon thousands of people?

- Oh man? How is it different... Strangely enough, it doesn?t feel that different. You know, I?ve been asked this a lot ? how does it feel to be playing in front of a hundred thousand people after playing in front of, maybe, a thousand? And the funny thing is that the whole idea of playing music ? everything you do when you play, it comes from within, and that doesn?t change. So, in a sense, it?s like I?m just driving the same car on a bigger road. If anything, you drive a little faster! (Laughs) But yeah, it feels the same. It never felt unnatural to play with these guys, especially because they?re a good bunch of people, and that?s what makes the difference in the band you?re playing with, whether you?re playing in some local band or with Guns N? Roses or a band like that. If you genuinely enjoy being on stage with the people you?re on stage with, everything is okay.
And I assume you do enjoy being a member of the band?
- No, I hate them! (Laughs as he?s obviously joking) It?s been well over a year now, and we?ve become better friends, and I?m just more happy to see them every time we get together.
I was gonna ask that ? how is the atmosphere in the band? Is it professional, friendly, partying, or what?
- I was just over Frank?s house for a barbecue, hanging out, enjoying ourselves. And then yesterday and today we were in my studio recording stuff (no, not for Guns N? Roses), and while we?re doing that we might make a call to Chris Pitman to say hello and see how he?s doing. It's great.
So did you know any of the members of the band personally before you joined?
- I didn?t know any of them personally. Surprisingly, because a lot of us have backgrounds where we have the same friends. I?ll be talking to Frank?s friends about people I hung out with 20 years ago that I still talk to, and they still talk to them. Frank was around back then in the same circle of friends, and it?s funny that we never met before we were playing together in Guns. It?s strange how that worked.
Recommended by Joe Satriani

Do you have a story of how you became a member of the band?
- Actually, I got an e-mail from Joe Satriani saying ?Listen, I just recommended you to Guns. They?re looking for a guitar player ? so if they get in touch, just so you know, it?s not somebody playing a joke on you or anything.? I was like, ?alright, cool.? And Chris Pitman e-mailed me this funny e-mail, I gave him a call, we talked for a while, and he was a great guy. Started talking to management, and everything looked like it was on track. And then some Internet rumors came out that sort of delayed the process, haha.
So when were you first in contact with the band?
- It had to be around summer, late summer of 2004, that we started talking.
Your latest solo album deals with the concept of normality. Is Guns N? Roses a normal band to be in?
- Haha, what do you think?
I thought it was a clever question!
- You know, I don?t have many other bands as big as Guns N? Roses that I can compare it to. So it (the album ?Normal?) is supposed to say, ?what is normal?? And normal is just what you consider normal.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: jarmo on September 19, 2007, 09:01:42 PM
?Don?t Cry? with Axl in Japan

So, if anyone ever had a hard time telling the many guitar players of the band apart, then you have been noticed for your rendition of ?Don?t Cry?. And then on the tour you just did in Japan, then that part of the show where you did ?Don?t Cry? suddenly became the extraordinary encore with Axl singing the song for the first time in 14 years. Can you tell me about that ? how it came about, and how it felt to be on stage during that song?
- Yeah? We were heading off stage, and then turned back around, went up there and did it.
How come you hadn?t done it during the actual part of the show, like you usually do?
- It?s always different. It may not seem like it when you read the set lists online, but it's never the same show.  A lot of times the things that seem significant to you go very unnoticed by other people, then something subtle like, ?let?s do ?Don?t Cry? in a different spot?, people take a big notice to that ? especially with Axl singing it, of course.
So, was it planned?
- It was kind of spontaneous. It was just like ?let?s do it?, and I was like, ?Yeah? Alright. Let?s give it to them.?
Culinary highlights

What have been your highlights of touring the world with Guns N? Roses for well over a year now?
- Things that stand out? First thing that popped into my head when you asked me that was when we were playing in Poland. It was a little Mexican restaurant across the street from the hotel, and me and Frank and a bunch of us went. We sat down at the table and they brought Frank a nice bowl of black beans, and usually black beans are just the beans in a little bit of sauce. But this time they pureed the beans, and it was the most delicious black beans I?ve ever eaten! And he was saying that?s how his mom used to make them. That?s the first thing that popped into my head ? the pureed black beans at a Mexican restaurant in Poland. Next thing that pops into my head would be backstage when we were playing in Oslo, Norway. They had this salad that had cashews and hot red peppers in it. It was a spicy, Thai-style cashew salad. It was very good.  That?s the second thing that popped into my head. In case you?re wondering, yeah ? I am a little bit hungry!

Oh yeah, apparently! So, do you have any onstage highlights?
- Oh, onstage, alright? I don?t know, man ? every night just being there is a fucking highlight. And you can?t even compare ? people say, ?which show did you like better??.  It?s like asking ?which child do you love more??.  It?s just one, big, collective great fucking time.
What?s your favorite song to play live?
- Oh, god? I don?t know, I don?t have a favorite! I suck at doing interviews, ?cause when it comes to those questions, it sounds like I?m not answering, but it?s the total truth when I say I enjoy playing them all.  There?s not a song that I don?t like. There are certain songs I like because of the energy and you get to run around, and others where I can just close my eyes and listen to the melody, as if I?m listening to the song and not even playing it. And other ones might just be more self-indulgent, because I like my own guitar part in it or something like that, or even just a singing part.
Don?t you have one song, though, that you?re looking forward to during the show?
- Hmm? I like doing ?Chinese?, ?cause I get to play the fretless.  And what else? ?Nightrain? is fun. I love when Robin first kicks into Sweet Child O? Mine and does that intro riff and the whole audience just, you know, erupts. And every time I have to smile, I can?t help it ? it just puts a big smile on my face, ?cause I know that the people are happy and enjoying themselves. That?s why we?re there.
It seems inevitable that some people, including both fans and critics, won?t be truly happy about GN?R until the Appetite line-up gets back together. What are your feelings about that?
- How can I even answer? I mean?
More in the terms of if it?s something that you think about, get frustrated about, or just don?t even care about?
- It?s not something I think about. I don?t think about the past. I respect everything that the band was in that time, as well as any time ? any time before I was in the band, I have the utmost respect for the band and what they accomplished, but you can?t keep thinking about the past. I have to think about what we?re gonna do next and what we can do better right now. I just don?t think about that stuff. It was great then, and it's great now.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: jarmo on September 19, 2007, 09:02:01 PM
Playing with Izzy

So, how did it feel playing with Izzy, who?s kind of a bridge between the two eras of Guns N? Roses?
- Izzy?s a sweet guy, I really enjoy spending time with him. He?s a cool guy to hang with. We always had fun playing on stage. It was funny ? one of the last shows that we were doing together, we were backstage and we were working out a song ? ?The Devil Went Down To Georgia?. It?s a southern song from the late 70?s, and it has this really fast violin stuff in it, and we worked it out. I was doing the violin part, and he was strumming the chords. It was cool, but we didn?t play it on stage. He?s a real nice guy and I definitely enjoyed his company.
Do you have any funny anecdotes about touring with Sebastian Bach?
- Oh man, what can I say, so many...  but I shouldn't, haha!  They?re too funny and? You just had to be there!  He?s a fun guy. On the last tour, we went out to dinner a lot, Sebastian and his band, hanging out? And, he?s a very funny guy. He?s like a light switch that?s always on! And if you try to shut it off ? it has two settings, on? and on! He?s just non-stop. Love the guy, and his band!

What are your views of rock n? roll today?
- I think I have a biased opinion about it, but I think it?s in okay shape. Everything will not be the same as it was. There?s always gonna be a time in your life where the music meant something to you and the music represented a time when you have the best memories and you were just? And that can never come around again.  You know, I will always love grunge. So, at a time when Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Nirvana ? to me, that was a very special time, and when I think back on it, I don?t always think of the music. I think of how I felt and it brings me back to that feeling, and it was a good feeling.
So what are you feeling today, when you?re listening to contemporary rock?
- There are a lot of good bands out there. There?s so much music that?s accessible to you, so sometimes it can be harder to find new bands that you really dig. But there are some great fucking bands out there.  It?s not bad, you know ? any time in music, there are certain styles that are so strong that they make such an impact, and five years later, you?re laughing at the way everybody did their hair and stuff like that. You know, people might be laughing at emo haircuts in a few years, but then 20 years later everyone?s gonna have them again.
Do you have any current favorites?
- Muse will always be a band that I just love. As far as, like, modern bands today? Well, Chris Cornell?s solo work I love. I don?t know if that really counts ? that might just be a bridge to all the grunge stuff that I was talking about! I don?t know. I?m trying to think about, what are some cool bands that are out there? I like My Chemical Romance. They write great songs and put on a great show. There's an album I just finished mixing of a band called Return To Earth ? they're friends of mine, Chris Pennie from Dillinger Escape Plan, Coheed, and Cambria on drums, Q*Ball on vocals, Brett Aveni on guitar. The music is kinda like a Queens Of the Stone Age vibe, very cool stuff ? nice vocal harmonies. Can't get their songs out of my head!
So how do you think Guns N? Roses fit into the current rock n? roll scene?
- How do we fit in? I think Guns fits in the way a lot of bands that have been around a long time fit in ? they?re an exception to the rule. You know, bands like U2, Aerosmith, Kiss, The Rolling Stones ? they can do whatever they want for the rest of time, and they?ll always be Kiss, The Rolling Stones, Aerosmith? You know, I think that Guns N? Roses ? and again, I?m biased ? I think we fall into the category of standing the test of time, and if you go to a Guns show today, you won?t be disappointed hearing songs from 20 years ago or one that leaked a few years ago!
Optimistic about the future

What?s in the cards for Guns N? Roses now ? are you all asking Axl that question from the Sweet Child O? Mine outro; where do we go now?
- (Laughs and sings) ?Where do we go now?? I can not talk about future plans or anything like that. Those things need to come out when the time is right and everything is confirmed, so? That question I cannot answer. That question will be answered, though, in time, by the right people, and I?m looking forward to things coming up.
So you?re optimistic about the future?
- I think whatever is going to happen is meant to happen, and you can?t spend time wishing for something else, when it?s not possible. You have to flow with life, and whatever happens, you've got to accept it and say ?this is what was meant to be?. If that makes me optimistic, then yeah, I?m optimistic! It?s basically just accepting that which we cannot change.

And with an answer as delicately unspecific as expected, the interview comes to a close. What remains is an image of a man who remains with both (bumble)feet on the ground, although he has fairly suddenly become part of the big rock n? roll machinery that is Guns N? Roses. The general attitude that once in a while makes Ron seem a tad unimpressed ? such when he?d rather talk about pureed beans than playing Madison Square Garden ? only makes him a tad more human.

Becoming a member of Guns N? Roses and then turning into a prima donna could have been one way to go ? but for Ron, it appears to have had somewhere near the opposite effect. On top of the chaos that surrounded the original line-up as well as predecessor Buckethead, Ron appears to be a stabilizing factor. Fans around the world are encouraged to adopt Ron?s optimism, cross their fingers and await the next move in the world of Guns N? Roses with the same calmness.

Thanks to Mikkel for this!  : ok:


Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Dark Angel on September 19, 2007, 09:07:22 PM
love it, love it, love it! ;D

awesome interview Mikkel!  : ok:

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: loretian on September 19, 2007, 09:10:29 PM
Very cool interview, thanks for posting it.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: grog mug on September 19, 2007, 09:18:21 PM
Great interview...def. likin this guy more and more. 

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: COMAMOTIVE on September 19, 2007, 09:25:50 PM
Quite possibly the most in-depth and informative interview I've read regarding anything Gnr in a long , long time

Thanks for sharing this :yes: :yes:

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: oneway23 on September 19, 2007, 10:19:10 PM
Awesome post...thanks

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: JDA on September 19, 2007, 10:31:54 PM
Ron kicks so much ass it is stupid.  I just hope that Axl can actually let the whole world enjoy him.  Release the fucking cd.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Jim Bob on September 19, 2007, 10:40:31 PM
Kickass interview from Ron  :)  great read.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on September 19, 2007, 10:45:10 PM
That was a really great read. He is such a cool dude.


Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: RebelRose89 on September 19, 2007, 10:57:45 PM
great read, thanks for posting! :beer:

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: 1987 on September 19, 2007, 11:10:51 PM
his prediction for the future sure didn't make very optimistic.., i really hope that when ever the album comes out.. we get to hear what all these things preventing the release were..  it has to be legal issues using the gnr name  imo.  i mean the tour  and the leaks were awesome..    i would have been thrilled with an album full of songs like there was a time, the blues,CD and better.. what i'm trying to say is that after reading rons comments on  the future.. it leads to believe that it is not the material that is preventing the release.. but legal issues..

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on September 19, 2007, 11:18:16 PM
Ron kicks ass.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: freedom78 on September 19, 2007, 11:23:19 PM
Great interview...thanks for the HTGTH Special Edition!

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: The Hinge on September 19, 2007, 11:35:20 PM
Nice interview.....

Thats why I visit this site everyday....

"where do we go now.........where do we go now.........."

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: estebanf on September 19, 2007, 11:59:32 PM
Great interview, Bumblefoot is such a nice guy, I love him and his music.

I love to see that Bumblefoot chose ''Chinese'' as the song he likes most to play, because that's the song I like most to hear and for the same reasons.

The part of Bumblefoot talking about food was very hilarious  ;D

But I have to admit that his last words about ''where do we go now'' sounded not too much optimistic.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: mrbucketfoot on September 20, 2007, 12:09:46 AM
Great interview, thanks Jarmo for bringing it to us. The ending did seem a little odd sounding and not too inspiring though.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: jazjme on September 20, 2007, 12:12:29 AM
That was very cool red, great  interview from a great guy!

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Chief on September 20, 2007, 01:30:59 AM
great interview, very interesting.. i wish it was a bit longer but it was sweet as it is.  let's hope we get some more stuff soon!

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: grog mug on September 20, 2007, 02:34:34 AM
If an album release was right around the corner I don't think Bumblefoots answer about CD would be similar to what Axl said about holding your breath for Jesus back in 2002.  Another long wait is ahead.... :'(

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: 33 on September 20, 2007, 03:31:51 AM
Cracking read! Nice to see the dude has such a great outlook on life! The band seem like a very happy one and good friends too!! I dont see why some people have seen the part about the album release as negative. It will happen when it's time to happen! Just chill and enjoy life until that moment!


Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: NicoRourke on September 20, 2007, 03:35:13 AM

Thank you very much to the person who conducted the interview, and all of you guys for making it available on HTGTH for us.

It was a really nice read :yes:

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Leddy on September 20, 2007, 04:33:45 AM

Thank you very much to the person who conducted the interview, and all of you guys for making it available on HTGTH for us.

It was a really nice read :yes:


A compelling read.  great stuff.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Jim Bob on September 20, 2007, 05:04:37 AM
If an album release was right around the corner I don't think Bumblefoots answer about CD would be similar to what Axl said about holding your breath for Jesus back in 2002.  Another long wait is ahead.... :'(

stop overanalyzing shit man.  no where does it say theres a long wait ahead.   dont read too much into it, its just a fun interview for BBF and GnR fans.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: RoCoKiN on September 20, 2007, 05:31:01 AM

? " I?m trying to think about, what are some cool bands that are out there? I like My Chemical Romance. They write great songs and put on a great show. "

I can come out of the closet now...I like My Chemical Romance too!!? Thanks Ron! :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Dont Try Me on September 20, 2007, 06:46:41 AM
Cool interview!  :)

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: babydolls on September 20, 2007, 07:57:14 AM
that was a great read, thanks to Mikkel - good work!  Ron sounds such a nice guy and I love that he enjoys playing so much - it really comes across in the live shows.  : ok:

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Bartlet on September 20, 2007, 08:27:02 AM
"you can?t spend time wishing for something else, when it?s not possible." If we're gonna analyse, analyse this!

anyway, thanks to all concerned!

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: bolton on September 20, 2007, 08:29:03 AM
great interview,for me it is the best Ron Thal interview

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: BenDixon on September 20, 2007, 08:37:22 AM
This was a good read. Thanks for posting.

Don't overanalyze everything. The release won't take place any sooner if you do anyway.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: tippasaurus on September 20, 2007, 08:42:15 AM
Playing with Izzy

So, how did it feel playing with Izzy, who?s kind of a bridge between the two eras of Guns N? Roses?
 one of the last shows that we were doing together, we were backstage and we were working out a song ? ?The Devil Went Down To Georgia?. It?s a southern song from the late 70?s, and it has this really fast violin stuff in it, and we worked it out. I was doing the violin part, and he was strumming the chords.

Wow, that'd be fun to hear, especially if Axl was singing. 

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: The Prez on September 20, 2007, 08:51:50 AM
Why was my post deleted? I don't think i realy said anything negative???

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: CheapJon on September 20, 2007, 09:01:07 AM
thanks very much mikkel. jarmo and Ron :)

"you can?t spend time wishing for something else, when it?s not possible." If we're gonna analyse, analyse this!

 :hihi: yeah thought abouit that too

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Gargh! on September 20, 2007, 09:05:01 AM
Wow, there can't be that many people who like MCR and Manowar.  Hmm...the thought of Guns doing a live cover of Power of thy Sword is strangley leather speedos, though.  None.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: russtcb on September 20, 2007, 09:11:14 AM
?The Devil Went Down To Georgia?. It?s a southern song from the late 70?s, and it has this really fast violin stuff in it, and we worked it out. I was doing the violin part, and he was strumming the chords. It was cool...

Cool interview. I love that guys like Ron and Izzy know and appreciate SO much different music. I would've never thought of Izzy Stradlin playing on something like "Devil Went Down To Georgia"!

PS.....If anyone's interested, check out a country band named Emerson Drive's cover of "Devil Went Down To Georgia" it's bad ass. They go ahead and find a way to work in a bit of "Kashmir" by Led Zep in it!

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Journeyman on September 20, 2007, 10:33:18 AM
thanks for the good interview! Ron is a great guy!! :peace:

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: LordRazZ on September 20, 2007, 10:53:00 AM
These are the types of interviews that should be featured about the new band. If the world is going to respect the "new" lineup, then learning more about them, and not just the new album, is a solid way to go.

My hat is off to Mikkel, and of course the J-man for posting it here.

Thanks guys.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: suicide on September 20, 2007, 11:06:09 AM
Do you have a story of how you became a member of the band?
- Actually, I got an e-mail from Joe Satriani saying ?Listen, I just recommended you to Guns. They?re looking for a guitar player ? so if they get in touch, just so you know, it?s not somebody playing a joke on you or anything.? I was like, ?alright, cool.? And Chris Pitman e-mailed me this funny e-mail, I gave him a call, we talked for a while, and he was a great guy. Started talking to management, and everything looked like it was on track. And then some Internet rumors came out that sort of delayed the process, haha.
So we do have the power to speed things up or slow things down?!? Maybe if we'd ask very nicely for a certain album to come out...

Seriously, why would rumors delay the process if they're just seen as rumors? And why would GN'R mind these rumors if they were true?

Thanks for the interview, nice read, nice guy! I still hope we'll hear some of Buckethead's work on the album aswell though, since he co-wrote many of the tracks.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Bartlet on September 20, 2007, 11:09:24 AM
Do you have a story of how you became a member of the band?
- Actually, I got an e-mail from Joe Satriani saying ?Listen, I just recommended you to Guns. They?re looking for a guitar player ? so if they get in touch, just so you know, it?s not somebody playing a joke on you or anything.? I was like, ?alright, cool.? And Chris Pitman e-mailed me this funny e-mail, I gave him a call, we talked for a while, and he was a great guy. Started talking to management, and everything looked like it was on track. And then some Internet rumors came out that sort of delayed the process, haha.
So we do have the power to speed things up or slow things down?!? Maybe if we'd ask very nicely for a certain album to come out...

Seriously, why would rumors delay the process if they're just seen as rumors? And why would GN'R mind these rumors if they were true?

Thanks for the interview, nice read, nice guy! I still hope we'll hear some of Buckethead's work on the album aswell though, since he co-wrote many of the tracks.

well its fairly well documented nowadays. "they" aparently did mind! god knows why, its not like slash came back, or hammet left metallica, or brian may was the guy. bit of an anticlimax after all the mystery. not that i mind now, i think he's great.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: crazycheryl on September 20, 2007, 11:31:57 AM
Great interview! Yeah it is good to learn more about the new members of the band  so we can understand them more and where they are coming from. Sounds like Ron is a pretty much a go with the flow type of guy! Love that! Thanks to the interviewer and Jarmo for posting. Made my morning!

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: horsey on September 20, 2007, 11:34:15 AM
great interview .i think it was very kool of ron an thanks for posting it !

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: robw on September 20, 2007, 01:02:16 PM
Liked the comparision lol.......kinda like going tro bed with a 1" cock and waking up with a 12" one in the morning lol

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Scabbie on September 20, 2007, 01:09:26 PM
Cool interview. Its such a pity he can't talk about the new albums as if he could I'm sure it would be very interesting to hear his perspective on it.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: daviebuckethead on September 20, 2007, 01:46:54 PM
yeas im pleased to hear about what some members of the band have been up to etc.

i really like ron as a personality, he seems like a nice guy (over the internet, i've never actually met him)

but i don't understand what is "great", "cool" about this interview. He literally says nothing, about anything at all.....

although it is cool to see him and Frank seem to be good buddies

new interview, same ol' stuff.

 i feel sorry for any member of the band as this gagging order shit really does make it look like they are hired hands, even though im trying really hard to believe they have a say in stuff and are not just "under contract".

personally if it were me in that position, i would find it hurtful not being allowed to talk about what i've done or was going to do regarding my work.

as always with an opinion like this, i expect to be shat on from a great height by lots of people. Chill out though, its just an opinion.


(hopefully this doesn't get deleted!)

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Bartlet on September 20, 2007, 04:01:54 PM
yeas im pleased to hear about what some members of the band have been up to etc.

i really like ron as a personality, he seems like a nice guy (over the internet, i've never actually met him)

but i don't understand what is "great", "cool" about this interview. He literally says nothing, about anything at all.....

although it is cool to see him and Frank seem to be good buddies

new interview, same ol' stuff.

 i feel sorry for any member of the band as this gagging order shit really does make it look like they are hired hands, even though im trying really hard to believe they have a say in stuff and are not just "under contract".

personally if it were me in that position, i would find it hurtful not being allowed to talk about what i've done or was going to do regarding my work.

as always with an opinion like this, i expect to be shat on from a great height by lots of people. Chill out though, its just an opinion.


(hopefully this doesn't get deleted!)

i pretty much agree. i dunno why they would whore themselves like that unless they were getting some artistic (and not just financial) satisfaction from it, but it seems theyre only too happy!

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: ppbebe on September 20, 2007, 05:26:20 PM
If a GNR member says "........."----"OMG! this doesn't sound optimistic. It's not coming aaah!  :crying:"
If a Gnr member says "......." ------"no! They are lying!  They don't know a shit! :rant:"
if a non GNR member for more than a decade says "..........."-------"wow, this must be true!"

I suspect it's the stupidity of some emotionally instable fans if anything is gaging the members.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: ppbebe on September 20, 2007, 05:33:24 PM
Very nice interview with good questions and answers, and I also like your comments  :D.
there's no 'know it all journalist assumption often seen in other articles.

Thanks mikkel and your editor, Ron and Jarmo.  :D
Not every fan speaks denish and it is great to see what words are actually said.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Will on September 20, 2007, 06:19:28 PM
Nice stuff, thanks for this!

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: daviebuckethead on September 20, 2007, 07:04:11 PM
If a GNR member says "........."----"OMG! this doesn't sound optimistic. It's not coming aaah!? :crying:"
If a Gnr member says "......." ------"no! They are lying!? They don't know a shit! :rant:"
if a non GNR member for more than a decade says "..........."-------"wow, this must be true!"

I suspect it's the stupidity of some emotionally instable fans if anything is gaging the members.

i didn't say any of those things. i just said it was a shame they weren't allowed to talk more about their time with GnR, thats all.

emotionally unstable? ahem, cough..... hyocrite

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Gargh! on September 20, 2007, 07:08:10 PM
Ah, the traditional forum psychoanylsis of people you don't agree with.  Where would we be without it?

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: ppbebe on September 21, 2007, 05:18:49 PM
If a GNR member says "........."----"OMG! this doesn't sound optimistic. It's not coming aaah!  :crying:"
If a Gnr member says "......." ------"no! They are lying!  They don't know a shit! :rant:"
if a non GNR member for more than a decade says "..........."-------"wow, this must be true!"

I suspect it's the stupidity of some emotionally instable fans if anything is gaging the members.

i didn't say any of those things. i just said it was a shame they weren't allowed to talk more about their time with GnR, thats all.

yea and did I say you did?  ::)

comments like those are not difficult to find @ fan forums. but yeah seeing as how you get so defensive, probably in your posting history as well.

You go on about 'gag order' thingy but you better be realistic and realize you don't know shit unless you're in the band.
Reportedly Richard said there's no such a contract and Ron already explained why he rather not speak much about his band mates in January.

do your homework and know they talk about their band when they want.


What's that?  :hihi:  a word in your language for the view that is positive and deferent from yours?
Anyhoo this is not the ring. Unless you really want to ruin a nice thread.

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Grouse on September 21, 2007, 07:39:57 PM
Can't believe I only just read this, Don't care what anyone says but this is a good interview and bumble sounds like an awesome guy? :yes:...

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: grog mug on September 21, 2007, 07:45:48 PM
I like how he mentioned that Chinese Democracy was his favorite song to play, because that's one song he OWNS on.  I'm likin the updated version of CD more then any other released in the past for sure...

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: lennonisgod on September 22, 2007, 04:01:38 PM
Gotta love Ron... he's probably my favorite member of this band and I hope he doesn't leave for many, many, many years. Great musician, great guitar player and an awesome dude...

Title: Re: The same car on a bigger road - A Bumblefoot interview
Post by: Mikkel on September 29, 2007, 12:13:51 AM
Hey guys,

Thanks for all the nice words - I'm glad I went for HTGTH as the place to post it to! :)

And thanks, Jarmo, for doing the actual posting - good thing there haven't been much news, so my interview could be on the front page for this long! ;)
